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262 The Great Destruction Adventure of the Castle in the Sky

262 The Honkai Adventure of Castle in the Sky

The ten minutes and thirty-six seconds after waking up every morning are indispensable silly time in my life... by Tohsaka Rin.

"In other words, these guys are all mechanical maids made by you." After being dazed for a few minutes, Lin finally woke up completely. She sat on a chair and ate the breakfast prepared by the maids while asking Lin Luo


Generally speaking, humans are unsightly when eating, but this argument obviously cannot be applied to beautiful women. Not to mention Rin's character issue, at least she still looks like a lady when dining.

, chew carefully and slowly, it is very enjoyable to watch... Oh, please ignore the episode of devouring it.

While Luo was enjoying the delicious food in his mouth, he was admiring the beautiful scenery of the beautiful woman enjoying the food. He felt that using this "scenery" as an ingredient was really unique, especially during such a comfortable time.

Rin didn't know that she had somehow become the seasoning for Lin Luo's meal. After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and ate the sandwich placed in front of her. The breakfast was very rich and delicious, and it suited her taste.

Well, the maids are not fake after all.

This was the first time Lin heard about the mechanical maid. Of course, not only her, but everyone else except Lin Luo didn't know. After all, when Lin Luo was making the mechanical maid yesterday, these girls were immersed in their own

In the dream paradise.

The moment she just knew it, Lin almost had a huge earthquake with the body of a tiger... uh no, it was a huge earthquake with the body of a phoenix. Suddenly, hundreds of young and beautiful beauties appeared. Alexander, after listening to Lin

After Luo's explanation, she finally felt relieved. The mechanical maid is just a mechanical maid.

Looking at the three maids sitting opposite her who were eating breakfast with gusto, Rin suddenly felt suspicious again. Aren't they mechanical maids? Why can they still eat?

As soon as he saw Lin Luo's expression, he knew what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "They all have automatic digestive systems in their bodies. Although they are mechanical maids, except for the composition and material of their bodies, they are basically the same as normal ones."

Humans are pretty much the same.”

"Oh, that's it..." Rin reached out and shook the coffee in the cup slightly with a spoon. His eyes glanced back and forth at the maids, then he tilted his head with a thoughtful expression, "Then will they have children?"

This is really not surprising. It seems that Tohsaka Rin's stupid time will continue.


Lin Luo squirted when he heard this. The drink he had just poured into his mouth almost choked him to death. The movements of Yan Ye and the other three maids also suddenly froze, looking at Lin in disbelief.

"What are you doing? I'm just asking casually." Facing the looks of the four people looking at them like idiots, Lin suddenly blushed slightly, hunched over and said to Lin Luo slightly unhappy, "You have already said that they and

It’s the same as ordinary humans, so...of course there are some things that you need to ask clearly about.”

Luo sighed helplessly and spread his hands, "I'm sorry, I can't make something as sophisticated as the pregnancy system."

"Woo...are you deliberately mocking me?" Lin felt greatly embarrassed and immediately put on a make-up look, glaring at Lin Luo fiercely like a tigress, but she had no chance to unleash her female power.

"Wow, it's so lively. What's going on?" At this time, other girls also walked out of the elevator one after another, including Mikoto. They were shocked when they saw the maids in the room. Even Kuroiwa

Sagittarius, a naturally stupid person, had a surprised expression on his face.

"When did you change your career to be a human trafficker?" Yiwen Jielin interrogated Lin Luo mercilessly, with a poisonous tongue level +1 and an evil level +2.

"What are you talking about? Do you think there is any place in this world where I can kidnap so many people?" Lin Luo rolled her eyes. This ten thousand year old loli sometimes speaks without thinking.

"Good morning ladies, we are mechanical maids made by the master." Lin Luo did not need to explain, all the maids bowed slightly to Yiwen Jielin and others.

"Mechanical maids?" The girls were stunned. After looking at these maids carefully for a while, they finally discovered that they were all robots. Although the King of the World's manufacturing ability is extremely lifelike, if it looks like they are completely real people from the outside,

But Yiwen Jielin and the others are not ordinary people after all, so they can still see the difference.

When he saw the suspicious eyes of the girls looking at him, Lin Luo couldn't help but explain. Then everyone understood, but the mercury lamp was a little unhappy, "Father, do you have any dissatisfaction with me?


Mercury Deng was abandoned by Luo Zhen once before, and now he seems to be suffering from severe depression, worrying about gains and losses.

"The mercury lamp is very good, how could I be dissatisfied?" Lin Luo said softly, mopping her head, then stood up and carried her to the seat next to him and let her sit down. The girl then started to smile happily.

"Okay, let's talk about it later. Everyone is playing... Well, we have been busy for a day, so we should all be hungry. Let's have breakfast first." Lin Luo greeted the girls, but when her eyes fell on Mikoto

When he was wearing it, the latter quickly turned away with a blush, as if he had not yet adjusted from what happened yesterday.

Lin Luo scratched his head but didn't say anything. With so many people there now, it was inconvenient to whisper.

Although the three head maids, Yanye, occasionally behaved in front of Lin Luo, they behaved like maids when facing Yiwen Jielin and others. They were busy serving tea, pouring water, and setting up stools.


Almost all of these twelve girls are noble ladies, and some are even princesses and emperors. There is nothing wrong with being submissive like this. Only Mikoto and Kuroiwa seem to be somewhat uncomfortable.

The table where they ate was made very large by Lin Luo and could seat dozens of people. However, the only people sitting on this table now were Lin Luo, Mikoto, and the three maids, Yan Ye, a total of sixteen people.

"Speaking of which, how did you come up with the idea of ​​making so many maids?" Shokuhou Misaki asked as soon as she sat down.

Nonsense, how can I take care of such a big sky city without a maid? And without a maid, what will I eat? Do I eat your murderous food every day?... Of course, Lin Luo could only say this in her heart.

Said, otherwise he would most likely have to be splashed with blood for five steps.

"With a maid uniform, wouldn't you be able to relax a little bit?"

"Well, that's true. At least things like washing and cooking can be saved." Shokuhou nodded immediately.

...That's really thankful to God. Hello, Killing Cuisine, and goodbye, Killing Cuisine.

"Speaking of which, this divine battle is over, and I have received the rewards, so I seem to be a little free." Mugino held his cheeks and said while eating.

Lin Luo retorted: "How can you be free? The twelfth floor is a large entertainment venue. If you want to watch movies, play games and so on, you can find everything. The eleventh floor is a palace. Those who are looking for excitement can also go there. There are also There are many others, but I have made Sky City very interesting."

"Those things you mentioned are only done when you are bored." Mugino seemed a bit lazy.

"By the way, have you decided where to go in the next world?" Lin suddenly asked again before Lin Luo could refute again.

"..." Lin Luo felt that it was really difficult for him to tell the twelve of them twelve mouths, and he was not the thirteenth person in one night.

"Well, I've thought about it." Lin Luo has already made a decision about this matter before. The only world planes he can go to are the girls who signed the heart contract with him, not the forbidden plane and the moon plane. Said that even if he is level 3, he cannot enter again, so there are only two worlds he can go to now...the plane of the weapon race and the plane of the rose girl.

To be honest, Lin Luo is looking forward to the Rose Girl's plane. Although it is a peaceful everyday world on the surface, there is an extremely mysterious power hidden in the secret. In terms of mystery and world level, it is almost the same as the Xingyue World. It is comparable. After all, it can make the doll have its own consciousness and soul, and even powerful power. It can be said that it has completely surpassed the third method of the Xingyue World - the Cup of Heaven.

Moreover, what he saw about Luo Zhen when he was fusing the heart of the world for the mercury lamp also made him have a lot of doubts. This doubt would be really heart-breaking if it was not solved.

If what Luo Zhen saw at that time was really him, it would be equivalent to him seeing himself in the future in the past. Lin Luo has never been exposed to this kind of power, which shows that Luo Zhen's strength is unfathomable. But it is precisely because of this , so Lin Luo doesn’t decide to go to the Rose Girl’s plane now.

Not to mention Luo Zhen, there is no doubt about his power. With his current strength, he is probably invincible. If Luo Zhen is accidentally lured out and becomes his enemy, it will be troublesome... Although This chance is very small, but Lin Luo has to be on guard. After all, being involved in the divine war means that anything can happen.

Moreover, there is a rabbit who likes to play with the fate of others, and together with other alchemists who aim to make perfect dolls, that world is quite dangerous to be honest.

Although the weapon race is a plane with frequent battles, the level of that world is much lower than that of Xingyue and Magic Forbidden. Apart from the weapon race, there is no power that people can particularly care about... Moreover, even if It is a weapon race, and the Seven-Glory Treasure Tree is also the highest level. If you go to that world, as long as nothing unexpected happens, it is almost equivalent to traveling.

So regardless of the level of the world or the first-come-first-served basis, Lin Luo felt that it would be better to go to the world of weapon races as the next stop. Lei was looking forward to Adilu Garden so much, and at least she had to fulfill her wish first, plus the battle of gods. The first stage is over, and it’s good to feel relieved in a different world.

"Lei, I will take you to Aidilu Garden next time." Looking at Lei's expectant eyes, Lin Luo smiled.

"Really?" Lei suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Of course." Lin Luo nodded, "But before I go there, I need to tidy up this place first, so it will take a while before I can go there, okay?"

Nodding heavily, although she wanted to go to Edilu Garden as soon as possible, she also knew that if this was not done well, Lin Luo would not feel at ease going there, and she had been waiting for five hundred years, so she was not in a hurry for this moment.

Breakfast ended after ten minutes. In the next period of time, Lin Luo took many girls and three maids to have fun in the Sky City. The girls in the Sky City were still very interested.

After Lin Luo's transformation yesterday, the City in the Sky had a completely new look compared to yesterday. Everyone spent half a day touring the main hall on the 13th floor... Of course, it was said to be the 13th floor, but in fact it was only the 10th floor.

, the first floor is the lobby, the second floor is the accommodation area, and the thirteenth floor is the dream paradise. These three floors obviously cannot be counted.

It is worth mentioning that on the twelfth floor, Mikoto, a half-nerd, and Yiwen Jielin, a pseudo-nerd, actually played electronic games. Although in terms of combat ability, Mikoto was lower than Yiwen, but in terms of playing

However, the two electricians played in unison.

After all, Yiwen Jielin has also stayed at Mafanliang Academy for sixteen years, and her level is achieved by practicing with real swords and guns. Even if Mikoto uses super powers to assist, it is still very difficult to win against this purely technical opponent.


However, after such a fuss, Mikoto relaxed a lot, no longer as shy as before, and became the domineering lady Pao Jie again.

On the eleventh level of the mi mist illusion, except for Lin Luo who used his gm ability to sneak out, everyone else was trapped in the mi palace for an hour, which made them quite annoyed. What's more,

The palace was full of strange and strange things, which made them miserable. It was not until Lin Luo picked them up an hour later that they were freed from the sea of ​​misery.

Of course, because of Lin Luo's cheating, he would inevitably be beaten up by the girls afterwards.

What's even more interesting is that when playing in the underwater world, the Queen was almost molested by a giant octopus due to lack of physical strength... These data projection creatures created by Lin Luo do not carry electric current, so her ability is naturally

It didn't work. If he hadn't acted quickly, the Queen would have been touched.

In the natural home, everyone was chased by a group of dinosaurs... The reason for this was because everyone's abilities were sealed in that place. Lin Luo called it the experience of reality. In the end, the four ER

He and three maids were swallowed by the huge Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although all creatures are data projections, even if they are swallowed, there will be no problem, but the feeling of "watching oneself being eaten" is still quite uncomfortable. Four big eaters actually got sick a few days after that.


In addition, in the vast starry sky, everyone experienced an infinite free fall.

The vast starry sky, Lin Luo also called it the infinite sky, because as soon as a person steps into it, he will fall quickly. He can clearly see that he in the starry sky is impacting towards the planet, but he will never

There will be real collisions, which is quite exciting. At least it is much more interesting than sports like bungee jumping.

However, the girls didn't know this, and it almost scared them half to death when they first experienced it... In fact, Lin Luo wanted to scare them on purpose. It feels good to be so creepy occasionally.

"I've had enough. Isn't there a normal place?" A few hours later, when everyone returned to the lobby on the first floor, Rin couldn't help but fussed. Her words expressed the thoughts of the other girls.


"There are normal places outside." Lin Luo pointed to the atrium outside the hall.

"If you do the same thing again, I will cut you into pieces." Rin issued a stern warning and threat, snorted coldly, shook his head and walked out of the palace.

Then everyone walked outside the palace together. What surprised them was that a circle was formed with the Sky City as the center, and twelve huge floating cities were added around it.

"Where are those places?" Mikoto asked curiously.

Lin Luo explained: "It was an ancient city that I created based on the ruins I had seen online before. Of course it has no historical value and is purely for ornamental purposes."

"But how to get up to those places?" Lily asked with a frown. Each floating city is at least dozens of miles away from the Sky City. Except for a few who can fly, there is no way for others to get up.

Lin Luo smiled slightly and said, "Ye Yanye, let's demonstrate."

"Yes, Master." Yanye responded respectfully, and walked to the corner of the atrium facing one of the floating cities. It was a gray cylinder about one meter in diameter. The color was thicker than the ground next to it. Just before her

Less than three seconds after standing up, there was a sudden beep and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

"Huh?" The girls were immediately surprised.

"This is dimensional teleportation." Lin Luo explained with a smile, "The gray round letter is a teleportation array. When people stand on it, they will be teleported to the corresponding floating city. Of course, the same teleportation is also available in the floating city.


"So that's it..." Mikoto suddenly realized, "Does every floating city have such a teleportation array?"

Lin Luo smiled and shook his head, "Of course not. There are only nine teleportation arrays, and the other three do not have such devices."

"Why?" Mikoto asked in confusion.

"Of course it will increase the sense of mystery." Lin Luo raised his head and said with a proud look on his face.

"Ah, it feels so good after a good sleep." Just when Lin Luo and the others were playing, in a very remote place, the ground suddenly cracked, and a charming and radiant woman emerged from the ground, stretching.

, various styles.

"The strength has finally returned to its peak." Not far away, a rock suddenly turned into a human form and said, but suddenly his expression changed, "Oops, we overslept, the war of gods is over, someone got it

this world.”

The woman frowned slightly when she heard this, but then she sneered, "What does it matter? With the strength of the two of us, we can kill even the king of the world. Hmm, just let him be happy for a while."

"Yes, hahahaha, I'm afraid he never expected that enemies would appear at this time. He was caught off guard." The man suddenly laughed proudly.

This chapter has been completed!
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