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Chapter 469 Gavin is in place

Zhang Junping took his family for a leisurely stroll in Xiangjiang while waiting for Gavin Casino's decision.

Of course, Zhang Junping wouldn't wait for him too long. Although Zhang Junping didn't say it explicitly, Zhang Junping only gave him three days to think about it.

If he doesn't reply for three days, Zhang Junping will choose someone else.

Zhang Junping has several suitable candidates in mind.

It's just that Gavin Casino did a lot of things for him before giving him this opportunity.

"Dad, can we go out to sea tomorrow?" Nini and Niu Niu found Zhang Junping and begged, shaking his hand.

"Okay! Let's go out to sea tomorrow!" Zhang Junping had no resistance at all to his precious daughter's request.

The other two yachts he ordered have also been delivered, and now there are two yachts docked at his private dock.

One is a 108-meter super luxury yacht ordered from Germany, and the other is a 47-meter yacht from a British yacht company.

The previous one was a 64-meter yacht owned by an Italian yacht company, and Zhang Junping had already handed it over to Ye Zhiming.

A yacht that serves as the Crystal Palace entertainment club.

Ye Zhiming is really a business wizard. After getting this yacht, he didn't let him idle.

I go to sea almost every day.

Naturally, he didn't go out to sea by himself, but turned the yacht into a super luxurious box.

Customers of the Crystal Palace Entertainment Club can reserve a yacht in advance, and then the club will arrange for the yacht to be taken out to sea, accompanied by beautiful women.

Needless to say, this yacht is actually very popular, with reservations already scheduled for a month later.

After the two yachts were delivered, Ye Zhiming talked to him several times, thinking about asking Zhang Junping to hand over the two yachts to him and entertain guests like the previous yachts.

Zhang Junping naturally would not agree. He has not used these two yachts yet.

What's more, a 108-meter yacht will never be used by others.

Personal items will not be loaned out.

Zhang Junping is not short of that little money either.

Since he had promised his daughter, Zhang Junping would not break his promise and drove the 108-meter ultra-luxury yacht out to sea for fun the next day.

This yacht is big enough for my daughter to have fun on it.

My son Dandan has already learned to walk, but this boy is not restless at all. As soon as he can walk, he stumbles behind his two sisters, screaming and waving his little hands wildly.

Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan were lying on beach chairs, watching their children running and playing on the deck.

There is no need to worry about them falling into the sea. The surrounding fences are tightly wrapped with wire mesh. Even if they fall or slip, they will not slip into the sea.

After a day of playing on the sea, we also watched the beautiful sunset on the sea, and did not return until dark.

Gavin Casino did not disappoint Zhang Junping. On the second day after returning from the sea, Gavin Casino came to the manor with a solemn look.

"Mr. Zhang, I've thought about it. Thank you for your trust, Mr. Zhang."

"Haha, Gavin, you will be proud of today's decision." Zhang Junping laughed and patted Gavin Casino on the shoulder.

With the addition of Gavin Casino, Zhang Junping's plan can be carried out.

"Gavin, I wonder what you think of the U.S. economy?"

Although he decided to use Gavin Casino, Zhang Junping still planned to give him a try.

After passing the test, Zhang Junping will give him more rights. If he fails, he will be an obedient tool.

“The United States has successfully suppressed domestic inflation through continuous interest rate increases in recent years.

It seems to be very effective, but it also creates hidden dangers for the U.S. economy.

It can be seen from the data of the past two years that the U.S. economy has been severely restricted and even shrunk due to the continuous appreciation of the U.S. dollar.

The manufacturing industry in the United States, in particular, has been severely hit.

Morgan Lee, Caterpillar’s ​​chairman, publicly complained to the media: In 1945, Caterpillar’s ​​excavators knocked down their imperial capital; there is no reason to lose to them now; it’s all because of the abominable exchange rate. If

If the US dollar depreciates by 20%, I believe that Caterpillar's excavators can 'topple' Tokyo again.

It can be seen that the U.S. economy has reached a very dangerous situation.

The policies of the United States are determined by big capitalists. I believe that in the future, not too long ago, the policies of the United States will inevitably undergo a big change." Gavin Cassino knew that this was a test for him, so he took it seriously.


"That's right! Gavin, your analysis is the same as mine, we can be said to be heroes and have the same opinion!

The United States will inevitably undergo changes in the future, starting with policy changes.

However, the U.S. economy is in critical condition, and policy changes alone cannot save the United States."

"Mr. Zhang, what do you think the United States will do?"

"The United States is a rogue country. From the beginning of World War I to World War II, it was like a hyena, hiding behind the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom, France and other countries were working hard at the front, while he hid behind to earn profits.

This is also the reason why it took advantage of World War I and World War II to become a world power from a country composed of criminals."

"Mr. Zhang is absolutely right, the United States is such a shameless rogue country, and a thief is a shameful hyena.

It is the flesh and blood of our country that has fattened this hyena." Gavin Casino said bitterly.

"As a rogue country, when domestic economic problems cannot be solved, there is the simplest way.

That’s flipping the table.”

"Turning the table? How dare the United States?"

"Why not? What else doesn't he dare to do?

Of course, flipping the table is just a threat, threatening other countries to sacrifice their own interests to solve the domestic crisis in the United States." Zhang Junping analyzed with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang is right, the United States is very likely to do this." Gavin Casino thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"Then, our opportunity has come! In the next period of time, you have to pay close attention to the news from the United States.

According to the news, we will take countermeasures at any time." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

"Yes, all my funds will be concentrated in Ant Financial Company.

Next, you will be the CEO of this company!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your trust! I will work hard and never let down Mr. Zhang's trust!" Gavin Casino quickly stood up and assured Zhang Junping.

"Haha, I don't look at how you express your position, I will look at your next actions. I give you enough trust, and I hope you can be worthy of my trust.

Your future is in your hands." Zhang Junping smiled and patted Gavin Casino on the shoulder.

Naturally, Zhang Junping will not completely hand over the company to Gavin Casino, not to mention that Ant Financial has concentrated most of his funds.

This chapter has been completed!
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