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Chapter 464 Tianji Pavilion Charity Education Foundation

Chapter 464 Tianjige Charitable Education Foundation

"Of course, that kind of old cobbler with exquisite skills is a treasure.

From now on, our Tianji Pavilion's income will depend on them." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Of course, Zhang Junping's words are a bit exaggerated, but leatherworking is indeed a promising craft. If you think about the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of bags in later generations, you will know something about it.

"Why do you ask?"

"I, I just happen to know a very good old cobbler. The leather shoes he makes are very comfortable to wear and beautiful." Li Wenjuan said, fearing that Zhang Junping wouldn't believe it, she even raised her feet to let Zhang Junping look at her.

Wearing leather shoes.

Zhang Junping glanced at the shoes on Li Wenjuan's feet. They looked really good, exquisite and fashionable.

I don’t know, I thought they were big foreign brand leather shoes.

"Well! Very good, such a cobbler is definitely what we need.

This matter will be left to you, you can contact me through this old cobbler, and then contact other cobblers." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Within each industry, they have their own connections.

It may not be easy for outsiders to find a master in a certain industry, but it will be much easier for insiders to find them.

The selection of traditional folk craftsmen is still in progress, and Zhang Junping continues to invite traditional folk craftsmen to come to Beijing for talks.

The content of the meeting was actually planned in advance. Following the information provided by the Business Development Department, a character portrait of the craftsmen coming to Beijing was carried out.

Then develop a meeting plan.

Those who love reputation will persuade the other party with the national justice, fame and long-lasting reputation.

If you love money, tempt them with benefits.

In short, give you what you want.

"How is the construction of Tianji Pavilion going?" On this day, Zhang Junping once again called Li Wenjuan to the office and asked.

"Master, the construction of thirty-six Tiangang Towers has been completed, and indoor and outdoor decoration is in progress.

Half of the seventy-two Disha buildings have been built."

"Well! Can everything be completed before the end of the year?" Zhang Junping nodded with satisfaction.

"Master, I'm afraid it will be difficult before the end of the year!" Li Wenjuan said with a grimace.


“The current progress is already at the limit. If we speed up the process, not only the workers but also the building materials will not be able to keep up.

Hongqi Steel Rolling Mill has given us all the unplanned production capacity, and we have also won a large part of the planned capacity through relationships." Li Wenjuan said with a grimace.

Zhang Junping sighed secretly, Li Wenjuan was telling the truth, this era is not yet the future.

The production capacity in all aspects cannot keep up. Construction is going on across the country, and all kinds of building materials are very tight.

Tianji Pavilion was able to move so quickly because of Zhang Junping's previous layout.

If not, Zhang Junping asked Scarface to build a commercial concrete plant and cement plant in advance.

Now, let alone building thirty-six Tiangang Towers, it is estimated that even half of the progress will not be achieved.

"Contact Zhou Dashan and ask him to find ways to expand the production capacity of cement and concrete mixing stations.

For steel bars, you can't just rely on Hongqi Steel Rolling Mill. You can contact other steel rolling mills.

For example, contact BJ's Materials Bureau and ask them to help us contact steel.

When necessary, you can use your connections, and you must be willing to spend the money you have to spend." Zhang Junping reminded with a smile.

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away." Li Wenjuan agreed and turned to leave.

The days are fulfilling day by day. Zhang Junping's recent efforts have surprised Ye Lihua.

Since she came to BJ Art Company, this is the first time she has seen Zhang Junping working hard for such a long time.

Although, his job content is to invite craftsmen and some artists to drink tea and chat.

However, anyone who goes to the company can feel the pressure brought by Zhang Junping.

It turns out that when the chairman becomes serious, they will be under so much pressure.

Because every time Zhang Junping meets a craftsman or artist, he will issue one or several related tasks.

These tasks are assigned layer by layer and will eventually fall on them.

Now, if all the employees of the company have any wish, it must be: Chairman, please go and eat fish.

It seems that Zhang Junping finally heard the voice of the company's employees and stopped making appointments with those craftsmen and artists.

Then he started to pay attention to the affairs of Tianjige Primary and Secondary School.

This time, Li Wenjuan was even busier, and her face looked a little haggard.

Tianjige Primary and Secondary School is the project that the Administration Department is responsible for.

However, Zhang Junping was still a disciple who cared about words and established a new department specifically.

It's the Tianjige Charitable Education Foundation. It turns out that this foundation is just a brand, and the people who work on it are all people from the administrative department.

Now, the foundation is independent and has its own set of work teams.

With the working team in place, the foundation's work has sped up instantly.

Zhang Junping began to supervise the staff of the foundation to contact the places identified by the Communist Youth League for assistance and supervise the progress of the construction.

There is only one purpose, to spend the money as soon as possible.

Because they didn’t want to leave any clues, all of BJ Art Company’s overseas income was deposited into the overseas branches of Bank of China.

Correspondingly, the Bank of China will give BJ Art Company the equivalent of RMB based on the national exchange rate.

This caused a problem, BJ Art Company had too much money accumulated in its account.

This is not a good thing.

It must be spent as soon as possible.

How to spend money, naturally it is to aid the construction of Tianjige primary and secondary schools.

In order to avoid wrangling with the local government, Zhang Junping directly discussed with Secretary Wang that all teachers in Tianjige primary and secondary schools would have their salaries paid by the Tianjige Charity Education Fund, and they would all be considered expatriate employees of the foundation.

In this way, the money from the foundation of BJ Art Company can be spent.

Moreover, it can get rid of local restrictions on Tianjige primary and secondary schools.

With these measures in place, the progress of Tianjige Primary and Secondary Schools has accelerated a lot.

After all, they are building primary and secondary schools for free, and you don’t even need to pay for the teachers’ salaries. What else do you want?

If you continue to obstruct it, it will really be unexplainable.

Speaking of explanations, I have to admire those people. Zhang Junping co-organized a special interview program with CCTV.

Prepare to give those people a little color.

As a result, they didn't do anything wrong at all. They just cooperated with the local government and made an explanation that it didn't matter whether others believed it or not, they believed it anyway.

This matter just passed, no big deal.

This time, the Communist Youth League re-selected the address for the school.

People from the foundation and the Communist Youth League worked together to implement the school construction work.

The progress has been much smoother, but there are still obstacles of one kind or another.

"Alas! Why is it so difficult to do something good?" After listening to the report from the foundation secretary-general, Zhang Junping couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh.

(End of chapter)

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