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Chapter 437 New Legal Advisor

Saul Goodman is undoubtedly a wonderful man. He knows very well the truth of talking to people and talking to ghosts. He was as docile as a cat in front of Tang Ji. After a brief period of nervousness, he quickly used his own

Analyze Tang Ji in advance and master the pace of negotiations.

He placed the core anchor for the continuation of this negotiation on the basis that Tang Ji was a 'good person'. Saul analyzed Tang Ji's psychological state through a lot of video materials. He came here after doing enough homework.

In a sense, just like what he said when he entered the door, people like Tang Ji, to ordinary people and this society, are no different from the demigods in myths and legends.

Even a bastard like Kang Orr can rely on his immortality to create a great reputation in the mercenary industry and act unscrupulously.

As for Tang Ji, he was at least willing to be reasonable. Thor carefully studied the "Superhuman Registration Act" and found that this thing was essentially in the interests of their group of mortals.

That's why Sol had the courage to come here, stand in front of Tang Ji, and talk to him about Kang Aur's welfare benefits.

Of course Thor knows how annoying that pervert Kang Aor is, and how hot-tempered Tang Ji is...

"Yes, Mr. Tang, my client insists on this. If he dies in the line of duty, he should receive the death compensation he deserves." The smile on Saul Goodman's face froze. He didn't even dare to look up at Tang.

Ji, because this condition is too much even in his eyes.

The two people present knew how deadly that pervert was.

"Look, Mr. Tang, the main purpose of signing this contract between you and my client is actually just to keep the change...my client under control." Saul took out his trump card and jumped

Open a contract and explain the purpose of this contract to Tang Ji from a higher level.

"I have been managing Mr. Kang Aer's finances. This is his consumption record in the last six months. You can see that his actual consumption level is only about 20,000 federal dollars, which is slightly higher than that of a middle-class family." Sol Gu

Deman speaks with data: "He doesn't have any investment habits. He just keeps money in the bank. To him, money is more like a totem that proves its value. He worships it but does not use it."

"And for a big shot like you, stagnant money in a bank is actually just a string of numbers, isn't it?" Saul Goodman smiled: "Does he want 100 million, or 1 billion?

As long as the money is still in the bank, what does it matter?"

Tanguy had to admit that Sol was right about one thing. For Mikkelsen, or for him, money was just a number and had no practical significance.

What they want, money can't buy.

"You convinced me, lawyer." Tang Ji finally signed the contract readily. According to the predictions of Wu Qianying and the smart guys in Lost Mountain, after the players enter the next stage, the financial order may be restored within three months.

Collapse, then money will really be just a number.

Saul Goodman wiped his sweat with exaggerated movements: "Next, I represent a group of good people who have the world in mind and are willing to work hard to make this society a better place. They are all superhuman beings. They

Everyone wants to join the fbas bureau."

"So, these good people you mentioned, where are they now? How did you meet?" Tang Ji began to be curious about this lawyer.

The biggest problem with the superhuman group is that the growth rate is too fast, the uncertainty is too great, and the gap between strong and weak abilities is so wide that it has never been possible to establish a group that allows everyone to join it and manage it effectively.


The registration law introduced by the FBA Bureau is for this purpose, and Tang Ji's appointment as director is also to speed up this process.

But from the current point of view, Tang Ji is a double-edged sword. Most of the superhumans who are willing to take the initiative to register are so-called weak superhumans. They are basically unable to use their abilities to challenge the social order.

Getting into all kinds of trouble, they hope to gain protection through registration laws.

Most superhumans, in their hearts, feel that they are the chosen ones. They have the ambition to live under others for a long time. They are very repulsive to the registration laws of the FBA. At the same time, they are also very hostile to Tang Ji.

Therefore, various superhuman groups led by strong superhumans have emerged in various places, and they have quickly evolved into a source of chaos.

From this perspective, before Tang Ji's awakening, the pioneers' continuous hunting of bodies around the world essentially suppressed the rise of the superhuman group.

And Saul Goodman, a lawyer who previously traveled among three religions and nine schools, had rich connections and resources, and became famous in the superhuman circle because he represented Kang Orr, happened to have a heart that was good at catching people.

A mind that lives by chance.

In the past few months, his group of superhuman customers has been continuously expanding. Before coming here, Thor even let the outside world know that he had a way to send people to the FBA bureau to work as errands, and he would charge a fee.

The result is that up to now, he has accumulated more than two hundred capable superhumans who want to take this path, and then Thor has screened out a quarter of the scumbags based on Tang Ji's personal preferences, leaving the remaining

That part is the gift that Sol is planning to pack for Tang Ji.

For many people, superhumans are still negative assets that are difficult to manage and realize, but Saul is very sure that the FBA is a melting pot that can regenerate waste and make gold shine, and Tang Ji is the one who extracts gold from the fire.


"They are now spread all over the federation. My business is very wide, and my contacts with those clients are all through the Internet." Saul Goodman has fully devoted himself to his role and is no longer afraid because of Tang Ji's identity: "

But I guarantee that everyone is a good player and they have their own skills."

"I can accept them. If they can pass the assessment, then they will become agents of the bureau." Tang Ji tapped his fingers and looked at Saul with interest. This person reminded him of the newly appointed federal minister of finance.

, Marcin Cooper.

They are all good at seizing opportunities and staying optimistic under pressure. You rarely see negative emotions on the faces of such people, as if everything is under control...

Even though you know they are lying, at least these people can play a necessary role in their positions when you need them.

The most important thing is that people like them have very flexible moral bottom lines.

For a long time to come, the federal legal structure will need such outstanding talents to continuously revise various regulations.

Of course, these still require more observation and testing, but for now, Mikkelsen has collected enough information about Saul Goodman behind the scenes.

There were enough to cover the screen in front of Tang Ji. On the screen, Wu Qianying frowned and looked at it for a long time, and finally nodded, which was regarded as recognition of Saul Goodman's professional ability.

Mikkelson, on the other hand, was very satisfied with Saul Goodman's previous resume and nodded his head as well.

"I'm glad we have reached an agreement again, so about the last one..." Saul Goodman felt that he was definitely lucky today, and the smile on his face became more and more sincere, but he was immediately interrupted.

"Sorry, lawyer, I'm afraid you can't be the attorney for those prisoners." Tang Ji interrupted Saul, who was talking casually: "Because I plan to let you serve as the legal advisor of the FBA Bureau. You can't be a referee and end up again.

Play ball."

"Why?...Huh? What?" Saul Goodman was stuck for a moment. His rhythm was disrupted by Tang Ji's sudden invitation, but he reacted immediately and declined politely:

"It's an honor to be appreciated by you, but I'm used to it..."

Are you kidding me? Saul Goodman can easily earn hundreds of thousands every month. Why would he come to a department like FBA where he fights and kills every day?

In terms of the degree of danger alone, the position of legal advisor of the FBA Bureau is probably ten times more dangerous than that of a police officer in Night City. At least the former only has to worry about bullets and bombs, while the latter has to worry about whether there will be superhumans even while sleeping.

In his dream, he came to trouble him.

But Tang Ji felt that he had wasted enough time on the lawyer in front of him. He just smiled and launched a contract prepared in advance: "It's late, lawyer, we have issued an announcement in all official media, no matter you

Like it or not, you are now a member of the FBA Bureau."

Saul Goodman suddenly froze on the spot. He stared at the contract with his mouth open. After struggling briefly for a few seconds, he began to read the contract line by line out of professional habit.

Although he knew he had no choice, it was definitely a professional instinct to ensure that there were no traps in the contract.

And as Big Sol said before, money is meaningless to Tang Ji, so he generously left the salary line to Sol himself to fill in.

The rest were just conventions in the industry, without traps, but Saul still saw his own miserable future.

From now on, every subsequent revision of the "Superhuman Registration Act" promulgated by the FBA will have Thor and Goodman's name printed on it, like a target, telling everyone who is dissatisfied because of the implementation of the law

The superhumans, who are their enemies?

"Why me?" Saul Goodman asked while writing his signature.

"Maybe it's because you have enough courage to come to me to negotiate terms, and you are cautious enough not to make me angry." Tang Ji laughed, and there was a mountain of piles on the side of Jian's desk, and all the legal issues were pushed away: "

If the salary you wrote meets your psychological requirements, you'd better start working hard from now on and don't make me feel that the money is not worth it."

"Where is my office?" Saul Goodman had a happy-go-lucky nature. He simply accepted the status quo, spread out his hands and began to ask for benefits.

"Which floor of any building you want to choose, if you have any needs, just talk to those leaves, they will meet your decoration requirements." Tang Ji pointed to the ubiquitous green plants: "From now on, you

You are considered one of your own, the entire area is open to you, and it is absolutely safe here."

"Including here?" Saul was still concerned about the warning he had received before. He did not want to explore this three-dimensional jungle alone: ​​"I only need an office of ten square meters. It is best to have a window, but it doesn't matter if there is no window.


"Sorry, I'm used to working alone. If you like it here, I can go upstairs." Tang Ji stood up directly and prepared to leave: "Anyway, with you, I have nothing to deal with for the time being. This place belongs to you now."


After saying that, Tang Ji disappeared out of thin air in front of Sol and skipped work.

"I will never get used to this." Thor looked at his new office with satisfaction. Suddenly he felt that the air in this place was extremely fresh, the sunshine was just right, and the temperature was suitable. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he looked towards the demigod.

The chair strode over.



"They have solved Gluttony, and Tangji's threat level is constantly increasing. Even the existence of the Seven Deadly Sins cannot really compete with it." Paulina Kubera, the new pioneer, is telling Markarian

Report the situation.

The information sent by Kang Orr is very accurate. The relationship between him and the Trail Blazers is very complicated. His actual status is actually quite different from that in the FBA Bureau. He relies on his rogue energy to be unafraid of death and shameless, and he can take advantage of both sides.

The number of players who have died in his hands has already reached double digits. Although Kang Aer could not directly cause real damage like Tangji, he used his own unique way to cause a large amount of mental damage to all the victims, so much so that three

The player chooses to exit permanently and never return to this world.

In this regard, even Markarian was amazed by Kang Orr's creativity. That bastard attacked Markarian twice for excitement, but Markarian successfully killed him both times.

But Kang Orr still enjoyed it, constantly looking for Markarian's location, hoping to have a good time before dying.

In the end, Markarian had to ensure that he would soon bring a completely different group of players, who could create extraordinary sparks with Kang Orr, so that the bastard could calm down.

This is also the source of Kang Aoer's intelligence. Although he is crazy, he is smart enough, which makes it often difficult to judge whether he is really crazy or pretending to be crazy.

"Do you have any suggestions for the venue for the next visit?" Markarian looked at this nervous pioneer, his heart full of disappointment. He is now completely isolated and helpless in this world.

These pioneers are completely useless. Tang Ji's name has frightened them out of their courage. They wait for the time to evacuate with a dawdling attitude every day.

"Africa." Paulina Cubela said with certainty: "Jealousy left a big enough mess there and attracted all the attention to the east. We can choose a city in the southern part of Africa for layout. That is not the Ark.

organizations and the traditional sphere of influence of the Joint Investigations Office.”

"Besides, we still have allies there who can cooperate."

This chapter has been completed!
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