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041 Only cute loli can create the future!

041 Only cute lolita can create the future!

On the quiet and dark street, two figures were running quickly, crossing the zebra crossing, ignoring the convenience stores that were still lit, entering the alley near the department store, and then heading into the alley, passing by an unknown student dormitory.

, keep running forward, running, running...

Finally, we stopped in front of a row of huge buildings.

"Is this... the research institute you mentioned? It's really big enough." He raised his head and looked at the row of buildings in front of him. For some reason, Lin Luo felt a very depressed feeling in his heart, and his breathing seemed to change.

It's a little more difficult.

It's not because there is anything terrifying in this building, nor is there any irresistible force suppressing him, it's just a kind of pure psychological pressure, just because the building in front of him is the starting point of everything.

The railgun mass production plan, the absolute ability user evolution experiment... everything starts from here. This is the birthplace of 20,000 Misaka sisters!

"Yes, everything starts from here." Bu Shu stood beside him and said calmly, her face still had that indifferent expression, "What are you going to do? I don't think that woman will be obedient.

to cooperate with us.”

"Well, let's talk about this later." Lin Luo exhaled a few heavy breaths, as if to squeeze out the depressed feeling, and then said later, "Having said that, it should be okay for us to go in like this, right?"

"Don't worry at all. My ID is semi-permanent, even though I haven't been here for a long time..."

As she said that, Bu Shu walked over first. Lin Luo didn't hear what she said clearly, but Lin Luo could understand her confidence.

Whether it is in the railgun mass production plan or in the absolute ability user experiment, Busu's status is very high, because she was responsible for the development of the learning device used to "brainwash" the sisters.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Luo has great expectations for her statement that the emotional data in the final work can help her sisters develop self-awareness. After all, she is an expert in this field, and her words are authoritative, and her actions can

I am a guest star as the lv6 prophecy emperor. Well, to put it bluntly, there is really nothing I can do to make the sisters develop self-awareness except fighting Accelerator in close combat!

As for Accelerator, Lin Luo is still a little scared. If he were to face Accelerator now, he would definitely be defeated in seconds. Although he has decided to bet everything on himself, it would be stupid to die blindly. If

It is still feasible to stop the experiment through this gentle method at this stage.

As long as the sisters resist the experiment, the Hanged Man will probably have an excuse to stop the council's experiment. After all, he hopes that the sisters will pave the way for his artificial heaven... Although Lin Luo also needs to stop this,

No matter what kind of ability you can do, for now, it’s not the time to confront the Hanged Man!

Walking forward, Lin Luo found that this research institute was really huge. Although it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, under the bright light, it didn't look much different from the daytime... There were three like-looking buildings lined up in front of him.

A huge building like a rental warehouse. Inside the building is a large pile of metal platforms. Countless cylindrical capsules are tightly arranged on the platform, stacked up to the height of the ceiling. It looks like a bookshelf filled with books in a library.

According to Bu Shu, these are the training facilities for sisters. The 20,000 sisters used in the experiment were all cultivated here.

Next to this, there is a two-story square reinforced concrete building. It is much smaller than the three training facilities, but what surprised Lin Luo is that it is the core of the entire research institution.

The experiment is still in progress. It is impossible for such a large research institute to be without patrols. As soon as they saw the two approaching, someone immediately came to question or drive them away... I have to say that Bu Shu is really...

Quite authoritative, just after announcing his name, the patrol officer's expression immediately changed, and he even treated Lin Luo respectfully.

Of course, there is nothing surprising about this. Academy City is full of elites, and the most indispensable thing here is genius. And even in such an environment, Busu is still called a genius girl, and even Avi Amai personally invited her

Participating in the experiment shows her excellence...compared with some self-righteous masters and beasts, they are completely different dimensions of existence.

The two of them stopped in front of the small research institute. After scanning the camera at the door, their identities were confirmed, and the door opened automatically... Tsk, it's really high-tech. Lin Luo muttered to himself while following the instructions.

Went in.

As soon as he entered, Lin Luo felt a huge sense of dissonance. The appearance inside was more like a computer calculation room than a research institute. The machines lined up on the surrounding walls were just old machines no matter how you looked at them.

The garbage experimental machines of the era, well, in common parlance, they are just second-hand computers. It is really unimaginable that they can be related to such a high-level experiment as "the evolution of absolute ability users".

Several researchers in white robes were concentrating on their work and were not aware of the arrival of the two for a moment... If they were not doing this murder experiment, Lin Luo might have a little respect for them.

But now there is only disgust and sneer in his heart!

...The person riding the white horse may not be Tang Monk, and the person wearing white robe may not be an angel or a devil!

Lin Luo glanced at the people around him, and finally focused on one of the women.

She looked about twenty-five or six years old, with no makeup on her face. The clothes she was wearing had long been faded and wrinkled. Only the white robe she wore was still as white and bright as new. The woman was sitting on a chair.

He was holding a few pieces of information paper in his hand, and he kept making marks on them with a red pen. He didn't know what he was doing.

Yoshikawa Platycodon.

An outstanding researcher specializing in genetics in Academy City, she is responsible for managing the experimental participants in the evolution of absolute abilities. In this experiment, she is mainly responsible for the physical adjustment of the sisters, and her status is second only to Amai Avi, who is responsible for the entire experiment!

She is Lin Luo's target this time!

If you want your sisters to have self-awareness, you must first enter the emotional data of the last work into the sisters. This step must be approved by the last work. As far as Lin Luo knows, if you want to find the last work, you must start from Chuan Fang.

Platycodon is undoubtedly the fastest way to start here.

"Huh? Bu Shu! How did you get here?" Yoshikawa Kikyo accidentally raised his head and saw the two of them. A hint of curiosity suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he stood up from his seat.

As soon as her words came out, several other researchers were startled. They raised their heads and glanced here, but soon they all lowered their heads to do their own things. After all, they didn't know Bu Shu, but they were in Lin.

Luo asked them to look at it a few more times.

"Something's wrong." Bu Shu replied indifferently, and then focused on the information in the other person's hand. "It's very important information. I'm still working on it so late."

"It's nothing, just some necessary research." Yoshikawa Kikyo smiled, then threw the information on the table and squinted, "Speaking of which, I have always disliked you coming to this place. It's for some reason.

You will come here at this time, and...is this young man your junior?"

Hearing the other party mentioning himself, Lin Luo said quickly: "My name is Lin Luo. I am Miss Bu Shu's assistant. Please give me your advice."

"Oh, Bu Shu's assistant seems to be a talented boy as well."

A few people exchanged polite words, and after a while, Bu Shu said: "Jikyong, I'll be honest about the purpose of coming here. I hope to see the last work."

"The Last Work!" Yoshikawa Kikyo looked at Busu in surprise, "When did you know about the existence of the Last Work?"

"It's today at S Processing Agency." Bu Shu didn't hide anything and said directly, "I accidentally got the information about the final work when I helped those guys transfer data. It surprised me, so I wanted to study it.

She should be at your place...why, can't it be done?"

"No, it's not impossible. The existence of the last work is not a secret anyway..." Yoshikawa Kikyo hesitated for a while and said, "Okay, if it's you, it shouldn't be a problem. You want to go alone.

Do you want to see her or let me accompany you?"

"Let's get together."

"Okay, come with me." Hearing what Bu Shu said, Yoshikawa Kikyo immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She naturally knew about the continuous attacks on the research institute participating in the experiment during this period. Originally, when the other party mentioned it at the end

At the time of writing, I thought she was related to this matter, but now it seems that I was overly worried. If she really planned to do something, she would definitely do it behind her back. It was probably just for research.

Under the guidance of Yoshikawa Kikyo, the two walked out of the laboratory and entered the sisters' training facility in the middle. Then they continued to walk through several rooms, and finally opened a closed metal door...

When he saw the situation inside the door, Lin Luo's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously showed a hint of surprise.

In the center of the room, in a glass cylindrical incubator, a petite girl of about ten years old was floating naked inside with her eyes closed, and dozens of test tubes were inserted into her body...

...The final work!

This chapter has been completed!
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