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Chapter 34: Failure of the Primary Mission

 Tang Ji used torture to get a list and several addresses.

The names on the list are the names of the bodies used by the Losas members. The body is their name for the body that carries their consciousness.

Faisal admitted that he could not guess the size of the Losas organization, nor did he know the specific number of people. He did not even know whether the person he met was the same every time.

Those people don't care about their physical bodies at all, and will even change their physical bodies at will because they want to change to one that is more pleasing to the eye, or to look younger.

Members of Losas generally refer to each other by code names, which are composed of the department and number they belong to, which is simple and clear.

"Even with these names, you can't find any information." Faisal changed his posture and sat on the ground leaning on the off-road vehicle: "The first thing after being selected for those bodies is to have their memories erased.

Clear traces of the past.”

"Continue." Tang Ji glanced at the sky habitually, and so did Feisal, but the flying man who had high hopes for him never appeared.

"There are dedicated people to erase memories, but there seems to be something wrong with the process. The last few batches of bodies that have been sent to me..." Faisal suddenly realized that he had almost revealed his trump card. Fortunately, he even

He stopped the car and said: "They all still have memories, so we can only rely on traditional craftsmanship to slowly make them obey."

"I checked privately and found that all the electronic information of those people has been deleted." Faisal shook his head: "In this era, it is as if these people never existed. Losas's hackers almost


"If they are really omnipotent, I should be the one lying there now." Tang Ji stroked the skull fragment hanging on his chest as a souvenir, and smiled disdainfully: "What's wrong with them recently?


"They have activity cycles in this world. They will suddenly appear every once in a while, be active for a few months, and then disappear completely." Faisal took a breath and continued to delay: "Last week, not long after they left,

If everything goes well, they won't come back until six months later."

"Of course, this time interval is accelerating. When I first came into contact with them, it took almost eighteen months for them to come back." Faisal looked into Tang Ji's eyes and said, "Since you know Losas and the players

, you should understand that we can’t win, I just chose to lie down..."

"Are you really not a player?" Tang Ji suddenly said, interrupting Feisal.

"I'm really not a player..." Feisal sighed. Until now, he had not found a chance to guide his thinking. The opponent's spirit was as stubborn as a stone.

"Retell the third address you gave me." Tanguy interrupted Faisal again.

"Warehouse No. 96, Livington Street, Port Fao, Bay Area!" Faisal replied reflexively. He knew what the other party was doing. If he just slowed down a little bit, he would be shot again: "These are the addresses in my personal terminal.

You can find it all! I didn’t lie to you!”

"I have been very cooperative. Can we skip this stage?" Faisal changed his position: "How about you stop my bleeding first? I feel that my body temperature has begun to drop. We can..."

"You're right, we can skip this stage." Tang Ji lowered his head and walked around in a circle, found his revolver on the ground, loaded bullets slowly, looked up again and asked: "Are you really not a player?"

"I said that..."


"Forget it, I'll verify it myself." Tang Ji shot Feisal's head off and focused on the kill list in his mind.

Nothing happened. No new names were added. Faisal didn't lie.

Tang Ji glanced at the corpse that had completely disappeared above the nasal cavity and was still twitching slightly and nodded: "You are indeed very cooperative."

After saying that, Tangji dragged Feisal's body all the way to the woman and threw the body where she could see it.

The woman's eyes finally closed slowly, and Tang Ji couldn't tell whether the other person had just died, or whether she had died long ago and was just moving mechanically.

He could only grab a handful of soil as a consolation and sprinkle it on the woman: "I don't know what kind of torture you have suffered, and I don't know if you are satisfied or not, but I tried my best."

After doing this, Tang Ji turned on his communicator. In fact, he was exposed to electromagnetic interference when he kicked the superhuman unconscious. It was just for convenience. He didn't want others to interfere with his decision.

Except for Anthony, no one else in the team can be trusted.

"The target resisted fiercely and could only be killed, but I captured a superhuman prisoner." Tang Ji said through the communicator: "What are the casualties?"

"My condition is not good. It looks like I can't save my leg. If the doctor is still here, it's best to pick me up." Tony Levins' voice replied: "I hope the company can reimburse me for the prosthetic limb."

"Shadow is alive, but there is something wrong with his eyes and they need to be readjusted." Shadow simply replied.

"I'm fine, I seem to have hit the missile! God bless, He must be protecting me!" The saint's voice was still a little excited: "I am beside the shadow and have taken over the sniper position."

"Martin was slightly injured, and the quality of the body armor is good." The fireman said happily: "The doctor has treated my wound, and we also captured a prisoner, the birdman who can fly!"

"Anthony is alive. I am treating Lewis's injury. The situation is not optimistic." The military doctor's tone was very calm, and there was no indication that the operation was being performed: "Sorry, Lewis was killed in action."

The communication channel was quiet for a while, and the young man who had always been uneasy finally failed to survive his first mission.

Also silent was the drone operator Ethan. Tang Ji could only temporarily list him as missing.

Everyone tacitly agreed not to ask Tang Ji why he remained silent for another four minutes after the interference disappeared. Although they heard clearly from the outside, the sporadic gunshots heard in the past few minutes were of low intensity and did not look like a firefight.

"Tang Ji's team applied to evacuate the scene. The first mission failed and the target was not captured alive. The target is dead. However, two superhuman prisoners were captured and important information was obtained. Three of the team were slightly injured and one was killed." Tang Ji bypassed Ethan.

, directly contacted the logistics department.

"Received, please find the nearest safe zone on your own. We are arranging an evacuation route." A response came from the communicator: "According to the satellite images, multiple armed teams are approaching. Your safe evacuation time is still four minutes away.

Thirty-two seconds.”

"Understood." Tang Ji glanced at the corpse on the ground, shot Faisal's body five times, making it almost invisible to the other party, and then limped away.

The company's primary mission failed, but Tang Ji's gains were huge. It was another day of reaping the wool of capitalism.

This chapter has been completed!
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