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Chapter 365 Enamel Color Longevity Pattern Drawing Gold Amphora

"Master Zhang!" Tong San came in, carefully put the package aside, and then bowed to Zhang Junping to say hello.

Tong San respects Zhang Junping from the bottom of his heart. In the past three years, Tong San has lived a wonderful life.

When people on the road saw him, they all had to address him as Third Master.

Now he is also a well-known character in Sijiu City.

Especially those bugs in the Forty-Nine City, whether they were tinkering with antiques or trashing the house, they all wanted to treat him as their ancestor.

All of this was brought to him by Zhang Junping.

"Tong San is here!" Zhang Junping glanced at Tong San's package, smiled and gave Tong San a cup of tea.

"Sit down and have a cup of tea first."

"Thank you Mr. Zhang for the tea!"

"Okay, don't come here to do that thing! This is a new society, and we can't do the same old stuff." Zhang Junping scolded with a smile.

Although he said he would not do this, in his heart Zhang Junping still admired this set of etiquette passed down from the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, I only appreciate a certain aspect.

It didn't include the groveling approach, but the enthusiasm he admired.

As the saying goes: A kind word warms the winter.

The enthusiasm with which the old BJ man spoke made people feel comfortable.

A warm word can put people in a good mood for the whole day.

This is what he appreciates and thinks is worth passing on.

After drinking a cup of tea, Tong San took the initiative to open the package and took out the contents.

Over the years, Tong San has found many good things for him.

This piece alone cost Zhang Junping tens of millions of RMB.

"Master Zhang, look at this bottle. I was lucky. I happened to meet this pair of bottles when I went out for a visit."

"Yeah, not bad!" Zhang Junping smiled and nodded, "It's rare to see such a large and well-preserved enamel-colored gold-painted amphora with longevity patterns!"

"Master Zhang, you have such good eyesight!" Tong Sansan complimented with a smile and placed the enamel-colored gold amphorae with longevity patterns on the sea of ​​tea.

"I remember that there seems to be a pair of enamel-colored double vases with lotus patterns in the Forbidden City, right?" Zhang Junping smiled and picked up the enamel-colored porcelain vase and looked at it carefully.

This is an enamel and gold amphora made by the Qing Palace during the Qianlong reign. When I look at it, the bottom pattern is exactly the same as the one in the Forbidden City.

Zhang Junping personally handled and appreciated the double enamel vase with lotus pattern in the Palace Museum.

Therefore, as soon as he got his hands on this enamel-colored longevity-patterned gold amphora, he knew it was genuine.

And it should be fine porcelain fired in the middle and late Qianlong reign.

In the middle and late period of Qianlong's reign, he began to be infatuated with the extravagant life. Not to mention the extravagance, it was also a great success.

It is also common to make this kind of exquisite enamel-colored gold amphorae with longevity patterns.

What I don't know is whether it was fired for his biological mother, Empress Xiaoshengxian, or for himself in his later years.

You have to check the Qing Palace archives to know this.

However, there is not much time difference between the two.

Qianlong's biological mother, Empress Xiaoshengxian, was definitely a long-lived person at that time and lived to be over eighty years old.

Qianlong was also very filial to his biological mother. He repaired the garden and collected various rare objects to give to Empress Xiaoshengxian, just to please her.

Zhang Junping speculated that such a large-scale enamel porcelain should have been fired for his biological mother, Empress Xiaoshengxian.

Enamel-colored porcelain was the real royal porcelain of the Qing Dynasty, and was known as the "official kiln among official kilns." For this reason, the palace manufacturing office established an enamel workshop specifically responsible for firing enamel-colored porcelain.

Enamel porcelain is also called porcelain body painting enamel, which evolved from filigree enamel.

Beginning in the 34th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, craftsmen from the Palace Manufacturing Office transplanted the technique of filigree enamel on a copper body to a porcelain body, and successfully created a new type of porcelain called enamel colored porcelain.

Because the real prosperity of enamel-colored porcelain was only in the Kangxi, Yongzong and Qianlong dynasties. After the Qianlong period, enamel-colored porcelain was basically no longer fired.

Moreover, as enamel-colored porcelain is used by the royal court, other princes and ministers are not qualified to use it. Some are also given by the emperor, so they must be offered carefully.

That's why this kind of porcelain is particularly precious.

However, most of the enamel-colored porcelain on the market today are imitations of enamel-colored porcelain during the Republic of China.

The porcelain firing technology during the Republic of China was still very advanced. The imitations of porcelain from the Kangxi, Yongzong and Qianlong dynasties are so lifelike that it is difficult to tell whether they are genuine or not.

Kang Fang, Zhou Fang and Zhu Fang were all masters of antique imitation during the Republic of China.

"Tong San, this bottle is good, how much did it cost?" After Zhang Junping appreciated it, he put the bottle on the sea of ​​tea and asked with a smile.

"Back to Mr. Zhang, I paid a thousand yuan for this pair of bottles.

Mr. Zhang, not only are we receiving goods in the market now, there are also several waves of people who are also receiving goods."

"One thousand yuan is not expensive!

Do you know who these people are?"

"There is a man named Niu Er, a man named Qian Liuzi, and a man named Kang Wu...

Mr. Wang is also receiving the goods."

Zhang Junping knew it was a nickname as soon as he heard it, and he was not the only one who had the foresight.

In this era, there are still many capable people.

"Except Mr. Wang, let others touch their bottoms.

It doesn't matter if you receive the goods, there are so many good things in the world, we can't possibly accept them all.

I’m afraid that some people will forget our ancestors’ surnames and resell our good things to foreigners.”

"Don't tell me, some people actually do this.

There are several people from Xiangjiang who go around looking for good things and then bring them to Xiangjiang."

"Well! When encountering such a situation, we have to exercise our citizens' rights and report what should be reported, or let Dashan arrange someone to do something for him." Zhang Jun said calmly.

"I know Master Zhang, if there are any idiots who dare to forget their ancestors, I will have them dealt with.

Give them some memory." Tong San was also a ruthless person and said through gritted teeth.

"Be more honest these days and don't hit the muzzle of a gun." Zhang Junping warned.

Suddenly I remembered something very important, and I had no intention of chatting with Tong San.

"Tong San, leave the bottle, you can go about your business.

I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so I won't let you have lunch.

Of course, if you want to stay for lunch, go find your senior brother." Zhang Junping smiled and drove Tong San away.

Then pick up the phone and start dialing.

"I'm looking for Dashan!"

"Master Zhang? What can I do for you?"

"Come to our company right away!" Zhang Junping said without any doubt.

"Okay! I'll be there right away!" Scarface didn't dare to hesitate and simply agreed.

More than ten minutes later, Scarface ran into Zhang Junping's office.

"Da Shan, there are some things that are not convenient to talk about on the phone.

You must feel that something is not right in the current atmosphere, right?"

"You mean severe punishment?"


This matter is more serious than you think, so go back now and sort out the people under you immediately.

Those who have criminal records or have a bad impression in the eyes of neighbors will be screened out.

Send them to Xiangjiang."

"Master Zhang?"

"Don't hesitate. If you hesitate any longer, you may be implicated.

Send people to Xiangjiang, you also go to Xiangjiang and wait for me in Xiangjiang.

I will also go to Xiangjiang in a while.

I have something for you to do in Xiangjiang." Zhang Junping explained.

"I understand, I will do what you asked as soon as I get back." Scarface knew that Zhang Junping would not lie to him.

Scarface came and went in a hurry, and quickly left the art company in the car.

The severe crackdown started last month and will become more and more severe.

Before, Zhang Jun

Ping has been obsessed with being his daughter's slave and doesn't care about it at all.

When I was talking to Tong San, I suddenly realized the seriousness of this matter.

It just so happened that Zhang Junping's plan in Xiangjiang needed people, so he might as well ask Scarface to get them all to Xiangjiang.

I guess this group of people would be more comfortable there.

After sending Scarface away, Zhang Junping continued his creation.

After eating in the company cafeteria at noon, Zhang Junping drove out of the city and came to Chaoyang Park, where he put out a horse and a fishing rod, and started a wonderful leisure time.

When Zhang Junping has nothing to do, he often comes here to fish.

At this time, there was no Chaoyang Park. It was just a natural forest and puddle in the valley.

The water surface here is not small, and the fish in it are not small either.

There are many people coming here to fish.

Because it is close to Tuanjie Lake Community, nearby residents, especially retired old men, like to come here.

It has a lot more wild fun than Tuanjie Lake.

"Xiao Zhang, did you skip work and come here to fish again?" As soon as Zhang Junping sat down, an old man greeted him.

"That's right! There's nothing going on in the office. Rather than staying in the office and dozing off, it's better to come out and get some fresh air.

Catching a few fish can also improve the life of the family." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"You capitalists are really good at calculating.

I'm not willing to buy any fish, I have to catch it myself." Another old man joked with him.

"I can't help it, I also came from a hard and simple life.

Even though you have become a capitalist, you can't forget your roots, right?" Zhang Junping replied with a smile.

Zhang Junping comes here often, and everyone is familiar with each other. We also know that Zhang Junping is the chairman of the most prosperous art company in BJ City recently.

Therefore, they all joke that he is a capitalist.

Zhang Junping doesn't care, it's not like it was more than ten years ago, his money comes from an open source.

I'm not afraid of others taking this as an excuse.

"Xiao Zhang, when will you draw a picture for me? You can also write a calligraphy!"

"Come on, you still say that I can make plans. I think you, an old guy, are the one who can make plans.

One of my paintings costs millions of dollars.

I’ll write something for you and you’ll keep it as a family heirloom. It’s a beautiful idea!” Zhang Junping scolded with a rude smile.

"I don't want you for nothing, I'll give you the painting in exchange! The richer you are, the more stingy you get." Lao Litou said angrily.

"That's pretty much it!

I have money and it's not like I'm exploiting your family's money, so why should I take advantage of you?" Zhang Junping replied with a smile.

These old guys, even though they are all dressed inconspicuously, they look like old farmers when they squat there.

Before that, they were all leaders in ministries, commissions, bureaus, and retired veteran cadres.

I have some fun things in my hands.

It's hard to delve into the origins or anything like that, since it's not very bright anyway.

This chapter has been completed!
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