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Chapter 228 Homeopathy

 The chaos in District 13 was just the beginning of the disorder in the entire Gaul. The news that the superhumans of the Gaul branch of the ECS had rebelled and went on a killing spree in the city had a huge impact.

Although a few high-level officials have learned that jealousy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and have implemented mental control over these superhumans, in this era where the Seven Deadly Sins themselves are secrets and cannot be verified as to their true existence, such an explanation cannot stop public opinion.


More than ten hours have passed, and the matter has escalated to the point where Gaul cannot cover it up at all. The whole world is discussing this attack.

After Losas' terrorist attack on Night City led to the Red Sun incident, the Paris attacks once again exposed the increasingly sharp contradiction between superhumans and ordinary people.

The first thing people questioned was why no one discovered the clues about such a group, organized, and targeted attack in advance. Was the so-called ECS Bureau an insider, or was it simply so incompetent that it was ignored?

Going deeper, many people are wondering whether the ECS Bureau's position is on the side of social order or on the side of superhuman privileges?

Another question is, why is a big city like Paris so slow to respond and respond when faced with attacks by superhuman groups?

It has been more than 18 hours since the attack, but the citizens of Paris can still take photos of superhuman beings with the ability to fly that pass by in the sky from time to time.

Armed rotorcraft belonging to the military and law enforcement agencies were either exhausted and hung back, or hesitant and did not fire decisively.

As of now, as many as 190 innocent Gauls have died in this attack. And with further digging by the media, the 13th arrondissement, a sore of Paris that has been deliberately hidden in history, has also been exposed to the world.


What is the purpose of those superhumans entering Area 13? Is the sudden EMP attack a deliberate attempt by the Gaul official to cover up the truth?

The overwhelming doubts and doubts have put tremendous pressure on the Gallic government. The Department of Homeland Security and the military, which were already at odds, are now quarreling even more fiercely.

This time the supporters behind the military hardliners are local capital entities in Paris. The existence of the 13th arrondissement is almost the direct cause of the city's gradual decline in the new era. They have been trying to find ways to eradicate this area.

The Department of Homeland Security has produced clear evidence that the Taha gang has hidden a nuclear bomb in Paris. Once things take the most pessimistic direction, they will die together.

"This is the detailed information of the oscillator. According to our calculations, after two more enhancements, the underground bunker built by the Taha Gang will lose its function, and the entire Thirteenth District will be completely plunged into darkness." The military representative was not completely unprepared.


They also produced a piece of information, which even included the initial design drawing of the Taha Gang's underground bunker, which clearly marked the materials used in the shelter and the thickness of the walls.

"They didn't even have time to detonate the nuclear bomb, and they completely lost contact with the outside world." The military issued a sworn guarantee: "As for those Taha Gang lurkers hidden outside the 13th District, if they can't get the highest-level secret key, they will

We have plenty of time to solve the problem of being unable to detonate a nuclear bomb. After all, there are more than one nuclear bomb we need to find in Paris, right?"

The last words of the military representative made the Homeland Security Bureau official blush, and his carrot-thick fingers kept trembling while pointing at the other person, speechless.

"Instead of blaming us, some people should be optimistic about their own arsenals and prevent things that should not be leaked from appearing in the market that should not appear." Another official from the Department of Homeland Security opened fire and directly tore open the military arsenal. Square fig leaf.

The two sides just argued at the meeting without getting any results, and after the meeting they each carried out their own will.

Gu Hua

The military is still continuing its own plan to destroy District 13, and the Department of Homeland Security is still trying to peacefully resolve the Taha Gang.

At least at this stage, the Department of Homeland Security really doesn’t want to open a new battlefield. They spend all their efforts every year dealing with corporate mercenaries and street militants.

Therefore, in order to undermine the military, the Department of Homeland Security directly leaked the military's plans to the Taha Gang through one of its affiliated agencies.

"Yes, you'd better kill that oscillator quickly, otherwise District 13 will be gone in a few hours." A mysterious call came directly to Boyle's landline shortly after Tang Ji left.

"The superhumans outside are ready to negotiate with us. We will end the farce here soon." Boyle replied calmly. In front of him was an unfamiliar face, opening and closing his mouth in the same shape as Boyle's. Completely consistent.

As the call was hung up, the stranger snapped his fingers and handed it back to Boyle.

Boyle looked at the microphone in his hand with a gloomy expression. The other party was not here to negotiate, but to demonstrate.

After Tang Ji left, the superhumans who came in to negotiate directly took control of Boyle and Philip, the two most important senior members of the Taha Gang, and forced them to order the Taha Gang to give up resistance.

Recalling what he had just done, Boyle became more and more aware of how powerful the opponent was. The Taha Gang was simply unable to participate in such a game. Now he only hoped that the Taha Gang could escape unscathed.

"You're lucky, someone wants to talk to you, and I'm not interested in you either." The stranger sitting opposite Boyle took out a mobile phone from his arms and handed it to Boyle: "Yourselves Let’s talk, I’m not interested.”

From the beginning to the end, he never asked Boyle where Tangji and Wang Zhengdao were, and it seemed that he didn't even bother to learn their whereabouts from Boyle.

It took only a minute for a dozen controlled superhumans to thoroughly search the area and find the secret passage leading to the surface.

A superhuman even used some kind of illusory smoke to recreate the scene when Tang Ji and his party passed through here. These superhumans walked directly into the passage without any hesitation.

However, a dull explosion occurred dozens of seconds later, turning this passage and the superhuman at the front into pieces.

The search and hide game continues, but it has nothing to do with the Taha gang anymore, and Boyle is now locked in a hot deal.

The person on the other end of the phone had just made an offer for the live nuclear bomb that Boyle couldn't refuse.

The other party's only request is that when the next EMP attack comes, they will directly detonate the nuclear bomb and create another red sun incident.

With the completion of the wave node, the pioneers have begun to prepare for the next node event. The all-out war between humans and superhumans is made up of small nodes one after another.

The current turmoil in Paris is obviously a very suitable opportunity.

They need a river of blood from both sides, and the world needs to be a little more chaotic...

This chapter has been completed!
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