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Chapter 169 First glimpse

"Mr. Karcalf, I hope you don't regard this as an interrogation." Wu Qianying, who was picked up by Wang Zhengdao from Night City, sat opposite Karcalf, holding a shorthand board in his hand, like a reporter.

"You are not betraying your own camp, but you are helping the two worlds communicate with each other in a more harmonious way." Before Wu Qianying asked the question, she first started psychological counseling to test Karkarf's psychological defense.

Kacalf just smiled and poured champagne for Tang Ji, Wu Qianying, Wang Zhengdao, and Miwako, who was lying on the sofa and was a little depressed, and then sat back on his swivel chair.

"Let's skip this step, Dr. Wu. It's true that I'm not as talented as you, but you don't understand our world and you don't understand me." Karcalf loosened his tie and drank half a glass of champagne in one gulp:

"In our world, I have received seventy years of basic education."

"I don't want to sound superior, but it is actually true. There is a generational difference between us." Carcalf hesitated and filled up the champagne again: "I know what you want to know. Unfortunately, I'm just a fringe


"Tell me about your world?" Wu Qianying's eyes were filled with excitement. At this moment, she had already put aside all the naturalizers and pioneers. She only wanted to know what the other world was like.

What does it look like?

"You just said that you have received seventy years of basic education. Why does it take so long? How long is your average lifespan? What is the approximate scope of this basic education?" Wu Qianying has ten thousand questions to ask.

If possible, she really wanted to drag this precious prisoner to the Lazarus headquarters, put it into the machine that could read the memory, and take a good look at it.

"Our world..." Kacalf looked at the group photo of his family on the table and did not resist the question: "Our world is very developed, but it is also very... hopeless. We have reached a deadlock."

"Stalemate?" Wu Qianying was very interested in this word. After all, based on the current relationship between the two worlds, the enemy's deadlock might be their opportunity.

"It's not what you think, but we have fallen into a stagnant period of civilization. The times cannot keep up with the pace of science and technology, and we have been left behind forever." Kacalf sighed to Wu Qianying: "I just said, I have experienced

After seventy years of basic education, in our world, this is roughly equivalent to completing junior high school."

Wu Qianying took a breath of cold air and kept writing on the shorthand board, while Tang Ji roughly understood what Karcalf meant, and she was more educated than him.

"You also asked about our average lifespan. I can tell you that we are immortal." Karkarf shook his head, with a wry smile on his lips: "The reconstruction of the body, the transfer of consciousness, and even the anchoring of the soul are very important to us.

They are all mature technologies."

"Eternal life requires three technologies: physical reconstruction, consciousness transfer, and soul anchoring?" Wu Qianying's voice was trembling, as if she had returned to the time when she was writing her doctoral thesis.

"I can't explain the principle to you in detail. Don't be so excited. I'm pretty sure you are smarter than me. The generational difference between us comes from society and time, not individuals." Karkarf's character is not strong.

He seemed very polite when he spoke.

"Continuing with your question, our civilization has stagnated. The time for basic education has been extended from thirty years to a hundred years, but it is still unable to cultivate a new generation that can catch up with the forefront of scientific research." Karkarv sighed.

He sighed: "And those great scholars who have been transforming their bodies and souls with the times have exhausted their potential and are unable to move forward because they cannot be supplemented by new blood."

Wu Qianying quickly recorded the word "big scholar".

"In our world, people who have received basic education for a century and people who only know three hundred words and can count from one to a hundred are equated." Karcalf laughed at himself: "

They all belong to storage units."

"Storage unit?" Wu Qianying recorded another important point.

"That's right, storage unit, the greatest significance of our existence is to contribute the information surplus of our souls and brains, as well as computing power." Karkarf pointed to his head: "This is the reason why we are given eternal life, storage

Sectors must be as stable as possible."

Wu Qianying couldn't imagine the sadness of the era described by Kacalf. To her, that world sounded pretty good?

Kacalf seemed to have anticipated Wu Qianying's reaction, and suddenly turned to Tang Ji and said: "What are the commonalities of geniuses?"

"Is it more efficient to use humans as information storage units?" Wu Qianying asked,

"No, it's because the cost is low and the price-performance ratio is higher." Kacalf gave Wu Qianying a not-so-second answer: "In space, we are also at a standstill. The Dyson sphere frame surrounding the star is being built, and all materials in technology are

All face lack.”

"I have always felt that the Dyson sphere system is an outdated system. Civilizations that are capable of building it should theoretically have an energy system beyond this level." Wu Qianying's tone was full of regret.

"Yes, but we are stuck in a stagnant state and can only use stupid methods." Karkarf explained: "This is information I learned a long time ago when I was in school."

"Why are you here?" Tang Ji asked. He was not interested in Wu Qianying's concerns.

"Do you need a reason?" Karkarf's smile remained unchanged: "Think about it, among tens of billions of people, only those at the top are deciding the direction of civilization, while the rest are doing nothing."

"Our living space is priority and living supplies are limited, but as a storage sector, we need to keep the soul strength stable near the peak, which requires enough mental stimulation and pressure relief." After finishing speaking, Kacalf took a sip of the cup.

Champagne: "This is the most profitable business direction of our time."

"A few more questions, Karkarf, how do you view the relationship between the two worlds? In what form did you arrive in our world? And, how did you discover our world?" Wu Qianying took up the topic and asked


Karkarf shook his head: "You asked the wrong person. I don't know the answers. If you ask me how I view the relationship between the two worlds, unfortunately, most of us over there only regard similar worlds as simulation games.

,Me too..."

"As for the remaining questions, I'm afraid you need a bachelor to answer them." Karkarf took out a cigarette and gestured to Wu Qianying. After getting permission, he lit it for himself.

Tang Ji coughed and reminded Wu Qianying that this was not an academic exchange meeting.

"Okay, next question, are you willing to provide us with some more in-depth help in future conflicts?"

This chapter has been completed!
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