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Chapter 468 The Vital Eighty-Five Years

On New Year's Day, the day Zhiweizhai opened, Zhang Junping took his family to attend the opening ceremony.

The flagship store is located near Mid-Levels in Central, Hong Kong Island.

The richest people in Xiangjiang, the leading figures from all classes and industries, all received the invitation letters sent by Zhang Junping in advance.

Because of the affairs of ATV and Crystal Palace Entertainment Club, Zhang Junping is quite famous in Hong Kong.

Therefore, those who received the invitation letter basically came to support them in person.

Political elites, business tycoons, and entertainment stars gathered at Zhiweizhai Restaurant in Central.

Fortunately, Zhiweizhai Restaurant is built big enough, otherwise it would not be able to receive so many people at the same time.

However, the people at the Central Police Station are in trouble because so many big-shot figures appear at Zhiweizhai in Mid-Levels, Central.

They don't dare to take it lightly. If something happens, they won't be able to survive.

The chief of the Central Police Station not only transferred most of the police force to the Mid-Levels area, but also directly sent the Flying Tigers to come for support.

Reporters from major, medium and small media outlets in Hong Kong gathered here like flies that smelled something bad.

It's big news that so many big guys show up in a restaurant.

I don’t know if there is any big news, but Zhiweizhai, which just opened, has become famous and made the front pages of several newspapers.

Zhang Junping was very busy today, because these guests were all invited by him, or came rushing to him, so naturally he had to greet them one by one and say a few words without being rude.

With the opening of Zhiweizhai, the timeline finally entered 1985.

1985 was a very important year.

It is especially important for people who have traveled through time and are reborn.

If you seize this important opportunity, you can reach the sky in one step, and you can even be as free and unrestrained as you want for the rest of your life.

For Zhang Junping, 1985 was naturally also a very important year.

First of all, Tianji Pavilion is finally completed and will be put into use soon.

In addition, his layout in the small book can finally be harvested.

After Zhiweizhai opened, Zhang Junping called Gavin Casino to the manor.

"Dear Mr. Zhang, what are your orders?" Gavin Casino's attitude was quite humble.

"Gavin, do you want to come over and help me?" Zhang Junping said straight to the point.

"Mr. Zhang..." Gavin Casino was stunned, and for a moment he knew how to answer Zhang Junping's question.

"Gavin, I'm going to set up an investment company to operate my funds. I hope you can help me." Zhang Junping continued to say with a faint smile.

"Mr. Zhang, your topic was too sudden, and I was a little confused for a moment." Gavin Casino said with difficulty.

He wanted to agree directly, but his reason told him to take it slow and not to agree in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter, I can give you a few days to think about it." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

Gavin Casino left quickly. When he came, he was full of joy, but when he left, his face was full of confusion.

He is now a senior vice president at HSBC and has entered the senior management ranks. At his age, there is a lot of room for improvement in the future.

However, what Zhang Junping gave him was a position that could be achieved in one step, a position below one person and above ten thousand people.

How to choose between the two parties made it difficult for Gavin Casino to make a choice for a while.

The reason why Zhang Junping wanted to establish an investment company was naturally to prepare for the next harvest.

In 1985, the United States and Japan began to confront each other in the international market.

The United States first passed a bill that listed Japan as an "unfair trading country".

Then Japan took countermeasures.

Yes, the little notebooks of this era are a bit flimsy.

However, in the end, Lao Mei finally let Xiao Benzi know who was the boss.

These are not what Zhang Junping cares about. What Zhang Junping really cares about is that until the Plaza Accord was introduced, the international exchange rate could be said to be ups and downs.

Zhang Junping can no longer just throw it into the bank and invest like he did before.

In the past, the Japanese yen exchange rate was very stable and continued to rise.

However, with the introduction of a series of policies in the United States, the exchange rate began to fluctuate.

People like Zhang Junping who use leverage cannot withstand fluctuations. If there is a slightly larger fluctuation, Zhang Junping may lose all his money.

Of course, there are also safe investment methods to continue herding sheep.

That is, withdraw all the funds and buy Japanese stocks.

Then just sit back and wait. After Japan signs the Plaza Accord, the yen suddenly becomes valuable, and then Japan begins the era of buying, buying, buying.

Not only is the property market skyrocketing, but the stock market is also rising rapidly.

However, if you do that, all of Zhang Junping's funds will enter the Japanese market, and it will be very troublesome to transfer them abroad.

The U.S. dollar can become an international currency because it is relatively free. Under normal circumstances, there are no restrictions on entry and exit.

Moreover, precisely because it is an international currency, the operating space becomes infinite.

However, Zhang Junping is not in a hurry. At least before April, the exchange rate between the yen and the U.S. dollar is still stable, and his funds are still safe.

His funds now go in two directions, one is the Japanese yen exchange rate, buying it to depreciate; the other is the US dollar exchange rate, buying it to appreciate.

Since 1981, in order to suppress inflation, the United States has cut taxes more than once and promoted consumption.

In the end, inflation was suppressed, but the U.S. government was heavily in debt.

In order to make up for the deficit, we can only borrow a large amount of foreign debt and raise the interest and interest rates again and again.

High interest rates and high interest rates have led to another result, which is the substantial appreciation of the US dollar.

However, the appreciation of the U.S. dollar has further hurt U.S. industry.

This is a vicious cycle.

Until, the United States could no longer support it and simply started rogue tactics, which was the Plaza Accord.

The Plaza Accord not only targets Japan, but also includes Britain, France and Germany.

After the Plaza Accord, the Japanese yen, pound sterling, French franc, and German mark all appreciated to varying degrees.

If the appreciation was only between 10% and 12% as agreed in the Plaza Accord, the situation in Japan would not have happened.

The Plaza Accord was just a starting gun. With the signing of the Plaza Accord, the financial giants on Wall Street began to enter the Japanese yen market and ravage the Japanese yen market.

What is ridiculous is that the Japanese people do not know the harm caused by the appreciation of the yen.

Only the government and some big entrepreneurs know the harm caused by the appreciation of the yen.

However, as the yen continued to appreciate, the government eventually forgot about the harm caused by the appreciation.

They are all caught up in the carnival of buying and selling as the yen appreciates.

These have nothing to do with Zhang Junping.

All he has to do is follow the financial giants on Wall Street and have some soup.

This chapter has been completed!
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