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Chapter 244 The dinner is on the table!

Within an hour and a half, more than half of the superhumans belonging to the New Order team were lost, and the entire Champ de Mars transformed into a real battlefield.

There is no media at the scene. The law enforcement officers who were originally on guard outside the square have withdrawn. The new isolation line has been taken over by the troops who arrived earlier and set up five kilometers around the Champ de Mars.

Tens of thousands of property owners and tourists living in this area were evacuated in an emergency. The whole process went extremely smoothly. Everyone could see the natural disaster happening on the Champ de Mars on TV.

The New Order Squad, from its name, can tell how ambitious the naturalized people in the European Union were at the beginning of its establishment. After they realized that the players were unstoppable, they almost immediately made the choice that best suited their own interests.

They want to find their own position in the new order and regard the act of naturalization as a rare opportunity, hoping to complete the climb up the social class.

In the eyes of many first-generation naturalized people, the arrival of players is essentially the same as when Europe was almost engulfed by a giant red bear a century ago.

Regardless of whether they are invaders or rulers from different ideologies, their common characteristic is that they will not abide by the current order and rules and will smash the existing superstructure into rubble.

Most of the time, in order to reduce the cost of governance, they will choose locals who are willing to cooperate. This has happened countless times in the history of the European Union and will continue to be the case in the future.

As time goes by, the pioneers show more and more aggression, and after more and more truths are exposed, some second-generation naturalized people have begun to reflect on what kind of forces they are really controlled by.


But these people are undoubtedly sad. They naturally have original sin and have betrayed their own civilization and race. Even if they want to correct the chaos, they have no way out and can only continue to move forward with their families or companions.

The more they understood the power that the pioneers wielded, the more desperate these people became. Some chose a path to darkness, while others made heroic sacrifices and ended their lives as repentance to the world.

It was not until the emergence of the Ark Organization in recent years that, under the leadership of the Prophet, it had many conflicts with the forces of pioneers and converts, did many converts with double-minded intentions see a glimmer of light.

They either took the initiative to find the Ark Organization, or passively provided convenience for the Ark Organization. However, the Ark Organization has been using its strength to prove that it can fight hard, which is just a joke, and many naturalized people have entered the 'lurking' state again.


But today, the flames shining over Paris seemed to tell the world that there was a tough guy who could fight a tough battle...

The superhuman soldiers of the New Order did not pose a great threat to Tang Ji. Those superhumans who had truly awakened their powerful abilities were taken away by the pioneers early and frozen into the life-support cabin in their physical form.

Superhumans who can be kept in the hands of the naturalized people and used as pawns are either not strong enough or have serious hidden dangers.

For example, the superhuman soldier who can emit lethal beams and cause large-scale damage can vaguely see his severely alienated head under his shattered helmet, and his entire facial features have shrunk toward the center, forming a giant eye the size of a bowl.

The few naturally awakened superhuman abilities are not strong enough to pose a threat to Tang Ji, and most of the soldiers strengthened with the blood of greed are only loaded with low-end abilities such as [Cancer Recovery] and [Rubber Skin], not so much

He's a superhuman, rather an enhanced soldier.

However, they completed their task brilliantly, not only delaying Tang Ji long enough, but also exposing many of Tang Ji's weaknesses.

For example, he cannot fly, so when facing flying units, he can only use firearms to solve the problem; for example, those weird flames on Tang Ji can only exist by relying on matter...

A pioneer hiding in the dark was thinking and recording at the same time. When he wrote the last item, he glanced at the ferocious ghost face that was still majestic and burning without any dimness.

In addition to Tang Ji, there are currently other superhuman beings who can maintain such a large-scale energy manifestation phenomenon, and for such a long time, this has caused many people to have an illusion about the energy reserves that Tang Ji can use...

Is his power infinite?!

Tang Ji emptied the last bullet in the bullet chamber and watched as the superhumans, who had lost their unified command, dispersed into several parts and retreated into the surrounding residential buildings.

He was not interested in hunting down the weak, but it was undeniable that these people were qualified soldiers, and they still did not completely collapse despite losing more than half of their battle losses.

Moreover, they were almost unable to harm Tang Ji. The bullets could not penetrate his [reinforced] dragon scale armor, even though the armor was already riddled with scars.

Most of those weird supernatural abilities were burned away by the flames of hatred. The superhuman soldier who posed the greatest threat to Tang Ji was just a grenadier who could throw grenades and flash bombs at the level of a recoilless rifle.

The opponent was not only an experienced veteran, but also extremely cautious. Every time, he would seize the gap between Tang Ji's attacks and throw explosives or functional projectiles just right into the air about one meter in front of him to explode.

Tang Ji originally planned to solve this problem first, but the opponent also threw a stone at him during the battle, with a piece of paper tied to it. The piece of paper said in red letters: "Beware of space-based weapons."

When Tang Ji looked at him, he even waved his hand gently towards Tang Ji, as if to confirm the identity of his friend.

But judging from the level of the seventy-four different objects he threw at Tang Ji, Tang Ji very much suspected that the other party's note was a cover-up to confuse him...

Beware of space-based weapons?

Looking at the Champ de Mars that fell into silence again, he looked up at the sky. At this time, the sun was already at its brightest position, the sky was cloudless, and the air was full of the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Several bright points of light were flashing on the horizon, and soon they magnified in front of Tang Ji's eyes...

"Is that a missile?" As the media's drones turned their lenses to the sky, some knowledgeable netizens had already posted barrages with exclamation points.



"I have to speak out. As a fan of veteran law enforcer Tang Ji, I have been following him since Tang Ji left office!

As we all know, Enforcer Don is a brutal man, and yes, even if I am a fan of his, I have to say that because we all love to see him blow the heads off bad guys with his big revolver!

But today I’m going to take a closer look at Enforcer Don’s arch enemy!

From the Red Sun incident, to last night's terrorist attack in Night City, to everything that happened in Paris today, if we make a series of connections, we will find that there is a mysterious organization that can mobilize not only armed personnel around the world,

Planes, missiles and other heavy weapons!

This is by no means an organization that can be simply defined as a terrorist organization!

I suspect Losas..."

A self-media blogger who stayed at home, wearing a VR helmet and with a full face of stubble, watched the live broadcast from a high-altitude perspective of Paris Square, and the author was drooling during the live broadcast.

As one of the first bloggers to pay attention to Tang Ji, Riccardo gained hundreds of thousands of followers as a fanatical supporter of Enforcer Tang. Although he is not a well-known blogger, it is enough to make a living.

And today, as Tangji lit a fire in the Champ de Mars, Riccardo felt that he was going to be on fire this time!

He took out some of the information he had previously investigated, coupled with a large number of guesses based on subjective consciousness, as insider information, and planned to break the news to netizens.

But when he said the three words Losas, the screen inside his helmet suddenly went black.

Riccardo took off his helmet dejectedly and planned to check his network, but found that the entire room was out of power and a burning smell was coming from the living room.

"No way! Joe! Are you baking bread again and causing the whole apartment to trip?" Riccardo put on a pajamas angrily: "Do you know how much money I lost! You bastard!"

Joe was his roommate, but the tall, thick-set man was not at home at all at the moment. Riccardo realized this the moment he walked out of the bedroom door.

Because a large lump of asphalt-like black material was pouring out along the cracks in the router. The moment Riccardo appeared, a human face appeared on the surface, and he rushed out with claws and fangs!

Riccardo didn't even have time to react before he was tightly entangled in the black substance. More hands and feet broke free from it, wrapped Riccardo into a ball and started dragging him back.

Accompanied by waves of squeezing and breaking sounds that made people shiver, Riccardo, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, was forcibly stuffed into the small router...



With seven consecutive deafening explosions, the whole of Paris realized that the war taking place on the Champ de Mars was not just a superhuman war.

This square, which has carried hundreds of years of history, almost no longer exists, and even the huge iron tower is constantly shaking due to the vibration.

But in the end, it survived the attack tenaciously, just like the wars it had experienced before.

Only this time, there was a layer of gray-black flames outside it, constantly swaying in the turbulent air, and the ferocious ghost face that terrorized the world was also distorted by the wind, and its original appearance was almost unrecognizable.

It wasn't until the wind stopped and the clouds dispersed that the ferocious ghost face returned to its original appearance again, only it looked even more ferocious.

"The target has not been killed." The observer reported: "Perform follow-up actions."

Tang Ji picked a relatively complete marble floor, sat down on it, lit a cigarette for himself, and waited for the dust around him to settle.

He coughed a few times and spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground, which was quickly burned away by the gray-black flames.

The shamelessness of those players far exceeded Tang Ji's expectation. He looked at the time and saw that those bastards actually bombed him with missiles twice in twenty-four hours!

"TMD, it's really bad..." Tang Ji felt some discomfort in his lower back, reached out and touched it, and pulled out a short length of steel bar.

He could feel that the wound was healing quickly. If Wu Qianying were here, he would probably drain Tang Ji dry on the spot and study it from the inside out.

Tang Ji smiled bitterly. This was his own choice. Although he was not very rational, the missile attack made his mind clear up a little.

But soon, this clarity dissipated with the wind, and he smelled a new smell that belonged to players!

An earthy yellow portal slowly appeared less than twenty meters away from Tang Ji. It was just a small dot at first, then it grew bigger and bigger like a whirlpool, and soon expanded into a diameter of more than

A huge two-meter spiral disk.

A hooded face suddenly poked out from inside, glanced at Tang Ji as if he was frightened, and quickly retreated.

Just by doing so, the portal started spitting out people just like Wuling Hongguang opened its trunk at the urban-rural fringe.

One, two, three... a total of fifteen people walked out of the portal!

Tang Ji didn't even need to use bullets to confirm their identities to know that these people were players. Their eyes and demeanor were all incompatible with this world...

"Tang Ji..." A female superhuman with an oriental face looked at Tang Ji. In the next second, she suddenly turned into a giant python more than ten meters long. With a hissing roar, she shot a stream of venom towards Tang Ji.



The flame of hatred took effect, and two-thirds of the venom disappeared instantly after being purified by the flame, but the remaining one-third still existed, falling on the location where Tang Ji was before, corroding the soil.

Obviously, part of the venom of the giant python exists objectively.

A superhuman who looked like a clay figure, and was constantly shedding dirt as he moved, clasped his hands together, and suddenly slapped the ground!

The mud walls arched up like this, creating an artificial prison in the center of the Champ de Mars in an instant!

Another superhuman took down a huge bow from his back and shot dozens of specially made arrows in all directions!

There were tough nanowires attached to the back of these arrows. When the archer let go, those silk threads became tangled together and instantly turned into a cover covering the sky above the prison.

"I am the son of time. I will use this as the basis of time to attack my enemy, Tang Ji, in the past and future!" A man holding a pair of daggers said solemnly, and then he disappeared from the spot.

A rare time traveler, but unfortunately his ability is limited. In the LV1 state, he can travel three meters in front of and three seconds in the future, spanning a total of six seconds.

The owner of this body put a lot of effort into this body, but could not see the threshold for upgrading. He could only use his extremely limited abilities as a mutant assassin.

And the next second, the time assassin reappeared on the spot, with gray-black flames burning all over his body, and he was burned without saying a word until only his skeleton was left.

A scratch appeared on Tang Ji's face, which healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. He touched his cheek and looked at the players who had built a building in an instant. The corners of his mouth drooped slightly, and his tone was slightly joking: "You guys

Who goes to the Night City?”

There is no need to answer, and there is no correct answer. To Tang Ji, there is no difference between these players. No matter who caused the Red Sun Incident in Night City, this is just a task for the players.

The object of his hatred is the entire player group...

"Start with you first, Mud Man!" The flames that enveloped Tang Ji suddenly dispersed, expanded outward, and ignited three or four superhuman beings who needed supernatural abilities to maintain their own existence.

They didn't even have a chance to show off their abilities. Just like the Children of Time, they turned into a ball of burning skeletons...

This chapter has been completed!
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