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Chapter 65 Red Star Apple

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely treat Hong well. She will be in charge of the family's money and everything else." Guo Lizhu was very smart. As soon as he heard Zhang Junping's words, he knew that he was trying to remind himself.

"It's not that drinking as a big brother teaches you anything, it's just a joke to remind you, including my sister, that everything is going well in the family, and everything is harmonious and beautiful. What hardships can't you resist?

Come on, we’ve had a hard day today, let’s drink!” Zhang Junping smiled and patted Guo Lizhu on the shoulder.

This brother-in-law is not only handsome, but also has a good brain.

After drinking, my sister and her husband were arranged to stay in the West Room.

The east room, Zhang Junping, was given to his younger brother and his sister-in-law.

He drove back to the city.

Qin Shumei went to the hospital to take care of the child, and Mrs. Zhou didn't bother him again.

Zhang Junping found a copy of Mao Xuan, read it for half an hour, and successfully fell asleep.

The next day, Sunday, Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan had already made arrangements to go to the park and watch a movie.

Love is like planting land, you need to water it in time when it sprouts, and you must top-dress it when it’s time to fertilize it.

The marriage of Zhang Junping and Qiu Wenyan has been decided. This is the time to water the flowers in time so that they can grow vigorously.

Early in the morning, Zhang Junping changed into clean clothes, took the basin and went out to wash up.

"Good morning, Sister Qin!" He greeted Qin Shumei as usual.

"Morning!" Qin Shumei nodded to Zhang Junping.

Today Qin Shumei did not come out with a spittoon, but came in from the outside with a tired face.

No need to ask, I just came back from the hospital.

"Sister Qin, you have to take care of yourself. Do you want me to say hello to your factory and grant you a few days off?" Zhang Junping said with a smile while criticizing Qin Shumei's big headlights.

The fertilizer factory is a counterpart enterprise of the Materials Bureau. Fertilizer is a production material, and the procurement of raw materials and product sales are all uniformly deployed by the Materials Bureau.

Therefore, when Zhang Junping said hello, he was really not bragging.

"No, I'm not tired at work now. Besides, I can also squint for a while in the hospital at night." Women are very sensitive. Qin Shumei naturally noticed where Zhang Junping's eyes fell, blushed, and quickly declined.

"You, don't be brave! You said that if you are tired, who will take care of Huaizhi and who will take care of Yingzi?" Zhang Junping shook his head with a smile and continued to criticize Qin Shumei's illegal headlights.

Today, Zhang Junping's family no longer criticizes in a subtle way, but openly and openly.

"Okay! I'll trouble you then!" Qin Shumei pointed out the violation, twisted her body and walked into the house.

Qin Shumei's face turned hot, and she couldn't explain why she thrust so hard.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of words!" Zhang Junping stared at Qin Shumei and said,

"Peach butt!" He muttered in a low voice, and then continued to wash up. There were still a lot of things to do in a while.

As for Qin Shumei, when I go to work tomorrow, just ask the planning department to say hello to the fertilizer factory.

Qin Shumei also turned around and entered the house. She had a day off today and she would have to go to her parents' house later to pick up her daughter.

After washing up, Zhang Junping went out and ate breakfast in the alley.

Seeing that it was still early, Zhang Junping planned to go to the pigeon market to buy fruits and other things.

You can never come to the door empty-handed.

Today is Sunday, the workplace is on holiday, and there are many more people in Pigeon City than usual.

Not only did people come to buy things, there were also a lot more people selling things.

"Master Zhang, you're here! Are you looking for Third Master?" Scarface's eyes were bright. He saw Zhang Junping in the crowd at a glance and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello.

"No, I'll just go shopping and see if there's anything useful. Just do your thing!" Zhang Junping handed Scarface a cigarette and said with a smile.

"Then you're busy, just say hello if you need anything!" Scarface held a cigarette in his mouth and turned around happily to explain the matter.

Master Zhang has come to the market. He must tell the third master and the Buddhist monks in the market. Don't be blind to the one who bumps into Master Zhang.

It was still early, so Zhang Junping was not in a hurry and strolled around the pigeon market leisurely.

I have traveled to this era, but I have not yet fully felt the atmosphere of this era.

If you want to say where the atmosphere of the times is strongest, Pigeon City is the one.

Before Pigeon Market, when the situation was severe, the market would open in the early morning and close at dawn.

Therefore, many pigeon markets are also called ghost markets.

"How do you sell these apples?" Zhang Junping saw an old man selling apples and stopped and asked.

"One yuan per catty!" The old man was afraid that Zhang Junping would find it too expensive, so he added, "This is a Red Star apple!"

"Okay, I'll take whatever you have!" Zhang Junping glanced at the old man's basket and said simply without counter-offering.

Ordinary green bananas, red bananas, and Jinshuai apples only cost 50 or 60 cents, but the Red Star apple is a newly introduced variety.

In addition, the fruit shape is beautiful, the color is festive, and it is delicious, so the price is more expensive than other apples.

"Oh! You little comrade, how could you do this?

You bought them all, what should we do?"

Only then did Zhang Junping realize that there were already two people next to the old man's stall ready to buy apples.

It's just that the old man's price was too high, and the two were bargaining, but Zhang Junping got in trouble.

"Sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't notice you just now!

In this way, you buy first, and after you two buy the rest, all the rest will be mine!"

"You..." One of the aunties pointed at Zhang Junping angrily, and in the end she turned and left without saying anything.

This aunt is of high quality. Although she was angry with Zhang Junping for disrupting the situation, she did not curse anyone.

However, because of Zhang Junping's interference, the price will definitely not be negotiated. The aunt is reluctant to spend one yuan to buy a pound of apples.

Another middle-aged man muttered something, and he didn't know what he said. It was probably not a good thing. He finally bought two apples and left.

"Uncle, did you grow this apple yourself?

Are there any more? I want as much as you have!" Zhang Junping knelt down and started chatting with the old man.

"Yes, there is another basket, plus these, the total is one hundred and forty-eight pounds!"

"Okay, if you still have some at home, just bring them all over and just look for him!" Zhang Junping turned around and waved to the scarred face not far away.

"Master Zhang, what are your orders?" Scarface ran over quickly.

"I have bought all this uncle's apples, please take him to the scale.

In addition, there should be some left at uncle’s house, so you can follow him to his house and bring them over.”

"Okay! Leave it to me, don't worry!" Scarface assured, patting his chest.

"Here's five hundred yuan, take it, and you can refund more or make up less when you go back." Zhang Junping took out five hundred yuan and handed it to Scarface. He turned around and saw a worried look on the old man's face. After thinking about it for a moment, he understood.

What's going on? "Uncle, just go to the scale with him and you won't lose a penny."

You don’t have to take risks in the market anymore!”

"Uncle, don't worry, Mr. Zhang is a very particular person and won't give you any money.

Look, the money is all with me, what are you worried about?"

The old man secretly muttered in his heart, it was only after I gave you the money that I was worried.

This chapter has been completed!
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