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Chapter 420: Dead but not stiff

The bad luck seemed to have gone with the wind along with jealousy. Although Mikkelsen's intelligence network was still working hard, the pioneers and players seemed to have suddenly disappeared, all hidden.

Obviously, Markarian is far more important to them than the two previous big pioneers. Once he goes offline, the entire pioneer network will be paralyzed.

The only player who is still active on the surface is Mrs. Kang, and she is an exception.

I don’t know when the two warring parties started to have a tacit understanding. Tang Ji would not try to let Wang Zhengdao open a large area to sneak attack Mrs. Kang, and the pioneers did not attack Wu Qianying and other non-officials who were closely related to Tang Ji.


This is of course not some bullshit chivalry at work, but a prudent choice made by both parties in desperation.

Mrs. Kang has the privilege of going offline at any time. Neither Tanguy nor Mikkelsen want to waste time on each other.

The Trail Blazers, on the other hand, after carefully analyzing the concept of Rage's existence, voluntarily gave up on this goal, which had little added value other than irritating Rage even more.

This also gave Tang Ji rare time to deal with the FBA Bureau's own business. The "Superhuman Registration Act" has been implemented for almost a month.

Across the federation, there are a total of 57,143 superhumans registered in Eucalyptus, including some well-known internet celebrity superhumans.

However, there is a huge gap of orders of magnitude between this number and the total number of potential superhumans estimated by Wu Qianying. Wu Qianying estimated that the Federation currently has between 1.2 million and 1.6 million superhumans.

Compared to those less developed regions, when Byrons Pharmaceuticals began producing antibiotics containing gluttony ingredients, the number of drugs consumed in the Federation each year was much greater, so the number of potential awakeners was also much greater.

Of course, the accuracy of this figure only rests on the numerical model, because the population base figure obtained by Wu Qianying himself is inaccurate.

It's funny to say that the last federal census data with documented data was still in 2028. That number was 313 million, and then this number has never been updated until now.

Even so, the registration data finally obtained by FBA only stopped at a ridiculous 57143, not even enough for a leader.

The only highlight of the entire registration process was that not a single metahuman up owner with more than 100,000 fans came out to protest against the "Transhuman Registration Act."

Everyone knows who the master behind the fbas bureau is and what his character is. No one wants to wake up the next day and have tea with Satan in hell.

Tang Ji was very dissatisfied with this number, but Tang Ji, who had just buried more than 300 players, brought the cumulative contribution points to 12,360 points, and added a total of 312 abilities to the relic library, was not so angry for the time being.

He is going to Lost Mountain Base, and under Wu Qianying's real-time monitoring, he will carefully continue to redeem his abilities and make up for his shortcomings.

As for the work of promoting the number of registrations, Alia took over the task. Due to her balanced nutritional intake, the little girl has entered a period of rapid growth.

Tang Ji, who had not seen Aria for a while, suddenly discovered that she was already half a head taller than Wu Qianying, and her figure no longer looked like a child.

Wu Qianying has no idea about the outstanding changes in the people around her. She doesn't care at all. Just like her ability to burn off all her hair is almost a disaster for ordinary women, but for Dr. Wu, it is just a disaster.

But it's just the little things that bother me.

For basic image considerations, Wu Qianying bought a few wigs, and inside the Lost Mountain base, she simply let herself go.

Alia Koo said that Dr. Wu is currently studying a water-cooled head-mounted radiator to completely solve the heat dissipation problem caused by excessive brain use...

The one who is really jealous of Aria's change is Vicky.

There is not much age difference between the two of them, and neither of them has an aggressive personality, so they naturally became friends.

From Vicky's point of view, her friend has begun to 'expand' rapidly in recent times, almost like being blown by air.

She once asked Aria seriously if she had taken any 'new medicine' developed by Dr. Wu unintentionally.

After getting a negative answer and seeing photos of Alia's mother when she was young, Vicky could only admit that development is like an awakening sometimes, it comes suddenly, but the more important thing is that you don't know it.

When will you come back, and whether you will come back...

But this is the Lost Mountain Base, where Mikkelsen has gathered the most nerdy people in the world. Now this group of people have endless research topics and endless budgets every day, and no one cares about the sorrow of a girl.


Correspondingly, no one cares about Aria's growing charm. The 'outsider' who has been here the longest is Surte, who is not yet this age.

Only Vicky feels jealous and sad every time she sees Alia, especially this time...

Tang Ji was sent to the Lost Mountain base by Wang Zhengdao with a jealous head, and he immediately became the most popular person in the entire base.

Hundreds of scientific researchers working in Taishan Beidou in their respective fields do not hesitate to cheer. After gluttony and rage of biological samples and greed for blood, they now have the opportunity to explore the jealous brain up close.

Aria, who was excited about receiving a new mission, happily hugged her friend Vicky, but the height difference that had just appeared recently turned the originally warm hug into a one-sided torture.

Vicky felt as if her face had been thrown into a pool of ocean balls, rubbing back and forth... The biological instinct of jealousy made Vicky blush with embarrassment.

"Are you jealous...?" A weak voice suddenly appeared, startling Vicky.

That was a man's voice, and as a frontline warrior, Vicky's vigilance had long been tempered.

"Someone is whispering in the mind!" Vicky did not hesitate and immediately shouted to Tang Ji. She knew that this reminder was enough, and then Vicky immediately shielded herself and stayed away from everyone.

Vicky's warning instantly put the entire base into a first-level alert state. The huge magnetic field jammer that had been shut down to welcome Wang Zhengdao's entry began to operate again. The compartments designed to imitate underwater ships began to self-isolate on a regional basis to ensure that

Chaos doesn't spread quickly.

Except for the guard soldiers in black clothes, everyone else stood still and stopped moving to avoid being misunderstood by others.

The red and yellow warning lights kept changing, reminding everyone present that the crisis was not over yet.

The gray-black flames of hatred instantly swept through the surrounding space within a hundred meters. As a result, except for pulling Vicky out of the shielded state and back to the real world, there was no gain.

"What did you hear?" The prelude didn't know when it appeared in Tang Ji's hands. He held Wu Qianying with one hand and half blocked her behind him.

Scanned on everyone.

"A man asked me in my ear, are you jealous..." Vicky's voice was very low, and her face turned red and white.

"Jealous..." Tang Ji turned around and looked at the head soaked in the glass container. The disgusting face still maintained the weird expression before death, as if he was provoking Tang Ji.

"Alarm cleared, people with level five and below permissions should disperse." Wu Qianying patted Tang Ji's hand and asked him to put away the gun: "Maybe it's a residual mental reaction. Our previous research has proven that if the mental power is strong enough,

You can let your consciousness exist in the void without physical support for a period of time. Jealousy must meet the standards and is not a big deal."

Here, Wu Qianying's authority far exceeded Mikkelsen. The guards immediately began to withdraw to their operating areas according to standard procedures, and the researchers also dispersed obediently. The entire base returned to its former self in just half a minute.

of peace.

"Did you have jealousy in your heart at that time?" Wu Qianying looked at Jealousy's head with interest. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but Tang Ji felt that the expression on that face seemed to be gradually becoming embarrassing.

"I didn't...I...a little bit..." Vicky wished she could permanently shield herself and leave this world in an instant.

But Wu Qianying has no idea about the shyness of this kind of girl. In the words of other researchers, Wu Qianying may not have had puberty at all. She was born with a complete body...

"What are you jealous of? To be more specific, I guess it is your emotions that activate the residual activity of jealousy. This is his instinctive reaction." Wu Qianying turned around the jealous head as if looking at a rare treasure: "This

Great! We got a sample that still retains the Jealousy special!"

"I should have burned this pile of meat together." Tang Ji frowned, instinctively feeling dangerous about this kind of thing.

But the way Wu Qianying looked over was like a lion sizing up a wolf trying to steal its prey: "I'm afraid you have forgotten what the old woman the prophet once said, right?"

Wu Qianying's eyes made Tang Ji shift his gaze. After all... the prophet said a lot, right?

Because the Ark Organization has quelled the civil strife and Wang Zhengdao has initially established his authority, the Prophet secretly returned to the Ark Organization a week ago and is currently not at the Lost Mountain base.

So she couldn't stand up and refute what Wu Qianying called her.

"In her timeline, she once successfully made another person become Furious, although that was not her original intention. After all, her abilities were lacking in all aspects." Wu Qianying's Viper refused to let go of any beating.

Opponent's chance: "But this is enough to conclude that the Seven Deadly Sins are most likely to be ineradicable."

Hearing this, Tang Ji could no longer laugh. The last thing he wanted to hear was that there was something that couldn't be killed.

"This is just a hypothesis, but I personally want to believe that it is true." Wu Qianying continued: "But it takes time and energy to give birth to a Seven Deadly Sins. Thinking on the bright side, seeing the new jealousy again may be the next step.

It’s been a century.”

"When I think about meeting such people in the next century, I can't think in a good direction." Tang Ji's face turned even darker.

"You are a complete pessimist!" Wu Qianying ignored Tang Ji. She directly poured the container with jealous heads into a device that looked very complicated, but its shape always reminded Tang Ji of a microwave oven.


"This is not a microwave oven, this is a superconducting quantum imager." Wu Qianying, who had his back to Tang Ji, corrected Tang Ji's idea: "It can non-invasively measure the extremely weak magnetic field signals generated outside the skull by the electrical activity of nerves in the brain.

method to detect neural activity in the brain in real time.”

"I think it doesn't care much about trivial matters like invasive or non-invasive now." Tang Jibang expressed his views on Jealousy.

"Yeah, I know. Otherwise, why do you think this device is designed to be a load-in type instead of a traditional head-mounted type?" Wu Qianying responded to Tang Ji in a more spicy tone: "Because it has so far been

Every head that has been tested is sent here individually."

"Ha, Aria, how many unregistered superhumans have you found among the users of Puppy Video?" Tang Ji turned a corner and decided to avoid the spotlight for the time being.

Arguing with Dr. Wu who is in [Accelerated Thought] mode is like challenging Mazefak to see who eats faster in the bathroom. It is an act that invites death.

By the way, when talking about this, Tang Ji suddenly realized that the guy didn't seem to have registered his information... But Tang Ji gave up his plan to cause trouble for him. He felt that he could even understand the other person's unspeakable secrets.

But other than that, there are no exceptions.

Aria immediately entered work mode. She quickly made a long list. Thanks to the database of the puppy video company, the FBA Bureau could easily obtain the real information of these up owners.

As for the fact that the puppy video itself is an asset of the Trail Blazers, it is no longer a problem as the Trail Blazers once again entered a state of secrecy and Mikkelsen's ally, Commander Luther, took over the Federation.

Mikkelsen easily gained actual control of Puppy Video, and some of the naturalized people who previously controlled the company for the Blazers became Mikkelson's new employees, while the remaining die-hards

Molecules become the new filling in the gutter.

Aria checked the information collected by the "Superhuman Registration Act", compared the information of all the up owners of Puppy Video who claimed to be superhumans, and then used technical means to eliminate some idiots who used special effects to disguise themselves as superhumans. A total of

More than 9,000 people were found.

This is a new pastime that Tang Ji found for himself. It is not a blind activity without any purpose. He chose puppy videos as the 'hardest hit area' for a very clear purpose.

As a company controlled by the Pioneers, its public opinion naturally leans towards superhumans, or to put it bluntly, its audience includes the earliest supporters of the Losas organization.

Tang Ji remembers his grudge...

And because of the popularity of the Internet, netizens naturally helped Tang Ji select the so-called strong super humans. Every up owner who can make it in the puppy video super human section is basically a strong super human.

Just like Chrissy Cunningham back then, compared to Ryunosuke Motoki's 'subtle' abilities, Chrissy's more aggressive abilities naturally have a larger audience.

By the way, as a joke, the scavengers of the Trail Blazers also used this method to search for bodies in the same way as Tang Ji. Many of the ups who suddenly disappeared before becoming famous have already fallen in the war with Tang Ji.

This wave is a win-win for Tang Ji...

This chapter has been completed!
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