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1042 The most suitable is the choice of the best young fragrance

1042 The most suitable is the best...Youxiang’s choice

Xiao Zi chose Realm, which did not disappoint Lin Luo, and also made him let go of a stone in his heart. However, although he knew the answer, what was the process? As for the reason why Xiao Zi chose Realm at a glance,

Lin Luo was somewhat interested.

So, he asked: "Why did you choose this?"

Xiaozi answered without thinking: "Because it allows me to build a fantasy town."

"Uh!" Hearing these words, not only Youxiang was stunned, but even Lin Luo was shocked. He had thought about many possibilities, but he just didn't expect that Xiaozi chose the realm for Gensokyo!

"Can't other magic allow you to build Gensokyo?" Lin Luo asked again.

Xiao Zi shook her head, "Realm is not the most powerful magic here. There are two types of magic that are stronger than it, but those two magics are pure attack magic. Although they can destroy everything, they cannot affect creation. And Realm

But it’s different, it is destruction accompanied by creation. Only if I can learn it thoroughly, I can grasp the difference between the realms of anything...Only it can allow me to create a fantasyland!"

Lin Luo frowned deliberately, "But realm is not so easy to learn. After all, you should know that realm is the foundation for the existence of everything. As long as this foundation is destroyed, nothing will exist anymore. In fact, in terms of true power,

It is not weaker than the previous two magics. The reason why it is ranked third is that it is too difficult to learn. Let’s just say that in the era when all these magics existed, in those countless years, it was possible to learn the realm.

There are less than three of them, and they haven't fully learned it yet. Are you sure... you really want to learn the realm?"

Lin Luo did not mean to scare Xiao Zi, but it was indeed the case. The learning requirements of the realm were too demanding and not everyone could learn it... Although he knew that Xiao Zi was definitely qualified, he still wanted to take a look.

Will Xiao Zi defy the odds?

And Xiao Zi's performance once again proved that he lived up to Lin Luo's expectations. She nodded heavily, and then said categorically: "Yes, I want to learn, no matter how much time it takes, no matter what kind of challenges I will encounter.

I must learn to overcome all difficulties...in order to realize my dream!"

Everyone has the right to choose on the road to their dreams, and at the same time they have the obligation to persevere, and Xiaozi's words undoubtedly prove her determination.

Lin Luo knew that she would not have any confusion on her own path in the future, and there was no need to continue testing her. She nodded and said, "Okay, since you have decided, let's do this."

Then, he looked at Youxiang again, "So, have you made your choice?"

"Uh!" Youxiang was startled for a moment, and subconsciously looked towards the Book of Roots, but there was no answer. She had actually chosen a magic that she liked, but the level of that magic was not high, so after listening to Xiaozi's words

After those words, she hesitated.

With Xiao Zi's qualifications and hard work, after learning a high-level magic like Realm, her future prospects are bound to be limitless. But what about herself? Let's not talk about hard work. She started with such a low level, and her level in the future may not be that high.

If you go and learn that low-level magic, can you really become the strongest monster?

Moreover, if you choose low-level magic, what will your master think of you?

For a moment, Youxiang fell into confusion.

Lin Luo looked at her troubled expression, vaguely guessed, and said immediately: "Actually, you don't need to care about what others do, all you care about is what you should do. Whatever you think is best for you, just choose it.

, no matter what choice you make, I will not despise you. As long as you can implement it to the end and do your best, then you will be successful. So, what I want to ask is, do you have confidence?"

After hearing what Lin Luo said, Youxiang suddenly woke up and raised her head suddenly, "Yes, of course I have confidence!"

"So, what's your choice?"

"I choose this." Youxiang stretched out her hand, turned the pages of the book to the last few pages, and then pointed to a magic spell on it and said.

Seeing this, Lin Luo finally understood why she hesitated, because the magic she chose was called Natural Harmony, and it was ranked very low. It was not even ranked in the top two hundred among the hundreds of magics in the Book of Roots.

With Youxiang's competitive character, Xiaozi chose high-level realm magic, but she chose such low-level magic. How can this be justified?

The function of this naturally harmonious magic is to integrate oneself with the outside world, and to use the power of the outside world for one's own use. Such an auxiliary skill... can even be said to be a passive skill. Because as long as you practice it to perfection, even if you yourself

If you don't activate it, the natural harmony will activate on its own, infinitely absorbing energy from the outside world, and completely integrating yourself with nature.

In terms of the effect after completion, this magic is quite good, but why is it ranked so low? The reason is very simple, because those magicians in ancient times rarely relied on the outside world to use magic. They all used their own

As the source of magic power, he is self-centered, so he is somewhat disdainful of magic that relies on external energy, which is why his ranking is so low.

But in Lin Luo's view, Youxiang's choice was not wrong.

The low ranking of Natural Harmony is caused by the environment of the times, not its own shortcomings. If it were placed now, at least from Lin Luo's perspective, it could definitely be ranked in the top twenty. Even, if there is a very suitable person

If you practice it, the final result will definitely not be worse than those who practice the top ten magics.

And is Youxiang suitable for this magic?

The answer is yes!

Take a closer look at Gensokyo. If it were a head-on battle, there are only three people who can truly be the strongest and invincible, namely Reimu Hakurei, Murasaki Yakumo and Yuka Kazami.

Reimu's invincibility lies in her specifications, because she is the soul of Gensokyo. As long as she wants to, she can ignore all attacks, all monsters are immune, and no one can hurt her.

The invincibility of Yakumo Purple lies in her gap and realm. Her realm can completely overturn the state of both the enemy and ourselves. Her gap can make all gods disappear, whether it is the enemy or the enemy's attack, as long as her gap is full

If you open it, don't even think about meeting her, avoid her as much as possible.

In the end, Kazami Yuka's invincibility, in game terms, means high health, high defense, high recovery, and fast recovery.

Everyone knows that Kazami Yuka's attacks are sharp, so I won't go into details. Her health and defense can be seen from the fact that she was unscathed in the battle with Yakumo Murasaki. Moreover, as long as she shows

By assuming her strongest stance, she can become one with nature and completely transform into nature, possessing inexhaustible energy. As long as the enemy does not kill her instantly, she can use the power of nature to recover instantly.

And can anyone kill Feng Jian Youxiang instantly?

At least there is absolutely no such thing in Gensokyo, so she is invincible!

Would such a person not be suitable for practicing natural harmony? Lin Luo even had reason to believe that the reason why Feng Jian Youxiang would be so strong in the future was due to natural harmony.

Now that the choice has been made, Youxiang no longer hesitates, pointing to the magic and continuing: "Although this is a low-level magic, I think it is the most suitable for me. After all, my understanding is not good in the first place. Those high-level magics

Esoteric magic is difficult to understand, and even if you learn it, you may not be able to learn it. But this one is different. When you see it, you feel like you are seeing your own friend, as if it was tailor-made for me, so... I will learn this!


Lin Luo nodded: "Your choice is correct. Rather than choosing magic that you don't know is suitable for you and that is difficult to learn, it is far better to learn the magic that suits you. I agree with this."

"Really?!" Upon hearing this, Youxiang, who was originally worried that Lin Luo would underestimate her, suddenly became happy and said excitedly.

"Of course." Lin Luo smiled slightly, "Any magic or spell in this world, when it is created for the first time, must be tailor-made by its owner for himself or for his relatives and friends. The fit is the highest from the beginning, so

Only in this way can we exert powerful power. And our descendants have learned these magics. Some are strong or weak. This is not a question of magic, but a question of compatibility. Therefore... there is no best or worst magic, only suitable and

Unsuitable magic, do you understand?"

After hearing this, the two girls suddenly became enlightened and nodded at the same time, "Yes, Master!"

"Then, the choice has been made, so there is no need to waste any more time. You can start practicing now." After a moment, Lin Luo quickly copied the two magic spells, handed them to them, and said.

The reason why he didn't hand the Book of Roots directly to them was not because he was stingy, but because he didn't want the other magic in it to distract them.

After all, people are always curious, and it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be curious for a while and study other magic.

Even if the possibility is very low, it should be avoided if it can be avoided.

After receiving Lin Luo's magic manuscript, Xiao Zi did not practice immediately. Instead, she looked around and felt that something was missing. After thinking about it for a moment, she quickly realized what was missing and immediately asked, "Master, uncle and the others."

Where are the people? Why haven’t I seen them today?”

"Yes, it seems that he hasn't been here since last night." Hearing her talk, Youxiang also looked puzzled.

The uncles they are talking about naturally refer to the Thirteen Taibao. These monsters are not bad in nature. In addition, they have been taking advantage of the two girls these days to make a good living, so they are also very special to the two girls.

Okay, teach and guide them from time to time.

Youxiang and Xiaozi are grateful for their guidance and treat them like uncles.

Lin Luo replied: "I asked them to go out and do things."

He came to this era because of reverse causation, and the people connected with reverse causation are not only Xiaozi and Youxiang, but also Shenqi. Since he can't leave for the time being, it would be a good idea to send the Thirteen Taibao out to inquire.

One way.

Useful resources should be used rationally.

Shenqi never showed up, so he took the initiative!



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