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Chapter 24 A suicide note...and some real images

 Aaliya took the intercity high-speed train with the change in her hand and spent three hours from Taiping Prefecture to the Little Chinatown. This was the first time in the past few years that she had left the slum and traveled so far away.

She had a happy childhood, her father was a genetics expert, her mother was a well-known dancer, and Alia herself was the best student in school.

But an accident took away her mother's legs, and then she suffered a fatal rejection of the prosthetic limb. Since then, she has never stood up again, either physically or mentally.

From soft compounds to truly addictive compounds, this bottomless pit quickly drained this middle-class family.

My father probably started to become a little paranoid at that time. He firmly believed that his mother's car accident was not an accident, but someone was deliberately targeting him.

Aaliya still remembered how her father decisively took her and her mother out of the city, hiding in Tibet for many years, fighting invisible or even non-existent enemies.

A few years ago, my father became seriously ill, but he would rather die in a tent than go to the hospital.

"I know you think I'm crazy, but no, I'm very sane." Before his death, his father grabbed Aaliya's hand and said delirious words: "I'm sorry that I haven't let you live a good life these years, but I believe

I, Alia, this is the best choice, I don’t know who is hunting us, but I know that the consequences of being caught are far more terrible than death!”

Alia's doubts continued until after her father passed away. When sorting out her father's few belongings, she found a suicide note written by her father when he was awake——

"Aliya, I'm sorry that you have suffered with me all these years, but please believe me, I love you with all my heart. All this is to prevent you from falling into a more terrible ending.

I was employed by a federal biogenetic laboratory, and the projects I was involved in were so classified that even if I were deeply involved, I couldn't see the full picture.

My main job is to record the DNA sample data of newborns. These samples come from all over the Commonwealth and even some overseas regions, and are updated year by year.

During the years when I was working, the number of samples had been increasing. At that time, almost every 15,000 samples would have a special sample with an extra gene pair. The ultimate goal of my department was to find this special sample.

and conduct long-term observation.

They told me that it was a new genetic disease that had no cure for the time being.

When you came into this world, I also preserved your DNA sample out of work habit, and I have done so every year since.

Unfortunately, I discovered the change when you were six years old. That year, I discovered the extra pair of genes in you.

All this time, I have been mechanically repeating the work of the past. Although my knowledge tells me that their reasons for me are simply untenable, I don't care at all, knowing that it has happened to you.

Out of a father's instinct, I must find out completely what happened to you, and before that, I will never let anyone know that you are one of them.

I am very grateful for my perseverance. In the following years, I took advantage of my work to communicate with other people, and even privately launched investigations among teachers and classmates. Finally, I got a vague but shocking truth.


You're a potential metahuman, Arya, that's what they call it privately, of course.

Although it broke the knowledge structure I have learned over the years, I saw with my own eyes those superhuman beings who have awakened. Their abilities are so colorful and diverse. This is a new round of human evolution!

But soon, I discovered the secret hidden behind the secret, Alia, someone is secretly hunting those potential superhumans!

The Federation has long been interested in this, but has taken it calmly, or perhaps this is a black hand under the Federation, used for research.

No matter which situation it is, I really don't want it to happen to you, Alia, because you are actually an awakened person, but you haven't discovered it yet.

When you were twelve years old, you had a video call with me through your home computer, but you didn't realize that the computers at my work were protected behind layers of firewalls.

Maybe you realize it, but they are not even obstacles to you, and when we ended that conversation, the institute's system had no record of the call.

You completely relied on instinct to complete a hack into a national network security protection!

Alia, if you are old enough when you read this letter, you will realize that your ability is definitely one of the abilities that the mastermind behind the scenes wants most.

But you must know that you are not the only awakened person of this type, which is why we start to escape.

Some people are looking for traces of us on the Internet, and they have been looking for you. Your mother's incident is a warning.

Stay off the Internet, stay off electronic devices, and stay out of public appearances, at least until you're through puberty.

Since you were twelve years old, I have never taken a photo of you or exposed you to the camera. Maybe this kind of protection will save you from having to hide like me like this in your future life.

This is the only thing I can do for you. I may not be able to see your future, but I hope it is bright."



Aaliyah sat nervously in a restaurant called Taste of the Dragon. She had never seen such a decoration style before, but the smell that reached her nose made her at least sure that the food here was delicious.

The task given to her by that weird man was to wait here to meet someone. The person would be wearing red clothes and a yellow hat. She had to hand over a handwritten message to the person.

This method of information exchange that can circumvent electronic products makes Alia feel like she has returned to the days when she was with her father a few years ago.

She is very adaptable to this kind of life. In fact, she has been living like this throughout her adolescence.

In the past few years, she has grown from an immature child to a young girl. In order to cover up the color and distance of her pupils, she is accustomed to wearing contact lenses and dyeing her hair all year round, which makes her hair dry and yellow, and the color is completely different from when she was a child.


All of this is a disguise given to her by her father, and it turns out it works.

At least Arya can now roam the streets of Night City openly, and no special danger has approached her before today.

But unfortunately, after her father, her mother now also needs medical treatment, which is beyond Alia's ability.

When Tang Ji appeared, his temperament was similar to his father's, which made Alia determined to take a gamble.

This chapter has been completed!
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