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Chapter 399 The Beginning of a New Conflict

(Two thousand words are repeated and will be revised later)

"Everyone squat down!" Wade and his resentful colleagues looked up at the floor where Tang Ji's office was located, then bravely rushed out of the safe house with guns in hand.

In a short period of time, everyone fired three shots into the air, which sounded very powerful. This was considered the most serious warning in other prisons, but here, in the central prison, Wade could not even hear the sound of his own shooting.

There was a superhuman who could play background sounds and played heavy metal music in the square, making the whole scene look like a nightclub.

Prison guards holding shields quickly set up a defensive line in front. Some of them were Wade's old colleagues recruited from the No. 7 Federal Prison, and others were prison guards who had transferred with the prisoners from other prisons. They were all the same in their respective prisons.

The most ruthless character.

"Are you going to shoot?" A prison guard wearing a heavy body armor asked with a pale face. If it hadn't been for the industry's highest annual salary, he would never have chosen to work here. But now, it seems that he has to work here.

I paid the price for my greed...

Wade only hesitated for a second before he remembered Tang Ji's face and glared hard: "Open fire! Kill all the rioters! There is no second chance in the Central Prison!"

"Copy that!" The prison guards holding shields in the front row tacitly spread out to the left and right, leaving a gap for the colleagues holding guns behind them.

The prison guards in the back row immediately stepped forward and opened fire at the same time.

Unlike other prisons, these prison guards hold large-caliber rifles that can switch back and forth between semi-automatic and continuous fire modes. Of course, the latter requires a prosthetic body or exoskeleton armor to control it.

The uniform gunshots instantly silenced the prisoners for a moment, and nearly thirty of them fell to the ground on the spot, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. This intensity of suppression obviously exceeded the psychological expectations of the veterans, and also made the rookies tremble.

But Solyasuo's psychic powers were like a tide sweeping over these prisoners one after another, causing their short-term sanity and calmness to be subverted again.

No one has ever seen so many superhumans come together to use their abilities at the same time, and now it's happening.

At that moment, Wade felt as if he had seen the end of the world. The earth was shaking, the sky was shaking, dizziness, nausea, and tinnitus swept over him at the same time. He saw several colors of light instantly covering all the space in front of him, everywhere.

Explosion, as if a thousand bombs exploded around me...

But in fact, all this was just her illusion. When most of the superhuman abilities were still brewing, Tang Ji was like a meteorite, hitting directly fifty meters in front of the prison police formation.

An unlucky prisoner was lying on the ground because he had been shot before, but his calf was crushed by Tang Ji's kick. He woke up on the spot, and then fainted from the pain.

Tang Ji snapped his fingers, and everyone present was like a doll whose power was suddenly cut off. The anger and hatred in their hearts were instantly wiped away.

The gray-black flame became everyone's nightmare. When it swept past, most of the superhuman abilities began to fail.

"The range of capabilities is at least eight hundred meters in diameter. It's really exaggerated. It's a monster." A sniper hiding near the prison looked at all this through the scope. Next to him, there was a high-definition camera recording video.


"Has Solyaso been exposed?" Markarian's voice came from the other side of the communication chain. More vertical management of naturalized people was Markarian's biggest reform to the pioneer policy.

Of course, the company hopes to solve the abnormal problem quickly and open the world as soon as possible, but someone among the Supreme Beings is obviously more interested in Tang Ji.

What Markarian is doing is to collect more comprehensive and detailed information about Tang Ji. As for researching and even deciphering Tang Ji's secrets, it is Mrs. Kang's job.

"Do you need me to continue advancing the mission?" the sniper asked without any hesitation. The firearm in front of him was specially made and used an electromagnetic ejection device to fire special bullets...a gun with some kind of pheromone inside.

Hollow point bullets.

Its warhead is made of depleted uranium alloy and can easily penetrate most armor protection. Even if you are furious, you cannot resist this kind of bullet with your body.

Its self-sharpening property can easily penetrate Tang Ji's body and leave the pheromones in his body.

This was the first good idea they contributed after Markarian reused the naturalized people. They got rid of the influence of superhumans and relied entirely on technological means to preventively locate Tangji's location.

Except for a few naturalized people who participated in the entire plan, only Markarian knew that people like Karcalf and Cathy Walter appeared one after another among the pioneers, making Markarian no longer trust them.

This world is too special. Not only does it have individuals like Tang Ji who break the rules, but its civilization has developed to a very high level.

In the eyes of most pioneers and players, this place is actually comparable to their home world in terms of material richness.

This resulted in some pioneers experiencing confusion in their self-perception during the one-hundred-year-long pioneering era, which is actually a very common symptom.

Many players will have this kind of self-perception confusion after traveling in the game world for more than ten years or even decades. Most of those who often sell or clear their memory pools do it to solve this kind of confusion.

Know the chaos.

Others will make a copy of a stable version of self-consciousness to the Consciousness Committee in advance, and when necessary, directly overwrite the existing consciousness to solve most problems.

Markarian didn't want to pay too much attention to the Blazers' personal problems, so he chose to ignore it. Even for Karcalf, he only monitored him through the guard dog system.

If those aborigines plan to obtain some sensitive information through the window of Karkarf next time, Markarian doesn't mind giving them a surprise.

Of course, now he still needs to make the next step.

"Find a suitable opportunity to fire. I don't want him to notice the accidental injury. There are several very smart and sensitive people around him." Markarian placed the information of Wu Qianying and Mikkelsen in front of him.

If Tang Ji is the hand, these two people are undoubtedly the brain and heart of the resistance.

"Understood, we are waiting for the right opportunity." The sniper gave full play to the qualities that a tool man should have, obeying orders, not asking, not telling.

The right opportunity soon appeared. Members of the fake Whirlpool Gang hidden among the prisoners suddenly took out the firearms that were sent to the prison at an unknown time and opened fire on Tang Jimenglie.

The sudden burst of gunfire was like a signal. Harland was suddenly pushed and rushed towards Tang Ji like a ghost.

Solyasuo stood behind him and smiled. The memory from the body itself happily enjoyed the pleasure of controlling everything in secret. This scene was also recorded by the sniper.


...(The following parts are repeated and will be modified later)

"Everyone squat down!" Wade and his resentful colleagues looked up at the floor where Tang Ji's office was located, then bravely rushed out of the safe house with guns in hand.

In a short period of time, everyone fired three shots into the air, which sounded very powerful. This was considered the most serious warning in other prisons, but here, in the central prison, Wade could not even hear the sound of his own shooting.

There was a superhuman who could play background sounds and played heavy metal music in the square, making the whole scene look like a nightclub.

Prison guards holding shields quickly set up a defensive line in front. Some of them were Wade's old colleagues recruited from the No. 7 Federal Prison, and others were prison guards who had transferred with the prisoners from other prisons. They were all the same in their respective prisons.

The most ruthless character.

"Are you going to shoot?" A prison guard wearing a heavy body armor asked with a pale face. If it hadn't been for the industry's highest annual salary, he would never have chosen to work here. But now, it seems that he has to work here.

I paid the price for my greed...

Wade only hesitated for a second before he remembered Tang Ji's face and glared hard: "Open fire! Kill all the rioters! There is no second chance in the Central Prison!"

"Copy that!" The prison guards holding shields in the front row tacitly spread out to the left and right, leaving a gap for the colleagues holding guns behind them.

The prison guards in the back row immediately stepped forward and opened fire at the same time.

Unlike other prisons, these prison guards hold large-caliber rifles that can switch back and forth between semi-automatic and continuous fire modes. Of course, the latter requires a prosthetic body or exoskeleton armor to control it.

The uniform gunshots instantly silenced the prisoners for a moment, and nearly thirty of them fell to the ground on the spot, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. This intensity of suppression obviously exceeded the psychological expectations of the veterans, and also made the rookies tremble.

But Solyasuo's psychic powers were like a tide sweeping over these prisoners one after another, causing their short-term sanity and calmness to be subverted again.

No one has ever seen so many superhumans come together to use their abilities at the same time, and now it's happening.

At that moment, Wade felt as if he had seen the end of the world. The earth was shaking, the sky was shaking, dizziness, nausea, and tinnitus swept over him at the same time. He saw several colors of light instantly covering all the space in front of him, everywhere.

Explosion, as if a thousand bombs exploded around me...

But in fact, all this was just her illusion. When most of the superhuman abilities were still brewing, Tang Ji was like a meteorite, hitting directly fifty meters in front of the prison police formation.

An unlucky prisoner was lying on the ground because he had been shot before, but his calf was crushed by Tang Ji's kick. He woke up on the spot, and then fainted from the pain.

Tang Ji snapped his fingers, and everyone present was like a doll whose power was suddenly cut off. The anger and hatred in their hearts were instantly wiped away.

The gray-black flame became everyone's nightmare. When it swept past, most of the superhuman abilities began to fail.

"The range of capabilities is at least eight hundred meters in diameter. It's really exaggerated. It's a monster." A sniper hiding near the prison looked at all this through the scope. Next to him, there was a high-definition camera recording video.


"Has Solyaso been exposed?" Markarian's voice came from the other side of the communication chain. More vertical management of naturalized people was Markarian's biggest reform to the pioneer policy.

Of course, the company hopes to solve the abnormal problem quickly and open the world as soon as possible, but someone among the Supreme Beings is obviously more interested in Tang Ji.

What Markarian is doing is to collect more comprehensive and detailed information about Tang Ji. As for researching and even deciphering Tang Ji's secrets, it is Mrs. Kang's job.

"Do you need me to continue advancing the mission?" the sniper asked without any hesitation. The firearm in front of him was specially made and used an electromagnetic ejection device to fire special bullets...a gun with some kind of pheromone inside.

Hollow point bullets.

Its warhead is made of depleted uranium alloy and can easily penetrate most armor protection. Even if you are furious, you cannot resist this kind of bullet with your body.

Its self-sharpening property can easily penetrate Tang Ji's body and leave the pheromones in his body.

This was the first good idea they contributed after Markarian reused the naturalized people. They got rid of the influence of superhumans and relied entirely on technological means to preventively locate Tangji's location.

Except for a few naturalized people who participated in the entire plan, only Markarian knew that people like Karcalf and Cathy Walter appeared one after another among the pioneers, making Markarian no longer trust them.

This world is too special. Not only does it have individuals like Tang Ji who break the rules, but its civilization has developed to a very high level.

In the eyes of most pioneers and players, this place is actually comparable to their home world in terms of material richness.

This resulted in some pioneers experiencing confusion in their self-perception during the one-hundred-year-long pioneering era, which is actually a very common symptom.

Many players will have this kind of self-perception confusion after traveling in the game world for more than ten years or even decades. Most of those who often sell or clear their memory pools do it to solve this kind of confusion.

Know the chaos.

Others will make a copy of a stable version of self-awareness to the Consciousness Committee in advance, and when necessary, directly overwrite the existing consciousness to solve most problems.

Markarian didn't want to pay too much attention to the Blazers' personal problems, so he chose to ignore it. Even for Karcalf, he only monitored him through the guard dog system.

If those aborigines plan to obtain some sensitive information through the window of Karkarf next time, Markarian doesn't mind giving them a surprise.

Of course, now he still needs to make the next step.

"Find a suitable opportunity to fire. I don't want him to notice the accidental injury. There are several very smart and sensitive people around him." Markarian placed the information of Wu Qianying and Mikkelsen in front of him.

If Tang Ji is the hand, these two people are undoubtedly the brain and heart of the resistance.

"Understood, we are waiting for the right opportunity." The sniper gave full play to the qualities that a tool man should have, obeying orders, not asking, not telling.

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