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Chapter 100 Warm-up Night

 "This is not bad. Did you find someone to design it specifically?" Tang Ji stretched his muscles and his prosthetic limbs grabbed the metal railings of the cell and forced open the door.

The owner of this cell is a strong black man with a sinewy face. He has the gang's mark tattooed on the side of his face, and he always turns his face sideways when talking and looking at people.

The Dead Gang can be regarded as a local gang born and raised in Night City. It has always been entrenched in the Taiping Prefecture area. The lower-level gang members are mainly black. However, the top management has gradually become Hebrew in recent years. There are already big companies that are interested in Taiping in Night City.

That piece of land in the state.

Els Benbieber is one of the corporate tentacles that extend into the death gang. He has money and manpower, and unlike those street boys, his evil is more advanced.

Black market transactions and violent services are just appearances. The real hidden evil is that Ben Bieber helps the factory complete the closed loop of internal exploitation by adjusting regional usury interest rates and increasing the trading volume of addictive chemicals.

No one wants to work twelve hours a day in a factory with harsh conditions, but that’s not the case if your family or you yourself have a lot of debt or are exposed to addictive chemicals.

Ben Bieber doesn't care about the petty profits that gangsters make in his own three-quarters of an acre of land. He pays more attention to the regional stability contracts signed with companies.

There are no unions, no labor leaders, just insensitive foremen, cold muzzles of guns, cold blades, strippers who are drunk and drunk, and losers who hide in the toilets of bars and take addictive chemicals.

Ironically, the death gang's mark is a sickle.

Estoner Deglin is a key member of the Dead Gang. His father is a member of the Dead Gang, and so is he.

"There's someone here, bastard." Deglin put down the barbell in his hand. He was a big man with a height of 2.1 meters and explosive muscles. He was famous in the death gang for his ability to fight, and was nicknamed Warcraft.

If it weren't for Tang Ji, a small player like Deglin might never have the chance to sit at the same table with someone like Els Benbieber in this life.

Deglin is very strong, but his brain is not very good, but he knows that this is his chance to fly into the sky.

"The show has begun, why don't the police officers leave first? You are here, my boys are a little bit reluctant to let go." Ben Bieber clapped his hands and threw a few wads of money down from the second floor: "Why don't we all give it to you?

How about we go and have some fun by ourselves?”

The prison guards in Area C glanced at each other. The remaining professional ethics disappeared under the temptation of money, and disappeared behind the iron gate one by one.


The iron gate has been closed, and Area C has become a free area from now on.

Tang Ji walked around the cell, minding his own business, and frowned when he saw the debris piled on the bed: "Forget it, I can't stand the bed you slept on."

Deglin picked up a 25-kilogram dumbbell and hit Tang Ji on the head hard, but Tang Ji just stood there and raised his hand to grab his wrist.

The fingers of the prosthetic limb continued to shrink, Deglin's fingers opened weakly, and the dumbbell fell to the ground with a dull sound, but Tang Ji had just begun to exert force.

The fingers clasped tighter and tighter, and Deglin's thick wrist became visibly thinner. When Tang Ji's middle finger and thumb gradually came together, he could even hear the sound of his own bones breaking.

"Ah!!!" Deglin screamed, and with Tang Ji's strength, he bent down little by little, and finally knelt in front of Tang Ji.

"It seems that our big friend is no match for him." Els Benbieber sat on a chair and looked at the show below: "But we have plenty of time, don't we?"

"Haha, seeing him really being imprisoned, I can finally sleep peacefully." Another man leaning on the railing looked at Tang Ji with a contented look on his face: "The world is in chaos now, I don't know when

If a psychotic law enforcer comes out, we will be disgraced."

The person who spoke was not a gang member, he had a bookish look on his face. He was Drum Wood, a high-ranking official of the Night City Construction Company, the only non-gang member listed on the list.

Drum's biggest hobby is torture, and he has a broad appetite. Men, women, and children can arouse his desires. He spends more than one million dollars on this every year. More than 17 street women who disappeared for no reason are suspected of being involved in murder.

He has connections.

The first time Drum was arrested, it was Edward who led the arrest. Unfortunately, his legal team solved the problem easily, and there was no key evidence, allowing Drum to escape justice for all these years.

"It's best to deal with him tonight." Drum didn't like the attitude of these gang members on this matter. In his opinion, Tang Ji below was like an out-of-control beast, completely ignoring the existing rules.

Ending his life a day earlier would have brought order back a day sooner.

"Don't be impatient." Els Benbieber watched Tang Ji beat Deglin with one punch after another: "There are three hundred and fifty thugs here, and he only has one prosthetic leg that can be used as a weapon. I will send ten of them first.

If someone beats him, how long can he beat him?"

"This is just the first day, it's the appetizer. Not only do I want to kill him, but I also want to let everyone know that Night City is still the same Night City. If anyone thinks that he can subvert the order by showing off his cruelty once or twice, he will be punished.

It will be miserable." Else Benbiber's eyes flashed with malice: "I must eliminate the influence he caused."

"I hope so. I've stayed here enough. Going to jail will have a great impact on my reputation." Drum shook his head, turned and walked towards his cell: "I'll have to stay for three more days at most.

Let’s go back to the board meeting.”



Tang Ji's new roommate had fallen to the ground unconscious. He couldn't control his strength, and when his nose bone broke, it accidentally penetrated the brain.

This made Tang Ji a little angry. He felt that he shouldn't have missed, but during this period of running back and forth, he really neglected to exercise.

"Sorry, it's not aimed at you." Tang Ji dragged Deglin's body and threw him in a corner of the cell. He pulled off the sheet and covered him: "If you are lucky, you will be able to die tomorrow morning. Please repent for your behavior."

What you have done in your life.”

There is no need for trial or investigation. All members with death gang marks tattooed on their faces have at least three lives on their bodies.

"Hey! Do you think this is over?" Another big man stood at the door of Tang Ji's cell, holding a prison guard's electric baton in his hand: "The party has just begun!"

Tang Ji sighed. He really thought that the decoration of this place was good. He originally planned to enjoy life before starting to work, but having both work and entertainment is also a kind of gain, isn't it?

"You're right, the party never ends on carnival night!" Tang Ji smiled: "Who are you? What have you committed?"

"When you die, I will tell you my name..." Before the big man could finish speaking, he was hit in the head by the barbell thrown by Tang Ji.

"I don't want to know your name." Tang Ji walked forward slowly, holding Deglin's bath towel in his hand to wipe the blood on his fingers: "I just want to know what crimes you have committed?"

The big man was dizzy and wanted to stand up, but Tang Ji kicked him down again. A cold metal prosthetic leg came around from behind and strangled his neck. The other hand gently pressed against the back of his head and pushed him forward slowly.

head, the suffocation feeling bit by bit destroying his sanity.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" A voice seemed to come across a long distance, and in the next second the long-lost air was finally breathed in by the hungry lungs.

The stimulated lungs responded violently, and a violent cough was squeezed out from the oppressed throat, but the pressure from the front and back tightened again in the next second, and all physiological reactions were suppressed and completed in the body.

He felt as if something exploded in his head, a stream of heat flowed out from the two channels, and his vision became blurry.

Tang Ji was a little regretful. Before he could interrogate the prisoner, the prisoner's eardrum was perforated: "Does anyone know this idiot? Since the prisoner cannot express his opinions clearly, I can only use a public trial."

Tang Ji pulled up the prisoner's face so that everyone could clearly see the flushed face: "Based on the fact that he appeared here, I am inclined to sentence him to death. If anyone has the means to avoid his death,

Evidence, please present it now!"

"Three, two, one! Very good, no objection, I declare the death penalty established!" Tang Ji smiled and broke the big man's neck, using so much force that his face turned 180 degrees, which could be seen

own back.

Tang Ji dragged the body and threw it next to Deglin. He pulled the sheets and covered them together: "I'm sorry, it might be a bit crowded tonight. You can get used to it."

"Please come to the next prisoner!" Tang Ji stood at the cell door, scanning the prisoners in the surrounding cells with a smile on his face: "Some of you have seen me, some have just heard of me, it doesn't matter, now I'm here

Now, we have enough time to get to know each other."

Ben Bieber's face looked a little ugly. According to his plan, now the third person would challenge Tang Ji alone. This was a wheel-and-wheel battle that tortured Tang Ji's body and spirit at the same time, and finally completely broke his will.

But the plan obviously couldn't keep up with the changes. The first two unlucky guys were now lying together, and the third challenger was frightened by this scene and didn't want to fight.

"More money." Ben Bieber waved the money stick again: "Tell them, if you go up to fight, the bonus will be doubled. Whoever knocks down that bastard first will get one million!"

Perhaps it was because the gold and dollar stimulus had taken effect, or perhaps because these flowers of evil blooming in Night City did not want to see Tang Ji show off his power here, two thugs from different gangs stood up almost at the same time.

They looked at each other, and when they were hesitating who should go first and who should go last, Tang Ji impatiently hooked his hands: "Come together, the court is working overtime today!"

Tang Ji is bathed in blood. He was born on the streets and grew up in a police academy. He understands the nature of both opposing sides. For some people, you only need to look into their eyes to know what kind of person the other person is.

For example, Rodriguez, who he killed before, had humility and greed in his eyes. He wanted to judge the life and death of others on the operating table, which was his greatest pleasure in life. Only there could he completely abandon his inferiority and use God's

Posture examines the victim.

Another example is the Ocanda brothers. Negro Grandet is extremely self-centered, accustomed to disregarding life and even taking advantage of opportunities to make profits, while his younger brother Boxing Champion has degenerated into a beast. He only lives to seek mental stimulation.

They are the embodiment of human evil. When Tang Ji harvested them, he only felt happy.

The thugs in front of us are another form of evil, not extreme enough, and there are some shining points of humanity mixed in with the evil.

They may have their own reasons, or they may have no choice but to finally embark on this path, making a living by robbing others and causing pain and chaos.

Their biggest mistake is to only choose the easiest path when faced with a choice, but they are all adults and will eventually need to pay the price for their choices.

Tang Ji dragged the two corpses back to the cell, piled them in the previous place, and covered them with sheets again. If life is a line made of piled choices, these people who always choose the simplest option are undoubtedly on the road to success.

I also walked faster than others on the road to the end.

Four corpses in fifteen minutes. Tang Ji had already completed the quarterly death quota in Night City Prison after being imprisoned, and the prison guards who escorted him hadn't even finished dividing the money.

Now, even if Ben Bieber is willing to double the bounty, no one is willing to stand up and die. These Night City gang elites are already afraid.

Tang Ji's unscrupulousness, Tang Ji's metal prosthetic limbs, Tang Ji's ruthlessness, and the uncontrollable smile hanging on the corners of his mouth all made them feel chilled.

They have not given up the idea of ​​killing Tang Ji, but at least not tonight. This is the time when Tang Ji is most vigilant and at his best.

These people believe that no one can eat well and sleep well in such an environment, and that even if Tang Ji is able to fight, he will continue to become weak.

Everyone emphasized in their hearts that this was not fear, but a strategic concession.

"Boss, that's it for today. It's time for you to take medicine and rest. We will keep an eye on him." Ben Bieber's bodyguard noticed the boss's embarrassment and found a step for Ben Bieber to get down.

Els Benbieber took a look at the other scumbags on the list who were already starting to leave. Confident that there were other opportunities, he also returned to his cell under the escort of his bodyguards.

He was not worried that Tang Ji would go directly to his cell. The isolation door from the first floor to the second floor in Area C was closed, so they still had some protection for themselves.

"Don't let him sleep!" Ben Bieber glanced at Tang Ji one last time, his brows knitted together.

Tang Ji was whistling at this time and taking a shower in the bathroom. He was sweating a little and there was a lot of blood on his body. The entire C area fell silent, only Tang Ji's brisk whistle echoed, living up to the previous one.


The atmosphere here now has a bit of a prison atmosphere, especially the cells around Tang Ji's cell. They don't know whether Tang Ji is sleeping or not. Anyway, they can't sleep, so they can only hold on to the weapons that were issued in advance and lie on the bed and doze off.

Pray that nothing will happen tonight.

The iron gate here couldn't stop Tang Ji at all. His prosthetic leg opened the cell door just like opening the bedroom door of his own home.

While the prisoners in Area AB were discussing Tang Ji enthusiastically, he had already fallen asleep on the soft bed.

This chapter has been completed!
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