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Chapter 407 Who is the big winner?

Starting from Michael V. Michael, the first deceased, Tanguy has been hovering over every pioneer like a ghost. This fear of the unknown has reached its peak since the Battle of Paris.

He showed an unstoppable momentum and completely broke the spine of the pioneers. To put it bluntly, these immortals never thought that they would face death one day.

If we extend this scope to the group of Great Pioneers, compared to Cathy Walter's scheming, Aslan was completely frightened.

Tang Ji suddenly appeared covered in blood, pointed his revolver at his forehead, and said goodbye to the world. This was the biggest fear in Aslan's heart.

But now, this fear has finally come true, and he must face his fear.

Aslan stepped through the dimensional gate and was instantly enveloped in the sultry air of the Sudan Plain, which gave him a false sense of security.

The companion behind him, who looked dull and acted no better than him, let the concept of group envelope all the cowardly people, giving them a glimmer of courage again.

There were so many of them that maybe... a false hope arose.

But as the person standing at the front and the person closest to Tang Ji suddenly weakened in the knees and began to cry loudly and tried to bury his head in the soil, this false courage, hope, and sense of security shattered like glass.


At this moment, the truth returned to its rightful place. Aslan's whole body suddenly began to tremble uncontrollably. He knew that he had no way out this time...

Were you in such a panic at that time? Aslan asked himself in his heart. The first thing he thought of was Cathy Walter, the old rival who had been competing with him for hundreds of years.

Compared to being forcibly thrown to her death, her death seemed more unexpected. No one could have imagined that in such an operation, the pioneers would sacrifice a great pioneer.

No, she should be braver, right? Aslan thought of the last time he met that woman. Even though she was trapped in this floating place, she was still ambitious in some ways.

Thinking of this, Aslan forcibly gathered his dignity. As a great pioneer, he could not just let others slaughter him!

"Andre, Enze, Seth, create a barrier, we can..." Aslan's voice suddenly disappeared along with the courage he had just picked up.

Tang Ji just appeared in front of him, and the cold muzzle of the prelude pierced his mouth. The owner's strong force pushed all three obstructing teeth into Aslan's throat.

"I remember you." Tang Ji smiled ferociously at Aslan. No matter what jealousy planned, the plan worked.

Fifty gifts from heaven made Tang Ji change his target instantly.

Not all the pioneers were cowards. When he directly phase-shifted and found Aslan, the big black guy closest to him, wearing a heavy exoskeleton and holding heavy firepower, opened fire on them without hesitation.

His first target is Aslan, followed by Tangji.

This is the only way Aslan and his gang have no choice but to survive.

They could neither escape directly offline, nor commit suicide and slack off in work. When confronting Tang Ji, it became the best choice to help their companions save their lives.

But Tanguy is no longer what he was in Paris a few months ago. Although he can't fly through the hail of bullets like Soult, he can predict the shooting route of the gunman in advance.

At this distance, if Tang Ji didn't want to be hit, the shooter would have no choice but to return in vain, especially a half-assed shooter who relied on exoskeleton power to assist in fine-tuning.

The speed of human nerve reflexes, coupled with the speed of electronic signals and mechanical feedback, will always lag behind Tang Ji's movements.

So Tang Ji held Aslan at gunpoint and approached the gunman on the battlefield. The metal prosthetic limb was wrapped with the flame of hatred and punched the gunman in the face.

[You gained points: 150 points]

[The hunting list has been updated: new prey - Hannes Frutos (completely terminated) (the relic library has been opened, all goods can be exchanged at half price)]

[The relic library has been updated, please check]

The blood from the Trail Blazers made Tang Ji smile. New players usually only have 50 points, while the Trail Blazers' points will be higher.

Under the flames of hatred, these people were as if their clothes had been stripped, and they were no threat.

Then came the second one, a female trailblazer who, despite being equipped with full tactical gear, collapsed without firing a shot.

When Tang Ji appeared in front of her, she held her head in her hands and squeezed her face between her legs, refusing to even raise her head to face death.
And Tang Ji stabbed her skull with a dagger without mercy.

All this happened in front of Aslan. He put his hands around Tangji's arm to prevent himself from being stabbed to death by the barrel of the gun due to his own weight. This way of death was too stupid.

Seeing a real death happening in front of him, Aslan's mind went blank. He looked at Tang Ji blankly like a small program with a logic error.

This kind of process without any resistance made Tang Ji feel bored, and he planned to finish off this great pioneer who was at the same level as Cathy Walter.

Disappointment may be the word that best describes Tang Ji's mood.

As a party that intends to destroy the world, Tang Ji really doesn't know how to evaluate these pioneers. Their weakness makes Tang Ji feel even more angry!

This is contempt for him and the entire world!

He would rather every pioneer behave as unruly and arrogant as Michael V. Michael, so that he would have more pleasure in revenge when killing.

Instead of hanging on the muzzle of his gun like a dead fish like now.

But even so, Tang Ji still did not hesitate to show his cruelty to these pioneers, especially this great pioneer, and they must pay the price!

He raised Aslan high and slowly cocked the gun with his thumb until the hammer clicked into the groove.

The ringing sound of this life was like a loud bell, waking Aslan instantly. In the flash of lightning, the only image that flashed in his mind was what he and Mikkelsen said the last time they met.

"...What happened to Ms. Walter may not happen to you."

"...Don't forget what I said, think about it carefully, it will be good for you."

At the moment of life and death, Aslan also thought of Cathy Walter. Thinking that the best outcome for him would be to be trapped in this narrow little world, he instantly lost his temper.

Then, before Tang Ji pulled the trigger, he raised his hands.

But to his expectation, Tang Ji just smiled contemptuously at him, and then resolutely pulled the trigger.


Aslan's head exploded into a bloody mess, which foreshadows the direction of today's war...

Without mercy, without forgiveness, rage will dominate the fate of these pioneers.


"They are all in Sudan, and they can't be separated in a short time. We have paid fifty lives. It seems that this window period should not be wasted." Mrs. Kang looked at Aslan dying at gunpoint and changed indifferently.

The latest fashion advertisement began to play on the TV: "What are your plans?"

"I guess the little mouse cave and the central prison where they are hiding are all exposed bait. I believe that our opponents have prepared a strong enough defense line and dangerous traps for us there." Markarian shook his head.

Shaking his head: "We can't let the locals lead us. We just need to keep our own pace and keep moving forward. That's the safest solution."

"So?" Mrs. Kang's attention seemed to be attracted by the advertisement. She stared at the advertisement content, then took out her mobile phone and started placing an order. From this point of view, she had completely integrated into the world.

"Since the Seven Deadly Sins want to demonstrate their power all over the world today, we might as well add fuel to the fire." Markarian smiled and issued a new order: "If people in this world are still worried about the threat from aliens

, it is better to let them see more intuitively how dangerous these monsters are."

"You have only been here a few months, and you have already adapted to the environment here better than that idiot Aslan." Mrs. Kang glanced at Markarian, and the cooperative relationship between her and this man was very special.

As a seeker walking on the path of the Supreme Being, Mrs. Kang's identity is far beyond the reach of pioneers, but Markarian's identity is also very special. He is the executor of the three major committees.

In a sense, the three major committees are the physical existence of the Supreme Being in the secular world. The subordination relationship between them and the company is not even possible for people like Mrs. Kang to see the full picture.

One thing is certain, executors like Markarian are actually very rare, and their number is definitely much smaller than pursuers like Mrs. Kang.

"Haha, the consultation in this world is advanced, and the people are enlightened, which is actually very convenient for us to enter." Markarian still looked that indifferent, completely different from the face he showed in front of the players when he first entered this world:

"As long as we can control the personal behavior of the players and lengthen the entire process, these natives will not even feel the changes of the times."

Mrs. Kang did not comment on this, she was just being polite.

"But you are right. Not taking advantage of this opportunity to do something seems inconsistent with the indigenous people's inherent understanding of us." Markarian continued: "In that case, how about opening the demonstration city today?"

"Have you accumulated enough body?" Mrs. Kang was finally a little surprised: "I remember there is still a big gap?"

"The number of bodies is indeed not enough, but we don't have to be limited to the traditional way of players arriving." Markarian continued: "Since the three major committees have now relaxed the number of player casualties in this world, why not we also go


"The Demonstration City is a large city. Its total population has exceeded seven million, of which the number of superhumans is no less than twelve thousand. Although most of them are not people with manifest abilities, we will soon

Can we restart the greedy blood production chain, right?" Markarian's words made Mrs. Kang's eyes widen.

"Do you want those unprepared new players to forcefully occupy the body like the pioneers?" Mrs. Kang's tone became louder unconsciously: "The success rate is too low. No matter which side you are on, doing so will cause


"On our side, we have our own company to deal with these troubles. As for here, when we announce the war between the Seven Deadly Sins, who will care about what happens in the demonstration city?" Markarian finally revealed.

Smile: "By the time they realize it, it will already be our time."

"In that case, I wish you good luck." Mrs. Kang quickly calmed down her emotions and began to think about what valuable data she could obtain from it.

This sudden battle of consciousness is undoubtedly dangerous. Even experienced pioneers will find it difficult to successfully complete the descent when they first enter a different world.

The advent of large-scale indiscriminateness has not happened before. As Markarian said, it is rare that all three committees have recognized the special nature of this world, so it is not a bad idea to conduct large-scale experiments to collect data.


Fifty pioneers were enough to bring disaster to Tang Ji at this time last year, but now, they only delayed Tang Ji for eight minutes.

Among the fifty pioneers, twenty-nine were killed by Tang Ji himself, and the remaining twenty-one were lucky enough to be killed by their companions through accidental injuries.

Tang Ji was very puzzled by this. He didn't know why this group of people suddenly appeared at this time and stopped him from pursuing jealousy with a gesture of willing to die.

He also didn't know why these people behaved so badly but didn't go offline by committing suicide like before.

These pioneers seemed to be sent to death by comparison. Tang Ji was sure that this must be related to jealousy.

That despicable guy seemed to be planning something from the beginning, and the greedy arrogant man undoubtedly suffered a big loss at the hands of the despicable guy.

Although Tang Ji took this opportunity to get a total of 4950 contribution points and added thirteen new abilities to the relic library, he felt that he was being calculated.

Greed is undoubtedly a bastard, but jealousy is undoubtedly an even worse bastard. Greed must not be controlled by him.

"Where are they now?" Tang Ji looked at Mikresen who was brought by Wang Zhengdao and asked.

"It's too late, they entered the dimensional gate." Mikkelsen's face had never looked so ugly. He just realized that he had been hinted by jealousy before.

Mikkelsen's way of existence is very special. Even though he has more than four thousand fruiting entities, in a broad sense he is still an individual named Mikkelsen, which also gives the opportunity for jealousy.

The strongest ability of jealousy at the LV2 stage is the psychological suggestion extended by the mental control ability. This ability is more obscure and difficult to be detected by the target.

It is like the fangs of a poisonous snake. No one can see it unless it bares its fangs to threaten.

Mikkelsen couldn't even remember when he was so jealous that the seeds of psychological suggestion were planted. This influence was so subtle that it was almost undetectable. Judging from the performance of greed, he also did not escape the poisonous hand.

"Give me some time, he's not the kind of person who can hide." Mikkelsen threw his hat to the ground and stepped on it.

This chapter has been completed!
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