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Chapter 368 Arrived in Xiangjiang

"Wow! There is still movement inside! There are insects screaming inside!" Chunni seemed to have discovered a new world, holding up the grasshopper gourd and shouting.

However, as soon as she shook her head, the grasshopper inside immediately stopped screaming.

"Hey, why didn't it scream anymore?" Chunni took the gourd and looked back and forth, trying to figure out why the gourd didn't scream again.

"Dad, it stopped barking. Is it dead?" Chunni was so anxious that she almost cried.

The grasshopper that dad just gave me died. It’s so sad.

"You put it there and don't move it, and after a while it will bark.

If you shake it like this, it will be scared." Zhang Junping knelt down, hugged Chunni and comforted her.

So Chunni and Chunniu put the grasshopper gourd on the stone table, and they lay down on the edge of the stone table and waited quietly.

Qiu Wenyan is good-natured and funny. This is because she has trained her children to be playboys since childhood.

Then they start playing with insects, and when they get older, they start fighting cocks and walking birds.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you going to eat today?"

"Today I'm stewing pork ribs with winter melon, served with your favorite rice." Qiu Wenyan said with a sweet smile.

Zhang Junping's scalp feels numb. Is this girl really going to feed him pork ribs and rice for a month?

"The ribs you bought will be ready to eat in about three or four days.

How about I stew kelp and pork ribs for you tomorrow?" Qiu Wenyan said with a smile, as if she could read Zhang Junping's thoughts.

"Okay! Kelp ribs are good! Rich in nutrients and delicious.

Paired with rice, it will be delicious!" Zhang Junping naturally would not give in so easily and said with a smile.

"That's good, I'm afraid you'll get tired of eating it! Don't worry, I promise to make it for you in different ways so that you can enjoy it." Qiu Wenyan said through gritted teeth.

"Then I have to thank my wife, don't worry. I will definitely serve you hard tonight." Zhang Junping threatened with a smile.

However, things are no better now than before. Before having children, Qiu Wenyan couldn't beat Zhang Junping.

After giving birth, Qiu Wenyan still couldn't beat Zhang Junping.

However, the next day, Zhang Junping's back was sore.

Qiu Wenyan's face was red.

There is no way, this is the difference between men and women, you can't accept it.

Zhang Junping just hopes to seize the time to collect antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and rare ancient books.

When talking about antique calligraphy and painting, Zhang Junping suddenly remembered that the Weng family in the United States still owed him antique calligraphy and painting and rare ancient books.

It has been in arrears for more than four years, and it is time to ask for it.

In the next few days, Zhang Junping went to work every morning to handle official duties, and in the afternoon he went fishing or went home to play with bugs with his daughter.

The days were lived happily and happily.

Finally, four days later, all the ribs at home were eaten, and the visa to Xiangjiang that Zhang Junping asked Li Wenjuan to apply for was also approved.

"I'm going to Xiangjiang tomorrow, are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

"I haven't even applied for a visa, how can I get there?"

"I'm waiting for you! Let's do it urgently. If you find some connections, it can be done in one day."

"So fast? Why did it take you so long?"

"I'm not in a hurry! So I didn't look for connections and applied according to the normal process.

The main reason is that I still don’t want to leave. I’ve been holding it in for several months. I can’t just eat two meals and leave, right?” Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"De Xing, are you full now?" Qiu Wenyan rolled her eyes at Zhang Junping.

"No! Why don't I take you with me? Then I can start eating at any time." Zhang Junping chuckled and raised his hands.

"Forget it! The child is still too young, so it's not convenient to take him there.

Let's wait until next year, after the child is one year old, and then go!" Although Qiu Wenyan was very moved, she still rationally rejected Zhang Junping's temptation.

"Okay! Our yacht should be built next year, and I will take you around the world by then." Zhang Junping promised.


Qiu Wenyan nodded and got up from the bed.

They were going to separate tomorrow. When she thought that Zhang Junping was actually going with Tian Shumei, Qiu Wenyan burst out with strong fighting power and held Zhang Junping down for another fight.

The next day, when Zhang Junping got up, it was already past nine in the morning.

I only feel pain in my waist and back, and I don’t have the energy and energy I used to have.

While Qiu Wenyan was nursing the child, Zhang Junping sneaked into the cellar, drank two ounces first, and then filled two jars of tiger penis wine into the space.


I can’t bear to look back!

I used to laugh at others, but I never thought that one day I would be able to use this thing myself.

It seems that I have to be prepared in the future.

After drinking two ounces of wine, Zhang Junping suddenly felt like he was okay again.

Walking out of the cellar in high spirits.

As soon as he came out of the cellar, he saw Qiu Wenyan looking at him and smiling.

"Well, I'll go take a look in the cellar, just take a look." Zhang Junping blushed and made up a random reason.

It was really embarrassing when my wife found out that I was drinking wine secretly. The key was the kind of wine.

Qiu Wenyan said nothing, but looked at him with a meaningful look.

"I'll try it and see how the wine cellar is doing...

Forget it, what's wrong with me after drinking? If you're not convinced, try again?" Zhang Junping shouted with his eyes wide open.

"Pfft!" Qiu Wenyan was amused by Zhang Junping's appearance.

"Just drink it! That wine is meant for drinking originally. Since it has health-preserving effects, it is good to drink it occasionally.

When you come back, I will practice with you." Qiu Wenyan gently helped Zhang Junping tidy up his clothes, "Go and eat quickly!

You have to go to the airport after dinner, so don’t be late for your flight.”

"Yeah!" Qiu Wenyan's sudden tenderness made Zhang Junping a little at a loss. He could only nod obediently and go to the backyard to eat.

After eating, he picked up the luggage Qiu Wenyan prepared for him and drove to the Capital Airport.

Liao Bushi will also go to Xiangjiang with us this time, and people from the company will drive the car back.

Zhang Junping took him there just to show him how he dealt with such a thing.

You can't do anything by yourself.

When he arrived at the airport, Liao Bushi, Tian Shumei, Scarface and several of his younger brothers had already arrived at the airport and were waiting for him.

"We're all here!" Zhang Junping glanced around and said with a smile.

"Chairman, I'm waiting for you."

"Let's go in!" Zhang Junping checked the time and saw that there was still half an hour before boarding the plane, so there was still time.

The direct flight from BJ to Xiangjiang takes just over four hours, which is very convenient.

Zhang Junping took a nap on the plane and was woken up by the flight attendant. The plane had arrived over Hong Kong.

After hovering in the sky for a while, we began to land at Kai Tak International Airport.

Zhang Junping did not arrange for anyone to pick them up at the airport. Zhang Junping and his party took their luggage and took a taxi directly to the Peninsula Hotel to check in.

Zhang Junping asked for a presidential suite, and his status as chairman had to be taken aback.

The business suites were arranged for Liao Bushi and others.

Nowadays, when art companies go on business trips, there are also corresponding rules, which level of hotel must be stayed at.

For example, as the chairman, he must stay in the presidential suite.

Those above the vice president level have business suites.

There were still some objections at the beginning, so Zhang Junping directly asked the international accountant and the consultant responsible for international legal affairs to teach everyone a lesson.

Staying in the presidential suite and business suite seems to cost a lot of money.

But if you don’t live there, the money you save doesn’t belong to the company.

In fact, after tax deduction, it really doesn’t cost much to stay in a presidential suite or a business suite.

It's not much more expensive than staying in a standard room in Kuhaha.

Because art companies pay a lot of taxes to countries around the world every year.

All expenses incurred by company personnel such as food and accommodation are tax deductible.

After checking in, Zhang Junping announced that they would go back to their respective rooms, put down their luggage, take a shower, rest for a while, and then go down to eat.

It's now around three o'clock in the afternoon. I have two hours of rest. It's just around five o'clock when I go to eat.

After arriving in Xiangjiang, Tian Shumei became much more courageous.

No more scruples.

Zhang Junping had just entered the presidential suite accompanied by the butler, sent the butler off, and was about to take a bath.

Doorbell rang.

Zhang Junping opened the door and saw Tian Shumei.

Let her in.

"Why don't you go back to your room and take a shower?" Zhang Junping asked with a smile.

"Wash together!" Tian Shumei directly hugged Zhang Junping and kissed him passionately.


Two hours later, Zhang Junping took Tian Shumei, whose face was glowing, downstairs to eat.

So girly.

Thanks to the two ounces of tiger penis wine I drank this morning.

Otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

Men will never admit that they are not good enough.

After enjoying a dinner at the Peninsula Hotel, Zhang Junping led everyone out of the hotel.

"It's only around eight o'clock now, and the nightlife in Xiangjiang hasn't started yet.

Let’s go out and see the night view of Xiangjiang.” Zhang Junping said with a smile.

In 1983, in this era, the night view of Xiangjiang was really not easy to visit.

Although the night in Xiangjiang is lively, it is also synonymous with chaos.

A group of seven or eight people all put on casual clothes and strolled through the streets of Xiangjiang.

The sea breeze blowing at night is quite comfortable.

It would have been better if we didn't encounter three or four people fighting with each other and fighting with swords along the way.

Zhang Junping and others are also talented and bold people, and they are not at all concerned about such a scene.

They are all people who have seen the scene.

Needless to say, Scarface and his party of four, Liao Bushi and the others are both masters from the Imperial Guard.

In ancient times, they were imperial guards.

Needless to say, Zhang Junping and even Tian Shumei have experienced many things in their business these years.

It can be considered well-informed.

Therefore, the street fights and scenes of swords and swords did not disturb their enjoyment of shopping.

The group of people had no destination and just wandered around aimlessly.

At around ten o'clock, the group went to Bolan Street to experience the nightlife in Hong Kong before returning to the Peninsula Hotel.

To be honest, after Zhang Junping visited Bolan Street, which was highly praised by others, he didn’t want to go there again.

The quality of Bolan Street in this era is so bad.

Zhang Junping, who was used to seeing the prosperity of later generations, really looked down upon him.

"Sir, there is a lady looking for you. I heard you said you were going out and has been waiting for you." As soon as Zhang Junping returned to the hotel, the butler of the presidential suite came to report.

"Pingzi!" Zhang Junping was about to ask who it was when a surprised voice came from behind. As soon as he turned around, a fiery body rushed into Zhang Junping's arms.

This chapter has been completed!
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