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Chapter 252 Sell boat tickets!

"Gentlemen and ladies, I know that you all have busy careers and have your own fun to find. We are undoubtedly the most civilized and valuable people in the world." A man wearing a mask and with a lean figure

The man stood in the middle of the virtual hall and said.

Around him are some illusory holographic projections, each wearing their own mask with the LOGO representing their respective organization or family printed on the mask.

They have no intention of concealing their identities, but in this era where capital is king, a single wealth owner seems too fragile. Only entity organizations bound by interests or families bound by blood can be more stable.

This is the Illuminati, an organization whose backstory has been poorly fabricated, but with the ups and downs of history, they have indeed become the legend who has the last laugh.

They are not business representatives, but simple wealth owners. Most of these people are shareholders of a large company and work in it.

But they cannot represent those corporate entities, and the forces they represent are more specific. For example, among the attendees currently at the meeting, there are a total of fifteen representatives from foundations or families that own shares in the Military Technology Group.

The total shares held by these people only account for 19.2% of the shares of Military Technology Group.

Even so, the symbols on these masks represent at least tens of billions, and the Ten Billion Club is also an alias for the Illuminati.

These people have old money that has been accumulated for hundreds of years. They rely on the wealth of their ancestors who have a large family and business to cast a wide net and maintain their wealth class in crisis after crisis.

There are also new wealthy people who relied on their outstanding talents to obtain entry-level qualifications within two generations. Among them is the former owner of the Moonlight Gold, Gerald Friedliman.

"I don't need to say more about flattery. There is never a shortage of flatterers around you." The host sat on a throne-like chair: "This meeting is held today for the benefit of all our future."

"Some people must have noticed the chaos that is happening in Paris. Superhumans, superhumans, superhumans. There is news about superhumans every day, but this time is different." The host summoned a huge screen and showed Tang Ji

The battle scenes with the pioneers are broadcast in real time.

With the fall of Iron Warrior Shantanu, the morale of the entire Pioneer team quickly collapsed. Under the influence of the shield, Tang Ji was like an invisible ghost, killing wantonly.

And all of this, when projected on the screen from a drone perspective, seemed particularly weird. These tens of billions of billionaires watched as Tang Ji walked to the victims one by one, killing them one by one with cruel means.

, and those fellow superhumans were like blind men, unable to notice Tang Ji's traces at all.

The greatest resistance they made was to decisively commit suicide and end their own lives. Their decisiveness made everyone who watched shudder.

It was as if these people came here not to fight Tang Ji, but to become crazy believers and sacrifice their lives for the evil god they believed in.

"And this." Following the host's words, the screen quickly switched, showing the same figure of Tang Ji, but judging from his clothes, it was from a few months ago.

In the picture, Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao suddenly appeared in the corner of a small alley, and then disappeared out of the picture.

As the hosts kept switching, the same pictures kept appearing, and the dates below showed that they had almost circled the world in less than seven days.

Next, another superhuman finally appeared on the screen, a human being skimming the surface of the sea like a torpedo.

The high-speed moving superhuman left a white line on the sea that refused to go away for a long time, and crashed straight into a fishing boat.

It seemed that at least a thousand-ton fishing boat was directly rammed by the superhuman, but the other party still refused to give up and quickly sank into the sea. When it resurfaced, it had already completed its turn and collided with the fishing boat again.

It wasn't until the fishing boat completely sank that the superhuman disappeared, leaving no survivors.

The scenes continued to change, there were scenes of superhumans flying in the air competing side by side with airplanes, and there were also scenes of superhuman beings turning invisible and reappearing.

As the videos continue to be broadcast, these billionaires have also lost the fun of communicating with each other. These people have more or less felt the pressure from the tide of the times.

For example, old Gerard, his beloved big toy, the Moongold, was robbed by Don, the law enforcer who was causing havoc in Paris.

"It turns out that these superhumans have seriously affected our living environment." The host sighed: "I personally spent more than 500 million on this in the past year. I was blackmailed, attacked, and intimidated.

Ultimately I have to pay to hire these mutated freaks to protect my own safety."

"Everyone, this has exceeded our bottom line." The host finally settled on Tang Ji's unsmiling face: "If one day you accidentally stand on the opposite side of him, how are you going to protect yourselves?


I will think carefully about why I stand on the opposite side of him, and then carefully correct myself. Old Gerrard thought with some joy in his heart. As a half-insider, he did not want to get involved in this muddy water at all.

Those are the Seven Deadly Sins!

These wealthy people all looked at the host, waiting for what the other person would say. They all knew that the other person was one of the major shareholders of Phoenix Orbital Construction Group, building private shelters for wealthy people in outer space, and space estates were their main business.

"According to the calculations of my private think tank, the growth rate of superhuman beings has exceeded the safe value. If we let it go, the world order will not be in our hands in five years at most." The host said in a low tone: "Everyone is

Do you plan to stay on earth and fight against those mud-legged people, dreaming that you will awaken powerful enough supernatural abilities, or do you plan to move to space, overlooking everything and looking for opportunities to take control again?"

"Reeve, are you wasting me half an hour just to give us a live demonstration of your new advertising slogan?" A man with a mask depicting a lion, a white horse, and sharp arrows asked impatiently: "Or do you have something better?

Have a good plan to share with us?”

Old Gerald glanced at the family representative, who barely concealed the fact that he and Phoenix Orbital Construction had reached a private agreement, so how many of you present had made the same choice as him?


Or is this just a little trick played by the two of them to fish in troubled waters?

The head of the Friedliman family fell into deep thought. He had to carefully think about whether he was excluded from some small circles? Was he too ill-informed recently? Or had the little secret of his awakening been leaked?

"Okay, Mr. Child, in order not to waste your time, I will use the most intuitive situation to show you the great plan from the Phoenix Orbital Building!" The host summoned a huge three-dimensional projection out of thin air.

It is a space city floating in the endless starry sky, a space city in the true sense. In order to express its size directly, the host specially placed an aircraft carrier near the space city as a scale.

Compared with the space city, the aircraft carrier looks like a pen placed next to the elephant. The host needs to zoom in to see the details clearly.

Old Gerald laughed disdainfully. He knew that the Phoenix Orbital Construction was huge, but a megastructure project of this scale? This is the project of the century!

He was not the only one who sneered. Several other old guys who started out in the manufacturing or construction industry also showed the same attitude. They all felt that this kind of project that used PPT to cheat money was too low-priced.

But the host just smiled slightly: "I know everyone has doubts about the feasibility and progress of the project, but what you see is its ultimate form. We don't need to live in a luxurious castle from the beginning. In order to survive safely,

We only need a warm and comfortable club in the early stage. You can think of it as a super large cruise ship."

Following the host's words, the three-dimensional projection began to transform. As a large number of outer structures, industrial facilities, and supporting skeletons were stripped away, the entire space city gradually became streamlined.

The whole process looked like repairing an apple. When the host finally stopped the knife in his hand, the apple was only the size of an apple core.

Even so, compared with the aircraft carrier next to it, this 'apple core' is still as big as a husky next to a pen.

"Phoenix City Version 1.0 is 2,700 meters long, 600 meters wide, and 660 meters high. It is equipped with eight cold fusion cores, has an industrial area, an agricultural area, and a comfortable enough living area." The host said something.

He introduced this behemoth enthusiastically: "When it is fully loaded with supplies, it can rely on solar energy to sustain the internal circulation of 28,000 people for 80 years!"

"Internal circulation?" A lady seemed to be allergic to this word and wrinkled her nose: "How much personal space can you give us? I have always felt suffocated by the small rooms on cruise ships."

"It depends on how much you are willing to invest, madam." A smile appeared on the corner of the host's mouth: "The internal space in Phoenix City is limited. Considering the current external environment, this is undoubtedly a high-value item."

"Of course, if you are particularly generous, I can promise on behalf of Phoenix Orbital Construction that the engineers can modify the design drawings and design an extra large enough personal space for you." The host winked at the lady: "I know you have raised

Lots of cute little pets, and they certainly deserve a big, comfortable space.”

"I want to know if an old man like me still has enough time to wait for Phoenix City 1.0 to be completed?" an old man who has reached the age of Candle in the Wind asked while looking at the design drawings.

"Finally someone got the point!" The host took a deep breath and summoned another real-time picture, in which a huge shadow was passing in front of the camera!

Phoenix City version 1.0 has actually started construction. Old Gerald's eyes suddenly widened. He looked at the huge man-made thing in disbelief, as if he was seeing a swan toad for the first time.

He had to admit that since the collapse of several major countries including the Federation, mankind had not set its sights on the stars for so long that the appearance of this half-finished product made him feel his heartbeat speeding up crazily.

"We have completed the construction of the basic framework. According to the plan, after eight months, Phoenix City 1.0 will initially have a habitable environment." The host's eyes seemed to be shining: "We promise that the complete Phoenix City 1.0 version

It will be completed within five years!”

"This is simply a miracle." Mr. Childs was the first to applaud, followed by thunderous applause, and everyone paid their respects to Phoenix Orbital Construction Group.

"So, how much will this ferry ticket cost us?" Old Gerald finally couldn't help but asked first.

"Mr. Friedliman, you should not use the word boat ticket to describe the miracle we are talking about today, because we are talking about real estate business!" The host's smile made Old Gerald shudder.

"Twenty-five million federal dollars or equivalent currency per cubic meter!" The host announced a price in a high-pitched tone that silenced many people.

Of course, this price made Old Gerald relax a little. He carefully calculated that if he bought one hundred cubic meters of space, it would only cost 2.5 billion federal coins, which didn't sound expensive.

But he soon realized that he had miscalculated the units. He imagined that one hundred cubic meters was calculated in terms of one hundred square meters.

Old Gerald patted his head and began to recalculate. If the quality of life was reduced to the lowest, he would need a room with an area of ​​at least 500 square meters, and the height should not be less than three meters, so converted into cubic meters, it would be 1,500 cubic meters.


Three hundred and seventy-five billion federal dollars? Old Gerald felt as if he was going to have a heart attack. He didn't even need to think about it, he knew that the money to buy space was just the beginning of the entire investment.

In the future, there will be maintenance fees, property fees, resource usage fees, material usage fees, etc. Calculating this, his net worth is just enough to get started with Phoenix City residence qualifications.

Maybe he can’t use such a large living space? Old Gerald thought with a headache that he would have to find a designer with a high enough level to design a small but sophisticated apartment?

The host looked at the temporarily depressed atmosphere, smiled slightly, zoomed in on the design of Phoenix City 1.0 again and said loudly: "Because some partners have arrived in advance, these areas are not open to the public for sale."

As the host marked the areas in red, those areas near China Unicom elevators have become prohibited areas, and areas close to green areas and ports also have a large number of red areas.

"Everyone, this is an extraterrestrial residential area. Its space is limited. If it is sold out, it will be gone." As soon as the host finished speaking, Mr. Childe stood up: "The Childe family, subscribe.

Five thousand cubic meters!”

Are you actually doing this? Old Gerald didn't bother to think about the type of apartment or the quality of life. He could only stand up and shout: "I want five hundred cubic meters! Take my money!"

PS: Check for typos later~

This chapter has been completed!
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