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Chapter 302 Another trump card revealed

The yellow sand is long, and Wu Qianying is directing a group of gunmen to help move boxes of equipment into tents. This is a small town on the edge of the Bay Area called Lalit. There are more than 20,000 people in the town.

Some are employees of Petrochemical Alliance.

Aaliyah and Chrissy Cunningham are already qualified laboratory assistants. Although neither of them went to college, one is an encyclopedia assistant with excellent memory and the other is a cryogenic assistant with a talent for ice. Wu Qianying feels that

You can't ask for more.

This time it was Wu Qianying who forced Tang Ji and the others to take her with them. After awakening, Dr. Wu, who was able to open beer bottle caps by herself, was somewhat swollen. She felt that she was fully capable of interacting with the players at close range.

As a laboratory expert, Dr. Wu’s experience is that if you want to achieve results in something, don’t expect to be able to do everything behind the scenes.

What exactly are players, where do they come from, and what do they want from here? These things cannot be just heard from one family. Wu Qianying wants to see these players with her own eyes. If possible, she even hopes to talk to them.

Mikkelsen expressed his understanding of Wu Qianying's "willfulness". He is not a scientific researcher, but in the past century, he has at least understood one truth - those who can change the pattern of war are always scientists and philosophers.

Imagine that if Tangji did not have the special ability to completely kill the player, I am afraid that Mikkelsen would not take a second look at Tangji. Just like his attitude towards the other Seven Deadly Sins, he felt that they were irrelevant to the overall situation.

But people like Wu Qianying will shine in such a situation no matter how they develop.

In order to show his attention, Mikkelsen sent all the trustworthy personnel in the Bay Area to this small town without attracting the attention of the Petrochemical Alliance, in the name of a logistics company affiliated with the Petrochemical Alliance.

The enterprise alliance and the petrochemical alliance have been fighting for so long. You have me and I have you. Mikkelsen controls 13 petrochemical alliance companies of varying sizes. If he is given another century, he will have

Be sure to let both sides have the surname Mi

No, this statement is not that accurate. If Mikkelsen is given enough time, he might be able to change the name of the earth.

But now it's too late to say all this. Mikkelsen, who originally thought that as long as he kept a low profile enough and became the king of Guangjiliang, would become a golfer sooner or later, when he encountered something like a player, all his plans were disrupted.

"My people have found the location of the informant, but he is now being held in a rust prison." Mikkelsen explained to Tanguy: "That is a private prison owned by Saudi Aramco, which is generally used to detain opponents.

Guerrilla members, rarely involved"

"He means that the place has no business dealings with him, and he has no influence over it. If he wants to snatch the people out before the execution of those big dogs, a group of fools who are strong enough will have to rush in." Wu Qianying directed Martin.

He moved a box of experimental equipment into the designated tent and interrupted: "And you are the strongest and stupidest idiot, do you understand?"

Mikkelsen shrugged helplessly towards Tang Ji, as if to say: That was what your woman said, not my original intention. I originally wanted to be more subtle.

"Give me the location and information." Tang Ji instantly understood what Mikkelsen meant: "Next time, use her way of talking, we won't waste any time."

"The plane is ready. I have no information to give you except the location." Mikkelsen glanced at Wu Qianying again: "I'm not interested in that, so I haven't collected information there. How many guards are there? What are they?

I know nothing about defense facilities, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Tang Ji nodded: "Go in, find a guerrilla member named Hashim, ask for information, and then withdraw."

"If possible, bring that Hashem out alive. He himself is an excellent guide." Mikkelsen sighed: "There is no airport in Lalit. You have to go to a military site 140 kilometers away.

Get on the plane at the airport, the pilot is mine, he will deviate and pass by the rust prison at the right time, the rest is up to you."

"Don't let Hashem get in touch with his organization. I can't trust the organization behind him." Mikkelsen finally confessed and gave Tangji a look that said you had to figure it out yourself.

This time Wu Qianying couldn't explain in the form of narration, because she knew nothing about this land. This is actually the norm. If you ask Chrissy Cunningham, she may not even know that there are other places in this world.

Persia region.

The Free Wind organization has a pretty good reputation in the Persian region. It is even considered a semi-official organization, and some agreements have been reached between its top leaders and the Petrochemical Alliance.

As the Petrochemical Alliance takes root in the Persian region, it becomes more and more deeply tied to this land. A lot of things can change in two generations.

For example, the group of people who originally ordered the implementation of high-pressure policies against the locals have aged, and nearly one-third of the new generation of middle-class people are of mixed race. They are naturally full of curiosity and identification with local culture.

But this does not mean that they will give up their existing base. After all, the Petrochemical Alliance relied on its absolute superiority in force to enslave this land.

However, when the war ended and another generation grew up, the Petrochemical Alliance also faced a huge problem, which was the shrinking market.

Compared with corporate alliances, the financial industry in the land they occupy is almost nonexistent. Two-thirds of the population is forced to be self-sufficient due to the cutting of transportation lines, and is outside the trading system.

The one-size-fits-all policy adopted during the war is gradually yielding bitter fruits. Externally, the surplus and deficit in international trade between the two sides are getting larger and larger, while internally, there are many factionalism.

The petrochemical alliance's internal struggles are far more fruitless than corporate alliances. Every named franchise company is linked to a general and controls large or small military forces.

Under such circumstances, it has become a general trend for the new generation seeking innovation and change to turn the idle population into new blood, and the most blackly humorous situation has subsequently emerged——

The old rulers, disguised as Saudi Aramco, have become the biggest opponents of the general trend. These old rulers firmly maintain the old ruling model of the Petrochemical Alliance.

The Free Wind trying to break this system is a thorn in their side. This time, placing the descendants in the Free Wind activity area was deliberate.

The Ibrahim family and the many waning families behind it have already given up on everything such as honor and responsibility after failing in struggles one after another.

Starting from Jerusalem, to the Gulf War, and later to energy wars and corporate wars, these declining tribes can no longer find a reason to rise. They don't care about anything except power and wealth.

Sixty years ago they could bow down to the Federation, twenty-five years ago they could bow down to the Petrochemical Alliance, and now they can naturally beg for mercy to those who come.

Although the earliest naturalized people did not originate from the Persian region, those pioneers really began to develop rapidly in this world because they later received strong support from the Dusk Clan.

These dying people not only regard this as a new opportunity, but also as revenge against the world. They have surrendered for a hundred years, why not bring the whole world to the same starting line, and then occupy high positions with their rich experience?

Ibrahim is a second-generation naturalized person, but he is a key member. When the pioneers were searching for body bodies around the world, he was the one who provided funds behind the scenes on behalf of the Dusk Tribe and established body warehouses around the world.

, including the one at the South Pole.

When the Pioneers were ready to flex their muscles and show off their fangs, it was he who provided funds for Cathy Walter on behalf of the Dusk Tribe and founded the Walter Group.

In the past nearly thirty years, the Dusk clan has relied on the power of money to buy themselves into the core circle of naturalized people. Compared with those first-generation naturalized families, they rose later and have less contact with each other.

Less relatively secretive.

Even Mikkelsen discovered the clues only when he was in Antarctica and started tracing along this line.

The Rust Prison is a secret stronghold built by the Dusk Clan to adapt to the post-Advent era to store and train superhuman weapons. That's why its confidentiality level is so high. The prison is just a disguise.

Hashim didn't know how many times he was taken out of the water tank. He breathed in the air greedily, and a lot of water vapor was sucked into his lungs.

Those who tormented him were all experienced hands. As soon as Hashem showed signs of coughing, an old fist hit his lungs hard, the force going straight into his heart, which was shocking.

No one asked questions. The custom here is to torture the person for as short as a week or as long as three months. The person is tortured first and then questions are asked.

If you are an important person, Rusty Prison also has superhuman beings who specialize in medical treatment and can easily heal most common injuries. Many prisoners who were originally critically ill can be cured here before being tortured.

If that doesn't work, they still have a reserve of [cancer recovery] potions, which can directly turn people into superhuman beings and directly enter higher-level torture processes.

In addition to real money and silver, the Dui clan has accumulated countless hidden assets for thousands of years, such as torture methods that can be called art, and brainwashing processes that are comparable to supernatural abilities.

How to restrain superhumans and keep them loyal has always been a problem for many countries and wealthy families, but for the Dusk Tribe, this problem was solved as early as the Albasid Dynasty.

From Gulam to Mamluk, the blood shed by loyal slave warriors for the ancestors of the Dusk Tribe can dye the water of the Euphrates River red. This is another art of the Dusk Tribe.

For three hours, Hashim was constantly subjected to violence. During this period, he tried to escape using his own abilities. His abilities allowed him to blend into the sea of ​​sand and move quickly, which was very suitable for escape.

However, there is obviously a stronger superhuman presence here. An invisible film covers the walls and floor, and Hashem cannot touch the ground at all.

Hashim was desperate. He was a firm idealist, otherwise he would not have given up his comfortable life in the European Union and returned to his homeland to become a guerrilla fighter.

But this does not mean that he can withstand the torture of professionals. No matter how steadfast and unyielding his spirit is, it will be useless in the face of modern torture technology.

When they took out injections of different colors and placed them in front of Hashim, he quickly collapsed, Taotao burst into tears and asked loudly what they wanted to know.

What responded to Hashim was the silence of the torturers. Without going through the process, they would not believe what Hashem said at all, not to mention that these injections were basically drugs used to suppress his thinking activity.

How to imprison superhuman criminals is a technical task. The best way is to keep them in an absolutely static state during the period of imprisonment, without thinking or moving.

Rusty Prison’s experience in this area is definitely leading the world and is worth learning from its peers.

Watching the medicine disappear into Hashim's blood vessels, the torturer carefully checked his pupils, used a small sharp knife to cut off a small strip of flesh from the opponent's armpit for testing, and then left the cell with satisfaction.

For the next sixteen hours, Hashem will remain in this wooden state, unable to even feel the passage of time.

This continuous method of execution will cause greater psychological pressure on the torturer. Based on the experience of the torturer, this weakling will completely collapse if he cannot survive even three days.

Outside the cell, heavily armed superhuman guards patrolled the corridors majestically, with serious and arrogant expressions. They have absolute authority over the prisoners here, and they can kill or kill them all at a moment's notice.

Outside the prison, there were hundreds of superhuman soldiers wearing the same uniforms, practicing constantly on the playground.

The descendants have entered this world and are adapting to a new environment. The vitality of the Dusk tribe is unprecedentedly active. They are looking forward to the arrival of a new era and looking forward to profiting from the new order, and these superhuman soldiers are the best guarantee.

Over the years, they have at least learned the saying that political power comes from the barrel of a gun.

Viewed from the air, the entire rusty prison is built on a cliff. Apart from a narrow mountain road, the only way in and out of the prison is the sky corridor. There is an apron with a capital letter H painted on it in the center of the prison lawn.

, can accommodate small and medium-sized helicopters taking off and landing.

The bearded pilot said nothing the whole time, and even after the piercing alarm sounded inside the plane, he still maintained the course and cut over the rusty prison.

The plane Tang Ji and the others boarded was a classic model C-130 that had been in service for nearly a century. Although this plane was an improved model built after the Second Corporate War, it still could not hide its cheap nature.

The Petrochemical Alliance is equipped with this type of aircraft on a large scale for internal logistics, but in the face of modern air defense weapons, it is like a large target and has no resistance.

The pilot was obviously determined to complete the mission, but Tang Ji's team members were already turning pale.

"The locking system is being cracked. I hacked in, done!" Alia's voice appeared like an angel: "All ground air defense systems have been locked by me, but they must have handheld air defense weapons."

Before she could finish speaking, Shadow looked through the porthole and saw several streaks of white smoke rising rapidly below and flying towards them.

This chapter has been completed!
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