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Chapter 206 Rescue...Breakout

 "Head, bad news, kid Sirte was injured, very seriously." Ethan shared the picture of Sirte seriously injured on the ground in the tactical eyepiece, and marked Sirte's position on the three-dimensional terrain map.

"The good news is that I have begun to take over the drone group." With Ethan's words, the battlefield situation that was originally in a fog suddenly became clear.

The positions of all enemies are marked on the map, and the entire area is lit up. Now Tangji and the others can know what is behind the wall.

"Surter's condition is very dangerous. Even considering his superhuman physique, he may not be able to survive for five minutes." Anthony said on the communication channel: "Cover me, I will try to pull him back into the building."

"You are too old, Anthony, to handle this kind of work!" Fierce gunshots came from Tony's side: "Leave it to me, I am the second fastest runner in the team! If I don't hurry up, I may have to be promoted.

For first place!”

"I'll go." Tang Ji ended the argument between the two: "I'm closest to him."

When Tang Ji was talking, he had already started to move. The wall full of bullet holes felt like gambling in his hands. He swung the metal prosthesis like a knife and made a circular exit.

[Discover Weakness] Let Tang Ji find a suitable cutting line in the shortest time, and the whole person suddenly appears from the side of the building.

The members of the Hydra team were less than fifteen meters away from the building at this time. The three team members discovered Tangji at the same time and immediately aimed at the target and opened fire.

"Target found!" A Hydra officer raised his hand and made a gesture, and the four soldiers under his command immediately suppressed it with guns raised.

"The primary goal is to kill Tang Ji." Wen-Dennis Quette, who was far away in the demonstration city, looked at the camera, poured himself a glass of vodka, and tasted the strong drink: "The secondary goal is to recover Tang Ji's body."

"Understood." The officer fired a magazine, but it did not cause enough damage: "The target's protection is very strong, and the bullet failed to penetrate."

"Is it his ability?" Wen Wen frowned. They had a lot of information about Tang Ji, but the person described in these information was not one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Hydra soldiers replaced the armor-piercing bullets. They were well prepared this time. For this operation, Dennis Quint almost exhausted the players and naturalized forces secretly operating in Night City.

Someone from the city government gave them the green light to turn off Night City's air defense identification system, which allowed the armed forces belonging to players and naturalized people to be continuously thrown into the city center.

This is a war, and Night City behaves like a girl who took off her clothes and let others slaughter her, without any resistance.

Green Wave Lake Security Group also received a hint from a major shareholder, which blocked the investment of the Law Enforcement Bureau. Of course, this did not take much thought. All the people affiliated with the group in the Law Enforcement Bureau wished that Tang Ji would die soon.

Then there is a lot of peripheral work, from satellite surveillance, drone surveillance, to media surveillance, and covert informant surveillance. Dennis doesn't care at all how much hidden power will be exposed.

Invest all the forces you can at once, and don't use tactics to add fuel to the fire. This is his command style.

Of course, the effect was very eye-catching. They airdropped fifty fully armed Hydra soldiers, four hundred drones of various types, and twelve Basilisk-3 units in Night City.

And this is just the vanguard. If these people are unable to complete their mission, subsequent armed forces will continue to enter the battlefield.

Killing a Seven Deadly Sins-level superhuman is a big deal even for the pioneers.

They had organized three similar operations before, all of which were successful, but there were basically accidents afterwards.

As a quasi-supreme person, Mrs. Bountiful has her own unique views on superhumans at the level of the Seven Deadly Sins. In her view, the Seven Deadly Sins themselves represent a kind of will, and the superhumans endowed with these seven abilities are just carriers.

In many cases, the choices or reactions they make may not come from their own consciousness.

For example, Gluttony, as the first of the Seven Deadly Sins captured by the pioneers, he also left the most information.

According to Mrs. Generosity's research, Gluttony most likely chose to expose himself on his own initiative, and he didn't care what force finally discovered his peculiarity.

Because no matter what force, if you want to study his ability, you must first test the limit of his ability. In this regard, Gluttony has almost no limit, at least the pioneers have not been able to successfully test it.

Before being cryogenically refrigerated, at the peak of gluttony, a full seventeen tons of food could be devoured every day. Even if one ate non-stop, the human eating system would stop there.

The only thing that is certain is that without the pioneers to support him, Gluttony's ability would not have improved so quickly.

Although the later actions against greed and jealousy were successful at the time, greed has now obtained almost everything he wanted, and jealousy has also increased its efficiency in the pioneers' laboratories several times compared to before.


Based on Mrs. Generosity's judgment, Dennis had no intention of capturing Tanguy alive. He just wanted to deal with this troublesome person who might threaten them.




Shadow hurriedly fired a shot in the hail of bullets, and a Hydra soldier who was taking aim fell to the ground. The bullet broke the soldier's calf along the bend of the knee.

"I can buy you fifteen seconds." Shadow looked back at the Saint who was blocking the entrance to the rooftop and setting up explosives: "Then we have to change positions. The enemy is very familiar with us, and their protection level is just right.

Can withstand our weapons fire."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shadow fired again, but this time the Hydra soldier who was hit reacted very quickly. He turned around the moment he was hit. The bullet hit the bulletproof plate of his thigh and failed to hit him.


Shadow was not upset, he just quickly completed the action of changing guns, and the electromagnetic sniper rifle finally completed charging and preheating.

Accompanied by waves of low coil energizing sounds, the capacitors on both sides of the accelerating coil were lit up one by one. Shadow suddenly stood up straight, condescendingly stretched out half of his body, and aimed at the officer who had commanded before and pulled the trigger. The trigger.

A light blue trail streaked through the air like lightning, and a hole the size of a bowl appeared directly on the officer's upper body, leaving a deep hole diagonally downward on the ground in front of him.

The officer stood motionless, still maintaining the structurally completed exoskeleton equipment supporting his body, as if he would regain consciousness in the next second.

In fact, this was indeed the case. The officer seemed to be waking up from a dream. After losing consciousness for a few seconds, he suddenly raised his head again, lowered his head to feel his injuries, slowly moved his arm, and took out a light blue gun. The injection was given to myself.

The ability of [cancer recovery] allowed him to survive death tenaciously, but it will take some time for him to recover as before. During this process, he still has to provide his body with enough energy substances.

The Hydra soldiers who lost their squad-level command did not panic. They were still performing their mission - to kill Tang Ji.

At this time, Tang Ji had already taken advantage of the opportunity created by the shadow to cross the open space, and was still less than fifty meters away from Sirte.

Grain tincture

The command-type Basilisk-3 had already completed its turn, raised a heavy supporting foot and stepped on Surte.

Surte held the metal support feet firmly with both hands. If it were normal, he could overturn the machine again, but now Surte must accept the regret that he is still made of flesh and blood.

With the injuries and bleeding, Surte could barely feel his arms. He watched helplessly as the increasingly heavy metal support legs got lower and lower.

Surte felt that the picture in front of him was gradually becoming black and white. He could hardly hear the sound of firefights close at hand, but the call from his mother who had been away for more than ten years seemed to be in his ears, shouting one after another. he.

"Am I about to die?" Soult was a little reluctant. Since leaving the Skull and Bones Party, he had seen so many things with Tang Ji that he had never seen before.

He has just begun to experience the wonders of this world. He doesn't want to die, at least he doesn't want to die so useless...

But the last bit of strength in his body seemed to have been used for thinking, and Surte couldn't even enter bullet time again.

Then, he suddenly felt that the pressure on his body was relieved, and the whole world seemed to be back again!

Soult heard the familiar sound of gunfire, which was Tangji's revolver. The rhythm was slow, but the gunshots were closer and closer.

Of course, this was just Sirte's feeling. In fact, Tang Ji fired six bullets in less than two seconds after approaching the Basilisk-3 for thirty meters.

All six bullets penetrated the Basilisk-3's armor, and at least one penetrated the Basilisk's energy pack, causing the already damaged heat dissipation area to burst into flames.

[Discover Weakness] This ability allowed Tang Ji to completely ignore the thick protection of the Basilisk, and his attack caused this behemoth to fall into deathly silence.

"I'm sorry, sir, I've caused trouble." There were still tears in the corners of Soult's eyes. He really thought he was dead just now.

Tang Ji looked at the extremely miserable Soult and without saying a word, he directly put him on his shoulders, turned around and ran towards the building where he was just now.

During this process, Tang Ji could feel Surte's blood quickly wet his clothes, and with every step, fragments of internal organs were knocked out of Surte's wound.

If he hadn't known that Anthony's medical skills were superb enough, and if he hadn't known that Surte was a superhuman with a strong body, this rescue might have been meaningless.

But at least Surte can still howl a few times now, and it sounds like he's still a little far away from death.

"I thought... I could do it..." Sirte's breathing suddenly became rapid, as blood poured into his lungs.

But he just coughed a few times, spit out the blood and continued to say his 'last words': "Boss, if I die...remember to bury me back to the Skull and Bones Party. They know where my home is. I want to bury me."

At home..."

"Shut up!" Tang Ji looked at the Hydra soldiers who had outflanked him, a red light flashed in his eyes, and the helmets of the three soldiers were all marked with red dots [Discover Weakness].




Three gunshots rang out. Tang Ji held the gun with one hand and finished firing before the three enemies.

The three broken heads proved that Tang Ji was a rare quick shooter, but he was also shot several times, the bullets coming from behind, and another Basilisk-3 had returned to its landing point.

The 9MM caliber minigun sprayed a storm of metal, and the bullet penetrated Tang Ji's reinforced jacket, and was eventually blocked by the body armor inside.

The powerful impact of the bullet directly pushed Tang Ji and Surte into the hole in the wall. Tang Ji threw Surte to the root of the wall a few meters away, turned around and used the reinforcement ability on the wall.

Continuous use of this ability made Tang Ji feel dizzy, as if someone had hit him with a sap, but seeing him on the battlefield is the best stimulant. He hit his head with the handle of the gun a few times, and finally he was able to see clearly what was in front of him.


It's quite lively here. Martin is riding on the enemy, wielding that ridiculous shotgun as a club, and smashing his helmet visor with the butt of the gun!

"This! Damn! Gun!" Martin roared angrily, raising the shotgun high and swinging it suddenly: "Yes! Female! Special! Edition!"

The shotgun had been bent and deformed by Martin's huge force, and Martin's enemy was lying on the ground motionless.

Martin picked up the enemy's gun from the ground and threw it to Tang Ji. He turned over and lay on the ground, covered his hands and smiled bitterly: "I was shot. The bullets of this broken gun have reduced charges! Damn it..."

While he was talking, the reinforced wall saved everyone in the room. The Basilisk-3 outside fired another round, but this time the bullet failed to penetrate the wall.

But unfortunately, as Martin fell, the front of the room lost its firepower. Tony and Shadow were each surrounded by enemies and were unable to take care of this place.

As for Anthony, he hurriedly cleared a platform on the second floor that was large enough for Soult to perform surgery. He looked at the approaching enemies downstairs, but he only had a pistol in his hand.

"Take Soult up to find Anthony to deal with the injury. Leave it to me downstairs." Tang Ji checked the magazine. There were less than twenty bullets in it. There were still six magazines on the body on the ground, and there were still six magazines in his waist.

He also carried a thirty-centimeter-long hot-melt knife slung across his body.

The bad news is that the enemy came prepared and well-equipped. The good news is that they were so well prepared that they even brought their own can openers.

Tang Ji didn't waste time, he directly threw away the rifle in his hand and picked up the melt knife.

For these soldiers equipped with exoskeletons and heavy body armor, the penetration caused by bullets is not enough for them to repair themselves.

But high temperature and cutting injuries were different. Tang Ji had never seen a few superhumans who could truly regenerate their severed limbs.

Like similar products he had seen in Neon, the melt knife relied on the scabbard to charge and maintain high temperatures, and the scabbard was connected to the exoskeleton's battery pack.

Tang Ji didn't have time to dismantle the battery pack. He simply tore off the power supply cord roughly, took the knife and sheath in his hand, hid behind the wall, and waited for the next enemy to come.

Swish! Swish!

Several smoke bombs were thrown into the room, and the pungent gas quickly spread in the room. Before the gas had completely spread, Tang Ji took a deep breath and stood in the corner to keep quiet.

He can hold his breath and exercise at high intensity for three minutes, which may give the enemy a surprise.

This chapter has been completed!
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