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Chapter 140: A short respite

"Anyway, this is the girl you want." Tang Ji looked at Wu Qianying with a tired look. After nearly half a month of living under the sea, Aaliya finally brought them back to Night City.

The Moonlight Gold was currently located fifty nautical miles outside Del Coronado Bay. Tangji had asked Aria to calculate the feasibility of relocating the entire secret laboratory to the Moonlight Gold.

The large ship fully meets this requirement in terms of capacity supply and space, but it requires a professional team to perform modifications on a professional slipway.

And now the Moonlight Gold cannot show up at all. The old Gerald Frederick already knows that his sea temple has been robbed, and is currently offering a reward of 100 million on the black market for Tang Ji and his gang.

Of course, Tang Ji himself already had too many debts to worry about, and one more rich man who wanted to kill him would have no impact on him at all. What's more, according to Alia's investigation, the Frederick family was not very powerful.

Capital is indeed a powerful force, but this power needs to be realized in the underground world. Of course, they can do whatever they want with ordinary people.

But when this kind of power was fed back to Tang Ji, it seemed a little weak.

His identity is almost public, and he has never concealed what he has done from beginning to end. He is almost a legend in the underground world under that order.

In the past, a bounty of up to 100 million would soon become the hottest topic on the dark web, but now, Old Frederick found that no one was paying attention to the order he had posted.

After learning that Tang Ji was from Night City, Old Frederick originally wanted to contact the spokespersons of several major gangs in Night City through a well-known military intermediary, but the professional manager directly advised him to give up this plan.

"Believe me, dear Mr. Frederick, if they had the ability, they would have taken action long ago." The professional manager said on the phone: "That law enforcer Tang first became famous for eating their flesh.


"Can't I spend money to find someone who can kill that bastard?" Old Frederick was furious: "I don't believe there is money that cannot be spent, only a price that is not high enough. I believe in your professionalism.

Help me find the right person, money is no object!”

"Of course, sir, you can trust us completely." The professional manager smiled crookedly at the corners of his mouth. He likes this kind of customer the most.

As for who to find to kill the target, he already had a plan in mind. After all, the law enforcer Tang has been regarded as the most lawless character in recent years. The person who wants to kill him can't even write on a piece of paper.


And for their kind of work, there is no one-to-one order taking. Earning twenty commissions for killing a target will definitely make the whole company burn incense to the law enforcer Tang Libei.

The most direct way to understand a person is to look at his enemies. From beginning to end, Law Enforcer Tang's enemy has only been one...Lothas Organization.



On the west coast of the Federation, Demonstration City No. 1, Building AC-115, 97th floor, Zhuosuan Network Services Company Headquarters, Vice President Office.

Kacalf looked out the window at the rows of buildings hundreds of stories high with almost identical appearances. He lowered the light transmittance with disgust and reopened the virtual screensaver.

The pleasant blue sky and white clouds appeared on the window, and the waves filled with white foam washed rhythmically against the glass. Seagulls passed by the window and heard the chirping of birds. A warm wind with the smell of sea salt blew through Carcalf.

s face.

As a lurker, Karkarf has to hypnotize himself in his mind every day to forget the memories from the real world, so that he can integrate himself more into this world.

This is undoubtedly a faster process. On one side, there are parasites with no clothes on their bodies and can only breathe poisonous and harmful gases. On the other side, there are rich and powerful people who can do whatever they want. Karkarf is completely happy with it.

If possible, he would even give up his miserable eternal life and die with dignity in this world.

But there are not so many possibilities. No matter how high his status is in this world and no matter how many people flatter him, he cannot change his identity.

"There are still thirty-three days before the synchronizer can be restarted." Karcalf picked up the photo on the table and caressed his wife's face with some nostalgia.

He didn't know if he could still stay here after the synchronizer was fully synchronized, but he knew that he would never be so happy and fulfilled.

Before coming to this world, Karkarf had never experienced love, but now he is not only a qualified husband, but also about to become a father.

In his world, in his short two hundred and thirty-eight years of life, he had never seen a newborn. Karkarf could not describe the complicated feelings in his heart, but the ever-shrinking countdown kept him awake all night.


Just like the real city scenery outside the window, every frame of the picture makes Karcalf feel depressed.

The Federation has built three model cities on the west coast. Only Model City No. 1 has begun to move in. Karkarf is familiar with everything about this city.

Because the first congressman who proposed building a model city was a player, and the company that designed the entire city was also a company founded by the player team.

Everything here is modeled after cities in their world. If Night City is a new generation of cities built by the indigenous people of this world while exploring and progressing in science and technology, then the Demonstration City has skipped all the processes and fast-forwarded directly.

Dry fruit at the end.

The federal government regards this project as a life-saving straw, trying to rely on this project to restore the glory of the big government of the past, but Karcalf knows that this is just a 'newbie village' established to welcome the first batch of players.

This familiar environment allows players to adapt to the new environment faster, allowing them to have a place to rest temporarily, store their bodies safely, and return to their own world while enjoying freedom and chaos.

What's ridiculous are those naturalized people. They sold their souls and everything just to get a chance to survive in this hellish place.

There are also those lunatics from the Advent sect. Karkarf feels that he may never understand the meaning of religion. They simply don’t have that much energy to think about such philosophical issues. Selling their brain power is the lowest-cost way to make money in his world.


Although Karkarf is full of disgust for his own world and full of contempt for the existence of naturalized people, he still has to do his job well.

He wants to prepare for the players to come again, integrate the power of the naturalized people, and help them solve the troubles they can't solve.

During this period, the name Tanguy already accounted for two-thirds of all Karcalf's work.

Two players have already died because of Tang Ji. This is definitely a big deal. After all, the two dead people are technically immortals.

The company's stock price must have suffered a huge loss. Kacalf opened the screen happily, preparing to check his schedule for today.

The first page of results was the new information about Tang Ji discovered by the system through an online search.

Someone is looking for the Losas organization, hoping to hire them to kill Tang Ji at a price of 2 billion federal coins. The signature reads - a brave person who wants to restore order in the underground world.

"mdzz, there are people like this in every world." Karkarf deleted the message directly. If they had the ability now, they would have attacked Tang Ji long ago.

The second piece of information was still related to Tang Ji. Tang Ji and his team destroyed another warehouse used to store bodies, this time it was a Class B warehouse.

"Damn it, the losses were heavy." Karkarf looked at the list of lost bodies, his face a little ugly, because several of these bodies had been sold by the company at high prices in the name of warm-up.

He could almost imagine the expressions on the faces of the Blazers when the players came back again.

The third piece of information is finally good news. The Class A body storage warehouse located in the Arctic Circle has been in trial operation for a month without any problems.

All the construction workers have been executed, and it was announced that the ship malfunctioned and eventually sank with no survivors, without arousing any suspicion from any force.

The next news is that the naturalized people have locked the location of the Ark organization's new base in a certain sea area in Europe, waiting for the arrival of the descendants to return, so that they can further locate it.

"The Ark Organization? It's not really a problem." Karkarf muttered. The pioneers had decided to retain the existence of the Ark Organization.

They planned to make the Ark Organization the target of the first large-scale player mission after its full opening. Karkarf could almost foresee the fate of the Ark Organization.

The following news is all trivial news. Most of them are about what type of superhuman being was discovered in a certain place and how much it is worth, or that a naturalized person has recently been discovered by the indigenous forces and is on the run.

The only thing that caught Karcalf's attention was the news that the naturalized people were experiencing a split within themselves, but this had already been expected by Karcalf.

The interests of the naturalized people are not aligned. This will happen sooner or later, and the players don't care about it because they have no intention of keeping their promises.

How can the players negotiate with the natives? The pioneers just don't have enough manpower. When the players come in, no natives can stay away.

Thinking of this, Kacalf took another look at his wife whose belly was swollen in the photo, and felt a little bitter in his heart.


Karkarf was startled by his own thoughts and shook his head. Sometimes he envied Tangji because Tangji was a tough guy from any angle, but Karkarf always wished he could be tougher.

But this was decided long before he was born, and Karkarf was unable to resist the double bind of soul and genes.

"Although this is a false sentiment from the invaders, I sincerely wish you all the best." Karkarf looked at Tangji in the photo and said to himself.

The Tang Ji in the photo was the photo taken by reporters when he was arrested by law enforcement naked.

Tang Ji's resolute face and angular figure gave him the aura of a dangerous beast, coupled with his many deeds, making this photo widely circulated.

It even appeared on the cover of Time magazine last week.

Wu Qianying had just told him this. Looking at the smiling female doctor, Tang Ji almost crushed the terminal in his hand.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to be quite photogenic." Wu Qianying looked Tang Ji up and down: "Should I say something, I can hardly recognize you when you put on your clothes."

Tang Ji was silent and speechless.

"By the way, there is some bad news for you." Wu Qianying said to him enthusiastically: "Edward bought five hundred magazines and gave them away to everyone he met. Basically all of your old colleagues gave them to him."

Tang Ji remained silent, but the shadow on his face became heavier.

"He said this is your punishment for not visiting him for so long. If you still go your own way, he plans to buy the projection billboard in Heywood Plaza and scroll your photos during peak hours every day." Wu Qianying crossed her legs and expressed her mood.

He said happily: "I promised him to share the advertising expenses when the time comes."

"Let's get down to business." Tang Ji's face was as stiff as a frozen potato: "Can that girl guarantee that An Ran will enter hibernation under safe conditions?"

In fact, in order to verify the safety, Tangji asked Chrissy to freeze all the hostages into ice sculptures on the Moonlight Gold, and thaw them in time periods. The longest period of freezing was three days, and no one suffered any accidents, not even frostbite.


Tang Ji was still worried. After asking other things, Tang Ji asked Chris to freeze himself for ten days. It was not until the moment before disembarking that Tang Ji was thawed.

He felt as if he had just slept, feeling relaxed and without any adverse reactions.

But Tang Ji is still worried, because An Ran is only a one-year-old baby, he is as fragile as a flower, and Tang Ji cannot allow any risks.

"Alia provided me with your human experiment data on the ship. It was very ideal and the effect was better than I expected." Dr. Wu Qianying withdrew his teasing expression and explained to Tang Ji: "And next, I will

Record all data in detail.”

"I promise that I will give priority to completing the human dormancy project, and then explore the subversion brought about by her ability itself." Wu Qianying said seriously to Tang Ji: "Only when it is safe, will I approve the Enron investigation?"

Freeze, trust me."

Tang Ji looked deeply into Wu Qianying's eyes, as if he wanted to see through this woman's soul, but there was only calmness and pride in her eyes.

"I believe you." Tang Ji finally nodded. He didn't show he didn't trust this woman. She held his only weakness.

"Now, take off your clothes. I want to see if there are any changes in the body that appeared in Time Magazine." Wu Qianying threw her eyes on the table, with a smile on her face.

"I think I should call Edward first..." Tang Ji looked embarrassed. The magazine made him feel the malice of the world.

Maybe his enemies were deliberately seeking revenge behind this incident.

"I am much richer than Edward. I can be advertised for a month!" Dr. Wu teased the ends of her hair with her fingers and showed off the expensive necklace around her neck, proving that what she said was true.

"I'm actually not that anxious."



"Honey, where are you going?" The girlfriend, who looked no more than thirty years old, sat on the back seat of the Harley to act as a fender, holding her hands around the old man's waist.

"I suddenly want to make an impulse purchase!" Edward Knight said with a happy face.

"I like the words impulse and consumption!" the little girlfriend said loudly, trying to suppress the noise in her ears: "Where are we going?"

“Haywood Place!”

This chapter has been completed!
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