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Chapter 299 Phase Assassin

"The total number of points is 4800, but what does this point represent?" Wu Qianying's words stopped Tang Ji. He had no idea what kind of points these were. He only knew that these points could be spent in the relic library.

"If some kind of system error gives you the player template, then the existence of this relic library and the hunting list is too deliberate. The name itself represents a tendency." Wu Qianying reviewed the supernatural properties in the relic library.

Doubts were raised after the ability.

"This means that the system you have was deliberately added to you by someone or some kind of existence." Wu Qianying's words awakened Tang Ji, but immediately confused him again: "It may come from a special

Superhumans may also come from higher-level interference.”

"A potential ally hidden deeper." Wu Qianying inquired about the system details with great interest, while taking a pen to hand-draw the UI interface of several category pages: "But the UI design is poor."

Tang Ji opened his mouth, but Wu Qianying was already waving his hands: "I know, leave it to me, I will handle it. Now let's optimize your ability sequence."

Wu Qianying took out the three-dimensional image he had made before, projected a Q version of Tang Ji in the air, and flicked his head.

The mini-Tangji, who had neither support nor substance, turned somersaults, and his whole body was ignited with flames of hatred as he bared his teeth and claws.

"The flame of hatred, the core ability of rage, can negate the use of most supernatural abilities. In addition, it also has some properties of flame." Wu Qianying snapped her fingers, and a large trumpet appeared in the Q version of Tang Ji's hand.

The revolver fired wildly, shuddering from the recoil: "A weapon of revenge?"

Wu Qianying asked in a rhetorical tone, and then added: "I guess you just gained this ability when you showed me the runes on that gun last time."

"According to your description, Rage can be backwards compatible with abilities with similar concepts. It can even chew up a composite ability before digesting and absorbing it." Wu Qianying also marked the Wrath of All Beings and Deathmatch Invitation under the Q version of Tang Ji.


"[Discover weaknesses] increases your ability to attack difficulties, while [Reinforcement] makes up for your survivability." Wu Qianying glanced at Tang Ji with admiration: "In this regard, you can make the best decisions just by relying on intuition.

Good choice."

For a moment, Tang Ji couldn't tell whether Wu Qianying was praising herself or making fun of herself, so he could only show a polite smile.

"You are right to worry that having too many abilities will lead to genetic collapse. Sixty-two percent of currently known supernatural abilities are based on genetic mutations. All abilities that will significantly modify your genes are very dangerous." Wu Qianying

He slid his chair to the other side of the table and found a report from the pile of waste paper.

"This is your previous blood test report. All the data are abnormal and have almost no reference value." Wu Qianying slid back with a splash: "The genetic difference between you and Greedy is greater than that between you and the fish swimming outside.

Big, so you'd better not think that you can infinitely superimpose supernatural abilities like Greed."

"From a genetic perspective, it is definitely a provocation to the scientific community that superhumans still maintain human appearance. According to statistics in the first half of this year alone, the number of people in our circle who have started to believe in religion or simply been admitted to a mental hospital has increased by 100% month-on-month.

Seventy-three." Wu Qianying told a cold joke, but Tang Ji couldn't laugh at all.

Because he had just witnessed the gruesome appearance of Gluttony not long ago, and a few months earlier, he had also found a four-armed boxing champion in the neon body warehouse.

"Take Wang Zhengdao as an example. A superhuman who specializes in one ability has an absolute advantage in improving the speed of his ability. Of course, talent is obviously the most important reference indicator." Wu Qianying glanced at Tang Ji sideways: "By the way,

Now, my ability is [Thinking Acceleration], and according to the division method of your system, I am now at the LV2 stage."


Tang Ji looked at Wu Qianying with questions, "What the hell are you at LV2 now? How long have you been awake? It's been less than five days, so why are you at LV2?"

Don't you seem greedy, that old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, and stupid? You seem jealous of that idiot who thinks he is smart, and stupid?

"Don't think so much now. I'll train you once you find the pattern." Wu Qianying briefly showed off and continued: "In principle, I don't recommend that you redeem any additional abilities. Those players don't care whether the body collapses or not. You


Tang Ji smiled, Wu Qianying sighed, and silently opened the ability list she just wrote.

"As a rager, it can be predicted that your direct destructive power will increase exponentially with level and time, so those supernatural abilities that directly damage you will be PASS." Wu Qianying deleted nearly one-third of the items in the table: "Also

There are twelve of these, and judging from the description, they can cause severe genetic mutations, so it’s best not to choose them.”

"I need the ability to improve my mobility." Tang Ji's fingers crossed several related abilities one by one: "But I'm not sure which of these abilities is more suitable for me."

"[Flash], I remember that you had an observation record of this ability. How can you be humble?" Wu Qianying instantly retrieved the relevant information: "The randomness is too strong, and it is of no help to you at the moment, unless you plan to take a gamble on it.

potential for the future.”

"You don't really think so, do you?" Wu Qianying rolled her eyes at Tang Ji, pulled out a whiteboard and started class.

"Assume that the progression coefficient of supernatural abilities is based on strength and complexity and is set as variable

The experience value gained by ability users from exercising or researching abilities is fixed, the time variable is T, and the experience value required to promote a certain ability from LV1 to LV2 is fixed as Z. We get a simple formula, that is, Z=X


"Let me give you a simple example. Suppose there is an ordinary, simple superhuman that does not involve complex abilities, such as me." Wu Qianying wrote a number on the tablet: "Then X=1."

"And because I am smart enough to understand how this ability works, I can improve my control over it, so Y=100." Wu Qianying calmly wrote a big three-digit number on the whiteboard: "Assume this simple ability

It only takes 300 experience points to upgrade, so based on that simple formula, it only took me two days to advance to LV2."

Tang Ji frowned and looked at the formula on the blackboard, but he noticed something fishy from Wu Qianying's 100.

"As for you, as one of the Seven Deadly Sins, with rage, the range of your

He’s just a grumpy person, so let’s assume Y=50.”

"Why do I only have 50 and you have a full 100?" Tang Ji felt that he was losing face. He was a violent law enforcer with an angry nickname and an unhappy nickname. Why couldn't it be 100?

"Do you know what emotions are?" Wu Qianying's sharp eyes made Tang Ji feel emotionless: "What is the essence of human emotions? Which one do you prefer, essentialism or constructionism?"

???What the hell? Tang Ji blinked his eyes and looked confused. At this moment, he was not furious, he was mentally retarded.

"Is the generation of emotions an innate human response to external stimuli? Or does the brain itself build a system environment to guide its own targeted response to external stimuli?" Wu Qianying's simple science popularization,

This made Tang Ji even more confused.

Upon hearing it, Tang Ji felt that the words had a profound meaning, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he knew every word, but he couldn't understand it when they were put together.

Wu Qianying had obviously expected Tang Ji's reaction. She took a deep breath and told herself that this was the reaction of a normal person, and she was the abnormal one. She must calm down, appreciate his wild temperament, and accept his mediocrity in intelligence.

"Continue, because you are furious and have the seven original sins, so assuming Z=1000, that means you need 200 to 2000 days to advance from LV1 to LV2." Wu Qianying gave the final answer, one that Tang Ji could not refute.


Because he did some rough calculations and found that it did take more than two hundred days to advance from LV1 to LV2.

"Very good, it seems you understand the meaning of this algorithm. Now let's add more variables." Wu Qianying's words quickly made Tang Ji retract his "smart face".

"Now let's assume that having multiple abilities will have an impact on the entire system." Wu Qianying looked at Tang Ji with a smile: "The worst possibility is that the difficulty coefficient will be multiplied, and the total experience Z will also be multiplied, and you

The Y value of personal influence will take the middle value, and finally get an astronomical total promotion time, greed is an example."

"Of course, the best possibility is that the settlement of these abilities does not affect each other." Wu Qianying pushed up her glasses: "But considering that our world is regarded as a game, it would be a bit too much if there is no multi-ability experience penalty.

It’s not fair, don’t forget how many rounds you fired with that gun.”

Tang Ji was in a trance looking at the flame of hatred in the shape of a snow lotus in his hand. The gray-black flame licked his palm like a puppy, well-behaved and obedient.

"No, I need an ability to improve mobility." After a brief depression, Tang Ji showed a free and easy smile: "Look at the present first, otherwise we may have no future."

Wu Qianying looked at Tang Ji seriously, but this time Tang Ji did not look away. He just waited for the result quietly.

"Very good!" Wu Qianying suddenly laughed and threw the whiteboard into the pile of waste paper behind: "You can use my words as a reference, but idealism is actually not that rigorous."

"I recommend you choose this ability." Wu Qianying pointed to an ability called [Phase Assassin]: "It does not involve any physical changes, it takes effect immediately, and has huge potential. The only disadvantage is that you need to take a few additional courses.


[Phase Assassin (LV1): After a short preparation, you sprint forward and enter the phase movement state, and appear within one hundred meters after one second, in the direction and location you specified. Selling price: 1000 points (enjoy the complete end

Discount, price after discount is 500 points)

——I swear, I didn’t rush into the wall on purpose. Is anyone there? This is not a joke!]

Seeing the suffix note, Tang Ji suddenly remembered its contributor. That idiot was also one of the gains this time. He jumped out of the ground and ended up with half of his body embedded in the wall. When Tang Ji saw him, he

Already on his deathbed.

Tang Ji was about to choose to exchange, and Wu Qianying suddenly held his hand: "Next, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't exchange for other abilities. Can you wait until I get more data in the laboratory before taking risks?"

"Okay." Tang Ji nodded, not daring to look directly into Wu Qianying's eyes.

Now, it's time to get down to business.

Among the many pioneers, Kacalf may have the best mentality. Even after a large number of pioneers went offline to take refuge, Kacalf went to and from get off work as usual every day, working from nine in the morning to four weeks in the evening, and never missed a day.

Even that half-baked computing power service company, under the careful care of Kacalf, has begun to generate profits, and it is definitely unique among the many industries of Pioneer.

After all, most of the industries of the pioneers were obtained by plundering and taking a curved route. Those who made money were basically managed by professional managers. The only one who really made money through his own business was Karcalf.

But the good days of the two-way lurker Karcalf came to an end today. He received a call from Markarian in the morning, during which the other party directly handed over the entire Walter Group to him.

When he first learned the news, Kacalf was in the office making reservations for a restaurant to have dinner with his family in the evening. Now he had to call home again to tell them to cancel today's dinner.

Markarian's reason is very strong, that is, Karkarf has now become the only pioneer in the federal region.

This wasn't the end yet. In the afternoon, just after climbing a few floors, Kacalf arrived at the office of the president of Walter Group, which was buried in a massive amount of authorization documents, when he received a second call.

"Do you have time to meet?" Tang Ji's voice came from the other side of the phone, making Karcalf lose a lot of hair.

One thousand four hundred meters away, a sniper wearing a mimic camouflage suit was clinging to the wall of a building, staring at Karcalf through the opaque glass of the building through a special sight.

The sniper is Mikkelsen's man. Although Karcalf has a certificate, no one is stupid enough to completely trust a player from another world.

The Walter Group's choice of the company's address below the New W Palace does make Mikkelsen somewhat intimidating, but the disadvantage is that there is never a shortage of professional spies here, and some special eavesdropping and monitoring devices cannot be detected by even the most sophisticated instruments.

It's just that there are a few pioneers around Cathy Walter who have the ability to block all electromagnetic signals. They will be in this state every time they have a meeting, making the new W Palace agents' methods a show for the blind and meaningless.


But now Karcalf has no helpers around him. It can be said that his every move is monitored by agents.

It's a pity that the Trail Blazers' wetware matrix still has the advantage on the Internet, otherwise they would be able to find Markarian's position just this once.

Karkarf looked around subconsciously before replying: "It's quite convenient for me now. You decide the time."

"Very well, I'll meet you in your office in three minutes."

PS: I'm still very sleepy. I don't know if it's because the medicine is too effective or because Lao Mo is a little tired. He slept all afternoon and couldn't quench his thirst. I guess it's because he usually stays up too late and his body takes revenge on sleep. Haha.

PS: Check for typos later

PS: I wonder if any book friends can guess the origin of this ability?

This chapter has been completed!
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