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Chapter 447 Sean Westan Plug-in

When Tang Ji came back, there was a big black man beside him, as well as more than 30 heads that had been processed by the Kreps tribe.

That tribe, whose lifestyle is somewhere between primitive and civilized, still retains a fairly skilled skull-nitrating craft.

It can be said that these processed heads may be the highest in Tang Ji's collection in terms of artistic value.

"Those idiots think they can build a central prison." Wang Zhengdao, who finally got rid of the bureaucratic meeting, complained about his bad experience while frowning at the local products Tang Ji carried with him.

"Don't ask me to help you get it." Wang Zhengdao sighed and then watched Kreps carry two snakeskin bags filled with heads.

Lao Wang could only express his congratulations to Tang Ji for having a new illiterate member of his team.

If scholars who study superhumans use Tang Ji's team as an example to study the relationship between the strength and academic qualifications of superhumans, they will definitely come to an interesting conclusion...

At Lost Mountain Base, Dr. Wu Qianying is nervously waiting for the results of an experimental project.

Surte wiped the sweat from his head. This was the first time he felt so exhausted when entering the bullet time state.

The experiment has been going on for nearly an hour, and Surte didn't know how many times he entered the bullet time state and then ended it.

He only knew that there were a lot of people behind the curtain wall who were constantly recording various data.

Out of trust in Dr. Wu, Surte did not show any impatience, even though his actual physical sensing time was far more than an hour, and he visited every corner of the room in the process.

Those semi-embedded monitoring devices are constantly updating data, and the smiles on the researchers' faces are getting more and more obvious.

As Surte's monster-like body gradually showed signs of fatigue, they were finally able to see the "truth" about bullet time that was hidden behind the scenes.

There is a very special mechanism in Surte's body. When he enters bullet time, his body will secrete a certain hormone that can make the perception system enter a highly sensitive state, allowing him to better adapt to the bullet time state.

If Sirte must be a sports car, then for Sirte, this hormone may only be the lubricating part of his ability.

For the geniuses of Lost Mountain, they may never understand the engine structure of this sports car or what fuel it uses.

But now they can at least try to replicate this lubricant so that ordinary people can experience a castrated version of bullet time.

As Surte exited the bullet time state again, the closed test site finally gave the green light.

He breathed heavily, watching Dr. Wu appear on the second floor of the experimental site and nodded to him, and finally smiled.

"We succeeded! Doctor!" A researcher showed Wu Qianying a slender test tube as if he were holding a treasure in the world.

Inside the test tube, there was less than one milliliter of blue liquid.

This is the "time-sensitive hormone" they finally isolated from Sirte's blood.

Next, they still have a lot of work to do, such as determining the universality of this hormone.

The extraction of "time-sensitive hormone" is a bold attempt. There are many research groups studying Sirte, but the one by Thie Excellent is the most feasible.

It was first proposed by a researcher named Sean Weistein and finally realized.

But in order to exert its maximum effect, Sean Westan also needs to prepare an additional auxiliary device for the tester to adjust the injection speed of the "time-sensitive hormone". This hormone is undoubtedly harmful to the fragile nervous system of normal humans.


In addition, the injector may need more auxiliary devices to allow his body to keep up with the neurological response when entering a state similar to bullet time.

Of course, these are all things that need to be considered in subsequent plans.

The first thing they need to ensure is that the recipient can adapt to this hormone that has never existed before.

The patient who had already signed the agreement was waiting in the operating room next door to complete preparations for the surgery.

The cold disinfectant gas sprayed on his neck, making his hair stand on end.

He didn't know what kind of surgery he was about to undergo. He only knew that he had signed a very expensive experimental subject agreement.

If he dies, his family will receive a large sum of money. If he is lucky enough to survive, he will also receive enough money to make a comeback.

The financial crisis caused by the Phoenix Project has begun to cause unrest around the world.

A large number of the former middle class are on the verge of bankruptcy, and industrial workers are completely dependent on past savings.

The academic world is also in a state of semi-paralysis. Many famous scholars and technical leaders have also joined the Phoenix Project and completely ignored world affairs.

Wu Qianying used her appeal to bring several famous scholars to the Lost Mountain Base, because even they could not guarantee the stability of their scientific research funds now.

After the patient was injected with anesthesia, the surgical robot arm, which had already been set up for the corresponding procedure, completed the entire operation in just a few minutes.

Next, the most difficult part begins. They must find the optimal proportion of injection volume, which can not only allow the "time-sensitive hormone" to be effective, but also ensure that the recipient's nervous system will not be permanently damaged.

The subject quickly opened his eyes. He was a little horrified to find that he was fixed in the humanoid mold and could not even tilt his head.

"No. 13, please stay calm. The restraint mechanism is to prevent you from hurting yourself." Sean Westan stood in front of the recipient: "Do you feel anything abnormal now?"

"My back is itchy, do you want to scratch it?" The subject quickly calmed down. He had already prepared for the worst when he signed the contract.

"Very good, next I need you to try to identify the text that appears on the screen. You may feel some discomfort during this process, please ignore it." Sean Westan nodded towards the direction of the laboratory.

Soon, a unit of "time-sensitive hormone" entered the subject's body through the neural access device.

The patient looked normal, with no obvious changes in physical signs, except for an 8% increase in heart rate.

The subject stared at the picture on the screen, and then he saw the picture flashing several times.

Then he heard the person in front of him ask: "What did you see just now?"

"I didn't see anything clearly, it was too fast." The subject shook his head: "It is impossible for me to see clearly..."

"Double the injection units and prepare for the second test." Sean Westan nodded towards the distance.

Soon, two units of "time-sensitive hormone" were injected into the subject's body. His heart rate further increased, and his body temperature also rose by 0.3 degrees.

In front of the subject, another set of pictures flashed past, but the speed was not as exaggerated as before.

This time, the subject clearly saw the contents of several pictures, one of which was the lyrics of a Christmas carol.

He told the doctor in front of him about this discovery, and he looked a little excited.

This is followed by two hours of long-haired rest. Of course, in order to prevent accidents, the recipient is restrained throughout the process.

He drank some nutrient solution, then shyly allowed others to help him excrete some body fluids, and then prepared to start the third round of testing.

"Everything in the urine routine was normal, and the two units did not cause any significant pressure on the internal organs." Sean Westan took advantage of this opportunity to look through all the data.

The only thing that dissatisfied him was the effect of the "time-sensitive hormone".

The data they obtained in Surte showed that under ten times acceleration, the nervous system would secrete three units of hormones.

But now, they have injected two units of "time-sensitive hormone" into No. 13's body, and he hasn't even reached five times speed.

What makes Sian Westan even more unacceptable is that Soult's current limit state has always been around eighty-six times the speed, fluctuating up or down by no more than twice the speed.

He is not that ambitious to surpass the original version, but Sian Westan's bottom line is ten times the speed, otherwise his research will be meaningless.

So, for the third test, he doubled the test measurement again to four units.

At this moment, the world in No. 13's eyes finally changed. He saw the pictures in front of him scrolling past one by one.

Although he didn't have that much time to remember every word on it, at least now he knew that the words written on it were all lyrics of classic old songs.

The doctor in front of him looked like a statue, his eyes never blinked, and No. 13 could even see the blood streaks all over his lens.

A drop of sweat was flowing down his temples, falling slowly to the floor.

Now No. 13 finally knew what experiments this group of people were going to use on him, which made him a little excited.

But the next second, this wonderful feeling suddenly shattered, as if all the time he had ignored just now rushed into his mind.

No. 13 suddenly vomited. He was trembling while being restrained in the mold, and blood flowed outwards along his nasal cavity.

The specially prepared sustained-release agent was injected into No. 13's body by the auxiliary plug-in, which quickly eliminated the pressure caused by the "time-sensitive hormone" on the nerves.

Afterwards, No. 13 added a lot of sugar, and during the several time accelerations just now, he consumed most of the stored energy in his body.

The symptoms of dizziness and nausea just now were due to hypoglycemia.

While recording various symptoms, Sean Westan said to Wu Qianying: "Maybe we should consider making the auxiliary plug-in more active."

"Give me a specific project plan. Don't worry about funding. This is a promising project, Dr. Weistein." Wu Qianying looked at her colleague with fairly thick hair and nodded.

She is indeed very optimistic about this project. It is one of the most valuable projects they have copied from superhuman beings, and it has already seen the light of being put into practical use.

For modern industry, its most significant feature is that it can be replicated and mass-produced.

The reason why the Trail Blazers have such a big advantage in the early stage is because they rely on the combined abilities of gluttony and greed to build such an almost industrialized ability replicating system.

And now, Wu Qianying also sees this flavor in the project of Si Anwei Stan.

One Sirte may not be able to change the situation of the war, but 10,000 soldiers who are only one-tenth of the speed of Sirte are definitely the force that can change the direction of the war.

But their ambitions soon ran into problems in new experiments.

The recipient codenamed No. 14 developed a severe rejection reaction after receiving two units of "time-sensitive hormone".

Although they injected the sustained-release agent in time, No. 14 quickly lost his vital signs.

The final result was that a total of two of the ten recipients, including No. 13, showed good adaptability to the "time-sensitive hormone".

In addition, three people died during the experiment, and the other five people proved that they could not withstand the torture of "time-sensitive hormone".

But at least they saved their lives.


When Tang Ji and his team returned to the Lost Mountain base, Kreps, who was born in a tribe and had been to Cape Town as far away as possible in his life, was shocked by the scale of the underground base.

He even endured the discomfort caused by long-distance space jumps, and walked into the bathroom under the guidance of the guards before vomiting.

It can only be said that superhuman strength is strong enough to achieve this.

Of course, Tangji can open the dimensional door in advance and make Kreps' return more stable.

But wouldn't that be boring? Sooner or later he will have to adapt to Wang Zhengdao's abilities, why not start now...

Wu Qianying, whose face had obviously lost weight, had an unharmonious dinner with Tang Ji in the base cafeteria.

Judging from her appetite, Dr. Wu obviously does not have a dietary problem, she uses her abilities too frequently.

Tang Ji, on the other hand, insisted on eating only the results of the Gray Field Project.

"Your actions will not bring any changes to the miserable diet structure of future humans." Wu Qianying cut the steak and ate the meat: "You yourself know this very well. This is just moral self-satisfaction."

"In terms of nutritional value, it is richer than traditional crops and more suitable for superhuman consumption, right?" After communicating with Dr. Wu for a long time, Tang Ji already had a deep understanding of these garbage.

All the superhumans in the central prison can prove that this kind of food will not kill anyone, and it is also nutritionally balanced.

Currently, no prisoner in prison has died due to hunger strike, which is good news.

Wu Qianying took out a blue injection from her arms and pushed it in front of Tang Ji: "This is time-sensitive hormone. We extracted it from Sirte."

"What's the use?" Tang Ji asked, looking carefully at the liquid in the injection.

"It can accelerate your perception of time, which is equivalent to a weakened version of bullet time." Wu Qianying continued: "I adjusted this based on your blood sample. The side effects are unknown, but you will definitely not die."

"The effect may be to increase your reaction speed by three to eight times. Your body data changes every day, so it is difficult to get specific data." Wu Qianying introduced while eating: "I hope you will never need it."

"Okay, I promise you." Tang Ji solemnly put away the medicine. Obviously this was Dr. Wu's euphemistic way of expressing concern.

"You can use this injection now. I need to collect some data." Before Tang Ji could finish his words, Dr. Wu took out another injection that looked exactly the same and handed it to Tang Ji, his eyes full of anticipation.

This chapter has been completed!
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