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Chapter 218 The Fall of ‘Angel’

 Tang Ji set up his gun and waited patiently for the Alloy Angel to appear again. He was also waiting for the target on the rooftop, and he was also planning to kill a super human. This feeling made him a little nostalgic.

He still remembered that night seven or eight months ago, the superhuman he was hunting was just stronger and faster than ordinary people.

But now, he is no longer exaggerating about this alien species with metal wings that can fly all over the sky. This wave set off by superhumans has rolled up huge waves, and ordinary people can only pray that they will not be drowned.

Tang Ji heard the sound of gunfire coming from a few streets away, but he decided to continue focusing on his target. The sound of gunfire there was the clearest coordinate and would attract the Alloy Angel back.

Tang Ji guessed correctly. Almost half a minute later, the figure of Alloy Angel appeared from the sky southwest of District 13, carrying a struggling soldier in his hand.

"Sorry, I can't help you." Tang Ji put the alloy angel into the aiming hole and calculated the distance.

The armor-piercing bullets he used were much heavier than ordinary bullets. Although he used a more explosive propellant, the range was still weaker than ordinary bullets. Tang Ji needed the iron bird to fly within two hundred meters to ensure its lethality.

Fortunately, luck has always been on his side. Although half a world away, Tang Ji doubted whether Mr. Good Luck's ability could really cover him, but the iron bird did indeed lower its height, and its route happened to pass by Tang Ji.

The direction of Ji.

The next second, Tang Ji finally knew what the iron bird was going to do. He planned to make a dive and smash the soldier in his hand over!

Tang Ji didn't know how the other party discovered him, but considering that this superhuman could already grow wings on his back, it was reasonable to have an extra pair of eagle eyes.

But Tang Ji just stood there, still aiming the gun firmly at the opponent, watching the target continue to enlarge in his eyes!

A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Alloy Angel's mouth. He had experienced such scenes many times tonight, but these people's bullets could not cause him harm.

In order to ridicule these mortals who overestimate their capabilities, Alloy Angels specially used this human bowling attack method to demoralize the opponent.

Only this time, he messed with the wrong person.

Tang Ji focused all his attention on the gun in his hand, imagining the scene of the flames of hatred sweeping through the bullets, urging the flames to cling to the bullets!

The moment Alloy Angel entered the shooting range, Tang Ji pulled the trigger and fired three beautiful three-round bursts in succession!

The bullets attached with the flame of hatred penetrated the wings of the Alloy Angel without any suspense. After all, their target was too big. Even if the Alloy Angel had folded his wings behind him during the dive, the target was still bigger than his own.

Nine rounds of bullets were fired, and six of them hit. The alloy angel's left wing was instantly shortened, and his right leg was also hit by a bullet. A hole was burned in the center of the calf bone, and the entire flight path immediately deviated!

But before all this happened, Alloy Angel let go of the human cannonball in his hand and allowed the screaming soldiers to hit Tang Ji. Then he re-opened his wings and struggled to control the direction, barely dodging a second before hitting the building.

In order to get one more burst, Tang Ji gave up the chance to dodge, and the last burst and impact happened almost at the same time.

The soldier weighing about 80 kilograms was like a cannonball. He first hit Tang Ji, and then hit him hard backwards against the wall!

The unlucky soldier lost his life at the first impact, and Tang Ji could even hear the sound of his opponent's bones breaking.

The second impact caused more serious secondary damage to the soldier's bones and internal organs, as can be seen from his almost emaciated body.

As for Tang Ji, under the protection of multiple protective equipment, he just felt a little chest tightness. He only needed to take a few breaths and he could stand up...

That's right, he just needed to take a few breaths. Tang Ji convinced his body with willpower. He didn't want to check how many bones he had broken in the dragon scale armor, because these bones would always heal.

His self-healing ability can be regarded as superhuman. Although it cannot keep up with those bastards who have obtained [cancer recovery], nor can it compare with the perfect healing of the greedy deity, his survivability is still far better than that of ordinary people.

There was only one chance to annihilate the enemy, so he couldn't waste it.

Tang Ji threw aside the body that was weighing on him, walked to the edge of the rooftop and took a look at the place where the alloy angel disappeared. Although the iron bird escaped the fate of hitting the building, it did not avoid the fate of crashing.

He made an emergency landing on the ground and slid out of a five-meter-long ravine. Even his metal wings were deformed. He was trying to get up from the ground.

It was just that his right leg that was bent at a weird angle prevented him from successfully completing this small task. Tang Ji fired a shot in his face with a rifle as a greeting: "Wait for me, I will go down to find you now!"

After Tang Ji finished speaking, he pointed at the alloy angel with his finger and then disappeared on the rooftop.

If possible, of course he would like to directly take over the super human in the same way, but the actual situation is that Tang Ji can't do it.

Those nine bullets were Tang Ji's limit. He didn't fully understand his ability, but it was obvious that it was very difficult to attach the flame of hatred to an object that was not in direct contact and let it exist alone at a long distance for a long time.

When Tang Ji used Prelude before, he was always fighting at close range, and he didn't have a deep understanding of this burden. But now these nine rounds of bullets made him feel like he was running out of oil.

He slowly returned along the way he came, feeling the surging vitality in his body being active. With each level of Tangji, he felt his condition recover a little.

When he walked downstairs, the damage caused by the impact had been fully recovered, but the iron bird was still struggling in place, only crawling seven or eight meters away.

"A living person, very good." Tang Ji squatted in front of Alloy Angel, looked at the other person's face mixed with fear and trance, and kicked him over.

He grabbed the alloy angel's head with both hands, dragged it to a height that was parallel to his own line of sight, and looked into the other person's eyes: "Jealous, is that you? Can you hear me?"

"What are you talking about?" The expression on Alloy Angel's face became even more frightened. Before he could recover from the arrogance of being shot down, he discovered that the gunman who shot him down was crazy!

"Do you still have self-awareness?" Tang Ji frowned: "In that case, why don't you tell me why you attacked Wang Zhengdao?"

Gu Mi

"Why?" There was obvious confusion on Alloy Angel's face, as if he was wondering why Tang Ji asked such a stupid question: "Because we must kill him!"

"Is there no reason?" Tang Ji subconsciously wanted to turn on the camera and let people with brains analyze how the ability of jealousy works, but he soon realized that he was in a helpless state.

"Okay, let me try another way." Tang Ji decided to use his brain: "Who ordered you to kill Wang Zhengdao?"

"There is no order, we are going to kill Wang Zhengdao!" Alloy Angel changed the fear on his face and shouted slogans like a fanatic believer.

"Do you want to live?" Tang Ji sighed and changed direction again.

"I don't want to die..." When it came to issues that were not Wang Zhengdao's, Alloy Angel returned to reason again, but it was obvious that the previous issues had caused confusion in his logic, and his originally unintelligent face became even stupider.

"Wang Zhengdao is my friend. If you want to kill him, I will kill you. That's why we are still here." Tang Ji looked into the eyes of Alloy Angel and asked again.

"I...I...I..." Alloy Angel was like a machine stuck in a logic error and couldn't even speak. His whole body began to shake and he foamed at the mouth.

The next second, Alloy Angel suddenly stopped twitching. When he raised his head, his eyes were no longer as ignorant as before. Instead, they were bright and clear: "Is it interesting to toss my little toy like this? Angry?"

"Sure enough, it's you." Tang Ji then relaxed his hands with satisfaction, letting Alloy Angel fall back, and looked at him condescendingly: "By the way, my name is Tang Ji."

"Earthly names have no meaning to us, Fury, you will understand this sooner or later." The jealousy that occupied the body and mind of the alloy angel just lay on the ground with no intention of getting up: "It's a pity that you didn't complete the little friendship between us.

Deal, I'm disappointed, we shouldn't be enemies."

"I have never liked superhumans, especially those with disgusting abilities like yours." Tang Ji replied nonchalantly, while silently waiting for the flame of hatred to recover, intending to surprise Envy: "So now you go back to the Blazers

Are they working part-time?"

"By the way, have you solved the bomb cap on your head?" Tang Ji measured an exaggerated size on his head and mocked: "I must say, that thing suits your temperament quite well."

"Humph, verbal insults mean nothing to me." Although Envy said this, it was obviously not the case from the look on Metal Angel's face.

But Tang Ji can understand it, after all, since jealousy awakened, he has never met anyone who can laugh at him face to face.

"I'm working for myself." Perhaps because of the background of not having normal communication with people for many years, Jealousy finally answered Tang Ji's question: "I got greedy blood and gluttonous meat, but there are still risks, and I can't take them.

Take the bombs out without risking yourself to get brain cancer."

"I made a deal with them." Envy looked at Tang Ji and warned: "You'd better not block my way, you don't know how many trump cards I have prepared."

"It sounds like nonsense. It's no different from what I said." Tang Ji glanced at Jealousy with contempt: "Now you are working as a dog for the pioneers again."

"Whatever you do..." Before Envy could finish speaking, Tang Ji suddenly drew his gun and fired. The powerful bullet was wrapped in the flames of hatred and instantly caused the Alloy Angel's head to explode like a watermelon.

Thousands of kilometers away, in an underground base, Envy, who was sitting on a suspended chair, suddenly covered his head with his hands and let out a shrill scream.

Accompanied by jealous screams, most of the people in a small town on the ground suddenly froze in place, as if the world had stopped. Only a few outsiders and tourists were startled by this unexpected situation.

They initially thought that this was some kind of special local ceremony or festival celebration, but soon they realized that this was no joke, and they immediately started to urinate and planned to escape.

Unfortunately, before they actually left, the entire town returned to normal, and after being stunned for a while, those who escaped calmly began to continue their previous lives.

It's like nothing happened...

In the end, Tang Ji failed to fulfill his promise. He twisted off the head of the alloy angel without hesitation and brought it to the veteran, because only the part below the lower jaw was left, so it was not easy to use force.

So he dragged the body of Alloy Angel to the veteran: "Now, tell me where the entrance to the underground shelter is."

"Mama Mia, what a ghost!" Although the veteran couldn't move, he still couldn't hide his excitement: "Do you know how much trouble you have solved for us? Listen to me, you are now a distinguished guest of the Taha Gang.

You don’t have to take a step down here!”

After finishing speaking, the veteran excitedly reached out and took out an orange-yellow flare gun from his waist, kissed the gun body hard, raised his hand and fired a shot into the sky.

"We were sent out to deal with those flying superhumans, but we were attacked by an EMP as soon as we came out. What the hell!" the veteran explained after firing the flare: "We had considered this possibility before, but we didn't.

I thought it would be so powerful."

Having said this, he sighed, pointed to the several heavily cybernetic corpses on the ground and said: "We have been fighting for a lifetime. We originally thought there would be a spectacular ending tonight, but in the end, we died worse than shit."

"That's the signal we agreed on. If there is signal interference when completing the mission, we will notify the headquarters in this way and someone will come to pick us up." The veteran said with a smile on his lips: "Thanks to you, stranger.

, maybe now you should tell me who you are and what you want to get from this, you have already gained the friendship of the Taha gang, and as long as we have it, we will not be stingy."

"It doesn't matter who I am." Tang Ji shook his head. He was not here to make friends: "I am here because I have a friend who was taken away by your people. He is underground. I need to find him and take him away.


"And like I said, the target of these superhumans is also him. The sooner I take him away, the sooner your troubles will end." Tang Ji looked at the time and said to the veteran: "As for you and Gao

The grudges between Lu’s senior management have nothing to do with me.”

"Haha, whatever you say, even if it was the trouble caused by your friend, it has now become our trouble." The veteran said nonchalantly: "Believe it or not, there are already troops outside surrounding this place. They will definitely

They will take this opportunity to eradicate us, but we are not easy to mess with!"

"How long will it take for your people to arrive?" Tang Ji admired the veteran's attitude towards life, but he still didn't want to waste too much time.

There is enough chaos here, with jealousy, pioneers, naturalized people, superhumans, the Ark organization, there should be Gaul officials, and the Taha gang.

But the real trouble hasn't come yet. God knows how that greedy bastard will react when he hears about this party...

After all, to him, this is now like a top-notch buffet restaurant, full of lively and fresh seafood, and there is also the main dish of Wang Zhengdao waiting for him to taste.

After greed is wiped out, the whole world will have to call him daddy...

This chapter has been completed!
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