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Chapter 377: New official takes office

The establishment of the FBAS Bureau did not affect the Trail Blazers at all. In fact, Markarian was very happy to see Tangji have a regular job. He appeared in the media for four consecutive days, wearing a suit and tie, so that all the Trail Blazers could sleep.

Have a good sleep.

This kind of stability has even increased the work efficiency of the Blazers, and they once again welcomed a group of nearly 300 players.

Players' demand for high-quality physical bodies can never be satisfied, but if the standard is lowered and those low-level superhumans are included, in this world where superhumans are rampant, physical body reserves have begun to gradually recover.

In this regard, Jealousy helped them a lot. Having completely controlled Sudan and gradually extending its sphere of influence to Egypt, Jealousy had ample supplies of goods. The pioneers only needed to bring enough 'materials' and sail the ship to the Soviet Union.

You can exchange for enough bodies at any port on Yinshi Canal.

In a sense, Africa seems to have returned to the slave trade era here, and its population has once again become its most valuable export commodity.

The only thing that limits the volume of this business is the bargaining chip in the hands of the pioneers, because the only commodity that Jealousy is interested in is the artificially created 'apostle' in their hands that can extend his ability and control.

The preliminary transaction price reached by the two parties is one hundred to one, one hundred blank bodies that have been treated with jealousy in exchange for one apostle. In this transaction, the bodies do not have any quality requirements, as long as they are superhumans, they are qualified.


For some high-quality bodies, jealousy will demand a better trading ratio, or simply package these 'goods' and sell them to greed.

Yes, greed is also involved in this deal, because he has a certain renewable exclusive resource, the blood of greed.

Although Greed is firmly on the opposite side of the Trail Blazers, and there are irreconcilable conflicts between the two sides, the price offered by the Trail Blazers is too high, making Greed completely acceptable for this indirect funding of the enemy.

Strangely, the currency used by the pioneers for transactions was also 'Apostles'.

In other words, for Greed, he can use his own blood to exchange for 'Apostles' directly at Pioneer, and then use 'Apostles' to exchange for more high-end bodies at Envy, or simply use the blood of Greed directly.

I'm jealous of the substitution.

Greedy felt that he had won the deal. He didn't have to do anything. As long as he drained some blood every day, he could control Envy and Pioneer at the same time in exchange for various fresh ingredients.

Moreover, you can also take the opportunity to catch the Trail Blazers tail. Not only can you keep it for yourself, but you can also hand it to the thug Tang Ji to make a profit without losing any money. This kind of greedy thing of smashing the pot after eating has no psychological burden at all.

As for Envy, it successfully became the exporter of raw materials in this transaction, exchanging human resources that were meaningless to itself for real money.

The pioneers are also happy to see such a transaction. They have the advantage of currency issuers in this simple trade chain. The only reason that limits them from printing unlimited amounts of money is gluttony.

After Gluttony disappeared, the pioneers were unable to start their own industrial supernatural production line again. Compared with before, the scale of their current production of Greedy Blood Potion is at best laboratory level.


"I got some information about the pioneers." Wolfgang was sitting on his farm in Great Britain, wearing a pair of casual sunglasses, a light blue casual suit that was a little tight with muscles, and a pair of soft soles on his feet.

Leather shoes, the whole person sat on the lounge chair, enjoying the warm sunshine in the morning.

"Put it out quickly." Tang Ji, who was far away in the Federation and whose patience was almost worn out by various meetings and press conferences, spoke as if there was a big stone in his mouth.

"I thought I made it clear enough." Greedy picked up a glass of green celery juice, which was recommended by his family doctor to balance his diet.

She said that he had consumed too much protein recently, which was very unhealthy, and he needed to eat more vegetarian food to balance it out.

The good news is that this stuff tastes equally disgusting whether Greedy or anyone else drinks it, and in a way, this result is the only reason Greedy accepts it.

"Tell me everything you know." Tang Ji looked at Greed, as if examining the other party's purpose.

Greedy reported the coordinates of a small island in the Pacific, and then said: "The pioneers have established a body warehouse here. It is currently estimated that two hundred bodies will be stored. You'd better hurry up.

operations, they now rarely perform long-term storage."

"Received." Tang Ji glanced at the location marked on the map and asked Greedy: "You have many abilities, can you find where Gluttony is now?"

"I can't help you. I've been looking for him ever since I knew he was missing." He smiled greedily, showing teeth that were much sharper than ordinary humans: "I've wanted to taste him for a long time."

"What about you? I heard that you are cooperating with Mikkelsen. Do you have any news?" Greedy asked enthusiastically: "Don't forget what I said, we are in the same camp."

"Nothing, Wolfgang." Tang Ji took one last look at his greedy teeth and hung up the phone directly.

Neither of them is telling the truth, and they know this to each other. In terms of intrigues and intrigues, Greed and Fury are matched opponents.

Among the hundreds of abilities that Greed has, it is not difficult to find one or two abilities that can locate Gluttony. For example, the pathfinding technique he used to find jealousy is one of them.

As long as Greedy is willing, he can hold up an ice cream stick and rely on the ice cream stick's guidance to find Gluttony. In fact, he did so.

Greed once followed the direction guided by the pathfinding technique from Great Britain to the Southern Hemisphere, and then he suddenly discovered that the direction pointed by the pathfinding technique had changed slightly.
This proves that Gluttony is still active, that it's moving.

This result made Greedy temporarily give up his plan to go to Gluttony for a meal. Everyone was a member of the Seven Deadly Sins. After experiencing rage and jealousy, Greedy would no longer regard any of the Seven Deadly Sins as incompetent.

Tang Ji and the others, through the Mikkelsen Intelligence Network, found three empty ghost fishing boats near the Ross Ice Shelf, and also found a research station that had been swept away.

Moreover, in the past month, fishermen near the Ross Ice Shelf have clearly felt that their harvest days have been declining. Judging from all circumstances, the gluttonous bastard has not actually left that sea area at all. It uses it as a canteen.


"Ha, should I call you the Director now?" After Tang Ji battled greed and reporters all day long, the Lord of Happy Dreams entered his dream.

Looking at the familiar office scenes around him, Tang Ji suddenly had the illusion that he was working overtime in his dream. He sighed and skillfully took out a box of Tree of Life from the drawer: "What do you want to do?"

"You are the director of the FBAS Bureau. I think there is something you need to know." The Lord of Happy Dreams dragged a chair and sat across from Tang Ji. He stretched out his hand and pointed around: "This world just welcomed a new era not long ago.

Here comes the second superhuman who can freely enter and exit dreams and weave dreams."

"You should put up a banner to express your welcome." Tang Ji was not surprised by this news. After all, dreams are a very strange power. It is strange enough that a second dream manipulator has not appeared until now.

"I really want to do that, but unfortunately, it seems that the ability he has is more on the nightmare side." The Lord of Happy Dreams materialized several newspapers in the dream, all of which were death notices from the past week.

, a total of thirty-two people, all died of heart attacks in their sleep.

"You are the director of the FBAS Bureau. As a superhuman citizen who abides by the law and has a good credit record, it is not too much to report my colleagues, right?" The Lord of Happy Dream looked at Tang Ji happily and looked at him.

He frowned and looked at each item one by one: "Although he is not a threat to me, letting such a dangerous person wander around in the dream is a threat to everyone."

"Him?" Tang Ji looked at the Lord of Happy Dreams. She didn't know when she changed into a bright yellow dress, and her whole body exuded a sense of first love: "Have you confirmed his identity?"

"It's not that fast, but at least I'm sure it's him. Newbies who have just entered this field tend to show their true self in dreams." The Lord of Happy Dreams seemed to be showing off, changing every word he spoke.

Create different images.

"Fortunately, I had already completed my observation of him before he learned the tricks of disguising himself." The Lord of Happy Dreams said this, but the expression on his face was a bit serious: "Unfortunately, I found him

The learning speed in this area is much faster than mine, and he is definitely a professional in studying the subconscious mind."

Tang Ji understands the mood of the Lord of Happy Dreams very well. Wu Qianying has said before that the analysis and understanding of the ability itself determines the speed and difficulty of ability promotion.

In other words, the smarter you are, the faster you can master your abilities. This is a theory recognized by the scientific community.

For example, Wu Qianying herself, after becoming a superhuman, she devoted a month to studying herself and her ability boundaries, and advanced to the LV2 stage thirty-nine days after awakening.

What's even more outrageous is that Wu Qianying even accurate the time when he advanced to the LV3 stage to a specific date, which was almost mid-September 2056.

"In the next period of time, I need to continue to exercise my brain and supplement with several additional vitamins to promote the evolution of brain tissue." Tang Ji can't forget Wu Qianying's look now. She completed the conversation with just her eyes.

Tang Ji's double kill.

Why haven't you been promoted after so long? Why haven't you figured out where the limits of your abilities are after so long?

Tang Ji prefers to classify this as a problem of talent, but in fact, it is a simple cognitive problem...

"Is this the true self of the person you saw?" Tang Ji frowned while holding a model, which looked more like some kind of abstract painting than a character sketch.

"It's difficult for me to explain to you the projection of consciousness in dreams, but this thing is his most original appearance in dreams. No matter what he is disguised as, I can recognize him at a glance." The Lord of Happy Dreams explained.

Said: "Don't even think about catching him in the real world, you need my help."

Tang Ji sighed. In the real world, under the planning of Mikkelsen and Luther, the FBAS Bureau recruited more than 150 professional agents in just a few days, one-third of whom were superhumans. In addition,

We also recruited three times the number of civilian personnel to support the entire framework.

Although there are currently only stations in Night City and Xinjinshan City, the trend of becoming a behemoth has begun to take shape. Considering that among the registered agents, there are superhuman beings like Surte and Chrissy Cunningham.

It is no exaggeration to say that the army is strong and the horse is strong.

But in the dream, the new director of the FBAS Bureau had to fight alone. Who made Tang Ji truly implement the orders of his own will after taking office? The first one was to deepen the implementation of the "Superhuman Registration Act"?

The nightmare killer who was reported was obviously not a registered superhuman. Tang Ji felt that his path was narrow, and he was afraid that the Central Prison of Night City would be his destination.

"Can you find him now?" Tang Ji leaned back and relaxed his spirit.

This was the first time he fell asleep in the past seven days. There were still two major things to be dealt with on his desk. The first one was the intelligence sent by Greed before, about the small island in the Pacific.

The other one came from Mikkelsen. He found some clues about the Sword of Damoricus and planned to organize a raid mission. To be on the safe side, Tang Ji had better participate in this operation.

Mikkelsen has given up on adding and subtracting battles with players. He wants to destroy the players' advantage points and complete the battle as much as possible.

"I'm afraid this requires us to devote a lot of rest time." The Lord of Happy Dreams looked at Tang Ji: "You must at least ensure that you sleep for an hour every day so that I can contact you, right?"

"Or, can you leave me a number that can contact you in the real world?" Tang Ji made his request. He would learn from "good role models" like Mikkelsen every day.

It didn't take long for Tang Ji to realize that the evil spirit roaming the dreamland was a big trouble to the owner of happy dreams, and she wanted to strangle it in the cradle.

But for Tang Ji, for such a superhuman being on the loose, it makes no difference whether he is caught early or later. In terms of the bad impact caused, this evil spirit can be called a moral model. He kills people silently, except for the victim.

yourself, without affecting anyone else.

With his eyes closed, Tang Ji could find five hundred bastards who had caused greater influence than him, and many of them were wearing vigilante vests.

If such a small role could be used to drag this solitary one of the Seven Deadly Sins into the FBAS Bureau, Tang Ji would be able to laugh out of his dreams.

"Great progress, but not enough." The Lord of Happy Dreams hugged his shoulders and looked at Tang Ji: "But after this matter is over, I can treat it as a favor to you."

"make a deal."

This chapter has been completed!
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