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Chapter 461 Counterattack

"This world is preparing for a counterattack, and I can hear their voices plotting." Markarian looked out the window at the chaotic city. This was the second time he had witnessed this situation in this world.

It is also the first time I have seen a world with such fierce resistance. There are no gods in this world, but Tang Ji has shown a level of threat comparable to the gods of other worlds. He cannot move mountains and seas, but he can actually kill players.

There is no church organization with substantial power in this world, but it can easily organize an army of millions. The pioneers have taken root in this world for hundreds of years, and it is not unreasonable to try to do it slowly.

And now, Markarian needs the world to become even more chaotic.

Thanks to the advanced level of technology in this world, they have researched more than one weapon that can destroy themselves, and all Markarian has to do is choose one.

Choose a weapon that is not so powerful and will not wipe out the entire world so clean that no one will want to come to this world. It is best that this weapon can also provide some kind of fun to the players.

Markarian has seen similar things in many worlds. For example, in a certain world, players contributed to the Kingdom of Death and released all the undead inside, completely changing the living environment of the indigenous people. This incident made many veterans

Players have chosen to return again, bringing life to a world that has already reached its end.

Another example is that in the water world that was successfully decoupled, before the end of land civilization, the pioneers also used some kind of forbidden magic to try to use the corpses of the indigenous people to create something similar to gluttony in this world.

It is said in the Forbidden Technique that this kind of corpse puppet can continuously proliferate itself to resist the erosion of the ocean, and eventually become an island-like existence, allowing it to act as a biological continent and continue terrestrial civilization.

This kind of thing seemed interesting and fun to the players, so they did it unscrupulously. However, the largest scale of the corpse puppets created was less than two hundred meters, which was not enough to become the cradle of civilization.

Although it failed in the end, almost all players remained highly excited throughout the process, and Markarian needs something similar now to get players excited.

He knew very well that if Tang Ji was given long enough to spread fear, sooner or later he would become an open secret, and players would hesitate because of fear, and fail because of hesitation.

Markarian wants to make the entire world chaotic enough to form a large-scale resistance before this happens.

Biochemical weapons are undoubtedly a good choice. People in this world have been studying how to make dead people move again since 1940, and it has been going on for more than a hundred years now.

Markarian knew about this project. It was no coincidence that when the pioneers first entered the world, the empire that was the culprit in launching the world war was coming to an end. Many of them became the first batch of naturalized people with this unwillingness.


And the dead man's plan was also continued. Cathy Walter and Aslan had both seen similar scenes, and they knew very well the fear this kind of thing could bring.

Of course, the planning department soon followed the observation of shallow time flow and focused on the obviously more promising group of superhumans, and the entire dead plan was just forgotten.

Only a group of stubborn naturalized people refused to give up their achievements over the years and continued to advance the plan.

Up to now, the entire plan has actually become a joke, and its original intention has been forgotten, because among the awakened superhumans around the world, there are the least known superhumans who can use completely different principles to do things.

Make the corpse serve you.

Fortunately, for more than half a century, the Dead Project has relied on by-products to achieve profitability. For example, the biological balance fluid that is widely used in the prosthetic market was originally intended to be used to lubricate the joints of deceased soldiers.

But Markarian now plans to rejuvenate this project that has been eliminated by the times. It is a cheap and effective weapon, isn't it?

They don't even need any additional planning to launch this weapon. The pioneers and naturalizers control many water supply companies in the federal territory. More than forty-five cities and nearly nine million people are provided with water purification services by these companies.

The kind of biological weapons they control can simply dissolve in water and cause the person who consumes it to die within seventy-two hours and stand up again in the form of a corpse.

Of course, at the very beginning, the original intention of the Dead Project was to continue the war, and the empire's research direction was more inclined to allow soldiers to be fully utilized for secondary purposes, focusing on the word soldier.

These corpses can be controlled by sound waves of specific frequencies to complete simple tactical actions. If there are officers with outstanding psychological quality, they can even be used as ordinary soldiers, but these soldiers will no longer have fear, and will no longer be afraid of bullets and explosions.

, can achieve a real desperate charge.

To put it simply, this kind of biological weapon manufacturing should have created a large number of dead soldiers who will not move without orders, but now in order to spread fear, the researchers of that project have to add genetic instructions that can stimulate appetite and attack instinct.


This kind of temporary insertion of instructions makes the originally stable virus less stable, and no one knows what new tricks it will mutate into.

But for Markarian, this little surprise was just right.

He will not release this kind of weapon in the whole city. Just like what Tang Ji is doing, what he wants to do is spread fear and let the other party see what he can do.

So he chose Toronto, a 'big city' that is large enough, quite famous, and livable, but is insignificant internationally due to geopolitics.

Toronto has a population of nearly three million, most of whom are young adults. It is located in the northern federal region of Ontario. In the Lake Ontario region, its status is equivalent to the Night City in Southern California, and it is the end of everything.

As a particularly insecure woman who lives alone, Anne recently wandered to Toronto, a city known for its diversity, with her forty-six followers.

Anne's first impression of this city was very good. It was almost December, but the local minimum temperature was still around zero. A thicker windbreaker was enough to prevent people from feeling the cold.

In this country whose latitude is too far north, this kind of warm winter is simply a gift from heaven.

Perhaps it was the self-confidence brought by her promotion, or the confidence brought by the liquid assets in her hands. For the first time, as a home buyer, Annie looked at many properties for sale under the guidance of an agent.

It is pitiful to say that compared to other experiences of the Seven Deadly Sins, Annie has been trying her best to hide herself in real life. This is the first time in her life that she has spent more than 100,000 federal coins.

Annie bought a two-story villa with a garden in the Rose Valley community. The original owner's family died due to a superhuman attack, and there was no one to inherit the inheritance. In the end, the house was auctioned, allowing Annie to become

Those who have permanent property.

She couldn't tell what it felt like. As a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, and as the omnipotent Lord of Happy Dreams in dreams, Anne had already seen all the prosperity in the world.

She can recreate everything she has seen in her dreams, and she can also create those luxurious scenes that only exist in fantasy and history out of thin air, at the cost of just some extra sugar.

But when she actually signed her name and owned a house of her own in the real world, Anne was still ecstatic.

She excitedly rushed from the first floor to the second floor with bare feet, then jumped out of the second floor window and landed on her lawn, with an uncontrollable smile on her face.

This kind of real happiness cannot be given by dreams, but compared with the stage she built for herself behind the dream, this kind of happiness did have a humbling feeling that made Anne blush.

This contradictory emotion is like Anne herself. She is always worried about gains and losses. She is the master of happy dreams, and she is also the street girl. This sense of tearing has created her, and at the same time tortured her.

Of course, it also tortured the two forces, Mikkelsen and the Pioneers, who could never guess Annie's true identity.

As Anne settled down, those superhuman followers who were responsible for protecting Anne on the periphery, but actually did not even know Anne's true identity, also began to think of ways to settle down.

Annie used a fake identity to shop unscrupulously on the Internet and bought a lot of furniture and home appliances of different styles, hoping to decorate her own nest. After all, this house is quite memorable.

Rose Valley Community, the moment she saw the name, Annie knew it was here, not to mention that there was a well-kept flower garden in front of the house. Obviously the original owner was a flower lover and he hired someone to take care of it.

These genetically modified flower companies continue to perform their responsibilities in accordance with the contract even after their death.

Anne was a little secretly happy, and she was not going to remind the other party of this little mistake.

In life, Anne's character was like this. She would occasionally walk an extra two kilometers to buy bread in a supermarket in another neighborhood for a discount of one federal coin.

But Anne's happy life was about to end before it really began.

In a dream that night, a follower with divination power told her worriedly that she saw the city burning with fire, and black water symbolizing death flowing from the sky, washing away the remains of the dead.

Sometimes Anne really wanted to kidnap the prophet, otherwise divination would be like buying a lottery ticket. The scene the fortune teller mentioned might be a nuclear strike on the way, or it might be a scene from a movie she watched in the cinema the next day.

In short, before everything happens, no one knows how what the soothsayer sees will come true.

With such doubts, Anne fell into the absolutely quiet dream realm she had built for herself, and achieved double sleep. It only took just an hour for her to fully rejuvenate her mind and body.

A very practical little trick.

Early the next morning, Annie woke up full of energy, picked up a glass, and planned to drink some water to wake up her intestines and stomach, but the sound of sizzling air flow in the water pipe meant that the pipe was dry.

"I forgot to reopen the purified water account." Annie patted her forehead hard, feeling that she was so stupid. She must have been too excited yesterday to forget this.

She really seemed to snap her fingers, pull the person responsible for handling this kind of business into a dream, and then trick him into opening a back door for her, so that she could get everything done without even leaving the door.

But Anne's natural caution allowed her to restrain herself. She just sighed and started to get dressed, preparing to handle the matter in person, just like any other ordinary person.

The car was given as a gift with the house, and it also belonged to the original owner of the house. The reason why it was not auctioned separately by the bank is because this car is a grocery cart with a charging station bound to it. The effective range is only 120 kilometers, and it cannot be used at other charging stations.


To replace this kind of binding, the car owner needs to handle it in person, otherwise the procedure will be very troublesome, and the time cost required by the bank may have exceeded the cost of this cheap grocery shopping cart itself, so it is simply sold as an accessory facility of the house.


When Annie successfully started the Juanbeiwuwu P-126 model car, she couldn't help but think of Tang Ji's video of Juanbeiwuwu. As Tang Ji became a big shot, the number of clicks continued to soar, and it was often used by everyone.

Highly recommended for major video websites.

Every time Tang Ji is on the hot search list for his extremely cool behavior, Juanbei Wuwu will once again receive a wave of popularity, and it is ridiculed that real men should kill people in the Juanbei Wuwu.

It is said that in the month after the Battle of Paris, the sales of Juanbei Wuwu broke the manufacturer's record, with the highest sales volume in a single day being 5,355 units.

Its manufacturer, Makigai from Neon, even launched a weighted, reinforced, and thickened metal armor version, claiming to be able to adapt to all intensities of street warfare, and boldly adopted the same color scheme as the Tangji windbreaker, betting on Tangji.

They will not be held accountable for their borderline behavior.

This association dispelled the worries in Anne's heart and made her plan to enjoy this period of peace before the all-out war started.

However, this world has sent countless scripts to the Seven Deadly Sins, and none of them include living a peaceful life.

While Annie was waiting at the red light on the side of the road, an SUV approaching from a distance in the opposite lane showed no intention of slowing down, so it rushed over and collided with the traffic in the cross lane.

Then Anne saw the driver who smashed through the glass and flew out of the cab. With no chance of survival, the driver limped up from the ground and stared blankly at the crowd around him.

The next second, amid the screams of the onlookers, he pounced on the nearest person and bit the other person's cheek fiercely.

"What the hell!" Annie came to her senses instantly, but before she caught her petite car and planned to turn around, the car in front kicked the accelerator in a panic and reversed, hitting her car.

In the words of the car owners of Juanbeiwuwu, the safety of this car is about the same as that of a disposable plastic fork.

Annie could only watch helplessly as her new car was squeezed and deformed in the collision, and then black smoke erupted and then ignited into flames.

She could only use force to break the stuck seat belt, thank God that this thing was of poor quality, and then join the escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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