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Chapter 220 Shadow Awakening

 Shadow could clearly hear the sound of bullets being loaded, as well as the sound of the opponent's clothes rubbing against each other as they aimed the gun.

But he can't do anything, he's just blind now.

Shadow has no fear or anger, he is just a little unwilling. His death seems to be caused by a pile of accidents.

At the last moment, Shadow made a desperate plan. He could not just wait to die like a coward.

He suddenly threw his backpack in the direction where the gunman had spoken, then pulled out a dagger from his waist and rushed towards another enemy.

Then he was kicked back by the third enemy. These people were all equipped with inflatable soft-soled shoes suitable for urban combat, and they walked completely silently.


A gunshot interrupted the tranquility here, and Shadow could hear the enemy nearby groaning.

Then there was the sound of falling to the ground, and the sound of blood rushing out of the throat, making people unable to breathe?

"Be careful! Enemy attack!" The soldiers around Shadow immediately became a mess, and someone screamed and shouted: "It's a sniper from the Taha Gang!"

Shadow didn't waste the opportunity, he took the opportunity and jumped directly towards the edge of the separation wall.

In mid-air, Shadow threw down all the quick-response gels and prayed that he would land in them.

Fortunately, what he finally encountered was not a hard surface.

Shadow struggled to get out of the gel, stumbling and moving in one direction.

The gunshots above his head became more and more intense, and a bullet fired from behind let Shadow know that he was running in the right direction.

The bullet was deflected by the dragon scale armor and did not complete any damage. Shadow amplified his other senses as much as possible, hoping not to fall.

After all, as a blind man, he could not guarantee whether he would be able to regain his sense of direction after falling.

But Shadow is not a saint after all, and he doesn't have the habit of accumulating points with God. Soon a tree root sticking out of the ground caused him to lose his balance.

What's worse is that due to inertia, Shadow rolled several times on the ground after falling, and stopped before hitting a low wall.

Even a guy as silent as Shadow couldn't help but curse at this time. He knew he was running in the wrong direction.

Shadow is a duty sniper. The first thing he does whenever he goes to a place is to pay more attention to the things within his sight that can be used as cover.

If he had been running towards District 13 before, he would never have encountered such an obstacle.

He groped on the wall and determined that the wall was less than half a meter high. Combined with the distance he ran, he roughly determined his position.

After he landed, he moved forward approximately 30 degrees along the tangent line of the separation wall and ran a distance of 80 meters.

The back of this low wall should be an independent two-story villa, and Shadow had no idea what the structure inside the room was.

But in order to survive, he had no choice but to take a gamble. Shadow rolled over and was shot twice in the process. The soldiers on the separation wall behind obviously did not forget him.

But just like before, the expensive dragon scale armor once again protected the shadow.

"You get what you pay for, you are so expensive." Shadow leaned behind the low wall, kissed his body armor hard, gritted his teeth and rushed to the villa with the bullet in his hand, groped for an entrance and turned over.

Go in.

Next, the environment here was completely unfamiliar to Shadow. He took out his spare magazine from his waist and placed a bullet at his foot.

Then the shadow will leave a bullet every three meters it advances or encounters an obstacle.

These things can help him establish spatial coordinates when he loses his sense of direction again.

The gunshots outside suddenly became more violent, but also messier, which made Shadow become more cautious.

He could hear that the person who fired the gun seemed to have lost his cool and pulled the trigger all the way until all the bullets were fired.

The person who ran out of bullets did not load the gun again, and this was the case for both sides of the firefight. This is not good news. After all, they are not the protagonists in this conflict...

At this time, the soldier who was about to send a bullet to Shadow was staring at his own shadow in horror, and his companions were no longer around.

His name is Ben Dayan, a dockworker with only a high school education who was abducted by the recruitment office into the army.

The people at the military recruitment office told him that as long as he served for three years, he could be sent to college or receive a free prosthetic implant surgery.

This is Ben's second year of service, but compared to soldiers elsewhere, he is already an experienced veteran.

Because the area he was stationed in was the 13th arrondissement, he didn't even know there was a 13th arrondissement in Paris before serving.

But here he has to exchange fire with Taha Gang soldiers twice a week on average. Of course, everyone basically shoots at each other from a distance of several hundred meters to show their attitude, and there are very few casualties.

The ones who really suffer are those who try to sneak into District 13 or try to escape from District 13.

When Ben and his team were at their maximum, they could catch twenty in a month. Unless these people could come up with a price that satisfied them, a bullet would be its final destination.

Ben knew very well that no one cared about their life or death, whether it was those who were planning to go in or those who were planning to come out.

So even though he is only twenty years old, he is already an experienced executioner.

For Ben, today was a very special night because the superiors called back all the soldiers who were on leave and asked them to go up the wall.

This was definitely a strange signal for the stagnant Thirteenth District, not to mention the troops transferred from the military zone outside the city, who surrounded the entire Thirteenth District.

There was also the damn EMP interference, which destroyed everyone's communicators and night vision devices, and Ben's favorite holographic sight also stopped working.

The boss said that the higher authorities might take action against District 13. Ben was a little disappointed, thinking that he earned a lot of money here and could have a good time meeting female stowaways sometimes.

But Ben soon realized that the situation was completely different from what they thought. They first encountered a blind mercenary, and he even escaped.

Tou said that the equipment on that mercenary was enough to buy a small apartment in Paris. I thought Tou was bragging. How could he have such expensive equipment?

The price of his gun mortgaged to the casino was less than 2,000 yuan, while the cheapest apartment in Paris sold for 12,000 yuan per square meter.

But then everything started to go wrong. The Taha gang's bullets were extremely accurate. First Ali and then Drogba were killed by the opponent's snipers.

Their counterattack firepower is extremely weak. After losing the intelligent auxiliary program, the snipers in the team are not as good as they should be.

What frightened Ben even more was that when he huddled behind the bunker to change the magazine, under the light of gunfire, the shadow of the sniper pulled out the pistol from Droni's body and shot Leon!

Ben yelled, but his teammates obviously didn't believe what he said and just thought he was frightened.

However, Ben's teammates soon knew what he had seen, after his head was strangled by his own shadow.

The frightened Ben almost didn't think about it, turned around and fled the place. He was afraid of his own shadow, and he was also afraid that he would become the target of the Taha Gang's snipers.

Gu Mian

When he rushed into the shadow cast by the watch tower in the moonlight, Ben was suddenly surrounded by a strange sense of security. There was no light, no gunfire, and there was no space for shadows to exist.

Ben gasped for air and covered his mouth to prevent himself from screaming, but the sound of his beating heart kept echoing in his ears like a war drum.

Why didn't the Taha Gang stop shooting? Ben suddenly had this question and was frightened by his answer.

Shadow had the same doubts about this, but he knew more than Ben. He was very sure that the sound of gunfire attracted a certain super human.

It's just that Shadow didn't know what the opponent's ability was, and he could simultaneously deal with two groups of soldiers who were fighting each other hundreds of meters apart.

Since joining Tangji's team, the number of superhumans who have died at the hands of Shadow has reached double digits.

As long as you are properly prepared, those superhumans are no more difficult to deal with than ordinary people, and only one bullet is needed to permanently solve the problem.

But unfortunately now he has lost his eyesight and his gun. The most threatening thing on his body is a dagger.

Shadow is weaker than ever, but has encountered the most difficult enemy to deal with.

"Shadow? Can I call you that?" Outside the small villa, a very friendly voice suddenly appeared: "I have to confirm your identity. After all, I killed too many people today."

"The voice in my head is quite annoying. It keeps ordering me to do this and that." The owner of the voice opened the door and walked into the villa: "I have reached an agreement with him. If I kill you, he will give me my freedom.

So please cooperate a little bit."

Shadow smiled bitterly. A superhuman who could bargain with Envy? This is definitely a surprise.

He tried hard to hide himself in the darkness and hold his breath. Although he knew that the other party would come directly to the door and most likely knew his location, Shadow still planned to work hard for his own life.

Bang... Bang...

Shadow heard the sound of someone using a lighter to light up the darkness, but he didn't know what it meant.

If he could still see, he would find that as the lighter flickered with faint light, everything in the room was cast into shadow.

Including the shadow himself, his shadow stood strangely behind him, his hands making a gesture of strangling the shadow's neck.

The next second, Shadow felt suffocated, but no matter how he groped his throat, he couldn't find anything.

Shadow felt himself being lifted up bit by bit by the untouchable force, his feet lifted off the ground, and his brain, unable to receive oxygen support, gradually became chaotic.

He stabbed his body in front and behind with his dagger in vain, but there was no target for him to harm!

It would be nice if he could see...at least he could understand...

As he lay dying, Shadow's last thought was repeated in his mind...

For a moment, Shadow felt like he had seen something, but it was more like a hallucination before death.

Because from a third-party perspective, Dark Shadow saw his own shadow grabbing his throat, lifting him up in the air and watching him die bit by bit.

Perhaps sensing the shadow's hesitation, his perspective suddenly became trance-like and entered another perspective.

This time, Shadow watched directly from the murderer's perspective as his body was pinched in mid-air by "himself".

The face I saw in the mirror every day looked like a tomato that had fallen on the ground and been stepped on several times. It was covered with oil and stains and was extremely swollen.

The next second, Shadow's perspective shifted again, and "he" was standing at the door, holding a lighter in his hand, watching the mime unfold.

In the flash of lightning, Shadow relied on the sniper's sense of space to throw the dagger in his hand at "himself"!


Shadow's gaze lowered uncontrollably, looking at the dagger stuck in his chest, and the lighter in his hand fell to the ground.

The fresh air breathed into the lungs again, and the reality of falling to the ground quickly brought Shadow's perspective back.

The familiar darkness and the stinging pain in his throat all reminded him that what just happened was not an illusion.

Shadow immediately stood up and walked towards the door in his memory. He had to ensure that the enemy completely lost the threat.

As the shadow moved, his perspective once again entered the third-person perspective, but this perspective made him a little uncomfortable and he still stumbled.

Shadow concentrated his attention again, and the perspective switched to the previous perspective of the "real murderer". At this time, he was still lying at the door, his hands full of blood, trying in vain to stop the bleeding.

From his perspective, the shadow groping out of the room looked like a zombie looking for food.

This is very strange, Shadow is still controlling his body, but his eyes are fixed on another person.

This strange sense of interaction made Shadow feel as if he was having a schizophrenia.

However, before Shadow could take any further action, Shadow, exposed to the moonlight, saw his own shadow reflected on the ground from the perspective of the real murderer.

Then, Shadow saw his own shadow come alive and hugged him from behind.

The real murderer on the ground crawled back bit by bit, trying to distance himself.

Shadow watched helplessly as he got further and further away from her, but there was nothing he could do.


The sudden attack made the "real murderer"'s body tremble. When he moved his gaze to the direction of the gunshot, a fearful soldier was looking at him with a gun raised.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

Fear made him keep pulling the trigger until the magazine was empty.

With the death of the real murderer, Shadow also lost his perspective, and his bound body returned to freedom.

But when the shadow cast its perspective on the soldier again, it was discovered that he was aiming a gun at him, and his panicked hands were trying to change the magazine.

Just out of nervousness, I accidentally dropped the magazine on the ground.

The moment the soldier lowered his head and shifted his gaze, Shadow rushed over. He knew how long a rookie would have to reload when facing pressure.

Infinitely long!

While running, Shadow entered the third-person perspective, pulled out the dagger from the dead superhuman, and roared loudly at the same time!

When he switched the perspective back to the soldier, sure enough, the soldier was so panicked that he almost tripped over, dropped his gun on the ground and ran away!

Very good, Shadow happily picked up the rifle and magazine. He was now fully armed again.

This chapter has been completed!
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