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Chapter 91 - Wolf War 2

Stewed hare and chicken with some wild onions and fresh mushrooms is definitely a delicious dish.

Hare has no other smell except an earthy smell.

But hare also has an advantage, that is, although hare itself has no flavor, the flavor will change depending on the meat it is stewed with.

Therefore, rabbit meat is also called Baiwei meat.

The dinner was delicious, but everyone felt a bit underwhelmed.

Even the wine Zhang Junping brought out could not arouse everyone's interest.

Each person took two sips of wine and hurriedly finished their meal.

Then, under the command of Zhang Junping, everyone moved the shack in front of the Immortal Stone House, so as to ensure that if the wolves attacked at night, they would not be attacked on all sides.

At this time, the camp was blazing with flames. According to Zhang Junping's request, everyone surrounded the camp with bonfires.

This bonfire is the first line of defense.

As the night deepened, a wolf howled could be heard in the distance.

Occasionally there are the sounds of other animals.

This kind of cry is very scary at night.

"Don't stay up all the time. We should follow the previous schedule and take turns on duty at night. Others should rest." Zhang Junping said to everyone with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, can you sleep?" Niu Qingkui asked nervously.

Originally, Niu Qingkui was not very concerned about the wolves that might appear at night, but as the hunter husband and the hunter Wang told everyone about the wolf attacks they had encountered or heard about before, he became nervous.

"Brother Niu, we have made all the preparations we should do. Whether the wolves come or not is not something we can control.

Now, the only thing we can do is sleep.

Recharge your batteries so that you can better deal with possible wolves." Zhang Junping smiled and patted Niu Qingkui on the shoulder.

"Except for Lao Wang, Brother Tian and Xiao Xia who are on duty, everyone else should go back to sleep. Even if you can't sleep, you should close your eyes and recuperate." Zhang Junping said again, then got into the shack and lay on the sleeping bag.

Covering his body with a wolf fur coat, he closed his eyes and meditated.

He said he was sleeping, but Zhang Junping didn't get into his sleeping bag, because if something happened that way, his reaction would be several beats slower.

Fortunately, everyone wore thicker clothes when they went into the mountains. They were all wrapped in a wolfskin coat outside their green military uniforms.

This is sent to everyone by Tian Jianjun.

The convenient conditions of Tian Jianjun’s work in the supply and marketing cooperative are fully revealed.

Zhang Junping closed his eyes and breathed steadily. Everyone thought Zhang Junping was asleep.

They all secretly admire Zhang Junping's big heart.

In fact, how could Zhang Junping sleep?

Just following what he said, he should close his eyes and rest his mind even if he couldn't sleep.

The wolves howling outside are getting louder and louder, which indicates that the wolves are about to arrive.

Zhang Junping could quietly close his eyes and rest his mind, but others were not in such a good mood.

Each one of them nervously held the gun in their hand.

Although the two old hunters were not that nervous, they were still staring at the depths of the jungle.

I don’t know how long I stayed here, but Xiaoxia, who was on duty, added firewood to the bonfire again.

The howl of the wolf disappeared.

The wolf is coming.

Zhang Junping turned over and started doing it.

"What's wrong?" Niu Qingkui and Zhang Junping were in the same shack, and he was startled by Zhang Junping's actions.

"The wolf is coming!" Zhang Junping whispered.

"The wolf is coming? No, there are no wolves howling outside. I think they are probably gone." Upon hearing this, Niu Qingkui let out a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"Have you never heard that a biting dog never barks?

If the wolf barks all night, you don't have to worry. You are afraid that in this situation, it will suddenly stop barking.

This means that the wolves are about to attack." After Zhang Junping finished speaking, he picked up the gun and walked out of the shack.

"Brother Zhang, have the wolves left?" Seeing Zhang Junping come out, Xiaoxia seemed to have found someone to support her. She breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly smiled at Zhang Junping.

"The wolf is coming!

You don't know how to shoot, just you and Xiao Li will be responsible for adding firewood to the campfire later." Zhang Junping patted Xiao Xia on the shoulder and explained.

"Yes!" Xiaoxia nodded heavily.

"The wolf is coming! Everyone, get up!" At this time, the hunter Wang shouted loudly.

Through the light of the campfire, you can vaguely see the wolves hiding in the jungle.

Hearing the warning from Hunter Lao Wang, everyone ran out of the shack.

"Don't panic, everyone, follow my orders.

As long as the wolves don't get close to the campfire, don't shoot." Zhang Junping quickly shouted.

Everyone is in a panic now. Shooting in this situation will most likely be a waste of bullets.

The current situation is similar to that of a battlefield.

You know, on the battlefield, the hit rate of bullets is very low.

According to statistics from abroad, the hit rate at one stop is one in ten thousand or even one in tens of thousands.

By the time of the Iraq War, the hit rate dropped to one in hundreds of thousands.

During the country's Anti-Japanese War, although it was not as low as this, it still reached several hundred percent.

However, those are all in exchange for improved hit rate.

In order to save bullets and improve the hit rate, the Japanese had to be shot closer.

Our army's hit rate is higher, but the Japanese's hit rate is also improving. This goes both ways.

That's too far.

"Master Wang, you are responsible for keeping an eye on the east. Master Gong, you are responsible for keeping an eye on the west. I will fixate on the south.

Brother Niu, you and Brother Tian keep an eye on the north, above the Immortal Stone House, to prevent wolves from jumping down from the stone house to attack.

The others are waiting in the middle." Zhang Junping quickly arranged everyone's defensive position.

After arranging their respective tasks, the campground ushered in temporary silence.

There was only the crackling sound of the bonfire burning and the sound of unknown beasts howling in the distance.


Zhang Junping turned his head and looked to the west.

It was the hunter’s husband who fired the first shot.

A gray wolf fell in front of the campfire.

Zhang Junping shook his head. Although this hunter husband was an old hunter, he still couldn't hold his breath.

The wolves had already arrived, but because of the bonfire, the wolves did not dare to go up and just kept wandering around the outside.

The shot just now was because my husband couldn't hold back and shot and killed a wild wolf looking for an opportunity outside the campfire.

My husband's gunshot seemed to be a signal, kicking off tonight's human-wolf war.

Then the hunter Lao Wang also opened fire and killed a wild wolf wandering outside.

Niu Qingkui saw her husband and Lao Wang firing, and turned around with the gun to help.

Zhang Junping had been paying attention to the situation on Niu Qingkui's side. When he saw Niu Qingkui's actions, he quickly shouted: "Brother Niu, pay attention to the top of the stone house and don't look in other directions."

Sure enough, just as Zhang Junping finished shouting, several wild wolves appeared on the stone roof.






Zhang Junping raised his hand and shot three times in succession, killing the three wild wolves that had just emerged from the stone house.

Then he turned around and fired twice at the bonfire in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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