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Chapter 2 Superhumans

He kicked the bald head on the knee with a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, causing the opponent to scream and fall to his knees. His left hand, which was replaced by a prosthetic limb, pinched the opponent's neck fiercely and pressed the bald head's cheek against the logo of the Losas organization.

: "Do you recognize it?"

"You're dead! You're dead!" the bald man yelled, reaching his hand to his waist: "I'm going to kill you!"

"Post the logo of an illegal organization! Five hundred fines!" Tang Ji pulled up the upper body of the bald head with one hand and pressed it down hard. The face was once again hit on the Losas logo: "Refuse to cooperate with law enforcement, imprisonment

Five days!”

Then, with another blow, the powerful power of the prosthetic limb caused the bald face to spit out three teeth and a mouthful of blood during the confrontation between the bald face and the butt of the car.

Another kick kicked the pistol away from the bald man's waist: "Carrying deadly weapons and premeditating attacks on law enforcement officers will result in a prison sentence of more than fifteen years!"

"Now tell me, what is this symbol?" The prosthetic arm exerted force and pressed the bald face firmly onto the Losas symbol, making it impossible to close his eyes.

"This is the logo of Losas. What do you think about it?" A young man wearing fashionable sportswear rushed out of the car angrily, wearing a white bracelet issued by the government to symbolize superhuman status.

After the Red Sun Incident, the higher-ups finally realized that the existence of superhumans could no longer be hidden from the public, so they could only hastily introduce a symbolic superhuman statistics bill, requiring superhumans to proactively report to the public in the form of subsidies.

Give subsidies to superhumans?

As if the previous Red Sun incident was just a child's trick, Tang Ji snorted coldly. He had his own way and attitude in dealing with superhuman beings.

"What do I think about it? Boy, you really asked the right person." Tang Ji resisted the urge to break the bald man's neck and threw him out: "You should ask, what do I think about you guys?"

"Very good, what did I see? A law enforcer who hates superhumans extremely!" A punk girl with scantily clad clothes and a mohawk got off the car from the other side, holding up her PDA in her hand: "I

You are broadcasting live to my friends, are you going to do something extraordinary?"

Something outrageous?

Tang Ji licked his lips and loosened the buttons on his collar. On this special day, all these little superhuman bastards gathered here to pay homage to the scars Losas left on this city. What else could be better than this?

What's more outrageous?

He knew that there was something wrong with him and that he had too much prejudice against superhuman beings, but every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was the black snow that night, and Tang Anran, who was relying on a life-saving capsule in the laboratory.

"I suspect that you are related to the Losas organization. Now that you are arrested, you can remain silent, but everything you say next will be evidence in court." Tang Ji said useless nonsense.

The spirit has been highly concentrated.

He was guessing what abilities the two superhumans in front of him would have. Although the girl didn't wear a bracelet, Tang Ji already assumed that they were both superhumans.

In the past half year, Tang Ji killed and arrested more than seventy superhuman criminals, almost single-handedly suppressing the arrogance of the superhuman criminals in Night City after the Red Sun Incident.

What he relies on is fighting for his life, will, and brains.

Unfortunately, as the entire upper echelon began to accept the existence of superhuman beings, and as the entire law enforcement agency was contracted out to military contractors, the support the bureau could give him became less and less.

The young man in front of him raised a hand and pointed his index finger like a pistol at Tang Ji. Although his behavior seemed ridiculous, when Tang Ji knew that these superhumans had all kinds of strange abilities, he would shoot out missiles with his fingers after a while.

, Tang Ji wouldn’t be surprised either.

But fortunately, the young man only simulated the sound of a gunshot with his mouth. Tang Ji made a sharp flash and the place he was standing before was hit as if by a bullet, leaving a shallow crater.

Very good, a loser who uses superpowers instead of guns. Tang Ji smiled disdainfully and took out his gun to fight back without hesitation. His recorder had completely recorded the footage of the opponent attacking the law enforcer.

However, before he shot, his whole body seemed to have been pushed hard. When he turned his head, the punk girl was staring at him with one hand on her temple.

Is the suspected stance superhuman? Or manipulation? Tang Ji can't accurately judge the other party's ability, but he knows that this girl is far more dangerous than the boy.

Tang Ji calmly dodged another "talking gun", used the law enforcement vehicle as a cover, and temporarily disappeared from the girl's sight.

He knew that most superhumans, especially Hina, who were awakened shortly after seeing them, relied on their naked eyes to lock onto targets.

He habitually grabbed the walkie-talkie on his chest and wanted to call for support, but then gave up the plan with a lonely smile. Tang Ji knew that there was no brother in the bureau who could depend on him for life and death to support him immediately.

That group of new employees just wanted to get a salary and would only complete the tasks assigned by the manager on the PDA. In Tang Ji's eyes, the manager named Adams was almost as disgusting as the Losas organization.

"Come out, coward!" The loud-mouthed young man also hid behind the car and shouted in a stern voice. The law enforcer's action of drawing a gun without hesitation scared him.

Tang Ji casually threw out a heat source smoke bomb. This was not standard police equipment. It was a private item he asked his friends in the military to get. It is particularly useful against superhumans.

After counting a few times and waiting for the smoke to dissipate, Tang Ji silently walked into the smoke, walked straight to the direction of the punk girl, and fired two shots at the location in his memory.

The punk girl's screams penetrated the smoke. Tang Ji was sure that the person he met today was Hina. He had probably never killed anyone, but he didn't care.

They wanted to pay homage to the crater left by Losas, and they dared to attack those who took the lead in attacking the law enforcers. No matter what, Tang Ji had no need to feel mercy.

Tang Ji walked quickly through the smoke area and saw a panicked young man who didn't know whether to check his companions or block the path first. He broke his nose with an iron fist, then stepped on his face and shot the young man's palm to pieces.

He took out an electric shock collar and put it on the young man's neck. Just in case, he wrapped a circle of tape around his mouth: "If I hear you make any sound, you will be dead!"

The young man was so frightened that he even forgot about the severe pain in his palm and kept nodding his head.

Tang Ji turned around and walked around the car in front of the punk girl. The two shots just shot through her legs. At this time, the other person was leaning on the wheel, with a painful look on his face and stretched out his middle finger towards Tang Ji. His other hand was still holding on.

Aim the PDA at Tang Ji.

Tang Ji grabbed the PDA and glanced at the screen. A live broadcast software was running and overwhelming subtitles were floating by.

"Damn you, you're dead! How dare you shoot Judy! I'll drive to Night City and kill you right now!"

"I have reported it to the superior supervision department for violent law enforcement! Severe punishment!"

"If you're going to Night City upstairs, let's go together! I have a car and can drive four people! Fuck him to death!"

Tang Ji put his face close to the screen and said coldly: "My name is Tang Ji. Welcome to Night City. I'm waiting for you."

Then he crushed the PDA, picked up the punk girl, and cuffed her arms together from behind: "I didn't see your bracelet. Let me briefly introduce your abilities."

"Go to hell! What a slut!" The punk girl still tried to resist, but Tang Ji poked the wound on her leg before she calmed down.

The two newly awakened brats might have never seen blood... Tang Ji frowned, at least they had never seen his own blood before.

"Be honest, I am actually happy to kill you directly." Tang Ji lowered his head and said in the girl's ear: "There are too many people here. That is the only reason why you are still alive. Imagine what would happen if we met at night.

what happened?"

"Don't scare the kids, Tang. My phone number is off the hook. Do you know that the ugly duckling in your hand has 300,000 fans?" A polished patrol car drove up to Tang Ji before stopping.

This chapter has been completed!
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