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Chapter 199: Virtue Appears

 (The last 800 words are repetitive parts. Due to work reasons, the time was delayed a bit. Please forgive me, I will revise it before one o'clock.)

The action efficiency of the players has always been something Mikkelsen envied. There were only a few hundred of them, but they were enough to make Mikkelsen, who was an army of one man, feel tired.

Mikkelsen has been seeing the Walter Group, and he knows the new company's projects well, but he can't keep up with the players.

When they decided to support a group of extreme villains at the meeting, it was 10:25 in the morning, and Mikkelsen got the news at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Just when Mikkelsen was about to wait for more news, the extremely evil person selected by the agents had already received 'encouragement' from a stranger.

A group with an average age of no more than sixteen years old, led by two troubled superhuman teenagers, and calling themselves Nova, raided a juvenile detention center with armed forces, brutally killing all the guards and nearly half of the detainees.

They were equipped with a full set of body armor and carried heavy firepower. Although a group of children wearing body armor a few sizes too big ran like dogs wearing clothes for the first time, they responded to the ridicule with bullets.

The bad reputation of the villainous Adama brothers soon became the new favorites of the media. This small gang was quickly punished on the spot by the law enforcement officers who arrived, but the impact was too bad.

This group of little devils started fighting through a live broadcast, with more than 30 different perspectives, allowing nearly 10 million viewers across the Internet to witness their brutality and death.

These young men who were inspired were as if they had taken drugs. They did not care about the threats of death and pain, which explained what it means to be brave and fearless of death.

The Armada brothers were the only survivors of Xinxing. They happily surrendered after all their friends died.

"We will be back, this is just the beginning!" The eldest brother of the Armada brothers made a victorious scissor hand gesture in front of the camera, and then was escorted away by the law enforcers with his neck held high.

As for his younger brother, he lowered his head and obeyed as he was taken into another car.

People can only guess that the eldest brother of the Amada brothers has some kind of ability to confuse people's hearts, which makes these teenagers act so crazy.

On the other side, another group of extreme superhumans who are participating in demonstrations have completed self-arming with the help of their brokers.

They hid in the crowd and suddenly launched an attack while passing the city hall. Five superhumans with different abilities each unleashed their bestiality.

Before the law enforcement intervened, the parahumans who came to the parade were in chaos, and those who were able to escape panicked and chose their own way.

Those who were able to protect themselves were wary of every approaching figure.

The demonstration resulted in nearly 30 deaths before local law enforcement took control of the situation.

What's worse is that in the live media footage, law enforcement officials have tried several times to control the superhuman beings who are constantly causing chaos, but have failed.

In the end, the law enforcers gave up their gentle methods and killed more than a dozen crazy superhumans.

At the same time, the extremist group that had moved to a safe location publicly admitted on the Internet that they had caused the riot. Once their organizer entered a state of excitement, his sweat could affect surrounding creatures.

Similar incidents continued to occur, and in the next forty-eight hours, there were as many as one hundred and forty-eight riots and terrorist attacks caused by superhumans or superhuman gangs around the world.

Almost all criminals have more firepower than local law enforcement, and the hard-working brokers even spend extra money to provide them with drone support services.

In order to cope with this chaos, some small member countries of the European Community had to enter military status.

In the Federal Continent, the conflict between ordinary people and superhumans has become completely open, and demonstrations by both parties often turn into street shootouts.

Many gang members are frightened by this situation. They usually engage in small fights to make way for the people's war and clear the battlefield.

But Night City still remains calm.

On the one hand, the noise Tang Ji made here can intimidate everyone at the same time. On the other hand, this city has experienced a Red Sun incident, and people's attitude towards superhuman beings can be seen from Tang Ji.

The superhuman craze once sparked by the new wave was suppressed by Tang Ji on his own.

In school, every time a kid brings up the idea that metahumans are cool, someone pulls up the video of Don Quixote executing members of Lotus in the street.

On the streets, young people who want to play the role of street warriors will also be warned that if you take this road, your end will be Tangji.

As soon as the parahuman groups that were ready to move thought of the possible encounters, they gave up their plans to respond to calls from various places and hold demonstrations.

Night City, where Lotus once lit the Holy Fire, is regarded by many superhumans as their Jerusalem.

Tang Ji spent more than a year turning this place into a forbidden area for Losas, and now there are no more graffiti of the Gene-Breaking Sword on the streets.

Every graffiti kid knows that before you finish drawing the double helix on the wall, there will be an eye-catching street kid pointing a gun at your head from behind and forcing you to lick the painted part clean with your tongue.


After the death of four or five parahuman worshipers with weak stomachs, the parahumans and transhuman worshipers still remaining in Night City have become more well-behaved.

This also gives the city enough time to watch the jokes of other cities. After all, Night City has won the championship for many times in the joke list in terms of urban safety.

Tang Ji is waiting, Tang Ji is patient, he knows that the demonstration city is the base of the players, and he knows that his real goal is in that city.

But he needs a chance, and Mikkelsen has shared the Virtue Seven's plan with him.

Wu Qianying knew very well that Mikkelsen wanted Tang Ji to make the knife, and she also knew that Tang Ji was willing to make the knife.

This woman only wanted Tang Ji to gain the greatest benefit from this process.

The Seven Virtues, the big plan of the pioneers, this is the first time that Tang Ji, a small team, has figured out the pulse of the enemy. They may not be able to kill every player, but they can try to completely destroy this plan.

They are waiting, waiting for the appearance of the Seven Virtues...

Then, give me a big gift.



"How do I look?" Kathy Walter stood naked in front of a huge mirror, looking around at this almost perfect body.

At this time, Kaixi was about 1.8 meters tall. Her two slender thighs were as straight and slender as if she could not see the end of the highway, which was not in line with the laws of human growth.

Her skin is as white as colostrum in spring, making people seem addicted to it and unable to extricate themselves.

At this time, Kaixi had a pair of emerald eyes, positioned at the most harmonious point of purity and maturity.

The platinum-blond shoulder-length short hair gives her a touch of sharpness, making up for the softness of her facial features. Just standing there will attract the attention of the world.

"Artwork!" Aslan looked at Kaixi, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but that was all.

This high-end body has been refined almost from head to toe, and he can guarantee that there is nothing original.

For the Virtue Seven plan, the planning department sent a modeling master from the art department. The only ability he has in this world is the ability of [human body sculpting].

The appearance characteristics of the Seven Virtues were all designed by him personally. For example, the body chosen by Kathy Walter was originally only 1.62 meters tall and weighed 102 kilograms.

But in the hands of the sculptor, that large gas tank-like base material eventually turned into the diamond-like kind-hearted woman in front of her.

"Thank you, you're not bad either." Kathy Walter's self-esteem has been greatly satisfied. She is the future official spokesperson of the Virtue Seven and will continue to appear in the media.

And this body can naturally win people's favor. Coupled with her own abilities, anyone who wants to harm her may become a public enemy.

As for Aslan, although his body has also been modified by the sculptor, the changes are not so exaggerated.

Because of the [Endless] ability, the original owner of the body has a perfect body. The sculptor just slightly changed the body proportions of the body to make it more perfect and make the facial features more angular. From any angle

They are all sunny and confident.

The character corresponding to Aslan is diligence, just like the original owner of the body with [Endless], as long as he persists to the end, God will reward his hard work.

Within the Virtue Seven, his position is not the main C, but the late stage. For now, Aslan is even the weakest link in the Seven in terms of combat effectiveness.

But the audience will eventually be crazy about him, and he will achieve brilliance step by step under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people.

Kathy Walter and Aslan put on the clothes they had prepared in advance, looked at each other, and walked out. There were two other virtues waiting for them outside.

Today is the first time that Walter Company has demonstrated its virtue plan to the outside world, and there are only four virtues on display, namely humility, diligence, generosity and gentleness.

The moderate candidate is a senior person from the planning department. It is said that he was once a pioneer, but it has been a long time since he worked on the front line.

Kaixi guessed that he was doing it for Tang Ji, that extremely special native who had attracted a lot of people's attention.

Of course, the charm of the world itself is also a main reason. Kaixi can feel the excitement in the hearts of those superior people from the background book written by the planning department for this world.

The origin of generosity is mysterious. Kathy Walter could not get any information about the other party. The entire Trail Blazers team knew nothing about the generosity that suddenly appeared today.

All they know is that the levels of generous permissions are high and best to be approached with caution.

When Kathy Walter walked out, the first thing she saw was generosity, a radiant woman. Although it was also made by an engraver, she overwhelmed Kathy just by the charm in her eyes.

One head.

Kathy Walter was stunned for a moment, then smiled and stretched out his hand to Genshen, who was supposed to be a male character in the original plan.

But obviously the soul in the body ignored the settings in the plan and changed the settings as it pleased. Of course, it is also possible that Fengyun just looked like a woman and still retained the tools for committing crimes under her skirt.

These players can definitely be either male or female in spirit, and with the existence of the sculptor, he can let you have a pair of basketballs and a crime tool that can be wrapped around your waist at the same time.

"I'm glad to meet you. You have found a great world." He generously held Kaixi's hand and ran his greasy fingers across the back of Kaixi's hand: "We are looking forward to the opening of this world, or we are looking forward to it too much.

, so I plan to come in early to experience it.”


...(The following is a repetitive part and will be modified later)

The action efficiency of the players has always been something Mikkelsen envied. There were only a few hundred of them, but they were enough to make Mikkelsen, who was an army of one man, feel tired.

Mikkelsen has been seeing the Walter Group, and he knows the new company's projects well, but he can't keep up with the players.

When they decided to support a group of extreme villains at the meeting, it was 10:25 in the morning, and Mikkelsen got the news at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Just when Mikkelsen was about to wait for more news, the extremely evil person selected by the agents had already received 'encouragement' from a stranger.

A group with an average age of no more than sixteen years old, led by two troubled superhuman teenagers, and calling themselves Nova, raided a juvenile detention center with armed forces, brutally killing all the guards and nearly half of the detainees.

They were equipped with a full set of body armor and carried heavy firepower. Although a group of children wearing body armor a few sizes too big ran like dogs wearing clothes for the first time, they responded to the ridicule with bullets.

The bad reputation of the villainous Adama brothers soon became the new favorites of the media. This small gang was quickly punished on the spot by the law enforcement officers who arrived, but the impact was too bad.

This group of little devils started fighting through a live broadcast, with more than 30 different perspectives, allowing nearly 10 million viewers across the Internet to witness their brutality and death.

These young men who were inspired were as if they had taken drugs. They did not care about the threats of death and pain, which explained what it means to be brave and fearless of death.

The Armada brothers were the only survivors of Xinxing. They happily surrendered after all their friends died.

"We will be back, this is just the beginning!" The eldest brother of the Armada brothers made a victorious scissor hand gesture in front of the camera, and then was escorted away by the law enforcers with his neck held high.

As for his younger brother, he lowered his head and obeyed as he was taken into another car.

People can only guess that the eldest brother of the Amada brothers has some kind of ability to confuse people's hearts, which makes these teenagers act so crazy.

On the other side, another group of extreme superhumans who are participating in demonstrations have completed self-arming with the help of their brokers.

They hid in the crowd and suddenly launched an attack while passing the city hall. Five superhumans with different abilities each unleashed their bestiality.

Before the law enforcement intervened, the parahumans who came to the parade were in chaos, and those who were able to escape panicked and chose their own way.

This chapter has been completed!
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