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928 Our bondage engulfs this sky

"Invite! The Rage Team!"

As soon as Hei Yan said these words, a violent shock surged out from her side, knocking the pursuing Mo Mo away. Mo Mo was surprised, and then she saw Hei Yan as the center, suddenly in the four directions of her southeast, northwest and northwest.

Four black holes with a diameter of more than two meters appeared, and four figures slowly emerged from the black holes.

Located to the east is a girl with black hair and green eyes, pale skin, wearing a black tights and kù. She has a pair of tailbone-like horns on her head, holding a dark death scythe, and two huge black sès are suspended next to her.

The skull exudes a terrifying green light, which is intimidating.

Holy shit! Isn’t that the Lord of Death?!

The moment Lin Luo saw her, he almost stared out of his eyes, because the demon-like girl was none other than the person who lived with Heiyan in the pure white world. She was also Heiyan's mortal enemy and the ruler of the doomsday world.

Lin Luo expressed shock that this guy would actually become the guardian seal of Black Rock!

What about the others?

Lin Luo looked again, and what came out of the black hole in the south was a girl with short white hair, wearing a black hood that covered her chest, and her hands were equipped with two huge steel wrists, which seemed to match her figure.

It is extremely inconsistent, and there is a metal spine-like tail on her back, shaking slightly... Lin Luo also knows this person, he is also a resident of the pure white world, and his name is Power!

In addition, to the west is a woman with horns on her head, with long half-black and half-red hair, white skin and red eyes, a red flame burning in her right eye, and even the devil horns on her head are red, and she

Her hands are made of two pairs of bone claws, her clothes are exactly the same as those of Kuroiwa, and her right hand holds a large sword with toothed teeth that is almost as long as her height... Of course, this guy is also the monster of the pure white world, the black gold sword!

Finally, a yellow-haired girl walked out of the black hole in the north. She wore a thorn ring on her head, her limbs were wrapped in cold iron armor, and her feet were made of two wheels. But the most impressive thing was that

The cold gaze that seems to be able to see through people's hearts is like a being without emotions... This guy also comes from the pure white world of the Warring Fairy!

Although Lin Luo could guess from the name that Heiyan's guardian seal would definitely not be just one person, but a group, but he never expected that Heiyan would actually summon these guys. Although he did not deny that they

There is indeed a connection between them, but their relationship seems to be not friendly?

Moreover, this is not a berserk team, it is clearly a monster army!

Lin Luo felt a huge violation

Setsuna and Konoka had probably never seen Kuroiwa's guardian seal before, so they were shocked when they suddenly saw so many strange-looking guys.

"Wow, there are so many. It's so scary." Kunoxiang covered her mouth and exclaimed. However, although she said scary in her mouth, there was no fear in her eyes. Instead, she seemed to be very interested.

"Miss, don't be careless, these guys are very strong!" Setsuna knew that Konoka was born with no sense of nervousness, so she couldn't help but remind her that in her opinion, any of these four people were at the same level as herself.

Although this was just a sparring exercise and their lives would not be in danger due to their strength, both sides were fighting with all their strength. Just in case, Setsuna instinctively returned to Konoka and guarded her.

"Hehe" Just as Setsuna returned to defense, the Lord of Death suddenly let out an evil laugh and rushed over in an instant. Green light emitted from the two skulls disturbed Setsuna's sight. The dark death sickle slashed straight towards Setsuna's neck, as if

to put him to death

The god immediately tensed up, ignoring the interference of the green light, and slashed out a sword at the fastest speed. Only a clang sound was heard, the sword collided with the sickle, and fierce fire burst out.

At the same time, the black-gold hand shot quickly from the other side, and the toothed knife struck Setsuna head-on.

In an instant, he resisted the death master's slashing attack, but he couldn't free his hands. In desperation, he had to put his feet together and narrowly withstood the attack of the black gold claw hand.

But this was a battle in which the majority bullied the minority. At this moment, "Power" rushed in front of Setsuna like lightning, and its wrist made of steel hit Setsuna hard on the stomach!

As the name suggests, "strength" has no other advantages, but that strange power, which is unmatched among the residents of the pure white world. Even if the other people combined are probably not as good as her, with just one blow,

She almost fainted in an instant, her face turned pale for a moment, and even Minoxiang who was not far behind her was knocked away by this strange force.

She is simply a weird girlì


But the attack of the Fury Team did not end there. When the three of them succeeded in one blow, the wheels under the Warwheel Goblin's feet were rolling. Flames burst out from the friction with the air, and they hit Setsuna from top to bottom.

"Woo!" With one against four, and they were all opponents of the same level as her, if Setsuna could beat her, that would be called a ghost.

At this time, facing the attack of the War Wheel Fairy, let alone resisting, she even had no way to avoid it.

"Ah, I won't agree to bully Xiaosha like this! Seeing that Setsuna was unable to recover under the joint attack of the four people, Konoka became a little anxious. With a wave of her hand, Dongfeng Hinoki and Nanfeng Suehiro flew out immediately.

Four huge water columns rolled up from the sea, instantly forming a 100-meter-long water dragon and sweeping towards the violent team.

"I won't let you succeed." Heiyan rushed towards her quickly. She was very aware of Kunoxiang's laid-back personality. She knew that Kunoxiang would not use her full strength unless it was absolutely necessary. Since she wanted to fight with all her strength, she had to use some strength.

Extraordinary means, now is the best opportunity

"Haha, although earth can conquer water, this is the sea. It saved me a lot of effort. It's not sure who can conquer whom.

"Kunoxiang, however, was completely unafraid. She still looked as if she had no sense of nervousness. She waved her bare hand again, "The Chant of the Water God!"

In an instant, a water giant more than 100 meters high appeared on the sea surface. Not only did it neutralize Black Rock's attack, but its palm that covered the sky even hit Black Rock fiercely.

"The earth is everywhere." Black Rock seemed not to be seen. He flicked forward with his fingers, and a breath of earth surged out from the sea. Before the water god's attack fell, the entire water giant had been petrified by her.

"Oh! It's so powerful. You really have some restraint." Surprise flashed across Kunoxiang's face. The next moment, unparalleled magic power surged out of her body and was all input into the petrified water giant. In just an instant,

The rocks on the surface were already shattered, and the water giant's palm fell down. Black Rock was caught off guard and was blown away.

It is common sense for earth to overcome water, but if the power of the two is too close to each other, there will be no restraint. As for the concentration of power, Munoxiang, who has infinite magic power, is obviously above the black rock.

On the other side, the four water dragons also showed powerful power. Before the attack of the Warring Fairy could land on Setsuna, one of the water dragons had already bitten her hard and she fell into the sea.

The other three people saw that the opportunity was not good and immediately retreated, narrowly escaping the bombardment of the water dragon.

At the same time, a hose wrapped around Setsuna's waist and brought her back to Minoka

With only one person, he defeated Black Rock and forced back the berserker team. He rescued Setsuna from their joint attack. At this moment, Konoka's tyrannical strength was finally revealed. Lin Luo was also surprised to see it.

Konoka's frontal combat effectiveness is not very good? Who said this! Stand up!

...Okay, just ignore that sentence and pretend you haven’t seen it.

"It's great that you're okay, Xiaozai" Konoka chuckled.

"Miss" Setsuna was a little surprised by this. She thought she would be defeated, but she didn't expect to be saved by Konoka. Even she didn't know that Konoka was so powerful.

But although she was surprised, she had no time to worry about it, because the Fury Sentai and Black Rock had already flown in from a distance. Although they were repelled by Konoka, they were obviously unscathed.

"Oh, it looks like we are in trouble." Konoka still smiled leisurely, but she also took it seriously. In fact, her attack skills are very few, and her attack mode is also very monotonous. She just hits it with water and relies purely on it.

Infinite magic power makes the attacks ferocious. If you are facing an inferior little hornsè, you can scare the enemy to death, but if you are facing an opponent of the same level and a nose master, it will be a problem.

The same move cannot be used twice against Saint Seiya, so I can barely quote it here.

"We have no choice but to use our special move, Xiaosha." Faced with this situation,

Konoka suddenly grabbed Setsuna's hand and blinked.

Setsuna didn't understand what he meant at first, but soon he understood. He nodded heavily. The distance between Kuroiwa and the Furious Sentai and Konoka was more than a kilometer. They seemed far away, but in fact they were very close. Kuroiwa saw them.

Pulling their hands together, a sudden thought occurred in their hearts: "No, get back!" Hearing this, the Fury Sentai retreated like lightning, but it was too late. "Our bond" Konoka and Setsuna held hands, and a stream of water swept them away.

Lifting them up, the two of them shouted in unison, "Whale! Swallow! Heaven!" Boom!!!

Suddenly, a huge whale with a length of more than a thousand meters jumped out from the Black Sea. When it sprayed the sea water that covered the sky, its mouth was wide enough to swallow a small mountain.

lì was so close that he was swallowed immediately before he had time to dodge, and then returned to the sea with a roar.

Seeing this scene, even Lin Luo was shocked. Two intermediate-level masters were actually swallowed, and... not only people, but also the sky was swallowed by the whale!

Somewhere above the Black Sea, the originally blue sky suddenly had a huge gap with neat shapes, and the endless blackness appeared in the gap. This was the sky that had been swallowed up!

That whale is the Sky-Swallowing Whale, the first protective seal of Minoka!!

This chapter has been completed!
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