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Chapter 294 The Worst Result

Mikkelsen put a respirator on himself in the freezing Antarctic ice water, and then dived underwater again. At the cost of three clones freezing to death, he found a piece of bad news.

A tunnel leads to an unknown location deep under the water. The tunnel is filled with the remains of organisms that were cooked, dried, and then soaked and softened.

Mikkelsen didn't have time to recover his body temperature. This body was actually on its deathbed, and it was only his will that supported it in order to be able to exercise vigorously.

He needed to go deep into that tunnel to see where it led, and whether Gluttony found an exit to the sea outside, or whether he died in a corner.

He had to see it with his own eyes. If Gluttony was still alive, he would have to add another item to his increasingly long plan.

The weak light can only illuminate a distance of less than two meters in the water. There are ice cubes of different sizes floating in the water, and there are no living creatures.

The detector that measures the radiation value is flashing red. The radiation value in this water area must be off the charts. Mikkelsen can feel the life flowing out of his body every minute.

The entrance to a huge tunnel with a diameter of ten meters was right under Mikkelsen. He slowly dived into it and dived five or six meters deeper, where he saw the body of the previous Mikkelsen.

The corpse was stuck weakly on a small slope at the top of the tunnel, and the overhead lights illuminated the front, pointing the way forward for those who came after.

Mikkelsen wasted no time in removing the light equipped with the corpse. He slid his limbs vigorously and continued deeper into the tunnel.

All the remains of living things floating in the water were obviously belonging to Gluttony, and it must have paid a heavy price to stuff them all into such a 'small hole'.

Mikkelsen felt that his consciousness was a little blurry, but fortunately there were more than 4,000 equally powerful consciousnesses behind him supporting him, preventing him from succumbing to physical limits.

He moved forward another thirty meters and saw a huge lump of meat crawling underneath the tunnel, with countless tentacles embedded deeply into the rock walls on both sides.

But just by looking at it, Mikkelsen knew that it was not Gluttony, at most it was just its shell.

That thing was so shriveled that it was only four to five meters thick. Anyone who had seen the gluttony-filled state would not recognize it.

This shell looks like it has been soaked in water for several months. It is pale in color and has disgusting tumor clusters in many places. The closer you get, the more clearly you can see the corruption on it.

The biological remains in the tunnel originated from it. When Mikkelsen swam over it, the water waves splashed by his body movements caused the biological fragments to be disturbed and scattered.

At this time, Mikkelsen, who was far away in the European Union and was enjoying cream of mushroom soup, stirred the soup with a spoon, frowned, and finally pushed away the soup plate and lost his appetite.

Seeing this shell, Mikkelsen knew that Gluttony probably didn't die here, but he still needed to continue diving because this body could no longer bear it and he couldn't swim back with his own strength.

Cold, lack of oxygen, and the effects of nuclear radiation turned a relatively strong man into what he is now in just a few minutes.

Mikkelsen could feel the greasy feeling on his face, which was because his facial features were bleeding, but through the helmet, he could only endure the itching sensation caused by the blood scratching his skin.

He continued downward, but had completely lost his sense of distance. Mikkelsen could only continue diving by feeling, because he had lost most of his vision.

Then he crashed into another layer of shell in a ball of soft biomass, but it looked much healthier than the previous one.

Mikkelsen was no longer able to move forward. Apparently Gluttony managed to survive the nuclear attack by peeling off his own corrupted flesh and blood.

What he needs to consider now is what means he should use next time to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again.

"This fucking world." Under the cold water, Mikkelsen extended a middle finger toward the depths of the tunnel and closed his eyes.

In the cold sea water, only a human corpse was left sleeping among the monster's flesh and blood, as the lights gradually dimmed

Ten minutes later, a slender tentacle stretched out from the depths of the tunnel, quietly touching Mikkelsen's body like a thief, testing his life or death.

After several confirmations, the tentacles slowly wrapped around the body and dragged it deeper into the tunnel bit by bit, like a dying person at the end of his life.

However, a few minutes later, a dull explosion came from deep in the tunnel, impacting the water flow all the way up, and eventually turned into an inconspicuous wave on the water.

It was a touch-type explosive hidden in Mikkelsen's diving suit. Once an external force tried to move the body, the explosive might be triggered.

This can be regarded as a farewell gift between Mikkelsen and Gluttony. Although Mikkelsen himself didn't know it at all, he set up such a trap purely out of the old silver coin's instinct.

After confirming that all their companions below were dead, the Mikkelsens, who were standing on top of the bottomless abyss, used a rappelling platform to lower a clone.

This time, his task was to visually observe the water level and determine the point at which the seawater overflowed the tunnel.

According to the current speed of water intrusion, seawater will flow into the tunnel in up to three minutes, and then fill the tunnel within five minutes.

Mikkelsen, who was far away in the body warehouse, completely ignored the raging battlefield behind him. He was not interested in how many players Tang Ji killed.

What Mikkelsen really considers is a strategic goal, such as submerging the entire base in ice water first, and then competing with the players for time and cost to see who can dig out these bodies first.

As for how many of these tens of thousands of bodies would die in accidents during this process, he didn't care at all.

If the entire body warehouse was not buried deep underground, Mikkelsen would directly launch cruise missiles to completely destroy it.

At this moment, he has the authority to contact at least three surface and underwater warships belonging to different forces in Antarctica and ask them to launch missiles.

But none of these missiles can destroy this base. When the pioneers built this base, experts must have carefully studied the force configuration in the areas around Antarctica before finally selecting such specifications.

The good news is that Mikkelsen, an expert with this ability to conduct analysis, will soon be able to make a list. If nothing happens, it won't be long before he uncovers another deeply hidden naturalized person.

The bad news is that this makes no sense, those players have already begun to intervene in the world on a large scale, and their demand for naturalized players will continue to decrease from now on.

Several Mikkelsens worked with welders and explosives for fifteen minutes, finally opening a large enough channel in the door, and then used a hot-melt cutting machine to cut off the core parts of the door lock and open the door.


During this process, three Mikkelsens were killed by "stray bullets" on the battlefield, but this did not affect Mikkelsen's work efficiency.

On the frontal battlefield, the two super powerful combat forces of Tangji and Soult have already occupied an absolute advantage. The players' offensive has changed from a chaotic all-out invasion at the beginning to a small-scale, organized and disciplined attack mode.


Obviously, both sides are stalling for time, but their purposes are different.

Mikkelsen looked at the watch on his wrist. His visual inspection was very accurate. At this time, seawater had begun to pour into the tunnel. The water was very strong and he could already hear the roar of the waves.

At the bottom of the body warehouse, Markarian was also looking at the time. Although the time units in this world were a little different from what he was used to, it did not affect his rapid communication with the pioneers stationed locally.

"You still have one hundred and thirty-five minimum units of time. Move all the most valuable bodies here to me." Markarian looked at the pioneers and shouted loudly: "I need at least a thousand bodies.

body unit!”

He turned around, grabbed a pioneer who had just unlocked the dimensional gate, and emphasized in a low voice: "Send fifty more people up to hold down the natives, don't let them have time to break through here."

The biggest difference between Markarian and other pioneers is that he does not take the existence of these abnormal individuals lightly. In all the tasks he has experienced, the strength of these abnormal individuals is generally far higher than the average player.

He can calmly accept that he is now in a weak position, but he will always be the one to win in the end.

This is the collision of two worlds, the conquest of the lower world by high-dimensional civilization. From the moment this world was discovered, its fate was doomed.

"Nice to meet you here, Mr. Markarian." Mrs. Generous's voice came from Markarian's communicator: "I heard that you encountered some trouble in Antarctica?"

"I'm sorry, madam, I was too busy just now and didn't say hello to you immediately." Markarian's expression changed and he stood respectfully in response to Mrs. Generous's question.

Judging from his attitude, his respect for Mrs. Bountiful is much higher than that of the late great pioneer Dennis Quint, Cathy, and Aslan.

This is not the first time he has dealt with Mrs. Bountiful. In the past one hundred and seventy-two years of his career, this woman has appeared in two of the three incidents where he encountered abnormal individuals.

She is obviously pursuing these anomalous individuals, and among the many competitors who intend to ascend to the position of Supreme Being, this lady has always been at the forefront.

Markarian knew the power that the other party represented better than anyone else, so he did not dare to be disrespectful to the other party in the slightest.

"You don't have to be so polite, Markarian, I thought we were old friends." Mrs. Generosity said with a smile: "I just made a call to make sure that my little friend will not be in any danger."

"Are you talking about Tang Ji?" Markarian immediately understood what the other party meant and carefully explained: "I'm afraid I can only say that we haven't found a reasonable plan to target Tang Ji yet. This will take time.


"Very good, I think you have plenty of time in this world. Enjoy it, don't be so serious, and occasionally experience the fun that belongs to players." Mrs. Generosity hung up the phone with a smile, leaving Markarian alone.

deep in thought.

The turbulent water quickly surged through the tunnel, mixed with a large amount of sediment and debris, and rushed towards the body warehouse. Mikkelsen did not wave to Wang Zhengdao until he saw the water coming.

Wang Zhengdao, who had been prepared in advance, instantly took away Martin and Tony, who were still firing, as well as the two surrounding physical survival capsules.

As soon as the scene changed, Wang Zhengdao, with two people and two life-support capsules, appeared on the glacier where they had been overlooking the nuclear explosion. Anthony and a group of wounded people had already established a temporary defense line here.

With a painful look on his face, Wang Zhengdao took out a shot of sedative from Anthony's medical kit and injected it into his thigh. He was attacked by a psychic superhuman, and his mind seemed to be boiling.

In this state, the space on both sides jumped continuously, making his face look like a cooked crab shell, and two lines of nosebleeds flowed from the nasal cavity.

Vicky carefully wiped him clean with a cotton swab. Wang Zhengdao smiled and patted Vicky on the head, then turned his head and disappeared again.

"He can't die. I'm monitoring his pulse and heartbeat." Anthony knocked on the medical tactical helmet on his head: "He is a good man."

Vicki nodded, of course she knew Wang Zhengdao was a good person, but after getting used to Tang Ji's style of doing things, Vicki also thought countless times, if the person who first led the Ark organization was Tang Ji

Maybe there is no threat from players in the European Federation now. Of course, the greater possibility is that Tang Ji, who couldn't stand the bureaucracy, blew up the entire European Federation and maybe became the first superhuman emperor of the European Federation.

Vicky forced herself to forget her previous thoughts and helped Shadow spray a new layer of biofilm. She helped Shadow pick up a finger, but Shadow indicated that she could just throw it away.

His palm was broken in half, and there was no point in just picking up a finger. He now had better solutions, such as replacing prosthetic limbs, or trying the medical needles from Walter Group.

For a mercenary, something as trivial as getting cancer has to be ranked second to running out of paper in the toilet.

Wang Zhengdao appeared again and threw the Saint and several Mikkelsens to the ground. He fell directly on the ice with blood all over his face.

The Saints and Mikkelsen were not much better. They all looked like they had splitting headaches. They rested on the ground for a while before regaining some energy.

"There is a very strong psychic superhuman down there." Mikkelsen unceremoniously injected four sedatives in a row to stabilize his condition, and patted Wang Zhengdao's face hard: "Wang! You must continue

Take a trip!”

"I know! I know!" Wang Zhengdao gritted his teeth and hit the ice with his head several times. Those players had begun to consciously target him, and the pain in his mind was increasing with time.

But he couldn't leave Tang Ji and the others there. Wang Zhengdao stood up unsteadily and jumped back to the base again.

Surte stood at the assembly point covered in blood, holding a detonator in his hand. At this time, water was already pouring into the body warehouse.

He couldn't remember how many people he killed today. It was like a nightmare, and only Tang Ji existed in the dream.

He pulled himself up again and again, using the gray-black flames to drive away the pain attached to his body, guiding himself to install the bombs in each location. Now it was time to harvest.

Tang Ji appeared at the meeting point carrying a lot of heads. He looked at the corpse square behind him with some regret, and pressed the detonation button for Sirte with some regret.


The first, second, and third floors of the square were all blown up to the point where huge holes instantly appeared. When Wang Zhengdao led them away, the surging cold sea water swept past and rushed straight towards the body matrix.


This chapter has been completed!
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