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Chapter 210 No way to escape

 "You know, I'm not a combatant." Miwako stuffed a dog's paw into Ethan's hand. The shiny metal blade and flexible joints forced him to hold the thing carefully to prevent it from being disemboweled by him.

Feeling sick.

"I'm not blind." Miwako continued to confront the enemy. The katana in her hand had many gaps. This kind of weapon was not designed to cut steel.

He originally had a pistol, but Miwako told him that if the recognition units of these mechanical dogs determined that they could not defeat the enemy with hand-to-hand combat, they would launch a long-awaited charge, so Ethan threw the pistol away.

He didn't know why he trusted this woman he had just met so recently, but Ethan was sure that the moment he opened his eyes, he thought he saw the Valkyrie.

"I feel like this one...is about to pounce on me!" Ethan looked at the mechanical dog in front of him, always feeling that it was about to make a move. He tried to analyze what language these bastards' programs were based on, but

I can't always concentrate.

As if he had just exhausted all his computing power in his life, the only thing Ethan could do was to bare his teeth at the mechanical dog and let out what he thought was a vicious growl.

Miwako was amused by the voice coming from behind. She felt that she had joined a very interesting team. Even if she had to die in battle on the first day she joined the team, she would have no regrets.

"Did you just say that you completed a miracle?" Miwako leaned forward again, and the katana in her hand completed a slash, knocking back a mechanical dog that jumped forward: "Tell me, can it be ours?"

's epitaph."

Ethan failed to understand Miwako's humor. He was not ready to face death, and his tone was a little depressed: "I can't believe it. I just completed two terminal anti-missile missions with a drone, and it was too late to go online.

Are you going to die here just to show off?"

"You shared it with me, didn't you?" Miwako made a beautiful splash, with her back close to Ethan and completing a position change with him.

"I don't have a regular girlfriend yet, and I still have too many regrets in my life..." Ethan felt the warmth coming from his back, and began to let himself go when facing death: "Can you?"

"Don't push yourself too far!" Miwako felt that she would never understand the thoughts of these federal people. Are all their heads filled with rocks?

Ethan didn't feel any shame. He was staring at the mechanical dog in front of him, looking at the other person's red eyes as if he was fascinated.

A strange feeling was filling Ethan's mind, as if he had plugged in the brain connector again and was connected to the drone.

"Get down!" Ethan ordered the mechanical dog in an inexplicable way.

The mechanical dog suddenly froze on the spot, as if it was processing two completely opposite instructions and made a logical error.

"Get down!" Ethan repeated his order. The mechanical dog swayed as if it had drunk too much, and finally it actually lay down on the ground.

"What are you crazy about?" Miwako asked without knowing what was happening behind her.

But the next second, Miwako knew what Ethan was doing, and Ethan shouted loudly: "Get down!"

Immediately afterwards, all the mechanical dogs in the room obediently lay on the ground, motionless.

"What's going on?" Miwako was full of doubts, but she didn't waste time. The katana in her hand quickly penetrated the three mechanical dogs in front of her, destroying their chips.

"I seem to be able to directly connect to their signals?" Ethan's own tone was full of doubts. He reached out and gave one of the mechanical dogs a command to stand up, and the other robot did so.

Then Miwako saw the vicious dog that had just been viciously planning to eat them alive, dancing a little swan song on its legs in the middle of the living room.

"It's like I use a brain interface to connect and control a drone. It's amazing!" Ethan was a little excited and asked the other mechanical dogs to stand up.

"Stop!" Miwako looked at Ethan and pointed at his nose: "You're bleeding from the nose, man. I'm worried that if you continue to do this, you will have a brain hemorrhage."

Ethan wiped his nosebleed and instantly exited that state. As a result, several mechanical dogs immediately resumed their previous commands and pounced on him one after another!

"Stop!" Under the threat of life, Ethan instantly entered that state again, turning several mechanical dogs into good dogs again.

But this time, Miwako didn't hesitate at all. She directly raised her knife and turned these mechanical dogs into mechanical parts.

"What the hell, what's going on?" Ethan used toilet paper to stop the more raging nosebleed, and looked at himself in the mirror with some confusion: "Am I awakened as a superhuman?"

"It seems like this is the only explanation." Miwako took a step back and looked Ethan up and down. Like Tang Ji, her first sense of superhumanity was not very good.

"But what ability have I awakened?" Ethan also examined himself and found that there was no change: "I can now connect to the drone without a brain interface? Is it that simple?"

As if he sensed something, Ethan looked at the TV. The TV turned on by itself, and began to change channels with the fluctuation of Ethan's fingers.

"At least you will save money on the remote control in the future." Miwako looked at Ethan, not knowing whether she should congratulate him or comfort him.

Because this ability does not seem to significantly improve Ethan. After all, in order to control the drone more conveniently, he has implanted a brain interface device into himself.

"Only less than twenty meters away?" Ethan squinted his eyes, feeling the spread of his ability, and came to a very pessimistic conclusion, that is, this ability is indeed useless.

But considering that his amazing computing power and reaction speed in the brain interface state just now may be related to this ability, Ethan temporarily put his heart back in his stomach.

"At least this ability saved our lives, and it's all your fault!" Miwako was still trying to find a reason to comfort Ethan, but Ethan suddenly hugged Miwako.

Then he wanted to give Miwako a kiss, but Miwako mercilessly threw him over his shoulder. The hard prosthetic knee pressed against the back of his neck: "Next time you are so unreasonable, I will directly break your arm!"

"I was wrong! I was just excited!" Ethan begged for mercy loudly: "After all, we have just experienced life and death together, and I want to give a victory kiss to lighten the atmosphere!"

"Huh!" Miwako let go of Ethan, looked back at the TV that was playing the news, and pointed at the drone control platform: "The battle is not over yet, go do what you should do!"

At this time, the news on the TV was showing the scene of Tang Ji and the others: "This is definitely the most intense firefight scene in Night City since the Red Sun Incident!

We are sorry for what happened to reporter Lavender, but Night City Morning News will not give up live coverage of this firefight!"


"As you can see, the intensity of the firefight on the ground has begun to decrease. Obviously, the missile just now has affected both sides!

We still haven’t seen any residents in the apartment building being evacuated, which may confirm the theory that Tang Ji is a cold-blooded terrorist and not the lone hero he is rumored to be!”


“Two more Basilisk-3s are blocking the intersection, they have blocked the entire street!

We can see that the vehicle of Tang Ji and his team has just completed a very wide turn! It’s really dangerous! They will be torn apart by the firepower of the Basilisk-3 in just one second!”



"Who are these terrorists who are attacking Night City?

As of now, they have used military robots, drones, armed rotorcraft, missiles, and a total of twenty-five heavily armed terrorists to cause destruction in our city!

But the city hall is like a blind and deaf person. In the past nearly half an hour, no official has responded to this!

It’s as if our city has become a battlefield!”


"Wow! It's so exciting, so fatal! Tang Ji escaped another disaster! I can't believe that his driving skills are so good!

Beautiful headshot! Another one, I bet he did this a lot when he was a law enforcer. Street fighters in Night City, do you think of those horrific memories when you see this scene?"


"News 54 reports to you that Tang Ji, a famous terrorist from Night City, is being attacked by another group of armed men of unknown origin.

Both sides have used weapons such as missiles, drones, and military robots, which have seriously threatened the personal safety of residents in the area. Regrettably, the local law enforcement agencies have not made any response!

This reminds one of the bank robbery that occurred in North Carolina a few weeks ago. Another famous terrorist, Tetsuo Rube, also showed his fighting ability that left local law enforcement helpless!

This station can't help but want to appeal to the audience, what is wrong with our society? If law enforcement cannot ensure order, new forces to maintain order should be created!

Please don't go away. After the thirty-second commercial, our station will continue to broadcast the firefight incident live!

At the same time, the famous spokesperson of the Virtue Team, Ms. Modesty, will also come here as a special guest to analyze for you from a superhuman perspective what supernatural powers are involved in this exchange of fire!"



Tang Ji didn’t know that he had once again been on the national hot search list, but he was not blind. Of course he could see the increasing number of helicopters and media drones in the sky.

This exposed all his actions to the enemy. Of course, Wu Qianying and Aaliya also grasped the enemy's movements in real time.

Whether he wants it or not, Tang Ji must get used to this kind of fighting environment in front of the public media, with countless people watching his every move.

Of course, this situation also brought some benefits. For example, Wu Qianying grasped the tactical intentions of the Hydra team based on the analysis of several special guests while watching TV.

"They have deployed Basilisk-3 at the intersections around you. These robots are compressing your activity space. Your best choice is to abandon the car and walk." Wu Qianying said to Tang Ji: "Alia is learning the knowledge of special operations tactics.

, but I feel like she can’t be of much help. You can’t learn this kind of empirical subject just by reading the information.”

For some reason, Tang Ji heard a strong smell of jealousy in Wu Qianying's tone. This was definitely the first time since they met.

"Are you jealous of her learning ability?" Tang Ji asked, as if this matter was more important than the Basilisk-3 that was targeting them a hundred meters away.

"I'm jealous of her? How is that possible?" Wu Qianying rarely showed the tone of a little woman and whispered: "The most important wisdom of human beings is creation. No matter how powerful the endorsement is, it can only consolidate the foundation and copy the knowledge from the Internet into the brain.

What’s the use of storing it here?”

Tang Ji burst into laughter. When Tony made a sharp turn, he suddenly let go and rolled into a small alley with the help of inertia, and then quickly climbed over several low walls.

Now there was only a wall between him and the Basilisk-3. Tang Ji knew very well that the Basilisk-3 could detect him through the wall.

And he also determined the precise position of the Basilisk-3 through his keen hearing and perception. He even heard the sound of the rotating machine gun motor!

Tang Ji took a few steps back and began to sprint faster. At this time, a continuous stream of bullets began to spray out, and the fragile wall was cut by the bullets like tofu.

He almost stepped on the bullet and completed the hurdle-style climb over the wall, riding directly on top of the Basilisk-3.

The round top of the Basilisk-3 has no foothold at all, but Tangji's balance ability is also inhuman. He is like a cowboy taming a buffalo in the Wild West, standing with both feet on an arc plane and holding a gun in both hands.

, the prelude aimed at the machine at his feet!

【Discover Weaknesses】!


A bullet penetrated the head of Basilisk-3, and Basilisk-3, which was twisting wildly, suddenly slowed down.


Then came the second one. Its arms suddenly released the pressure and hung straight down.


The third bullet completely ended this too expensive war machine. Tang Ji slid down. The next second, the truck driven by Tony turned a corner and rushed out of another intersection, pulling Tang Ji with him again.

A street warrior who was hiding in the building next door and witnessed the whole process recorded it all on his mobile phone and immediately posted it on the Puppy Platform. It received hundreds of thousands of views in a short period of time!

"How cool! I want to live in Night City too!"

"It's so exciting. Are you so messy every day?"

"Why does everyone have Basilisk-3? Where did you buy it? I want to buy it too!"

"Stop bragging, that thing is so expensive it will make you doubt your life!"

The contented street warrior sat on the dusty sofa, looking at the bullet holes penetrated by stray bullets on the wall, and gave himself a sip of paradise spray without a care, thinking that this is the fucking life, so exciting!

"Where are we going, boss?" Tony was driving the truck, his heartbeat almost speeding up to 200 beats per minute. He no longer knew how many times he had avoided death. Every corner seemed like he was guessing the lottery of death.

"..." Tang Ji couldn't answer. With the density of media cameras nowadays, it seems that no one can stay out of the incident until everyone is dead.

And Anthony couldn't perform surgery on Soult in a speeding car. They needed a safe place.

"Go to the city hospital!" Tang Ji gritted his teeth. Do you want to watch the excitement? Then let's have big news. Who cares?

This chapter has been completed!
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