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Chapter 344 Set up a framed studio and contract abroad

"Sister Zheng, you don't have to worry about this. Will it make you unable to afford a house?" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Why are you planning to lend me money?"

"If you dare to borrow it, I will give it to you!"

"Why don't I dare to borrow it? I still owe someone a favor if I borrow it from someone else.

As rich as you are, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars are not as much as what you can make from just a few random strokes.

I borrowed it from you without any psychological burden on me." Zheng Dongmei chuckled.

"Okay, I'll give you a few strokes later and let you exchange them for a house." Zhang Junping replied with a smile and continued to talk about the topic.

"Sister Zheng just mentioned something about the house payment.

It is estimated that by now, the office announcement has been distributed to various departments and posted on the bulletin board.

I contacted the bank and I can provide you with a home purchase loan.

The interest rate is very low, about one yuan per month for ten thousand yuan.

The repayment is also very simple. The company deducts one-third from the salary every month to repay the loan until it is paid off."

"Then what if you still haven't paid it off by the time you retire? You can't let your children continue to pay it off, right?"

“If the loan is not fully paid upon retirement, the company will automatically pay off the loan for you on the day you retire.

This can be regarded as a retirement gift from the company to you." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

If I don't argue with everyone, I will get a salary increase in the future, so I will definitely be able to pay it off.

Even if you say it, you may not believe it.

Simply, Zhang Junping should be more generous and give everyone reassurance.


"Of course! The secretary is also here, and you are all here, and we happened to have a meeting together to form a resolution.

Regarding loans, all employees of the company who have repaid their loans by the time they retire will have the company repay them on their behalf.

As the company cares for retired employees."

This is a good thing that benefits everyone, and naturally no one will object.

Passed unanimously, a red-headed document was formed and sent to the Human Resources Department and the Finance Department for preparation.

"Now everyone has no worries about duplex houses, right?" Zhang Junping asked again with a smile.

"there is none left!

Manager, I dare you to build a five- and six-story duplex.

Anyway, with the company taking care of everything, who of us still thinks the house is too big?" Zheng Dongmei said with a hearty smile.

"Okay, then this matter is settled. I will communicate with the bureau later to see how big the building is.

We can't just do this on our own, we have to get the bureau chiefs to work together." Zhang Junping said jokingly.

"That's the reason. If we hold the director, if anything happens in the future, there will be someone tall to take care of it for us."

"Over there in the watch-making room, I've been thinking a little bit wrong lately." Zhang Junping brought up another thing in advance.

Everyone immediately knew why they came to Wu Xinping's office for a meeting.

The people in the watch room are all old people who have followed Wu Xinping for half his life.

Wu Xinping frowned, looked at Zhang Junping and asked: "Tongfei, what's the problem with the meter installation room?

Lao Qin came to my place two days ago and didn't say anything? I think he was in a good mood."

"Well, Master Qin is naturally in a good mood. His son has opened a shop in Liulichang.

Two-story facade building.

The business is the same as our painting shop. The first floor sells pens, inks, paper, inkstones, and various painting supplies.

The second floor is responsible for calligraphy, painting and table decoration.

He also works part-time selling antique calligraphy and paintings.

Business is doing pretty well!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Although Zhang Junping didn't say anything about Master Qin during the whole process, he only talked about Master Qin's son.

However, everyone is not stupid and naturally knows that Zhang Junping is talking about Master Qin and dragging the company's customers to his son's shop.

In fact, the person who installed the watches on the second floor was probably Master Qin.

Wu Xinping's face looked a little ugly.

There are not many old people left under him now.

Guo Meizhen retired early, and Lu Guozhong was transferred to other subordinate units of the Press and Publication Bureau to work on the bench.

Of course, none of this can be blamed on Zhang Junping.

It was they who committed suicide.

Now, Master Qin has another problem.

Wu Xinping was angry because he had survived such difficult times, but now that things were getting better, everyone was starting to feel restless.

Including this Chen Lijun, she looked like a very nice girl back then, but in the end...


Thinking of this, Wu Xinping sighed deeply.

"Master, there is no need for you to be angry.

Reform and opening up not only changes the system, but also changes ideas.

When your thoughts change, your mind becomes alive. It is normal to have such and such thoughts.

After all, no one can live with money.

What I want to say is not how to deal with Master Qin.

Instead, we will continue this matter and reform the company’s watch assembly room.”

"How do you plan to change it?"

"It's very simple. Contract out the meter installation room and let the masters in the meter installation room do the contracting."

"What about the company's watch installation task?"

“After contracting, we still leave it to them to do the work, and we just pay them.

However, when it comes to the quality of watch decoration, we must be strict and keep our eyes open, after all, we have spent money." Zhang Junping said with a relaxed smile.

In order to save some face for Wu Xinping, Zhang Junping did not say anything.

Master Qin is not the only one who has problems in the watch installation room, several others are also worried.

In fact, I don’t blame them.

With those wages, the work done is several times that of before.

Who else could it be, who wouldn’t have any ideas in mind?

The calligraphy and paintings sent to the watch installation room, his and Wu Xinping's were fine, the watch installers were very attentive, but the others' were a bit messy.

"Manager, if you say this, if those people dare to cause trouble for me in the future, I will not scold them to death!" Chen Lijun, with her quick words, stabbed Wu Xinping in the heart again.

Zhang Junping glared at Chen Lijun.

Chen Lijun said nonchalantly: "Manager, why are you glaring at me? I have to say it too. Those grandsons, who are so good at calligraphy and painting, have caused trouble for Lao Nianghu. Doesn't this mean destroying the sign of our art company?


"Okay! Xiao Chen, please stop complaining. This is your fault. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Wu Xinping waved his hand and said.

"Just do what Tong Fei said about this matter! Contract out the meter installation room. Old Qin..."

"Old Qin, let him retire! Go to his son's shop and concentrate on making money.

Let him choose a son or daughter to take over. His house purchase quota will still be given to him, but we will not be able to enjoy this policy.

However, the person who succeeds him can buy another house, which can be regarded as a reward for his efforts over the years." Zhang Junping followed Wu Xinping's words and finalized the treatment plan.

The behavior of other watch installers can only be regarded as passive and sabotage. It is a problem of work attitude and a problem of the system.

But Lao Qin was different. What he did was harming the public and enriching himself.

Letting him retire early and giving him a place to take over is already taking care of him.

"Okay! Just do as you say!" Wu Xinping nodded happily.

Finally, Zhang Junping gave him some face as his master without going into details.

“When the meter installation room is contracted out, I don’t think it can be contracted by just one person.

After Master Qin left, there were still five watch decorating masters in BJ Painting Shop. In this way, all five of them set up their own watch decorating studios.

It should still be hung under the name of BJ Painting Shop, and it will be called BJ Painting Shop Watch Decoration Studio. The name of the watch decorator can be hung in front of the studio.

In this way, they can be regarded as competing with each other. At the beginning, our watch decoration tasks were evenly divided among the five watch decoration studios.

Later, adjustments will be made based on the quality of the assembled watch."

"That's good! If anyone dares to do bad work again, we won't give him anything next year." Chen Lijun was the first to stand up and agree.

It seems that during this period of time, Chen Lijun was a little annoyed in the watch dressing room.

"Sister Chen, speaking of this matter, you are also responsible.

If you find a problem and can't solve it yourself, why don't you report it?

If you don’t report to the secretary, why don’t you at least report to me?

You care about the favor of your old colleagues, but what about the company’s interests? Where do you put them?

If our business is ruined because of the meter installation problem, don't expect the company to take care of your house. Just wait for the bank to collect your house!" Zhang Junping scolded with his eyes wide open.

It seems like he is reprimanding Chen Lijun, but he is actually protecting her.

Chen Lijun was so jumpy just now. As the business development department has direct business contact with the watch decoration room, it is easy for people to suspect that it was she, Chen Lijun, who filed the complaint.

Who would like a coworker who likes to report to the boss?

Therefore, Zhang Junping was trying in disguise to clear her of suspicion and protect her.

After all, he is also someone who has competed with himself.

"I..." Chen Lijun's eyes were red and she said no more.

"Okay, this matter has been settled, you guys should hurry up and go back.

It is estimated that at this moment, those employees are starting to make trouble again. You should go back and explain the company's policies to them." Zhang Junping ended the meeting with a smile.

After the others left, Zhang Junping did not leave and continued to stay in Wu Xinping's office.

"Alas! Tell me, why has this person changed so much?"

"Master, the human heart is unpredictable, the human heart is changeable, and the human heart is not as powerful as a snake swallowing an elephant.

Is there anything else you can’t see?

Everyone’s path is chosen by themselves!”

"Yes! Everyone chooses their own path!" Wu Xinping nodded silently.

This is not what makes Wu Xinping sad, he just feels that his vision is a bit poor.

Several people he once trusted the most had problems one after another. This hit him hard.

"Master, let's go fishing together tomorrow and Sunday?"

"Fishing? Why do you think of fishing?"

“You have to relax sometimes.

Just think of it as collecting the wind.

Tomorrow I will take my wife and junior sister, I will take Yanzi, and your three disciples, and we will go fishing in Miyun Reservoir.

Have a barbecue and have a picnic at Miyun Reservoir at noon." Zhang Junping suggested with a smile.

"Miyun Reservoir is not close!"

"We have a car, so what are we afraid of? It's only a little over two hours away by car.

If we set off at seven in the morning, it won't be until ten o'clock when we arrive, just in time to catch a wave of fish and then have dinner." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to Miyun Reservoir. It's time to relax!" Wu Xinping said with a pun.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this app to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.]

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