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Chapter 131 Interrogation and positioning!

 "Head, here!" Martin drove a stretched version of the Curtiss V5000 Courage. This thing has almost nothing except power, but it is loved by street elements everywhere.

The unlucky original owner of the car had been shot dead by Martin and was thrown into the roadside flower bed. There were also two bags of small change thrown in the back seat of the car, which totaled hundreds of thousands of federal coins.

Although the car has always been known for its spacious interior, there was obviously no room for three heavily armed men and a burly prisoner to squeeze into the back seat.

Tang Ji opened the trunk, only to find a tied-up woman lying inside, writhing crazily like a living fish.

He could only throw the woman out first, and then throw his captive in.

"Sorry ma'am, the space is limited." Tang Ji easily broke the restraints binding the woman's wrists, turned around and squeezed into the back seat: "I'm starting to like this place!"

Martin stepped on the accelerator to the floor, the powerful engine roared, and the tires and the ground made a squealing sound, driving the overloaded car to flee the scene.

"The armed team of Military Technology is approaching. Turn right at the second intersection ahead, and the speed should not be less than 70 miles, otherwise you will collide head-on." Ethan's drone was strategizing in the air.

With a hacker of Alia's level protecting him, he doesn't have to worry about being caught along the network cable. His psychological pressure has been reduced by more than half. He can freely display his talents and fight against his old club's drone team.

The position of drone pilot is just like the pilot when airplanes first appeared, with great autonomy during the mission.

Modern drone operators compete not only for reaction speed, but also for brain power and precision. Ethan's peak record is to control nine models and 270 drones at the same time.

Even if there is auxiliary software to help share mechanical tasks, he still needs to independently plan the flight trajectory and attack point of each drone to ensure that they will not interfere with each other. After each mission, Ethan will lose four or five pounds in weight.

Nearly half of the drone operators are drug addicts because they can't find a more effective way to relax, and Ethan once again shot down a family's helicopter during his "drone driving".

And what happened to be on board that helicopter was a "third generation military science officer" who had just joined the Military Technology Group and served as the leader of the weapons research and development department.

The only thing Ethan's old leader could do was to quickly approve Ethan's resignation report, cancel his identity card, put him on a plane back to the Federation overnight, and then delay submitting the accident report for eight hours under pressure.

These eight hours gave Ethan the opportunity to sit in a detective's house and argue with the entire drone control team about air superiority.

"I will draw the attention of military technology to the south. Don't be so conspicuous on the road." Ethan changed his usual lazy tone and said excitedly: "This is a cover worth one million federal coins. You are the most likely to

Just don’t screw it up!”

Tang Ji couldn't see the battlefield belonging to drones in the sky, but he could judge the intensity of the war through the loss of money - it was so intense that it made people cry...

"I hope you're worth the price." Tang Ji glanced in the direction of the trunk, with almost real fire in his eyes.

Their current equipment is paid for by LS Road Group, but that may not be the case next time.

In the end, under Ethan's coquettish control, Tang Ji and his team brought the prisoner back to the detective's home safely. According to Ethan's report, he lost nearly forty drones of different types in that air battle.

, nearly half of the losses come from voluntary giving up.

Ethan cannot risk being tracked by flying back the drones involved in the war.

Anthony had already made preparations at the Detective House, and the operating room he built could double as an interrogation room.

Tang Ji had read all the information that could be found on Collins and Kennedy on the way. He did not feel that he was a tough guy. Although Collins had always tried to show himself tough to the outside world, it was a pity that he was not.



Cold water mixed with ice slag was splashed on his face. Collins shuddered and took a deep breath like a person who had just emerged from the water. As a result, he choked and coughed violently.

Before he could take a breath, Collins felt as if an elephant had pressed his head into the ice water. His physiological reaction made him inhale instinctively, and he choked even more.

Collins's face turned red as he was pulled out of the water again. His survival instinct urged him to breathe in air to save his oxygen-starved brain. His physiological instinct, stimulated by the stimulation of his alveoli and trachea, issued strict orders.


This conflict caused Collins' sanity to collapse almost instantly, but then a heavy punch hit him in the chest, and Collins was freed.

"Hoo!...Hoo!...Ahem..." Collins' face was covered with snot and tears. He opened his mouth and vomited blood. At the same time, the corners of his mouth and nasal cavity were also bleeding.

It was caused by the rupture of capillaries in the lungs and nasal cavity. Poor Collins took in every breath of air greedily, regardless of the physical pain.

His eyes were darkened, and he couldn't see clearly who the tormentor was, and he didn't have time to say anything. The next second, he was picked up from the ground and pushed into the sink.

This time Collins at least had time to hold his breath and struggle, but his hands were tied behind his back and his legs could only kick on the floor in vain.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds passed, and the little oxygen in Collins' body was depleted, and the respiratory tract that had been stimulated by the ice water was preparing for the next round of counterattack.

Collins coughed violently under the water. This time, he couldn't control his lower body, and his feces and urine flowed out.

Until Collins felt that he was about to drown, the abuser finally stopped, lifted Collins up and threw him to the ground.

Collins, who was lying on the ground, didn't even have the strength to flutter this time. He coughed feebly a few times, and then vomited. With the last bit of strength, he turned over and lay on his side on the ground to prevent himself from choking on his own vomit.

At this time, Collins' mind went blank. He was breathing mechanically. He only heard a voice coming from a very distant place: "Are you Collins Kennedy?"

Before Collins could answer, the previous torture was repeated and he was pushed into the ice water again.

When Collins, who could not be tortured, took another breath to regain his breath, the voice repeated the previous question. He shuddered and nodded with subtle movements.

But the other party showed no mercy, and Collins was pushed into the water again. He was unable to resist and even wished that he would die instead of being tortured so repeatedly.

Once, twice, and three times, in addition to the pain caused by the suffocation, the hypothermic injury caused by immersion in ice water also appeared on Collins. He was shivering, and the edges of his ears and cheekbones became swollen due to congestion. He even felt

Not able to see his own facial features.

At this time, someone inserted a straw into his mouth, and a stream of heat filled Collins' mouth. He could not taste it, but the long-lost warmth still made him almost cry.

"Tell me, is Chris still alive?" The question that came with the heat made him nod instinctively.

But then, Collins's nearly frozen brain was activated again, and he realized that he was finished.

Tang Ji stretched his muscles with satisfaction. He got the answer he wanted, but this was not the end. He would repeat the above process two or three times to ensure that the answer was absolutely true.

When he's done, Mr. Collins will have nothing to talk about.

He glanced at Anthony. The strict military doctor looked at Collins' vital signs and nodded, indicating that he could continue.

Tang Ji picked up Collins again without mercy and punched him in the abdomen. Collins spat out the hot water he had just drank.

Collins didn't know how many times he had been fished out of the water and thrown to the ground. He didn't even have the strength to open his eyes. For a moment, he felt that he had seen all his life's experiences condensed into essence and played before his eyes.

, and as a result, with a burst of electric shock, he returned to this hell.

"Is Chrissy Cunningham still alive?" It's that voice again...

Collins' brain was working hard. The name sounded familiar. Where had he heard this name before?

Chrissy Cunningham... Collins associated the name with cold, and then he finally remembered who the name represented and who had taken her away.

In the hands of those people, she should still be alive, right? Collins thought again of the refrigerated warehouse where hundreds of human bodies were stored.

"She's...still...alive..." Collins replied instinctively. His mind had collapsed and he was unable to think logically.

"Let him recover. We need a 'healthy' Collins Kennedy next." Tang Ji looked at the time, twenty-seven minutes, a good result. After all, they also took some time to perform CPR on Collins.


It only took Anthony twenty minutes to get Collins back into shape. He had too many drugs on hand that could help seriously injured people stand up again, but the side effects were a bit severe.

After all, Collins is no longer young. If he can survive his 50th birthday safely, he will probably face symptoms of multiple organ failure.

But for now, that's enough.

Collins Kennedy didn't look like he was about to ascend to heaven at all. He just had a few frostbite spots on his face and his ears were still red and swollen.

This was the first time he saw his tormentor clearly, but there was no hatred in his eyes. He had been completely defeated. A look from the other person could make him pee his pants.

In fact, even if no one scares him, he will wet his pants, and it will take several months to recover from this symptom.

"Very good, are you Collins Kennedy?" Tang Ji asked, sitting opposite Cornish.

"I am Collins Kennedy." Collins' voice was so hoarse that he coughed and broke his throat.

"Where is Chrissy Cunningham? Tell me everything you know." Tang Ji asked again, when Anthony beside him brought him a glass of ice water and put it on the table.

Seeing the ice water, Collins trembled and wet his pants.

"I have never seen that girl." He said tremblingly: "But I know an organization that is very interested in superhuman beings. They have been collecting superhuman beings, freezing them, and storing them in a warehouse."

This organization sounded familiar, and Tang Ji and Anthony exchanged a look.

"When military technology put pressure on us, we investigated this matter. It was not done by local gangs or kidnapping gangs. We have already confirmed it." Collins squeezed his trembling right hand hard.

: "So I guess it was that group of people who did it."

"Tell me about those people in detail." Tang Ji became interested. He found that he could not avoid those naturalized people wherever he went.

"The first time we came into contact was because law enforcement officers found one of their transport vehicles, which was filled with something similar to metal coffins, which looked too suspicious." Collins tried hard to recall the situation at the time: "Someone found it later.

I, gave me 50,000 federal coins, and I solved the matter."

"After that, they often asked me to help with a little help, sometimes on the road, sometimes with the law enforcement bureau, and they were generous every time." Collins continued: "Later, they asked me to help with a few cases.

A law enforcer, a few newcomers have entered their warehouse."

"I saw the evidence taken by law enforcement, and those metal coffins were filled with people." Collins said without any guilt: "The gang gave me five million, and I helped them settle the matter. Since then,

They will send me money regularly, and I will ask both parties to avoid that area."

"Where is the warehouse and who is in contact with you?" Tang Ji endured the excitement in his heart and continued to interrogate.

"The warehouse is located at 48 Cruise Terminal Street, with armed guards." Collins replied lifelessly: "There are two people who contacted me. They used anonymous phone cards every time they contacted me, and the account number used to transfer money was also

The call came from a professional money laundering agency using a loose account."

"Very good, my people will go back to confirm the location. If you lie, you know the consequences." Tang Ji smiled and flicked Collins's ear.

"I didn't lie." Collins trembled and suddenly raised his head: "Before I die, I just want to know why everyone is suddenly looking for that stupid girl named Chrissy Cunningham?"

Who knows? Tang Ji also knows little about this. The only reason why he went to find the Ice and Snow Princess was because he hoped that she would make Tang Anran persevere.

In his mind, the value of the Ice and Snow Princess is probably equivalent to that of a refrigerator with special functions, but judging from the reactions of Dr. Wu Qianying and the Military Technology Group, the Ice and Snow Princess is obviously very important.

"She subverted the laws of thermodynamics!" In order to make him understand the meaning of this sentence, Wu Qianying hit him on the head hard with a high school textbook.

But Tang Ji doesn't care about this. Since the emergence of superhuman beings, too many definitions have been broken. He doesn't think there is anything special about thermodynamics.

If there is truth in the universe, then players and superhumans should not exist.

Tang Ji only knows now that he not only got information about the Ice and Snow Princess, but also found a warehouse where the naturalized bodies were stored.

This chapter has been completed!
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