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Chapter 239 I have lit the torch

 Tang Ji didn't know what situation he was in now, and the same was true of his unreliable system. At this time, the screen on his retina was refreshing——

[Abnormal status detected...]

[Error detected...]

[Unrecognized capabilities are changing...]


The status bar, which had not changed for a long time, was now 'dead'. Tang Ji vaguely felt that the special ability of [Rage] was advancing.

Tang Ji didn't know if other Seven Deadly Sins level 'companions' were the same as him when they advanced, but the flame in his heart was obviously empathizing with others, catalyzing their anger, and then becoming stronger under the influence of these anger.

Fourteen intersections, fourteen conflicts, anger was ignited in the crowd and expressed in violent situations. Most of the people who were empathized tended to use fists to solve problems under the trend of anger, and only a few people got used to it.

Use guns and bullets to vent your anger.

But perhaps it was Tang Ji’s instinct as a law enforcer that restrained himself and those who were empathized with, and no one died in these conflicts.

Even the person who fired the gun would subconsciously avoid the vital position. Tang Ji's anger was not a disorderly anger.

Of course, just like in Night City, the media's nose is far ahead of law enforcement and official agencies, and the black station wagon burning with flames has been on TV and live broadcasts.

In the congested city of Paris, it was like Moses parting the sea, moving freely wherever it went. It was also accompanied by a large number of violent conflicts and dragged hundreds of meters of flames behind it.

"Our War Knight has arrived at the Champ de Mars!" A host joked about this car. War Knight is the name they just gave Tang Ji's car: "One of our guests just gave a very interesting comment.

Suppose, he said that if this car came for that flag, the owner would probably be the famous law enforcer Tang!"

The black station wagon ignored the fence of the Champ de Mars and rushed directly to the shoulder of the road. Ignoring the chaotic crowd around it, it rushed straight to the center of the square.

Unlike before, the black station wagon did not cause turmoil here. There was enough chaos here, and the owner of the car did not look down on the contribution of the people here.

Under the media's cameras, the driver's door seemed to have been blown away by a bomb, flying dozens of meters away and smashing a street light before landing with a thud.

Tangji, covered in gray-black flames, got out of the car and looked up at the flag on the top of the tower. The gray-black flames continued to outline various lines in the air, looking psychedelic and evil.

At this moment, countless people were crossing themselves wildly on their chests and shouting Hallelujah. At this moment, Tang Ji looked like a demon coming out of hell.

The dragon scale armor and tactical uniform made Tang Ji look angular even under the cover of the flames of hatred, and the gray-black flames that continued to spread around made Tang Ji look even taller and burlier.

A pair of scarlet eyes, the only color of this human-shaped flame, was staring at the flag motionless.

The entire crowd in the Champ de Mars gradually became quiet, and they felt that the impulse and anger in their hearts disappeared as quickly as snowflakes in the sun.

Even the anxious law enforcement officers felt that they had calmed down instantly and no longer had the urge to draw out their guns and open fire to kill these bad guys.

Tang Ji directly extinguished the fire of anger in these people's hearts. Of course, this was just his own feeling. He was not sure whether he really had such an ability.

But judging from the reactions of these people, Tang Ji must have had an impact on them.

"Kevin, let's go!" Clark's expression changed, and he keenly felt the changes in the emotions of the people around him.

As a superhuman who can arouse the emotions of others, Clark has never encountered such a situation. He suddenly found that the anger he had aroused in these people's hearts disappeared!

It took Clark a whole morning to adjust the emotions of these people to the rhythm he wanted, and the demon deprived these people of their right to anger in an instant.


Clark couldn't think of any resistance at all. He just wanted to stay away from that demon!

"Don't move. There are drones monitoring us. We are too conspicuous now. Wait." Kevin was experienced and held Clark down: "If you don't want to die, just listen to me!"

He had only seen Tang Ji in the information and heard about Tang Ji from his colleagues, but he did not expect that the other party was so terrifying.

Under the gaze of everyone, a few wisps of gray-black flames spread instantly, turned into a fishy wind and swept upwards, igniting Lotus' flag.

The gene-shattering sword burned bit by bit and turned into ashes.

"I'm right here! I'll give you fifteen minutes to appear in front of me." Tang Ji reached for a drone that wanted to take a closer look at him, and said in the global live broadcast: "As you wish.

, I’m here, now, sending people to die, only death and blood can make me stay!”

Following Tang Ji's speech, the drone was immediately destroyed. Until the screen disappeared, those scarlet eyes were staring at the camera, as if they were looking at Losas's bunch of idiots.

This scene gave more than one viewer behind the TV a heart attack.



"I've had enough! First, those superhumans in the ECS Bureau are out of control, and now it's Losas and that damn terrorist Tangji! This is Gaul, this is Paris! Where are our law enforcers? Where is the army?" Gao

Lou's nominal supreme leader lost his temper at the Elysee Palace.

"Those warlords in Africa have a safer life than I do!" His sharp voice made several officials behind the desk unable to raise their heads.

The main battlefield of the second corporate war is in the Federation, so the entity regimes within the European Union retain more vitality, and they at least nominally control the order of Gaul.

But now, this layer of illusory dignity is being ruthlessly torn apart by superhumans. During the superhuman turmoil yesterday, the power they could use was almost useless in front of superhumans.

Unless the roaring leader can allow them to drive tanks into the city or use heavy weapons such as fighter jets and missiles to bomb their own cities, this will be the reality.

It is difficult for soldiers and law enforcers equipped with light equipment to gain an advantage when facing multiple superhuman beings.

"Three combat teams equipped with exoskeleton armor are gathering and will arrive at the scene within thirty minutes at the latest." A man in military uniform assured.

"I want to know if the nuclear bomb in Losas' statement really exists?" The leader turned his attention to the head of the Department of Homeland Security, waiting for his answer.

"I'm afraid their threats are true." The person in charge wiped cold sweat: "Our previous intelligence showed that the Taha gang did transport a nuclear bomb into Paris..."

"Then why am I still here? I called my finance minister and he has flown to Mira!" the leader spat, very dissatisfied with his situation.

"We judge that the nuclear bomb is not in the eighth area. The small nuclear bunker in the palace is enough to cope with this crisis." The leader's secretary spoke up and said in a rather stern tone: "At this time, Gaul needs you, the people

I need to see you here, calmly solving the crisis!"

"You!..." He now fully understood that those officials with real power would have left Paris long ago and gone to a safer place. Only he was left in this city to maintain the remaining power of this regime.

That bit of dignity.

"In ten minutes, we will hold a press conference. This is the speech. If you lose, T&T will be the first student." The secretary handed the other party a newly written speech and nodded to several other officials.

, took the lead and left the office.

Only the commander was left in the huge and luxurious office, savoring the feeling of loneliness alone.

A few minutes later...

"May I ask Mr. T&T, is the nuclear threat in Loses' statement true? Where is the source of the nuclear weapon? Why was it transported into Paris?"

"Is there a deeper reason behind T&T's meeting with Tanguy in Paris? Is there an ulterior cooperative relationship between us and both parties?"

"Can you please explain the reason why superhumans caused a riot in Paris yesterday? Was it the superhuman rebellion of the ECS Bureau? Is there any connection between this incident and Losas' statement?"

"We have noticed that several ministers have left the Elysée Palace this morning and gone to other areas. Is it because of the threat from Losas?"

"The leading student in T&T! The leading student in T&T! Please answer a question!"

The commander-in-chief looked at the reporters, his face turned blue, but he could only take out the speech he had prepared in advance, and began to read according to the script: "First of all, there is no such thing as a superhuman rebellion. What happened in Paris yesterday,

It was an exercise in which superhumans from the ECS Bureau were invited to simulate a situation where multiple superhumans would launch an attack on the city..."

The more the commander read this manuscript, the darker his face became. The boos from the reporters below almost drowned out his voice, but he still had to bite the bullet and read on.

"The realistic battle scenes that people saw on the street were a superhuman who used his own abilities to temporarily cover reality in order to make the exercise more realistic and cause misunderstandings to the unsuspecting people. We deeply apologize.


The commander-in-chief saw an angry reporter standing up, throwing his shoes up, and immediately dodged quickly.

In order to avoid embarrassment, the commander-in-chief had the idea to pretend to shake hands with his invisible ‘superhuman friend’, and said: “I know everyone can’t see you, big guy, but we will never forget your achievements!”

The press conference at the Elysée Palace finally ended in tacit embarrassment between the two parties. Both the reporters and the general felt that they were acting awkwardly.

The Grand Commander stated according to the statement in his speech that Losas was just bluffing and that nuclear bombs did not exist at all. They and Tang Ji would be arrested by law enforcement as long as they showed up.

"We are different from the fragmented country of the Federation. The Gallic spirit still shines in the European Union!" The leader ended the press conference with a slogan.

Ethan, who was distracted, watched the entire press conference and almost died laughing in his chair. He relayed the news from the press conference to Tang Ji, and in his spare time, he edited a few funny jokes and posted them on Puppy Video.


For example, the little move where the commander dodges his leather shoes, and the scene where he interacts with his invisible friend...

Of course, none of these things affected his job. One hundred and dozens of drones were operating in an orderly manner over Paris, maintaining a rudimentary surveillance network.

Alia spent some time hacking indoor traffic cameras in Paris, as well as surveillance at airports and stations. She even helped sort through the blocked entrances and exits of the beltway out of humanitarianism.

"Tang Ji, I found something that interests you." Aaliyah's voice appeared in Tang Ji's ear: "After excluding the confirmed personnel on our side, I also found three temporary jammers flying to

Or preparing to fly to Paris."

"The nearest flight will land in one hour and twenty minutes and take off from Berlin." Aaliya sent the airport information to Tang Ji: "The plane is a passenger aircraft, but I checked its refueling

The record does not match the registered model."

"Well done, Alia, please stay hidden." Tang Ji stood under the tower, his voice a little cold: "Don't let anyone find out."

The war has begun, and he wants to give everyone a profound memory here, just like that night with black snow...

The flame of hatred is burning and has begun to cling to this iron tower, known as the symbol of Gaul. The anger Tang Ji collected along the way and the anger that was deprived of him in the Champ de Mars all turned into flames and began to burn!

This is his anger! This is his will! This is his declaration of rage to Losas and even the world!

Five minutes later, the entire Eiffel Tower had turned into a torch, burning with gray-black flames. Although the Gallic Commander once again issued a statement, claiming that it was just an illusion, the law enforcers around the Champ de Mars and the two tactical teams all

Refusing to carry out the order to attack Tangji.

"We don't want to die, sir. Your order is unreasonable." The commander of a tactical team politely rejected the superior's order: "You should send monsters of the same level here to fight against it."

Although the officer on the other side of the phone was yelling at his mother angrily, the commander on the scene was still so nonchalant.

As for the law enforcement officers further away, they were trying their best to pretend to be very busy. They were pulling up roadblocks and evacuating the spectators, but refused to take a step forward.

Ten minutes had passed, and the crowd that had gathered at the Champ de Mars had almost dispersed, or had almost fled. After realizing that the demon who was circling the Eiffel Tower had no interest in them, these people immediately scattered and fled.

Clark and Kevin also took the opportunity to leave the Champ de Mars with the crowd, but they did not go far. They found a nearby office building and watched everything that happened there from a height.

Jose Barros also disappeared with the crowd. In fact, he walked faster than the two naturalized people. He thought he was not a front-line combatant and ran away as soon as he saw Tang Ji.


But at this time they all received new orders, orders from the pioneers...

"Go to the Champ de Mars to hold Tang Ji back and delay time."

This chapter has been completed!
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