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Chapter 236 Damn sense of ritual

 Tang Ji easily dodged a supersonic spear, and the roar of tearing the air echoed in his ears, and a building collapsed.

The anger filling his heart continuously improved his physical fitness, improving Tang Ji's combat effectiveness in all aspects. As soon as the opponent raised his hand, he could predict the trajectory of the spear. No matter how fast it was, it would be in vain.

Avalon's ability is more suitable for suppressing enemies outside visual range, rather than being exposed to Tangji like it is now.

Although Tang Ji can't fly, nor can he jump hundreds of meters at a time like Greed, his current body strength is enough to support him walking on flat ground among the ruins.

Three hundred meters away, Tang Ji glanced at Avalon's position, took a straight line and crashed into the building, tearing down walls and smashing through all the obstacles in front of him.

Along with another heaven-destroying spear, the building was also shattered by Avalon's spear. However, Tangji almost penetrated the remains of the building with dust, and was a little closer to Avalon.

Along the way, other puppets controlled by jealousy appeared, trying to use their own abilities to slow down Tang Ji. However, this mantis-like behavior was directly ignored by Furious.

Some of these people, because of their special abilities, turned directly into candles burning with gray-black flames, whizzing past Tang Ji like candles in the wind.

At this time, a ridiculous man wearing a robe and flying in the sky on a broom slowly landed on the roof of the building where Avalon was located. It seemed that he was going to have a magical version of Saving Private Ryan.

It has to be said that there is actually no fairness in the world of superhumans. Some people stand at the top of the food chain the day they awaken. They can eat other superhumans as snacks, absorb nutrients, control other people's minds, and crush their wills.

Others can only use their abilities to open a bottle cap and play a cameo role in a classic movie.

A high-speed impact drone originally used to carry out expulsion missions flew across the sky, like a petrel in a storm, moving coquettishly and obscenely.

When all the puppets' attention was attracted by Tangji, the drone appeared out of the sky and hit Harry Potter directly in the face.

The old boy riding the broom lost consciousness on the spot. When his buttocks relaxed, he couldn't hold the broom and fell from it.

Through Avalon's perspective, Envy saw Tang Ji running fast with the terrifying gray-black flames wrapped all over his body. He had already climbed up the wall to another building more than ten meters away. He turned around and kicked a deep hole on the wall with one foot.

The pits are flying towards me like cannonballs!

"FVCK!" Jealousy looked at the broom man hanging on the rooftop, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. He wanted to kick his balls to pieces, but he still hurriedly cut off the control of all nearby puppets.

He didn't want to lose the apostles anymore. Those superhumans were like weeds on the roadside. No matter how strange their abilities were, other similar ones would grow up sooner or later. But the apostles were different. They were special products customized by the pioneers.

Jealousy is very clear. With their fear of themselves, it is impossible for them to provide such products to themselves without special reasons.

So, at the moment when Tang Ji stood in front of Avalon, all the superhuman beings controlled by jealousy suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground in a mess.

Except Avalon...

This superhuman who had been specially marked by Mikkelsen swayed on the spot, with two lines of nosebleeds gushing out, but he still stood tenaciously and showed a complicated smile to Tang Ji.

There is sadness and anger in this smile, there is gratitude, but more importantly, there is a heroic fighting spirit!

"I don't know who you and the person who controls me are, but now I want to try again to see if I am really that vulnerable!" Avalon wiped the blood on his face and put his hand on the ground.

Sweeping, a throwing spear that had been stuck upside down on the ground in advance was already in his hand.

"Sir! Have you regained consciousness?" The only two followers shouted in surprise not far away. They had been hiding on the rooftop.

Jealousy is not even willing to waste its mental energy on them and does not control them.

Avalon was controlled in an instant. An ECS Bureau official who was controlled in advance tricked all the superhumans in the Bureau into a conference room for a meeting, and then they all became puppets.

These followers followed Avalon as usual, and it wasn't until they were half dead that they realized that the hero they were following had their soul taken away.

Now, their hero finally regained consciousness, but there seemed to be a powerful and terrifying demon standing opposite him.

But the followers did not hesitate. When they signed the contract with Avalon, they put their own lives and deaths aside.

"Sir, this is not the time for fighting, you need to recuperate! Let us stop him!" Two followers blocked Avalon one after another: "The whole of Paris is in chaos, you must prove your innocence!"

Avalon pushed away the followers in front of him and shook his head: "I have made up my mind. This is a battle with no retreat. I must face my heart."

"I will definitely regain my confidence...or meet my death!" A glimmer of light flashed in Avalon's eyes, and his muscles suddenly expanded in a circle, and the spear in his hand rubbed against the air, seeming to ignite a flame.

Shoot suddenly at Tang Ji!

The torn air formed a hurricane, and the two followers were violently bounced away!

Then... the throwing spear was held in mid-air by Tang Ji who was very close at hand. The roaring air waves blew his hair and clothes back, leaving only the gray-black flames without any ripples.

The fingers made of pure metal tightened little by little, and the throwing spear made a heartbreaking sound of metal deformation. Finally, it deformed from the middle, and the entire throwing spear transformed into a V shape.

Avalon maintained the posture of throwing the spear, motionless like a sculpture, and the two followers also opened their mouths wide, as if even the breathing instinct had been forgotten.

On the rooftop, there was only the tinkling sound of the deformed metal spear falling to the ground, bouncing up, and falling again.

"Don't block my way." Tang Ji closed his eyes, sensed the nearby breath, and after confirming that Envy had left here, he turned around and jumped from the edge of the building.

He doesn't care about killing one more super human. After all, Avalon is not a kind person. The stronger the ability, the greater the destructive power. This is a super human.

But today was different. Today was a war between him and Losas's bunch of bastards. He didn't want to start with Avalon. Anyway... that was all he was going to do. It didn't matter if he killed him whenever he wanted.

Tang Ji wanted to make today more ceremonial. A person who had saved up for a year to finally sit in a high-end restaurant would never eat a hot dog as an appetizer at a roadside stall in advance. What he was looking forward to was foie gras and truffles.

It is a wine of sufficient vintage from a Bordeaux estate...

The hatred brewing in the heart makes Losas so delicious and sweet that it cannot tolerate any impurities.

This chapter has been completed!
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