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Chapter 363 New Goal

Luther ultimately did not go to the Lost Mountain base for vacation because Mikkelsen's "new think tank" determined that the players would not continue large-scale operations at this stage.

"According to Karkarf's previous news, the total number of players in this group does not exceed 1,500. They have neither a quantitative advantage nor a quality advantage." Wu Qianying glanced at the quality advantage around her and nodded with satisfaction.

He nodded: "The action of the City of Omaha is just a test. They want to know whether the guard dog system is effective. Tang Ji satisfied them, so before new changes occur, they will wait for the opportunity."

"But this does not mean that the pioneers are not taking action." Aria, who was dressed like a tomboy in a black Jack, continued: "They are searching for bodies through various channels. The black industry in the seventh federal prison is just

For part of it, we have reason to believe that they have made similar arrangements around the world, but based on technical advantages, I can't find any useful information."

The prophet picked up the tea cup, and more than a dozen people in the conference room fell silent, waiting for her to speak, but she just blew the hot air, took a sip and let out a long breath: "If you look at me, now I am under house arrest."

The little old lady is not interested in big things like yours."

"Madam, you are so humble. The information you provided has been of great help to us." A Mediterranean man with a beard much thicker than his hair held the prophet in his arms and spoke sincerely.

Kraut Dugan, director of the research department of the Lost Mountain Base, was the academic leader here before Wu Qianying came. In Wu Qianying's words, he was a standard nerd, and his rights brought him more of a burden.

In his eyes, Dr. Wu, who came by air and took over the entire research department of the base, was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman in the world. She could always quickly find the department that needed the most funds in a mess, and then sign it readily to let those hungry people

Thirsty researcher goes to splurge.

What’s even better is that Mr. Mikkelsen never refuses Dr. Wu’s request for increased funding. In the past week, Dr. Wu has made two requests for increased funding, and both requests have been agreed to.

The nerdy Kraut doesn't want to think dirty about the relationship between Dr. Wu and Mr. Mikkelsen, but obviously from anyone's point of view, Dr. Wu is a representative of the coexistence of beauty and wisdom, which makes it difficult not to


Until today, he finally met Dr. Wu's boyfriend... Kraut immediately believed that the relationship between Dr. Wu and Mr. Mikkelsen was innocent. It is obviously best that Mr. Mikkelsen is still alive and healthy.

evidence of.

The appearance of Tang Ji not only allowed Wu Qianying to quickly get rid of the trap of rumors, although she never cared about it, but also made the researchers in the entire research department become dolls in Wu Qianying's hands.

What is the most exciting research topic and the most valuable experimental material of this era? It is undoubtedly superhuman, and there has always been an unquestionable answer to who is the strongest superhuman, Tang Ji.

He may be the superhuman with the most complex ability system that has ever appeared in the world so far. No one knows how many unshown characteristics he has hidden.

And among them, the most eye-catching ability is the magical flame that vetoes other abilities. The entire high-energy physics research department is eager to obtain the biological samples from Tang Ji. For this purpose, they are even willing to hand over the ultra-high-energy physics possessed by their department.

Calculate the usage time.

Kraut Dugan himself has temporarily stopped at the stage of longing for Tang Ji. The only reason why he is now 'kneeling and licking' the prophet is because his research direction is space physics, and Wang Zhengdao is his favorite.

"So, we have temporarily got a period of breathing time, and the length of this time depends entirely on the speed of players collecting bodies." Mikkelsen sat in the main seat, watching his great minds continue to ask Tang Ji

The team was trying to flatter me, and I felt like I was completely humiliated.

"If they are smart enough, they will not make the same mistake as the Antarctic base again and accumulate bodies at the risk of being discovered by us.

One-time use." Wu Qianying said calmly: "So we'd better analyze the enemy's movements according to the model where the number of players is growing in a small and sustainable manner."

"If our model of the source of awakening is correct, we can roughly calculate which areas have more superhumans based on the sales network of Byrons Pharmaceuticals, and make targeted defenses." The director of the biochemical project said: "Although Byrons Pharmaceuticals

The original pharmaceutical data has been completely deleted, but it is still feasible to rely on traditional methods to collect intelligence."

"It's meaningless. It's certain that Byrons Pharmaceuticals is not their only dispersal channel." Mikkelsen rejected this plan: "Except for the tribes in Persia that are divided into grids by traffic lines, there are almost no uncontaminated tribes.

Past area.”

When Tanguy mentioned the word pollution, he glanced at Mikkelsen, who obviously meant it on purpose.

Take Tang Ji as an example, uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com As one of the seven original sins and one of the emerging major sources of pollution, his team of less than ten people has awakened more than 80%.

Among the few unawakened members, one is over fifty years old and his body activity has begun to decline overall, another has been absent from group tasks for a long time due to recuperation, and another has just joined...

Although several of the team members initially joined the team as superhumans, Tang Ji undoubtedly deserves the title of this pollution source.

The only thing that made him feel more comfortable was that the Seven Deadly Sins were definitely not the only cause of mankind's awakening, they only accelerated the process.

Otherwise Greed should have discovered that he was a good farmer, and the food around him appeared one after another, but in fact that did not happen. He traveled all over the world in more than two hundred years and only ate a few meals.

It is only in recent decades that the Seven Deadly Sins have become a source of radiation.

Players will not appear in this world for no reason. They must have criteria for selecting destinations. For now, Wu Qianying cannot make complete assumptions. She can only confirm that the era of human awakening is coming, and it may be the time for players to

Discover the reason for this world.

"I've had enough of us being crushed by pioneers in information warfare like primitive people. Our first goal should be to destroy their information center and break the Sword of Damocles." Wu Qianying doesn't expect these things to go away.

The geeks in the laboratory came up with specific plans, and she directly asked Mikkelsen: "Find it and destroy it!"

"Dr. Wu, you really gave me a difficult problem." Mikkelsen smiled bitterly: "How can I find the information about this sword when the other party has an absolute information advantage?"

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