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Chapter 45 I lied to you

Rodriguez, who was longing for Tang Ji, was currently on the second floor of the San Andreas bar. The huge collisions and gunshots coming from downstairs were like a heavy hammer, constantly hitting his heart.

He only graduated from medical school at the age of twenty-six, and in the first year of graduation he had to start repaying a student loan of 1.9 million federal dollars.

In order to get out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible, Rodriguez gritted his teeth and signed a medical master's degree training contract with a higher interest rate. He worked at the famous Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Group for a full two and a half years. Then due to a serious medical accident, he was completely

Lost hope of graduation.

Of course, even so, Rodriguez still had many opportunities to choose from, but he ultimately chose to take this path because of his extreme ego and the abnormal psychology formed under pressure over the years.

Rodriguez likes to see people suffer and likes the supreme power to control life and death.

"I won't die. So many people are pointing at me. Only I can provide them with a sufficient number of healthy organs." Rodriguez kept wandering around the safe house nervously: "If Valentino can't help,

, I’ll call Congressman Cornish!”

"Yes, Congressman Cornish! He needs me. He wants to get a healthy kidney this year. I haven't had time to arrange it yet. He must protect me!" Rodriguez took out his phone and broadcast a number.

But all I heard from the phone was a busy signal.

The two men in suits standing guard outside the door were ambushing each other on both sides of the stairs. They could hear the voices on the first floor, and when they glanced at each other, they could see the nervousness in each other's eyes.

Tang Ji's method of attacking the building is very simple. Just like before, he first throws a shock bomb up. Regardless of whether it affects the enemy or not, it buys Tang Ji a few seconds to take the lead.

Rodriguez could see clearly through the bulletproof glass. The demonic law enforcer walked up to the second floor accompanied by fire and smoke as if taking a walk, and killed the commando he had high hopes for with two casual shots.

Tang Ji checked around and found that there was no other ambush. He looked at Rodriguez hiding in the door, dragged out a chair from the next room and sat two meters away, resting his chin on the back of the chair with his hands.

above, showing a meaningful smile.

"Don't think I'm afraid of you, my men will be here in a few minutes!" Rodriguez mustered up the courage to challenge through the glass.

He had been arrested by Tang Ji once before. If it hadn't been for the lawyer's strength, that time would have left a record. For a promising doctor, that would have been a fatal injury.

Therefore, Rodriguez has never forgotten Tanguy, but his profession must keep a low profile, and the boss of the Valentino gang, Machete, doesn't like him very much, so he has never had the chance to take revenge on Tanguy.

Tang Ji looked at Rodriguez, not wanting to talk to him at all. His purpose was very clear. Rodriguez must die, a death that was too horrible to watch.


Tang Ji raised his hand and fired a shot. As expected, the bullet had no effect on the bulletproof door.

Seeing this, Rodriguez became even more aggressive. He laughed behind the glass and extended his middle finger to Tanguy.

Tang Ji turned around and walked down the stairs, and soon he was carrying a large bucket and pouring water as he walked, with a cigarette in his mouth.

"What are you going to do?" Rodriguez stared at the glass, watching Tangji pour the liquid in the bucket on the door, the floor, and the walls on both sides.

Tang Ji remained silent, just pulled the chair back and flicked the cigarette butt on the ground.

Rodriguez saw the raging flames rising and running wildly in both directions, quickly sweeping the stairwell and the space in front of him.

"Crazy! You crazy!" Rodriguez now realized what Tanguy was going to do. He ordered the entire San Andreas bar!

Downstairs, the remaining gasoline in the car was quickly ignited by the high temperature, and a small explosion occurred, shattering the few remaining panes of glass on the first floor. The raging fire spread rapidly, burning all combustible materials.

The gunmen who were still alive, even those who had lost an arm, a leg, or had a hole in their stomach, were all struggling to crawl out. Bottles of high-strength alcohol in the bar burst and splashed under the high temperature.

There were screams.

When Gusvota arrived, this was what he saw. Thick black smoke and flames had completely engulfed the first floor, began to burn the ceiling, and moved towards the second floor.

"Where is Rodriguez!" Gusvot pulled up a gunman whose face was blackened by smoke and asked loudly.

"Upstairs! In the safe house!" The gunman replied feebly: "The madman is also there, he was the one who set the fire!"



Tang Ji raised his collar, slightly blocking the hot air, and still looked at Rodriguez in silence.

By this time, Rodriguez was sweating profusely. The all-metal safe house was like a steamer, especially the floor. The carpet on it had begun to smoke under the high temperature, which made him burst into tears.

Rodriguez tried to open the door and rush out to save himself several times, but every time he tried, Tanguy would fire a shot through the bulletproof glass, as if to warn him of the consequences.

The person out there is a lunatic! He just wants to see himself suffer!

Rodriguez finally confirmed this. He shouted in fear and pulled his hair out, but the increasing temperature forced him to make a choice——

Should he stay here and be burned to death, or should he go out and be beaten to death by that madman?

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" Rodriguez shouted to Tanguy through the glass: "Let's talk! Please! Let's talk! What do you want? I can give you anything!"

Tang Ji just smiled and watched his performance, as if he was watching a clown perform.

Along with the high temperature burning, the flames also surrounded Tang Ji. He could feel the stinging pain from his skin and could hear the crackling sound of his hair curling slightly.

But this was nothing compared to the pain in his heart.

Tang Ji just looked at Rodriguez quietly, silent and speechless.

He suddenly stood up from his chair, approached the iron door, waved to Rodriguez, and pointed to his ears to indicate that he could not hear clearly.

Rodriguez ignored the hot bulletproof glass and almost pressed his face against it, shouting and explaining that he could even smell the aroma of his own meat being cooked.

All he got was Tang Ji laughing, he was teasing him.

Tangji looked at Rodriguez, raised the prelude in his hand, loaded a bullet, pointed it at the door, waved to him, and finally said: "Come out and I'll give you a treat."


Rodriguez's reason was defeated by the fear of high temperature. He ignored the temperature of the iron door and opened it forcefully, leaving a layer of skin on it.

But what greeted him was Tang Ji's iron fist. The last words he heard before fainting were: "I lied to you, your death process is destined to be very long."

This chapter has been completed!
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