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1162 This is a think tank you've never seen before!

In the morning, the bright sunshine shone in through the window. Lin Luo, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, and then instinctively reached out to hug the side, but he hugged the air. After a closer look, he found that Gu Ming was no longer there.

, suddenly a little disappointed.

After all, for an energetic man, morning is very meaningful. Isn't there a saying that... The best of the day begins in the morning?

Rubbing his eyes that were not yet fully awake, Lin Luo looked at the wall clock opposite and realized that it was already eight o'clock in the morning. Although he knew it was not good to continue sleeping, he felt something as soon as he moved his body.

I had a sudden backache and couldn't get up.

In the past, no matter how brutal battles or intense sports he experienced, he would not feel any fatigue due to the rules of creation, but this time it was different. In order to make the plan to control the moon world have a higher success rate,

He used 99% of his power in the formation, so that most of his abilities could not be used. Not only did his strength drop to a very terrifying level, but his physical condition also deteriorated a lot.

Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is degradation. After all, he can take back those powers at any time. If I really want to use a metaphor, it should be something like self-sealing.

Therefore, he, who was originally close to a perpetual motion machine, now feels a little tired after a whole night of craziness... Of course, it's just a little tired.

Just as Lin Luo lay in bed for a while, there was a creak, and the door was opened. Then Gu Mingdijue pushed a dining cart and walked in gently from the outside. His small slippers made a slapping sound on the ground.


"You really like wearing slippers. They are made of wood." Lin Luo lay on the bed sideways, looking at Gu Mingdijue's cute posture while walking with slippers, and couldn't help but complain.

"Because it's very quiet in the Earth Spirit Palace. There is no one to talk to except small animals, so I just thought that I could make some noise anytime and anywhere, and then gradually developed a habit." Gu Mingdijue smiled slightly.

"Aren't you getting up yet? It's time to have breakfast. I made this myself."

While she was talking, she had already walked to the bed, squatted down, leaned on the bed with her chin in her hands, and looked at Lin Luo, with a hint of mischief flashing in her eyes.

Lin Luo reached out and touched her smooth and beautiful face, and then hugged her over when Gu Mingjue exclaimed. Without hesitation, he nibbled at her little mouth until he kissed the girl almost to the point of death.

He looked like he was dying before he let go and said with an evil smile: "Compared to breakfast or anything else, what I want to eat more is you."

Gu Ming felt a trace of silver water dripping from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't bother to wipe it away. After hearing Lin Luo's words, he immediately blushed and said shyly: "I did so much last night..."

"Last night was last night. Now is now." Lin Luo pressed his fingers on her soft lips, sliding them back and forth, and then looked at the girl's increasingly blushing face. She couldn't help but feel evil, and even inserted her fingers into her lips.

He put it in her mouth. He plucked the warm lilac tongue and teased while playing with it, "But I also have a little backache now, so I'll just order a light good morning bite, what do you think?"

Gu Mingdijue rolled her eyes at him. Although she was extremely ashamed, she couldn't bear Lin Luo's teasing. After hesitating for a moment, she obediently moved over, lifted the quilt covering Lin Luo, and then knelt down.

Sitting in front of the bed, he lowered his head, took the hard thing between Lin Luo's legs into his mouth, served him gently and carefully, and offered him a breakfast called Good Morning Bites.

Feeling the girl's flexible tongue licking back and forth on his own things, sometimes swallowing and sometimes sucking, Lin Luo felt so comfortable that she couldn't help but close her eyes and enjoy it while stroking the girl's soft hair.

...Seven days have passed since the big melee in the last Holy Grail War, or the night when Lin Luo ate Gu Mingjijue. During this week, the entire Fuyuki City has been quiet... Of course,

This refers to the hidden channel in Fuyuki City.

After being invaded by powerful figures like the Fourth Demon King and the Four Heavenly Kings, any group of people participating in the Holy Grail War felt tremendous pressure. After all, just one miko among the Four Heavenly Kings defeated them all.

, although Cirno, who had completed three stages of transformation, was not defeated and tied with one of the opponents, which made them somewhat relieved, but that was all.

After all, they could never find anyone with Cirno's level of strength, but there were four of them on the other side. Even... above the four heavenly kings, there was a more terrifying fourth demon king!

Due to this huge pressure, they had to put aside their past grudges and join forces. Even the sisters Aoko and Chengzi temporarily put aside their past grievances... They knew very well that in the face of such an enemy, division would lead to defeat, and cooperation would lead to defeat.

Barely still able to possess some fighting power.

Of course, it's not like they haven't thought about quitting the Holy Grail War, but after being teased and despised like this before, if they just run away like this, what's the difference between them and losing their families? Their self-esteem doesn't allow them to do such a shameful thing, and...

Even if they really abandon their self-esteem and run away, the other party may not let them go.

However, the alliance was established, but they had no idea what to do next.

So, in the past few days, they have been thinking about ways to fight against the Four Heavenly Kings. Since they can't win head-on in terms of strength, they can only win by outsmarting them. As for whether there is such a chance, the witch did not kill them.

It seems that to the enemy, they are obviously more useful alive than dead.

Therefore, they still have hope for this weakness that is not considered a weakness.

Although Lin Luo hopes that they will not think about anything, but just start fighting, fight every day, and fight with all their strength. In this way, he will collect mysteries very quickly, but even if he can easily control

Holy Grail War, but cannot control everyone's thoughts and actions.

Moreover, even if he has the ability to do this, he cannot do it, because once they are controlled by his power, their mystery will become impure. All he can do is to guide. He can only dig a hole to let others know.

They jumped in on their own initiative.

Therefore, he could only wait for them to take the initiative to attack.

Of course, it would be a solution if he asked Sanae and others to take the initiative to fight, but without killing people, such an approach would be too much.

After all, the role he plays now is the big devil who wants to conquer the world. And the four heavenly kings also have arrogant personalities. They regard Aosaki and others like ants. How can such characters take the initiative to provoke ants? And it's just that

Defeat without killing, this is not playing tricks.

Although his setting for this boss is originally full of bugs, because the information revealed is too little, those highly intelligent characters will instinctively make up these bugs into doubts or traps. Although they have doubts in their hearts, they

Don't take it as a joke either.

It is not unreasonable for people to naturally have high IQs.

But if he handles it too trivially in the subsequent actions, it won't work. Therefore, now that the Alliance Army has not taken action, he cannot take action easily.

However, waiting like this is not an option after all.

This week, due to the inaction of the Alliance Army, Lin Luo has become very idle. During the day, he either transforms into a young shota to communicate with Aoko, or stays at Tohsaka House, teasing his two daughters, or

I just stay in the hotel, tease Sanae and Usagi, and occasionally go shopping on the street. As for night, I either have sex with Tohsaka Rin, or I do things with Komei Chikaku.

Although he lived a comfortable and comfortable life, his plan made no progress at all.

Lin Luo knew that this was not going to work. No matter how much time he had, facing such a huge project, he had to delay it as much as possible, and he might not have that much time, so in the past few days, he was also thinking about finding

Countermeasures to break this dilemma.

"Can't you induce it a little more?" After the morning bite, Gu Mingdijue sat next to Lin Luo, looking at him with a pair of bright eyes on his slightly red cheeks, and said, "If more people are lured to Fuyuki

When the city comes, the scene will become even more chaotic. By then, even if there is no demon king, so many people will gather in such a small city, and conflicts and fights will easily break out."

Lin Luo sat on the sofa, eating the breakfast made by Gu Mingdijue, frowning and said: "This is indeed a way, but I can't leave Fuyuki City now. It's impossible to do any inducement. The only option is to wait and see.

There’s a solution.”

Of course, he also understands the opinions of Komei Jijaku. If nothing else, just take the Aozaki sisters and Tono Akiha. Without his deliberate actions, no matter how the Holy Grail War changes, he wants them to go to Fuyuki.

The possibility of the market is almost zero.

It is precisely because of his advance arrangements that these people gathered in Fuyuki City.

As for the other twenty-seven ancestors, dead disciples, churches, and even existences like uo that he needed, although he also let out a little bit of news in advance to let the existence of Fuyuki City enter the sight of those guys, the most powerful ones like the twenty-seven ancestors

There are strong-level existences, which one is not a cunning, far-sighted existence... From the fact that they still haven't appeared, it can be seen that the current Fuyuki City is not attractive enough to them.

This can be regarded as a mistake of Lin Luo. He was not fully prepared, but he had no choice, because as soon as he came to this world, the Holy Grail War had already started, and there was no time to prepare anything. How could Aozaki Aoko and the others be defeated?

It's already a big achievement to deceive someone.

But at this moment, because the formation was already in operation, he had to sit in Fuyuki City and not leave for a moment until it was completely completed. Even if he had any ideas, he could no longer do it.

Of course, if Gu Ming feels that they can take action, but even if they use force to rob, how many can be captured? And if they do this, anyone who is not an idiot will have doubts, which will be detrimental to his plan.

Talking does no good.

The most perfect way is to spread a message that can attract the Twenty-Seven Ancestors and the Church, so that they will willingly jump into this pit.

But this kind of thing is not his strong point. Although there are some people with high IQs around him who are good at playing tricks, such as Yayi Yonglin, but even if they can find a way, he lacks the ability to help spread the news.

Man... Generally speaking, he still lacks a helper, a "huge" helper!

"However, we are not without helpers." Gu Mingdijue suddenly smiled mysteriously, "Didn't you find someone to do similar things in the beginning?"

"Uh!" Lin Luo was stunned when he heard this.

Indeed, not long after he came to Xingyue World, he asked Arthur to help him find someone. The reason why he was able to attract Aozaki Aoko, and the reason why he was able to save Asakami Fujino at the critical moment was all because of Arthur.

The information provided... What he said at the time was to search for people all over the world. Although until now, the traces of Black and White Ji and the others have not been found, but from the fact that Arthur agreed without hesitation, it can be imagined that,

How huge Arthur's information network is.

After all, with Arthur's character and IQ, if there's something he can't do, he probably won't accept it so readily.

There is no doubt that if it is Arthur, he is definitely worthy of this helper.

The reason why Lin Luo didn't think of him was because he already knew the truth and didn't want to face it for the time being, so he dismissed it unconsciously. But now after Gu Mingjijue's reminder, he finally understood it.

"Well...it seems that the only thing I can do is ask him for help." Lin Luo thought for a moment and said immediately.

Although he still doesn't know how to face that family, he can't slack off on business no matter what. So, he immediately dialed Arthur's phone.

"Ah, Brother Lin!" Arthur's phone was obviously turned on 24 hours a day. Unlike Lin Luo, who was turned off most of the time, it was connected within three seconds after he pulled it out.

"Well, it's me." Listening to Arthur's somewhat excited voice, Lin Luo smiled slightly.

"Well...Brother Lin, my sister is already here. There is something she wants to discuss with you. She just knows that you are busy right now, so she didn't mention it. If you are free, can you come over?"

Was it such an awkward topic in the first place?

Lin Luo sweated and said, "I'm quite busy here now. Let's wait until I resolve the matter first."

"Oh, that's fine." Arthur's tone was obviously disappointed.

Although Lin Luo knew what he was disappointed in, he didn't want to say anything. Instead, he said: "By the way, how is the thing I asked you to do last time going?"

"It's a little troublesome... Although I have put out enough spying, some people cannot be discovered by science alone, such as the black and white princess you mentioned, because I have not used power beyond the convention of this world.

So I haven’t been able to find it until now…”

"Well, it doesn't matter. The place where they live is a little different from ordinary people. It's normal that they can't be found. But now I want you to help me do another thing."

"What's up?"

"Twenty-seven Ancestors, Dead Apostles, Uo, Magic Association, Church Executors, all kinds of superpowers, all kinds of strange people... lure all these guys to Fuyuki City, the more the better."

"Huh?" Arthur obviously didn't understand, "Why is that?"

"You will know later, how, can you do it?"

"...Can we use strong measures?" Arthur hesitated for a moment and asked.

"This...I'm afraid it won't work."

"Well, that's a bit troublesome, but since it's my brother's order, I will try my best to do it."

"Then I look forward to good news from you... By the way, do you need me to send a few wise men to help you?"

"Wise man?" Arthur seemed stunned for a moment, and then said confidently, "There is no need for that kind of thing. I have an exclusive think tank. Brother Lin, don't worry, I guarantee to solve the task perfectly!"

Exclusive think tank? So arrogant!

Although he was a little surprised, Lin Luo gave up after hearing his confident tone... Even if Arthur's IQ is not good, he should just trust his think tank.

After making his sworn promise, Arthur immediately summoned his think tank... It was a room full of young people, more than twenty in total, including men and women, and even a few eleven or twelve-year-olds.

Little Lolita and Little Shota, they stand, sit, lie down or eat.

After Arthur explained the matter, one of the young men who was eating a big bowl of ramen said: "How about using food? There is a saying that people die for money and birds die for food."

Before Arthur could speak, a little blond lolita who was reading a book glared at him, "Twenty-seven Ancestors and Uo are neither birds nor humans... idiots!"

"Then use the beauty trick." A handsome young man stood up suddenly, tore open his clothes, revealing his well-defined chest muscles, and said with a coquettish look on his face.

It was the same little blond loli who complained: "Gay!"

Arthur decisively ignored their words.

After a while, a girl who was playing with the computer looked up and said: "I recently developed a new type of satellite, you can give it a try."

Arthur shook his head and said, "Technology won't work."

The girl was immediately shocked, "This is not scientific! I want to focus on science for a hundred years!"

The blonde girl continued to complain, "Science is dead."

Next to him, a fat man wearing glasses took out two figures, shook them, and said confidently: "If you use two-dimensional girls to attract them, you will definitely be able to catch them."

The blond little loli said with disdain: "Don't talk to me as a bastard."

"Actually, I think..." A beautiful girl spoke, but only halfway through her words, a young man lying in the corner suddenly jumped up, holding a cobra in his hand, and exclaimed loudly, "Fuck..."

Damn it! Who put a snake in my quilt? No wonder my balls have been hurting lately!"

The little blond loli frowned and said in confusion, "It's strange, what I released was obviously a mouse..."

Seeing their appearance, Arthur burst into tears and looked at the little loli pleadingly, "We are discussing serious matters, little sister, please stop making trouble!"

At this time, the young man eating ramen put down the empty bowl, then tapped it with chopsticks and said to the little loli: "Come to my bowl quickly."

Yes, this is Arthur's think tank. If Lin Luo is lucky enough to see this scene, he will probably vomit three liters of blood.

{PiaoTian Literature www.PiaoTian.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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