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Chapter 364 A Woman’s Careful Thoughts

Zhang Junping glared at Li Wenjuan fiercely. If you had come half an hour later, I would have finished washing.

However, my wife has spoken and she must be satisfied if she wants to eat steamed pork ribs.

Steamed pork ribs is a delicacy that Zhang Junping occasionally made for everyone before.

Steamed Pork Ribs is a Cantonese dish, half mouthful, crispy and tender, very suitable for the elderly and children.

It’s not troublesome to make, but the main problem is that there are too many people in the family. How much do you need to steam to eat?

Zhang Junping took a look in the kitchen refrigerator and saw that there were not many ribs in it.

Turn around and come to the front yard.

"We don't have many spareribs at home. I'll go to the butcher shop in Dong'an Market to see if there are any spareribs left."

"Come back quickly, the children are out of school." Qiu Wenyan shouted from behind.

"I know, wife!" Zhang Junping pushed his bicycle out the door.

Every time he came back from Tian Shumei's place, Qiu Wenyan would tease him a little.

Zhang Junping knew very well that Qiu Wenyan had doubts about his relationship with Tian Shumei.

As someone who has experienced this, Qiu Wenyan knows very well that women cannot do without the nourishment of men.

Whether it is moisturized by a man or not, you can see it in your skin and eyes.

However, because Tian Shumei did not pose any threat to her, and Zhang Junping never delayed the assignments he was due, and he would even complete the assignments beyond the quota.

Qiu Wenyan then turned a blind eye.

However, it is difficult to understand a woman's mind.

Although he acquiesced, every time Zhang Junping came back from Tian Shumei, Qiu Wenyan would torture him a little.

This is also the cleverness of Qiu Wenyan, a little torture to express his dissatisfaction.

If you make a big fuss, it will only push the man to the other person.

Zhang Junping felt guilty, but he obediently let Qiu Wenyan vent his anger.

Anyway, just come back from the severe torture at night.

Zhang Junping didn't really go to Dong'an Market, but cycled around outside, found a deserted alley, and got ten fans of ribs out of the space.

Put it on the bicycle and walk home.

Along the way, everyone was looking at him.

Riding a bicycle and carrying so many ribs, this is what a proper buyer is in this era. The most I can say is that this guy is a bit blind as a buyer and should go make movies.

If Zhang Junping was holding a fan of ribs, everyone would think of him as a rich, handsome man.

But holding ten racks of ribs, what is he but a purchaser in the workplace canteen?

"You robbed someone else's slaughterhouse?" Seeing Zhang Junping come back with so many ribs, Qiu Wenyan widened her eyes and shouted, covering her forehead.

This man in my family is really a waste of money and cannot be saved.

If you buy a sparerib, you can make it round for others.

No, it's impossible for a butcher shop to have so many ribs. I don't know how many butcher shops were raided to buy so many ribs.

"Why did you buy so much? Have you finished eating? Can't you buy new ones if you want to eat?" Qiu Wenyan said angrily.

“For steamed pork ribs, it’s best to use the small ribs from the front. The bones are all small and crispy, so you can chew the bones together.

If you buy short ribs alone, they won't sell them, even if you pay more, they won't sell them.

I had no choice but to buy them all back.

We can't waste it, I'll take the rest to the company tomorrow and make extra meals for everyone." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

For such a prodigal man, although Qiu Wenyan often felt so angry that her chest hurt, there was nothing she could do.

Zhang Junping called all his apprentices over and helped move the ribs to the kitchen.

Chopping off the front short ribs, Zhang Junping stuffed the remaining ribs into the freezer.

Fortunately, his freezer is big, otherwise it wouldn't be able to fit it in.

Chop all the short ribs into small pieces about three centimeters in size.

Put it in a basin, add water and start soaking.

Soak the blood out of the ribs.

After soaking the ribs, Zhang Junping began to prepare the sauce. Whether the steamed ribs are delicious or not depends entirely on the sauce.

The sauce is mainly made with tempeh, sugar, salt, light soy sauce, pepper, cornstarch, tangerine peel, cooking wine, minced green onion, minced ginger and garlic, raw oil, oyster sauce, and peanut oil.

Originally, MSG and chili were also needed, but there were many children at home, so Zhang Junping did not put these two ingredients.

Zhang Junping has boiled the sauce and the ribs are almost soaked. Take out the pork ribs and drain the water.

Pour the cooked sauce onto the ribs and marinate.

Then, Zhang Junping went to wash rice again. He ate the ribs but not the rice, which was soulless.

After steaming the rice, Zhang Junping ran to the cellar and took out a bundle of celery.

After a while, fry another piece of stir-fried celery.

There were no vegetarian dishes, so Qiu Wenyan would definitely nag him during the meal.

This is called prediction.

Qiu Wenyan was so angry that she could only use it in bed at night.

Zhang Junping laughed while picking celery leaves.

After working for nearly an hour, I finally had a large table of sumptuous and delicious meals.

Seeing a group of apprentices and two precious girls eating with their mouths full of oil, Zhang Junping felt full of satisfaction.

"Don't just eat meat, eat some vegetarian dishes." Qiu Wenyan's scolding sounded from time to time.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Brothers Huaizhi, Yang Jindong, and Sophie Marceau all talked about their experiences in school.

After having a full meal, Zhang Junping handed over the task of washing pots and dishes to his apprentice. Zhang Junping returned to his study, lit a plate of incense, and began to create.

Writing or painting every night has been Zhang Junping's unchanging habit for many years.

Then he went out to supervise his apprentices in their evening classes.

In the evening, Qiu Wenyan, who had not vented her depression just now, actually took it to bed.

After giving birth to three children, Qiu Wenyan's fighting ability greatly increased, and Zhang Junping almost didn't beat her because she was holding her breath.

In the end, it was his physical strength that was superior.

After washing up again, Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan talked about their daily routine.

"I'm going to Xiangjiang in a while. Do you want to go with me?"

"Why are you going to Xiangjiang suddenly?"

"It's not that suddenly, there are some problems in Xiangjiang, and I have to go over and deal with them.

Liao Bushi is too rigorous in his work and lacks courage."

"Is it still a Young and Dangerous thing?"

"Well! This time, we must find a way to solve it once and for all."

"It's not that simple. This is simply a matter of the Xiangjiang government. What will happen if you go?"

"How about I become the underground boss of Xiangjiang?" Zhang Junping joked.

"Okay! Then I am the boss's woman, and you will have to call me sister-in-law when you see me from now on." Qiu Wenyan said with a giggle.

At home, there are video recorders bought from Xiangjiang, and there are also video tapes they bought from Xiangjiang.

Therefore, although Qiu Wenyan has never been outside, she has a certain understanding of the outside world through video tapes.

In addition, Zhang Junping often told her about the outside world.

"Yes, everyone will respectfully call you sister-in-law when they see you from now on." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"Isn't it very prestigious to be a sister-in-law?"

"What a prestige! It's very dangerous. Those people who are mixed up in society nowadays don't talk about the morality of the world as written in the book.

The book says that interests should be put aside and morality should be kept in mind. The reality is that interests should be grasped on both sides and morality is worthless."

"It's so scary! Forget it, I'd better just be a big lady." Qiu Wenyan patted her plump breasts and said with a sigh on her face.

"By the way, my sister-in-law came to me today and mentioned buying a yacht. She asked me when I planned to buy a yacht so that she could take her family on the yacht and go out to sea." Zhang Junping quickly changed the subject.

"Buy a yacht, that's great! Husband, you don't need money anyway, buy a big yacht, and we can take the kids out for fun in the future." Qiu Wenyan said in a tired voice while lying in Zhang Junping's arms.

"Well! I promise to buy a super luxury yacht. While our daughter is not in school yet, we can drive the yacht and travel around the world." Zhang Junping thought happily.

"Okay! I've grown up and haven't been abroad yet.

It's all your fault!" Qiu Wenyan pinched Zhang Junping hard.

"Yes, yes! It's all my fault!" Facing the woman's unreasonableness, Zhang Junping could only apologize and smile.

········Have a good night’s sleep.

The next day, Zhang Junping couldn't help but rub his waist and took a look at the cellar where medicinal wine was stored.

Did he really have the foresight to prepare those medicinal wines for himself?

After eating breakfast, Zhang Junping drove to work.

Although his two precious daughters really want to continue going to work with him.

However, Qiu Wenyan disagreed, and the two girls could only pout in grievance and watch Zhang Junping leave with tears in their eyes.

"Ask the administrative department to help me go through the procedures to go to Xiangjiang." When he arrived at the office, Zhang Junping told his secretary.

"Okay Chairman!

These all require your signature!" The secretary placed a dozen documents on Zhang Junping's desk.

Although Zhang Junping has repeatedly delegated power, there are still many documents that require his signature every day.

Zhang Junping opened the document and read it one by one, reading ten lines at a time.

These documents have been signed by Ye Lihua, the vice president in charge and general manager, and Zhang Junping signed to learn more about the situation.

After everyone has signed, put the documents on the table.

I came to the leisure area, made myself a pot of tea, and sipped the tea slowly.

Empty your mind and wander too empty.

After drinking a pot of tea, Zhang Junping walked into the studio next door and started creating for the day.

Now Zhang Junping's reputation has been established, whether it is imitations or calligraphy and paintings created under his real name.

In the market, the recognition is very high.

Of course, imitations are more popular, and there is nothing we can do about it.

The current real market price of the replica has exceeded 10 million US dollars.

And the calligraphy and paintings created under his real name have just exceeded the million-dollar mark.

However, even so, Zhang Junping has already ranked among the top painters in Europe.

A living artist whose work exceeds one million US dollars is considered a top artist.

What Zhang Junping is creating now is an imitation.

This was an agreement between Zhang Junping and George Fairburn.

Although Zhang Junping has not gone abroad in the past three years, he will deliver his works to the other party on time every year.

"Chairman, shopkeeper Tong is here." The secretary came in to report.

"Oh? Invite him in!" Zhang Junping said with a smile.

This Tong San is addicted to being a shopkeeper. When he meets everyone, he introduces himself as: I am the shopkeeper of Ping Yaxuan.

So many people called him Shopkeeper Tong.

(End of chapter)

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