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Chapter One Hundred and Fiftieth Chapter Nagakusa Shiro

"Shiro, I have to trouble you this time. This is the sincerity of our Miki Company." A middle-aged man wearing a hakama pattern knelt down opposite the low table and respectfully pushed a brocade box to the table.

In front of the young man opposite.

The young man known as Shiro frowned slightly, pushed the brocade box to the edge of the table with one finger, let it fall to the ground, and said with a somewhat solemn tone: "Eat without speaking."

"Yes, yes, I understand." The middle-aged man quickly put his hands together and took a heavy food plate from the young man's hand.

The pure wooden food plate is not light in weight, plus the ice bottom placed on it, a clay pot filled with water, and a transparent fish tank, the middle-aged man almost couldn't hold it with his hands.

But Shiro Nagagusa held it steady with one hand, placed the plate firmly on the table, rolled up his sleeves, reached out and grabbed a palm-sized fish from the clay pot.

"Qingcaoquan Fish Ranch, the treasure is yellow bamboo pods, four inches long and seven and a half inches heavy." Nagagusa Shiro dragged the horse mackerel with his left hand, and suddenly slashed the fish body with a willow blade in his right hand, and the side of the horse mackerel

The fish skin was just peeled off.

"The fish has firm meat, a slightly sweet taste, and is best as thin as a cicada's wing." Following the introduction in Shiro Nagaso's cold voice, the willow blade was like the wind, and the fish fillets were like snow, sprinkled on the ice bottom that had been laid in advance below.


The middle-aged man's eyes followed the willow blade, and he felt that the young man in white clothes in front of him was like a ghost, because the horse mackerel under his knife was still struggling because it had left the water.

As a relatively low-level life, fish can indeed maintain vitality after losing part of its tissue, but Nagagusa Shiro's knife skills left a thin layer of muscle on the fish, allowing it to still control its body.

"This is really... such a godlike swordsmanship!" The middle-aged man showed a smile that belongs to a gourmet. He also paid a lot of money to get this opportunity within the company to discuss business with Nagakusa Shiro.

To the public, Shiro Nagagusa's name is only a slightly famous cooking master, but to many well-connected people, this name also represents the most famous torturer in the entire Neon.

Even those who are tough will quickly soften in the hands of Nagagusa Shiro, and I wish I could tell you how many times I peed my pants when I was a child.

The middle-aged man came here on behalf of the Miki Group. In addition to this expensive meal of bone-yaki dishes, he also wanted to give Shiro Nagagusa an order.

Nagagusa Shiro gave a noncommittal hum, and threw the yellow bamboo pod with only the skeleton, head and tail back into the transparent fish tank. He watched the bone fish swimming in the clear water without any residue falling, and then

He showed a satisfied smile.

The middle-aged man just felt that he had never eaten such wonderful yusheng, even though the chef was a formidable guy, and it was not pleasant to watch the remains of the ingredients constantly showing off his "swimming posture" in front of him while eating.

, but he still said that it was a worthwhile trip!

It wasn't until the last fish fillet was destroyed by him that Nagagusa Shiro spoke again: "Miki Group has placed six orders with me in recent months. Do you have many enemies?"

"No!" the middle-aged man immediately denied: "It's just that we are launching a cross-generational product recently, which has attracted a lot of peeps. The president wants to know who is behind the scenes."

"Tell me about the person you are going to send." Nagagusa Shiro looked at the remaining fish in the clay pot, then looked at the sadness on the middle-aged man's eyebrows, and picked up a pink fish again.

"This is Sakura trout, a refined product of the Fisheries Department of the Araita Group. Although it is out of season, it is still plump, firm and rich in fat. It is greasy to eat and makes people feel happy." Shiro Nagagusa finished speaking.

Breakdown of Sakura Trout: "I hope you can have a good memory after eating it."

The middle-aged man quickly bowed and thanked the chef: "Thank you very much for your kindness!"

"The person you need to deal with this time is a traitor who has been lurking within us for ten years!" Speaking of the target to be sent, the middle-aged man finally showed a little bit of color: "He has always been in a state of inactivity, and I have long been

See through him..."

Maybe it was the colorful fish that really made people feel happy, or maybe it was just a little too much sake that was served with the delicious food. The middle-aged man's chat box opened up, and he talked about a lot of Target's past.

Finally, when the last piece of fish was eaten and the cherry trout was swimming in the fish tank, Nagagusa Shiro said calmly: "I'm sorry, I won't accept this order. I will check out on the first floor later, and I have the next one."

Guests must be received.”

After saying this, Nagagusa Shiro stood up and looked in the direction of the door, as if waiting for something.

"But don't you only receive one customer every day?" The middle-aged man wanted to save anything, and said in vain: "If it is a matter of sincerity, we Miki can increase the price by 30%!"

"No, I have a bad visitor coming to my door." Nagakusa Shiro played with the willow blade in his hand and showed a chilling smile to the middle-aged man: "If you don't want to get into trouble, you'd better walk faster, otherwise you'll

That's too late."

The middle-aged man seemed to have thought of something, and immediately closed his mouth and picked up the brocade box on the ground, bowed to Nagagusa Shiro, and left in a hurry.

"Have you heard enough?" Nagagusa Shiro waited for the middle-aged man's footsteps to disappear before shouting in the direction of the balcony: "I have discovered you."

Afterwards, Tang Ji walked into the room from the balcony, sat where the middle-aged man had been cooking, and said to Nagagusa Shiro: "After hearing what you said, I also want to try your cooking skills."

Hiroyuki Sanada sat under Tang Yoshi, translated his words, and looked at the willow blade in Nagakusa Shiro's hand with some fear.

This kind of sashimi blade is one-third longer than the usual table knives used at home, and its shape is almost the same as the knives used by samurai in the past. Many famous knife makers simply have samurai swords for their ancestors.


"Very well, we are guests." Nagagusa Shiro seemed a little surprised at Yu Tangji's reaction, and then looked at Wang Zhengdao and Sanada Hiroyuki beside him: "Excuse me, I need to prepare the ingredients. These fish are not suitable for you.


"Please feel free." Tang Ji looked at the surrounding environment with great interest: "As long as you don't feed me human flesh."

Hiroyuki Sanada hesitated for a moment, but still translated it unchanged. Even if the chef knew how to peel Tangji again, he probably wouldn't be able to peel Tangji's skin off.

Nagagusa Shiro seemed to be irritated by these words, but in the end he controlled his emotions, took away the food plate on the table, and at the same time took a deep look at Tang Ji.

Tang Ji nonchalantly focused his attention on the two bony fish in the bathtub on the food plate: "Why not let them escape?"

This time there was no need for Hiroyuki Sanada to translate. Nagakusa Shiro understood Tangji's meaning, replied in neon language and left without looking back.

"He said that it was his work." Hiroyuki Sanada explained in a low voice.

"Do you think Mr. Good Luck directed me here to destroy him or to recruit him?" Tang Ji asked Wang Zhengdao beside him: "He doesn't look like a kind person."

"Both each other." Wang Zhengdao looked at Tang Ji seriously: "Maybe you are a little bit more evil, but let's play it by ear and eat first!"

"Okay, let's eat first." Tang Ji nodded. He did have some expectations for Nagagusa Shiro's craftsmanship. Of course, as long as he didn't bring out the salmon.

Neither can it be raised artificially.

Fifteen minutes later, just when Wang Zhengdao wondered whether Shiro Nagaso took the opportunity to run away, the master chef returned with a larger food plate.

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. This is the newly arrived sea bream." Nagagusa Shiro put the heavy food plate on the table and pulled out a longer willow blade: "In Neon, there is a red sentence to describe this kind of fish, flower genus

Sakura, the man is a warrior, the pillar is cypress, and the fish is sea bream."

Hiroyuki Sanada took some trouble to translate this sentence. Unfortunately, Wang Zhengdao and Tang Ji were both unlearned and unskilled. They really couldn't understand the charm of neon Feiju, a poem with all-round reduction of proportions.


Nagagusa Shiro didn't continue to talk nonsense. The blade in his hand was as sharp as a sword, and the crystal clear fish fillets flew into the plates of the three evil guests one by one.

"Please use it." Nagakusa Shiro stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Tang Ji was not polite. He picked up a pile of raw fish with chopsticks, dipped it in seasonings and stuffed it into his mouth. Nagagusa Shiro frowned as he looked at it.

"Very good!" Tang Ji gave a thumbs up to the cooking master: "Where did you buy this vinegar? It's quite sweet."

"Baga!" Nagagusa Shiro was really irritated this time. If he hadn't been able to see through the depth of the two people in front of him, he would have called the security guard.


The prelude sounded, and Tang Ji interrupted Nagakusa Shiro's willow blade with a shot: "Sit down, I understand what you just said. I don't like others to stand and look at me when I'm eating."

"I thought you said before that this mission to Neon was a secret operation?" Wang Zhengdao maintained an elegant posture, enjoying the food piece by piece: "But in just one minute, you shot."

Nagagusa Shiro looked at his broken willow blade, and the anger in his brows became more intense: "Since a bad guest enjoys the hospitality of the host, let's get straight to the point. What is the purpose of you looking for me? Are you here to ask me to take action, or are you here?

Seeking revenge?"

"Tell him, I want to know what Miki Company wants to do with him?" Tang Ji held the gun in one hand and the chopsticks in the other, and ate up all the remaining fish in three strokes.

"You don't know my identity?" Nagagusa Shiro showed a surprised expression on his face: "Did you come to me just because of my cooking skills?"

Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao looked at each other, and the latter told Tang Ji with his eyes, "Don't look at me. I was also captured temporarily by you."

But Tang Ji thought about it, and he remembered that Shiro Nagagusa's information only stated that he was a cooking master of Koyuyaki, and he was suspected of possessing the ability of the living dead, and there was nothing else.

So, it seems that he really came here for the other party's cooking skills...

"A bunch of lunatics." Nagagusa Shiro lost his patience and clapped his hands. Eight black figures wrapped like mummies suddenly appeared around him: "Kill them."

"No, forget it, teach them a lesson and then throw them out." Shiro Nagaso suddenly changed his order, took a few steps back and said to Tang Ji: "Remember, don't provoke people you don't understand."

"I want to know, you suddenly changed your mind just now and didn't want to kill us. Was it a temporary move?" Under Hiroyuki Sanada's quick translation, Tang Ji finally had time to ask a question before shooting.

Originally, he planned to kill this neon chef who didn't look or sound like a good person, but the other party suddenly changed his mind and only planned to teach him a lesson. Tang Ji suddenly felt the other party's open-mindedness.

Well, he didn't think of more appropriate words. After all, if someone suddenly came to his territory, showed off his power, and ruined his meal, Tang Ji would definitely not just teach them a lesson.

But he wasn't sure. Maybe it was because of Mr. Good Luck's influence. Somehow, he didn't want to kill the neon cook, so he made him change his mind temporarily?

Tang Ji frowned, threw the wine glass on the table to the ground, and gave up the intention of continuing to think about it. This thing turned into a matryoshka doll when he thought about it, which was simply uncomfortable.

Nagagusa Shiro may not know Tang Ji's complex psychological activities at that moment, but he must have heard the allusion of throwing a cup as a sign.

The moment Tang Ji threw the cup, the eight black mummies started to move. They seemed to have no weight, flying over the walls and jumping towards Tang Ji from all angles.

Tang Ji's first shot hit the chest of one of the mummies. The bullet passed through the chest, leaving only a transparent hole the size of a basketball.

But Tang Ji was used to things where bullets didn't work. Without any hesitation, he let the remaining five bullets in the bullet chamber make five more holes on the same target.

Sometimes what you think is indestructible may just be in insufficient dosage.

The huge prelude of firepower almost directly destroyed the physical existence of the black mummy, leaving only a pile of broken bones and rags on the ground.

"Skeleton?" Tang Ji eliminated one enemy, held another in his iron hand, kicked the third one away, and still had time to check the enemy in his hand.

Although this kind of thing is very fast, its power is relatively weak, not even as good as ordinary people. Tang Ji broke one up with just a little force.

Wang Zhengdao's efficiency is even higher than Tang Ji's. He uses a force technique similar to that of Cun Jin, which can cause the enemy to fall apart instantly every time he touches the attack.

When Tang Ji met Wang Zhengdao for the first time, he knew that Wang Zhengdao had special skills.

Wang Zhengdao is not Tang Ji's style of fighting based on experience and beast intuition, but a killing machine that has been honed by decades of hard work and skills since childhood.

In a life-and-death fight, Tang Ji might still have a chance, but in a simple fight, if Tang Ji didn't take advantage of his prosthetic limbs, he would have been beaten all over his head.

Unfortunately, Wang Zhengdao is a martial artist, not a killer, and his murderous intention is not strong enough.

Just like just now, Tang Ji didn't even think about whether he would cause casualties to the attackers. It was a matter of life and death. This was instinct.

Wang Zhengdao, on the other hand, made a serious move after confirming that the opponent was not a human being after the fight.

This is determined by his innate character and acquired experiences. After all, Tang Ji is furious. If Angelina had not restrained him, he might have started his bloodthirsty career ten years ago.

Now, it's just the beginning of showing his true nature.

This chapter has been completed!
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