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Chapter 28 The first goal

 "Look, the information says a man named Faisal Aruf Herman..." Saint Krum made a cross on his forehead: "God bless me, this must be a pagan."


"Krum, it's not that I can't read, I just can't understand these professional terms." Martin sighed and looked at Tang Ji: "Anyway, what Faisal are we going to catch?"

"That's right, a capture operation." Tang Ji nodded. The target's information was quite detailed. Lazarus had obviously been staring at him for more than a day.

Faisal Herman, of Persian origin, is a senior manager of Qilu Group in the Middle East.

In the past four years, he has maintained excellent performance and continuously expanded the market scale of Qilusi's prosthetic products, almost completely expelling Lazarus Group from the area he is responsible for.

Because there were rumors that the Qilusi Group planned to recruit Faisal to the top, Lazarus' commercial spies began an investigation into Faisal, and unexpectedly discovered that the other party was most likely a superhuman who had awakened spiritual abilities.

After analysis, Lazarus experts believed that Faisal's abilities tended to be spiritual suggestions, and a senior spy disguised as a major client experienced this suggestion personally.

Hints are not mandatory, but they can greatly influence people's likes and dislikes. After returning to his home, the spy pretending to be a client had a strong impulse, such as buying several Qilushi prosthetic products to replace his own Lhasa Road.


It lasted for almost four hours before gradually weakening, and finally faded away completely after fifteen days.

"We cannot do evil things just because of pure business competition, God will spurn you." The saint closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to see the evil people in front of him.

Tony silently pointed at the saint, watching Tang Ji point at his head and turn it around a few times, as if asking Tang Ji if he had that serious illness.

"No one is so naive as to believe that a rich man would only use it to do business after having such a useful ability, right?" Ethan Constantine read all the information, his eyes flashed with an abnormal luster: "

I just found out that Faisal was involved in at least three murder cases and seven or eight disappearance cases. He is simply the favorite target of the saints."

Ethan installed a recently popular brain control plug-in in his mind, which allows him to operate electronic devices more delicately. The side effect is frequent migraines. It is said that the next generation product will solve this problem.

But Ethan didn't care at all, he was an addict, and every headache was a reminder that it was time to eat.

Tang Ji has been keeping an eye on him. Once Ethan's personal hobbies affect his professionalism, it's time for him to get out.

"Boss, don't stare at me. I won't change my lifestyle for your moral obsessiveness." Ethan looked at Tang Ji nonchalantly: "Instead of staring at me, you might as well look for people from the Losas organization.

News, when I get happy one day, I might be able to help you."

This is Tang Ji's problem now, he has not yet established his personal prestige.

"When are you leaving?" Shadow Ender, who had been sitting in the corner, asked, breaking the tense atmosphere in the conference room.

Just like his nickname, Ender always likes to stay in the darkest corner of the room, often without saying a word for long periods of time, making people habitually ignore him.

"Let's set off tonight." Tang Ji threw the information on the table and glanced at the faces of the group of people one by one: "My ultimate goal is those bastards in Losas. Faisal is just an appetizer.

Be careful, don't die."

Death is not a threat to this group of gunmen who work hard with their heads raised, and Tang Ji's words cannot scare them.

"Don't worry about it, as long as the money is enough, God..." Tony covered his mouth with a smile and looked at the glaring saint: "Didn't I finish what I said? Don't be angry, the point I want to express is

It’s money, not God.”

The saint glanced at Tony with disgust and began to recite prayers silently.

The military doctor selected by Tang Ji did not express any opinions during the whole process. He just acted straightly and seemed to be ready to give corresponding orders at any time.

Not long after Anthony Hopkins came out of the hospital, Lazarus' process of poaching him was extremely simple. Before Lazarus made a move, the trauma team terminated his contract.

There was no compensation, and even the hospital bills were paid by Anthony himself, so when the offer from Lazarus came, he signed the new contract without hesitation.

Anthony has become accustomed to life in the army. He has no children and his ex-wife died in a car accident after remarrying. He doesn't know what else he can do if he leaves this environment.

It has become his instinct to obey orders and fulfill his duties. Tang Ji sent out the target briefing, and he read it carefully line by line. He had no questions and did not participate in the discussion. Tang Ji was the officially appointed commander, so he obeyed his orders.



A military plane carried the entire squad slowly across the sky, spanning more than half the world, and landed at the Persian Gulf airport.

This airport is for both military and civilian use. With the maturity of new energy technology, life for oil-producing countries in the Middle East is becoming increasingly difficult.

In the second corporate war, large companies in the new energy field even organized bombings in oil-producing areas. The fires burned for four months, causing losses that almost caused the petrochemical alliance to disintegrate.

The grievances between the two sides have continued to this day, and sporadic conflicts have never stopped.

The equipment for Tang Ji and his party was provided by Lhasa Road's local partners, which are guerrillas supported by new energy companies in this area.

As a company with neon origin, Qilu Division is naturally unable to integrate into the new energy camp. For the sake of regional security, they have reached a cooperation agreement with the Petrochemical Alliance.

"This is Faisal's itinerary. At ten o'clock the day after tomorrow, he will leave his hometown in the Bay Area and go to the headquarters of Qilu Siliyad to attend the new product launch conference." A man wearing local clothes introduced Tang Ji.

: "We can't be sure which path he took. These Persian regional managers have experienced more than one assassination and kidnapping. They are very difficult to deal with."

"What is certain is that there will be a private jet ready to take off at the airport, a small plane on the roof of his company in the Bay Area, and six land routes." The man scratched his head: "Faisal is used to setting off.

The last five minutes before making a decision.”

"Does a senior manager of a company need to pay so much attention to his own safety?" Tang Ji frowned. The target's caution would most likely cause them to be annihilated.

They are on the target's territory. As time passes, enemy support will arrive.

"There is no way, Faisal is just like that. You must be prepared to deal with a counterattack from fifteen to twenty-five security personnel. Believe me, you'd better bring some heavy weapons."

This chapter has been completed!
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