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Chapter 86 Picking up the Tiger Stack 2

Although deer blood is a good thing, it is a delicacy that is loved by both men and women.

However, Zhang Junping had to give it up

Because if you don't drain the deer's blood cleanly and carry it back to the camp, it will be like leaving a road sign for the enemy.

In the mountains and forests, night is the world of beasts.

It is foreseeable that the campsite will definitely not be peaceful at night.

If this attracts wolves, it will be a big joke.

Zhang Junping experienced a wolf attack in his previous life, and he never wanted to experience it again.

After releasing the deer's blood, Zhang Junping held it again to make sure there was no more blood, and then he carried the sika deer remains and climbed over the dead tree.

At this time, Xiaoxia had stood up obediently and was standing on the other side of the dead tree looking at Zhang Junping.

"Let's go, you carry it, I'll carry a tree, and we go back to the camp." Zhang Junping threw the remains of the sika deer to Xiaoxia.

He took the machete and repaired the branches, then picked up a dead tree.

"Brother Zhang, you are so energetic!"

"This is a boy's skill. I started practicing it at the age of eight, doing horse steps!" Zhang Junping said with a laugh.

When he was eight years old, he was just trying to fool Xiao Xia. He inherited his skills from his predecessor, who were all educated in the army.

As for his own ability, it was the feedback from the museum space.

Back at the campsite, Zhang Junping threw the dead wood to the ground.

"Good guy, Brother Zhang, you are too strong!" Niu Qingkui said in surprise.

Everyone else also looked at it sideways. This dead wood was ten centimeters in diameter and more than five meters long. It was a birch tree, and it was much heavier than ordinary wood, weighing more than a hundred kilograms.

At this time, Xiaoxia who was following behind also walked out.

Although Xiaoxia was only carrying half of a sika deer, she was still out of breath.

"This is..." Tian Jianjun said curiously.

"Oh! I picked up a tiger stack." Zhang Junping explained with a smile.

"It scared me to death! We just met a tiger, and the tiger was eating..." Xiaoxia threw half of the sika deer to the ground, then landed it on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Have you met a tiger?" someone exclaimed.


"Which way?"

Niu Qingkui and Tian Jianjun asked at the same time.

On the way here, I heard these two guys talking about wanting to hunt a tiger.

Now that I heard that Zhang Junping and the others met a tiger, how could they not be excited?

I couldn't wait to follow the tiger's tracks immediately.

"Going to the north, I guess it's a stray tiger. Judging from its size, it must have just grown up and was driven out by a tigress." Zhang Junping expressed his guess.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, even a mother and her son.

After the tiger cubs reach adulthood, they will be driven out of their territory by the tigress.

For young tigers, the period just after being driven out of their territory by their mother is the most difficult period.

Without a territory, they can only wander around looking for their own territory.

If you accidentally enter the territory of another tiger, you will get into a fight. Basically, you will be beaten up and continue to wander with injuries all over your body.

Until you find a territory that suits you.

"What a great tiger that has just grown up! Brother Zhang, let's catch up and have a tiger feast tonight." Niu Qingkui pulled Zhang Junping and said excitedly.

"Brother Niu, I see that tiger was just driven out by his mother. He is quite pitiful. Let's let him go!" Zhang Junping said jokingly.

"Brother Zhang, this idea is unacceptable. Tigers are pests and must be eliminated.

Otherwise, when the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, they will rush to the villages at the foot of the mountains and bite people's livestock to death, and may even injure people." Niu Qingkui said righteously.

It seems as if he really eliminates harm for the common people.

"Brother Niu, you were talking about the past, but now there are still tigers entering the village and hurting people?

On the contrary, there are more and more wild boars, and they come down from the mountains every autumn and cause harm to the crops." Zhang Junping could only say sternly when he saw that Niu Qingkui was bent on hunting tigers.

"Brother Zhang, what does this have to do with us fighting tigers?

It can't be said that there are more wild boars because there are fewer tigers, right?" Niu Qingkui looked at Zhang Junping in confusion.

"You're really right.

Just because there are fewer and fewer tigers in the mountains and wild boars have no natural enemies, there are more and more of them, and there is a tendency for them to become overrun.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask Master Wang and Master Gong.

Every veteran hunter knows that you cannot kill any species completely, otherwise it will cause even greater disasters."

"Leader Zhang is right. Tigers have indeed been rarely seen in recent years, and there are many more wild boars than in previous years." Hunter Lao Wang nodded in agreement.

He was not willing to lead a group of city dwellers to track the tiger.

If it were just him and his husband, they would definitely not let this tiger go.

However, his current task is to ensure that Niu Qingkui and other city dwellers are brought back safely.

A tiger is worth a lot of money, but the safety of these city people is more important. This is something that Director Yuan has repeatedly warned.

"Okay!" Niu Qingkui saw that Mr. Hunter Wang did not support his idea, so he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​tracking the tiger.

Niu Qingkui has passed the age of willfulness and impulsiveness and is very aware of his own strength.

He would not dare to hunt tigers without the company of the hunter Lao Wang and the hunter husband.

"You guys take care of this half of the deer, and I'll carry back the rest of the wood." Zhang Junping saw that Niu Qingkui no longer mentioned tracking the tiger, so he smiled and said to him.

"Let's go, let's carry the wood together." Niu Qingkui gathered his mood and followed Zhang Junping to carry the wood with Tian Jianjun.

However, the two of them were not as perverted as Zhang Junping, carrying more than a hundred kilograms of wood while walking through the mountains and forests.

Only two people can carry one.

With personal experience, they were even more shocked by Zhang Junping's strength.

This is a great guy!

Niu Qingkui is even more fortunate, thanks to his sense of loyalty, which led him to get to know Zhang Junping.

Niu Qingkui was greatly influenced by his father, and he always agreed with and followed the teachings of great men: make many friends and make few enemies.

Zhang Junping can't do anything to help him now, but who knows in the future?

By the time Zhang Junping and the others moved the dead wood back, lunch was almost ready.

A large pot of pheasant soup is steaming on the earthen stove.

The roasted hare and venison are sizzling and fragrant.

"You guys came back just in time, let's start eating right away!" Zhao Yingying said with a smile when he saw them coming back.

Zhao Yingying is a chef. Even though he works in the Forestry Bureau, his barbecue skills are inherited from his ancestors and he also has a secret barbecue sauce.

"Okay!" Zhang Junping agreed and took out two bottles of wine from his bag, "How can we have meat but no wine?

Come on, people in the wilderness can't drink too much. Let's take a few sips each to go away the cold."

"Holy shit, Brother Zhang, you actually brought wine with you?" Niu Qingkui looked at Zhang Junping in surprise and shouted.

"It's very cold in the mountains. Bringing some wine can help relieve the cold." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

"How did you bring the wine with your little satchel? Are you not afraid of being beaten?" Niu Qingkui asked curiously, staring at Zhang Junping's satchel.

This chapter has been completed!
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