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Chapter 164 The thoughts of all parties

 To a certain extent, the functions of the Information Section of the Huangban Group and the Special Section under its security department overlap.

The former was an organization established by Saburo Arababa a long time ago to spy on competitors and even target Neon officials.

Saburo Arasha has never been a rule-abiding person. He is used to doing whatever it takes to achieve his goals. This has also led to the Arasha Intelligence Department being particularly good at the dirty work of frame-up and assassination.

But after the failure of two corporate wars, Saburo Arabata was manipulated by the Joint Corporate Investigation Office on the intelligence front, and he finally realized that he was on the wrong path.

This was the birth of the latter, but this special class established within the security department of the Aragban Group first faced opponents of the level of naturalized individuals and players.

This has also led to the entire special class taking an anti-player stance. Even though the senior management of the special class has vaguely discovered that Saburo Arababa has a tendency to support players, they still have not changed their stance.

The development of the entire special class is based on the process of anti-players and anti-naturalizers. In this process, they continue to draw nutrients from the intelligence department and the security department, and develop themselves into a behemoth that is no less than the size of the joint office.

They couldn't turn around now and had no choice but to kill the person blocking the way, even if that person was the actual controller of the Huangban Group.

Araban Yorinobu was the next generation emperor they selected. Even if Araban Yorinobu developed his current anti-capital and anti-authority character, the special class played a very important role in it.

And the Aragata Intelligence Section is not a good employee who keeps to himself. According to the clues found by the Special Section, the death of Saburo Arafata's eldest son, Noboru Arafata, who was once regarded as the only successor of the empire, is related to the Intelligence Section.

A powerful intelligence department that lacks faith and only serves capital and the powerful will eventually evolve into a monster that exists only for the sake of existence. This is an almost inevitable path.

Long before the first corporate war began, the Federation, once known as the greatest country, had already taught everyone a lesson with its substantial disintegration.

But no one learned the lesson, including Saburo Arababa.

Sanda Yingfu looked at Yorinobu, whose face was uncertain, and the slight guilt in his heart was quickly suppressed by the heavy burden and responsibility on his body.

Once upon a time, he and Erimi Miwako were both Araban Yorinobu's companions. They were his friends, bodyguards, servants, listeners, and supporters.

It's just that with the end of childhood, the three people each have different lives.

Mida Yingo did not expect that he would later become the person in charge of the special section, a powerful figure in the Aragban Group, and a big shot that he had never dared to imagine.

He didn't feel that his life was very happy. If possible, Sandaoyingfu really wished that he was not sitting in this position.

He didn't want to wake up from nightmares every day. The first thing he did when he got up every morning was to open the curtains and see if there were groups of players burning, killing and looting outside.

A highly confidential psychological analysis team within the special class is analyzing Saburo Arabansa's psychological changes day and night, trying to understand his thoughts.

One of the most well-understood psychological models currently shows that Saburo Arabata acquiesces to the possibility that human civilization will be defeated on an overall level.

Saburo Araban is a legend. This is not the first time he has experienced such a situation. He has experienced the world war a century ago. It was in that ruin-like neon that he established the Araban Group from scratch.

In the process, Saburo Arafat accepted the Federation's status as the victor in Neon, and borrowed the power of the Federation's garrison to help him grow, eventually allowing the Arafat Group to grow.

But now, Saburo Arabata obviously feels that he can win again in this new war by relying on compromise and patience.

Last time, Saburo Arabata spent nearly eighty years. This time, if the players or the naturalized forces can solve his aging problem, he can spend two or even three eighty years waiting for the opportunity.


This result is unacceptable to Sanda Yingfu, and it is also unacceptable to the power of the neon new generation.

It is not because of their high moral standards, but because of their interests, the new generation cannot accept that the front-runner class headed by Saburo Arababa blocks their way forward.

Even if the interests of human civilization are to be sold, it cannot be sold by those old guys...

Of course, the young Yoshio Sanda and even Yorinobu Arabano were just targets at the front, and they were not aware of the plans of the capital behind them.

If Tang Ji's words were used to describe the state of internal strife in Neon, it would definitely be: "These Neon people, who have lived a good life in their childhood, can only see the world through the tip of a needle, and their minds and horizons are only so wide."

They can achieve the ultimate in details, but fail miserably in terms of the overall situation, so much so that they have almost never won any world war. The failure of two consecutive corporate wars is proof of this.

Just like now, the Iron Lotus Brotherhood has carefully considered every detail with a craftsman's heart, and planned a plan that they believe is perfect, which can perfectly solve the two goals and gain the support of the Huangban and Naturalized Groups at the same time.

"Lai Xuanjun has been defeated by Mitaoyingo." Senior cadres in the Iron Lotus Brotherhood told each other: "We have lost the support of the Miki Consortium, and now we can only rely on ourselves."

"This is an opportunity to prove our capabilities."

"After the plan is successful, we must first teach our members that the Huangban Group is our enemy, but temporary tolerance is for future success."

"When Lai Xuanjun dismantles the Huangban Empire, we will be strong enough to compete with any force head-on. At that time, the era that truly belongs to the Neon people will come!"


As the plane landed, the hidden force of the Special Section in Daban was already waiting here, and picked up Yoshio Samada and Yorinobu Arababa in four low-key-looking civilian cars.

"Is Miwako's situation stable?" Araba Yorinobu looked at the unfamiliar city and remembered the days when he and Miwako were together when he was a child.

He had seen many cruel things, but when he thought of Miwako's tragic situation at this time, he still felt heartbroken.

This is a cannibalistic society. The higher you stand, the clearer you can see. And Araban Yorinobu has been standing at the highest point of neon since he was a child. This strong contrast makes him more rebellious.

As a childhood friend, Samada Yoshio has completely adapted to this cannibalistic society, and Araban Yorinobu can see it in his eyes.

His ambition and desire are all yearning for more. Climbing up is his only belief. Araban Yorinobu knows that he cannot escape this whirlpool of power.

The small Steel Dragon gang he established has no way of confronting the behemoth Huangban. Even those allies who have shown goodwill to him at this stage all have their own agendas.

They either hope to completely destroy Araban with their own hands, or they are just investing in the future. After all, Araban Yorinobu is still the legal successor to the Araban Group.

Araba Yorinobu glanced at Samae Yoshio, thinking that if the player he mentioned really existed, it might be an opportunity for this world.

Today's neon is like stagnant water in a latrine. Only by throwing in a big enough stone can it stir up big enough waves, and some changes will occur in society.



"This is our plan, Donkichi-dono." Asami Sogeki told Donkichi about the arrival of Yoshio Mitsuba and Yorinobu Arabada.

"We don't want to hurt Arababa Yorinobu, we just want the head of Mita Yoshio." Asami Sozuki smiled bitterly and showed his arms to Tangji: "We have tried several attacks, and this is the result.


Tang Ji glanced at Hiroyuki Sanada with a half-smile. He had translated Asami Sogetsu's words for Tang Ji, and Tang Ji had just heard him introduce himself to the name Sanada Yingfu not long ago.

Hiroyuki Sanada is truly an old-school gang member. When encountering this kind of thing, he didn't even bat an eyelid, as if he didn't know this Sanada Yingfu at all.

"This time when he came to Daban, he only had eight guards with him. Their local strength was being eliminated one by one by Matsutomo Electricians because of the scene you created before, so they couldn't use more strength." Asami Sozuki said in words.

Holding Tang Ji in his hands: "If you take action, you will definitely succeed immediately!"

"I hope you didn't lie about the information about Losas." Tang Ji chuckled, took out his cell phone and sent the location to Wang Zhengdao, who was returning to Neon: "Otherwise you will regret it."

However, it is obvious that except for Asami Sozuki, other members of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood are hostile to Tang Ji. They do not know the plans of the top brass of the Brotherhood, and they just reject their peers out of the instinct of violent elements.

Especially when the eldest sister in his group keeps showing weakness, this kind of low-level hostility based on hormone secretion is even more undisguised.

"Why are Samada Yoshio and Araban Yorinobu here at this time?" This is the only thing Tang Ji doesn't understand.

He didn't care about the situation in Neon, but at least he knew that someone like Yorinobu Arababa would have to bring a company of security personnel with him every time he went out.

"Lai Xuanjun, he...he is a very loyal person. He is different from other big shots..." Asami Sozuki's voice became much softer. This was the first time Tang Ji saw such a little woman in her.

of expression.

"Miwako you rescued met Yori Xuanjun a long time ago, so she must only trust Yori Xuanjun, right?" Asami Sozuki glanced at her prosthetic limbs with some inferiority complex, and there was uncontrollable depression in her voice.

It's hard for her to express such rich emotions with one eye, otherwise Tang Ji would really not be able to tell the emotions in it just based on Hiroyuki Sanada's translation.

Araban Yorinobu, the idol in the hearts of many violent women in clubs!

"What's going on?" A sudden voice made Asami Sozuki instantly return to his previous professionalism, and his hands subconsciously clasped the handle of the gun tightly.

Wang Zhengdao sat on the chair next to Tang Ji with a tired look on his face, picked up the apple that someone left there from the table, and gnawed it without ceremony.

That natural look even made many members of the fraternity completely unaware that he had just appeared. Only Asami Sozuki, who was the nearest, and a few core members behind her, broke out in a cold sweat.

Sanada Hiroyuki had already adapted to Wang Zhengdao's presence and introduced him calmly: "This is Tang Jun's friend and one of our own."

Asami Sogetsu took a deep look at Wang Zhengdao, wary of this sudden appearance of a super human, and at the same time, she further increased the danger of Tangji's gang in her mind.

Although the Brotherhood has heard of Tang Ji's name, they are still confident that they have enough power to deal with Tang Ji, and that they can complete the win-win model of one person winning twice in this mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole stalking the cicada.

Its biggest trump card is nothing more than superhumanity.

As the saying goes, having a sharp weapon in your heart and having a murderous intention arose from your own mind. What can give an individual the will to resist the existing order is nothing more than pressure from the outside world and changes from within.

Is there any greater inner change than the awakening of a transhuman being?

I don’t know since when, the number of superhumans in the Iron Lotus Brotherhood has been increasing.

Although they still have an organizational program from the last century, their specific concepts are still influenced by the supremacy of the strong among superhuman groups.

Within the entire Brotherhood, 80% of the cadres promoted in the past three or four years are superhumans with outstanding performance. These people have become role models for those who are behind.

Asami Sozuki cannot evaluate the quality of this change. Looking at the good side, the power of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood exceeds that of any previous era.

But the extreme expansion of power also filled the entire organization with a sense of disharmony. She had forgotten the last time everyone sat together as a family, drinking and singing.

Nowadays, there is a clear hierarchy within the Brotherhood. Many cadres with strong personal strength often initiate solo actions, and the highest level can only express their disapproval by admonishing them.

And this operation was also the product of this background. The top brass of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood were very eager to complete their success in one battle, and they made no secret of their great joy for their success.

In fact, Asami Sozuki did not support this action because the plan was formulated too hastily. The senior management only saw the possible benefits and ignored the risks involved, let alone prepared for the fallout after failure.

At first, she even felt that she could not convince Tang Ji to take the bait. After all, the temporary bait was not very tempting.

But she succeeded. Tang Ji not only took the bait, but also bit the bait hard.

Tang Yoshi's cooperation made Asami Sogetsu even more uneasy. The senior members of the Brotherhood believed that Tang Yoshi was a reckless man, and every time Asami Sozuki saw Tang Yoshi's smile, he could feel the ridicule and contempt hidden behind that smile.

He seems to know everything, but he doesn't care, just like a mantis' arm can never stop a car.

With the sudden appearance of Wang Zhengdao, Asami Sozuki is sure of one thing, that is, Tang Ji has found his own interests in this trap, and the roles of hunter and prey may be reversed at any time.

Thinking of this, Asami Sozuki saw Tang Ji smile at her again, and she could only respond with a somewhat stiff smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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