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Chapter 185 Assassin

 Pioneer Z is a codename, a temporary codename given by Daoud Zuniga. This is the fourth world he has participated in pioneering. If it weren't for the big mistake he made in the last pioneering operation, he should not have been involved with it.

These 'rookies' are mixed together.

But fortunately, there are still things in this world that make him find interesting, such as supernatural abilities.

Daoud has mastered different powers in different worlds, and each time he quickly stands out and becomes an outstanding assassin. This is his consistent style.

[Silent], [Chameleon Disguise], [Rubber Man], and [Magic Shape] are the four abilities chosen by Daoud.

Among them, [Silent and Silent] is the ability of the body itself to awaken. This ability is very simple and can eliminate the sense of existence of the body itself.

Daoud is very satisfied with this ability. With this ability, he has killed the annoying replicator four times.

They still don't know how many entities there are of replicator Mikkelsen, but it is speculated that the number will not be less than nine hundred.

Daoud is the only player who has killed replicators multiple times. When the world is officially opened, he thinks he will be able to receive an achievement or a badge or something.

Of course, being a replicator is a long-term goal, and now Tang Ji is setting the goal.

Daoud disguised himself as a weak woman who was only about 1.6 meters tall. He was less than three meters away from Tang Ji and observed him with his mobile phone camera.

This is the effect brought about by the comprehensive application of the two abilities [Magic Form] and [Rubber Man]. His development of the [Magic Form] ability is still in its early stages, only at LV2 level.

It can only change the skin color, hair color, face shape, and body surface clothing, but cannot interfere with the internal muscle and skeletal structure.

But coupled with the ability of [Rubber Man], Daoud can be ever-changing. If he wants, he can even disguise himself as a child.

In order to suit his own style, Daoud even gave up the advanced ability of [Cancer Recovery] and chose [Chameleon Disguise].

With the accumulation of these abilities, Daoud became the true faceless killer. Within an hour, he first killed a clone of the replicator twelve kilometers away, and then rushed back to the Plaza Hotel to activate the plan he had arranged in the morning.


At this time, Daoud did not continue to take risks. He had just kept changing his identity and shooting in the crowd, which had aroused Tang Ji's vigilance.

This was a difficult guy. Daoud felt that he had underestimated his opponent and planned to retreat temporarily.

The weapon in his hand cannot cause damage to the target. He is now very sure that Tang Ji is a super human, with at least two abilities: physical enhancement and sensory enhancement.

The pioneers' research on superhumans was originally more in-depth than the local forces in this world. After all, they started earlier, and they also secretly guided the era when the number of superhumans exploded, and they have mastered a lot of first-hand information.

But they can't clearly judge how superhumans are classified and graded. There seems to be no rules at all in the awakening of superhumans.

The ability of some people to awaken may just fit their personality, living habits, or work environment, but when placed in the entire superhuman group, such special cases can only be regarded as random events.

The only thing the pioneers can be sure of is that among superhumans, there are indeed classes. The abilities of the "elites" are more complex and have a higher upper limit.

For example, the Seven Deadly Sins would naturally be at the top of the world's food chain...if they had not come to this world to interfere.

They captured a superhuman named 'Gluttony' a long time ago, and that was the first Seven Deadly Sins level superhuman they captured.

Based on the information advantage of high latitudes, they can indeed 'read' the world from a certain perspective. They have been vaguely aware of the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins a long time ago.

But the ability of 'Gluttony' still shocked all the pioneers. They were unable to completely kill Gluttony. Gluttony's physical recovery ability was beyond the understanding of the human species.

Fortunately, gluttony is easy to control. Just like the meaning given by the name, as long as gluttony is always in the eating state, he will be very slow to changes in the external environment.

They can use machines to cut his muscles and extract his blood at will. Gluttony doesn't care at all, because he recovers much faster than the damage he sustained.

That was their first piece of the puzzle, the flesh and blood of Gluttony, the raw material for the superhuman gene inducer.

Of course, according to their speculation, all the flesh and blood of the Seven Deadly Sins may have this effect. They are like moving radiation sources, which can increase the probability of humans around them awakening into superhuman beings. The younger the age, the higher the probability.

It's just that his gluttony ability makes him more suitable as an industrial raw material.

Then under the guidance of the planning department, they finally found another piece of the puzzle that opened a new era, greed.

Gene inducers made from gluttony as the raw material allowed the number of superhumans to increase day by day, while greedy blood made from greed as the raw material allowed the pioneers to turn uncontrollable supernatural abilities into commodities in supermarkets.

Therefore, continuing to search for the remaining Seven Deadly Sins is the long-term mission of the Pioneers.

They once imprisoned an individual suspected of the Seven Deadly Sins - jealousy in Africa, but after suffering huge losses, they were unable to gain any benefit from the target, and eventually the entire base was left in a semi-abandoned state.

They had received information that there was an inextricable connection between the Ark Organization and "Lazy", but until they attacked the headquarters of the Ark Organization and almost wiped out the entire organization and the prophet, no trace of Lazy was found.

In order to catch the big fish in the long run, they let go of the remaining Ark organization.

They couldn't find any information about lust, arrogance and rage. Until Tang Ji appeared, some pioneers thought that Tang Ji might be violent.

The ability to directly kill players is the essence of rage and represents the anger of this world.

But Daoud sneered at this. He had participated in the actions to recover Gluttony and capture Greed. He also drove the nail into Jealousy's head with his own hands.

He knows that the Seven Deadly Sins are difficult to deal with, but can he directly kill the player? The Seven Deadly Sins don't have this ability, so there must be a hidden secret behind it.

Daoud looked at Tang Ji who had returned to the Plaza Hotel. He repeated his old tricks and climbed up the outer wall again. He killed an unlucky guy who was standing by the window watching the excitement outside. He disguised himself as the other person and sneaked into the hotel.

He did not come alone. As an assassin, he needed sufficient intelligence support. Someone was secretly providing him with information.

At this time, his teammates are using special methods to restore what happened in the hotel one by one in Daoud's mind.

A few minutes later, Daoud entered the rooftop without being noticed, found the body of Detective Bazar, smiled and threw the body into the water tank, then turned around and disguised himself as Bazar.

This chapter has been completed!
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