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Chapter 88 Amazing marksmanship

A pheasant that had just taken flight fell to the ground.

"·········" Everyone looked at Zhang Junping in shock.

They only saw Zhang Junping shoot and then a pheasant fall to the ground. They had no idea when the pheasant appeared.

Even the hunter king was shocked.

He has good marksmanship. He has seen how he can pierce a poplar with a hundred steps and hit wherever he points. As an old hunter, he will not be surprised.

However, Zhang Junping's decision is not as simple as where to hit.

This is a prediction.

In an instant, you can accurately calculate the trajectory of the pheasant's takeoff, its takeoff speed, and the flight speed of the bullet. Only then can you predict and hit the pheasant that has just taken off.

In fact, not only them, but also Zhang Junping was stunned.

This shot was really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

He saw the pheasant in the grass, so he shot.

Zhang Junping is still very confident in his marksmanship.

After all, his marksmanship was honed over thousands of times by his predecessors, in life and death.

However, although he has completely inherited all the memories of his predecessor, including muscle memory, there is no problem with his marksmanship.

But, in the end, I was careless.

This is the first time Zhang Junping has used this 38 cap. I didn’t know if it was due to poor maintenance or what.

There is something wrong with the gun.

This resulted in Zhang Junping aiming at the grass, but after the bullet came out of the bore, it went up a few degrees.

Thus, the scene at the beginning appeared. He raised his hand and fired a gun, and the pheasant fell down with the sound of the gun.

Zhang Junping smiled bitterly in his heart. He originally chose the 38-meter Gai because of its high accuracy.

As a result, I unexpectedly chose a gun with a problem.

Fortunately, Zhang Junping was brave enough to put the gun on his shoulder, walked over and picked up the pheasant he had just shot.

It seems that the shot just now was just a very insignificant shot.

Looking at the pheasant, Zhang Junping couldn't help but shake his head. The Sanba Gai was still a bit too powerful for the pheasant.

Fortunately, this shot hit the neck, and the entire body above the neck was shattered, leaving only the chicken body.

"Old Wang, give this chicken to your dog as a snack!" Zhang Junping took a look and threw it to the hunter, Old Wang.

"Hey! On behalf of my Dahei and Xiaohua, thank you, Leader Zhang!" Hunter Lao Wang took the pheasant and said with a flattering smile.

"It's okay. This pheasant has no head, so it's not convenient to carry." Zhang Junping waved his hand. There was nothing wrong with Hunter Lao Wang's words, but it sounded a little awkward.

"Brother Zhang, your marksmanship is amazing!" Tian Jianjun finally realized and stepped forward to hug Zhang Junping's shoulders.

"Brother, I even doubt whether you are human."

"..." Zhang Junping turned to look at Tian Jianjun, he said it well, why did he still curse?

"Look at you, you are so good at drinking, you are so good at drinking water, you can withstand more than 100 kilograms of wood and walk freely in the mountains and forests.

The marksmanship is so good!

Tell me, what is your identity? Are you the successor trained by the secret family?" Tian Jianjun pointed to the sky and asked Zhang Junping in a mysterious voice.

Zhang Junping really admired Tian Jianjun's imagination.

"Brother Tian, ​​what I said to Brother Niu at noon is also for you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Curiosity killed the cat." After Zhang Junping said this, he patted Tian Jianjun on the shoulder and continued walking forward.

"..." Tian Jianjun now understands how Niu Qingkui felt at that time. Two words: aggrieved.

"Master, you are so amazing!" Xiao Li ran to Zhang Junping, took Zhang Junping's arm, and said with admiration on his face.

"Little girl, you are already a big girl, you should pay attention to the differences between men and women in the future.

Even if you are a master, you have to avoid it." Zhang Junping took out his arm, pinched Xiao Li's nose and said with a smile.

Although Xiao Li hugged her tightly, she felt nothing about the poached egg.

"Oh, Master, you are annoying, you pinch people's noses again." Xiao Li's face turned red, he stamped his feet and said coquettishly.

"Okay, stop being coquettish, we will attract the wolf later." Zhang Junping said with a smile and continued to chase the hunter Lao Wang.

Xiao Li stood there with a red face, pursed his lips and looked at Zhang Junping's back, and then continued walking forward for a while.

"There is a meadow in front of us, and there are many wild animals there.

When Leader Zhang picked up the tiger stack, he probably caught the tiger from the meadow." Hunter Lao Wang led the way and said with a smile.

"Then we're in good terms, let's go to the meadow. Maybe we'll be lucky and meet some big animals." Zhang Junping said with a smile.

A group of five people, led by the hunter Lao Wang, came to the meadow.

The so-called meadow is vegetation that grows in a humid environment.

In layman's terms, a place covered with various vegetation and with open water is called a wetland.

There is no open water, so it is called a meadow.

Of course, there will also be clear water in the middle of the meadow.

Even, affected by climate or environmental changes, meadows will turn into wetlands.

Wetlands may also become meadows.

There are many meadows in the Northeast, and the meadows vary in size.

The meadow in front of me is just a very small meadow.

This meadow is in an island ravine.

Standing on the hillside, Zhang Junping saw at a glance a group of wild boars at the junction of the meadow and the pine forest.

A few sows were leisurely looking for food under the pine trees, or scratching on the pine trees.

The largest wild boar among them is probably the Wild Boar King.

At this time, the Wild Boar King is working hard to grow the tribe.

At the edge of the wild boar group, there were several smaller wild boars, staring at the wild boar king with envy and hatred.

They also want to work hard to grow the group, but the animal world is so cruel.

The weak will not only be beaten, but they will not even have the right to reproduce.

In fact, this is similar to human society.

They are all so cruel.

You have no ability, you have two generations of savings and countless debts to find a second-hand wife, and you are being picked on and made a lot of unreasonable demands.

Maybe he'll be happy to be a father.

You can only endure it.

Those who are capable only regret that they do not know the art of cloning. They do not have forty-eight hours in a day and lack an iron waist.

In the middle of the meadow, there are several sika deers grazing, looking around without warning.

"Leader Zhang, are you hunting wild boar or sika deer?" Hunter Wang soothed the hounds and approached Zhang Junping and asked in a low voice.

"If you hunt wild boars, they have lots of meat." Zhang Junping replied in a low voice.

"Okay, let's go around and fight closer." Hunter Lao Wang nodded.

Hunter Lao Wang wants to hunt sika deer more than wild boar. After all, sika deer are more valuable.

But Zhang Junping and the others are the employers, and the employers have the final say.

Zhang Junping and his party followed the hunter Lao Wang and cautiously approached the wild boars.

At this time, you can see the quality of hounds.

A good hunting dog, as it is now, will never bark, and will not attack its prey without the hunter's order.

"Xiao Li, you climb up the tree.

Lao Wang, Brother Tian, ​​Brother Zhao, I will fight the Wild Boar King, and you will each find your target." Zhang Junping issued the order.

Zhang Junping's shot just now silenced everyone, and they couldn't even raise the slightest objection to his order.

This chapter has been completed!
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