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Chapter 467 Human Counterattack

"At least it looks cute this time, doesn't it?" Wu Qianying looked up at the giant baby Gluttony, and asked curiously: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

???Tang Ji tilted his head and couldn't keep up with Wu Qianying's rhythm. He was busy hurting each other just now, and he really didn't have time to confirm the situation in this regard.

"I'm going to take a look!" Surte, who hadn't been released for a while, said, and he disappeared.

"Hey! Don't go!" Wang Zhengdao's words were delayed a second, and he could only shout into the air. When he turned around to ask Tang Ji to restrain Soult, Xiao Su's voice had already come through the communication link.

"This is nothing!" Soult's voice was full of shock, as if he had received another shocking education after seeing something he shouldn't have seen in the toilet last time.

"What do you think he is talking about? Didn't you find Gluttony, or did you find nothing in Gluttony?" Wang Zhengdao took advantage of the situation and changed the topic.

Just as Wang Zhengdao was speaking, Surte had already run up from the outer wall of the building and stood where he left before, holding a piece of flesh and blood that was still twitching in his hand: "I took some samples back, Doctor.

, do you still need it?"

Wu Qianying was busy working on the instrument with both hands. She kicked a sealed container from the side and said, "install it first, I'm busy."

In the distance, the gluttonous baby has completely emerged from the Concord Tiangong Building, climbing up like the gorilla climbing the Empire State Building.

Tentacles measuring more than ten meters or even tens of meters took out "fruits" that were as big as sarcoma and the size of small cars from inside the building, and stuffed them into the upper and lower mouths of the giant baby when it passed by.

The moment Gluttony started eating, whatever initial impression it gave people was shattered. Countless people around the world were so frightened that they stood up from the sofa.

Even Wu Qianying raised her eyebrows. She had finally covered her previous image with the image of gluttony, but now it was completely ruined.

Avalon looked at Dr. Wu who was busy, and then at the enemy not far away that he had never seen before. He felt that he was exposed to a battle between top superhumans for the first time.

Not to mention the old-school strong men like Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao who have long been famous, even Surte, who looks like a child next to Tang Ji, makes Avalon have to face him.

It was so fast that I couldn't keep up.

In this way, with a trace of self-esteem that was unwilling to be ignored and a desire to prove his humility, Avalon picked up the third throwing spear worth a million, aimed at the huge baby, and threw it with all his strength!


Faced with the sudden attack, Gluttony had no preparation or reaction time. The spear shot straight through Gluttony's eyes and blew a big hole in the back of his head.

Like Tangji, Avalon subconsciously chose the most vulnerable part of this large creature, the eyes.

But according to Tang Ji's experience, Gluttony may not even observe the world through those eyes.

As expected, Gluttony just paused his head after being attacked. The giant baby blinked as if he had been blown by the wind, and then the wound had recovered.

A huge sense of frustration enveloped Avalon. How could the world's top ten mercenary kings not even be able to participate in a conflict of this level?

At this time, the local official counterattack force finally appeared. Although it was nearly twenty hours after the disaster broke out, this efficiency was still much faster than that of the previous federation.

Two unknown attack aircraft flashed past at high altitude, and four missiles were fired at the body of Gluttony in the blink of an eye.

They had no idea what opponent they were fighting, so they chose only conventional missiles. They accurately hit the target, and then exploded to complete their mission. Everything was perfect, but they did not cause any damage.

"That is the Hydra 70 missile. It is the most powerful weapon we have on hand now." The commander who stood in the staff room and witnessed the whole process reported helplessly to the superior.

"What do you mean by the most powerful weapons? Those two missiles that didn't even make a splash are the most powerful weapons we can use?" the Canadian commander asked in surprise.

Due to the existence of a large amount of natural resources within the territory, this country has been dominated by corporate alliances since the second corporate war. The country's national defense construction, which was almost non-existent in the first place, has been deliberately ignored. As a result, it has a population of nearly 30 million, but only a few

to a standing army of 60,000 men.

Military Technology Group was even responsible for all the country's defense tasks for a period of time, but later the two sides broke up peacefully due to increasing employment costs.

Therefore, Mikkelsen was not surprised when today's situation occurred. When he first responded to the problems in Toronto, he did not include Canada's official forces in it.

Mikkelsen knows very well how much wealth it has.

"That's the literal meaning, the commander-in-chief is ahead of the students." The commander had an innocent expression that had nothing to do with him, leaving the commander-in-chief on the other side of the video helpless.

"And the soldiers also refused to enter the city of Toronto to perform rescue missions. They insisted that there were no survivors in the city." The commander sat on a chair and complained: "The Air Force performed slightly better, but their fuel reserves were insufficient.

, we need to wait for the oil depot 700 kilometers away for replenishment."

"What can you do?" the commander could only ask, because the on-site commander was the only officer in this small army who could do practical things.

"Leave the problem to the Military Technology Group. They are more professional and have stronger armed forces." The commander sincerely suggested: "Otherwise, I won't even be able to maintain the defense line in a few hours."

"Well, their offer is not low. I hope the video of the baby can convince Congress." The commander sighed, signed the authorization document on the screen, and agreed to the offer sent by Mikkelsen.

The moment he signed the contract and the contract came into effect, the on-site commander suddenly opened his military uniform, revealing a pure black military technology group uniform underneath, and saluted the commander-in-chief: "We will wholeheartedly serve you and

This country serves, please trust our quality."

"I will make up the resignation report within forty-eight hours. Now I have to leave this hellish place and go to work in a more professional command center." The Canadian on-site commander opened the door happily and took his adjutant with him.

He left the staff headquarters in an off-road vehicle and headed a few kilometers away to the mobile command center that the Military Technology Group had deployed in advance.

"The Nine-tailed Fox team is already in place. We are observing the movement trajectory of Biogroup No. 7. It has deviated from the expected route by 17%." The elite team wearing black tactical equipment dispersed and landed in one place by parachute.

On the roof of a high-rise building, every biomass community moving towards the Concord Temple is monitored.

"Authorization has been obtained and the air strike group is being deployed." Good news came from the command center: "Prioritize the target, Z35 area, please observers to evacuate as soon as possible, and ensure that the survivors in the area have been cleared."

"All survivors have been evacuated, I'm pretty sure." The observer glanced at the survivors who were looking down at the excitement in the building opposite, and replied without changing a face: "Requesting evacuation."

"Requesting approval, the breakaway drone is arriving at your location, please raise the breakaway sling." The command center obviously did not care about the casualties of local civilians and directly approved the other party's application.

Then it dragged the hydrogen balloon that had escaped from the hook lock and instantly jumped into the air. Within three seconds, the escaper's drone passed from a safe height and took the observer away from the top of the building.

The survivor standing on his balcony felt that he was being shown off for no reason, but before he could share what he saw on the Internet, a black plane with a weird shape that looked like a giant bat came from high altitude.

It flew over and dropped eighty high-temperature incendiary bombs as planned in the area where the survivors were.

The incendiary bombs with micro-navigation system are driven by the built-in program to evenly distribute themselves on every planned node in the area, and detonate one by one according to the optimal detonation sequence.

Thousands of degrees of high temperature mixed with shock waves swept through everything in the Z35 area.

Almost no carbon-based organisms could survive in such an environment. The building where the survivor was hiding still kept its main body intact, but the scorching wind blew directly into the room from the open window, turning him into a...

A mummy.

The same thing happened in multiple areas at the same time, and the military technology group was tasked with ensuring that no biomass community could arrive at the Concord Heavenly Palace to join the freak.

Although the intention is unknown, preventing the enemy from doing what he wants to do is a very direct strategic intention.

The damage caused by the incendiary bomb temporarily prevented the movement of the biomass communities. The scorching temperatures reduced the total volume of these communities by about 27%, and a large amount of water was evaporated, seriously damaging their internal balance.

Smaller biomass communities even withered and cracked, directly losing their life response.

Those biomass communities that are large enough form a hard protective layer of burnt black on the surface, and a large amount of tissue fluid is filled under it to resist high temperatures through evaporation.

But this was only the first round of attacks. Another bomber from Military Technology flew over the same route and dropped a new type of bomb - a cryogenic freezing bomb.

A huge cloud of liquid nitrogen rose with the explosion of the bomb, freezing beautiful ice sculptures of different shapes in the neighborhood, but each ice sculpture represented death.

The few survivors who survived the incendiary bombs eventually died in this round of attacks.

The high-temperature air was rapidly cooled and condensed, causing a hurricane to roll up in the entire Z35 area. The howling cold wind carried a hint of death and ran rampant in the passageways restricted by high-rise buildings, making a terrifying scream.

Even the biomass community with the gluttony gene has become extremely fragile under such a blow. They are still unable to resist the crystallization of the entire human civilization by relying solely on their bodies like gluttony.

The drastic temperature difference changes have caused most biomass communities to lose signs of life, like a puddle of frozen mud that breaks into pieces when touched.

"Foxtrot reported that the double alternating strike was effective, and the biomass community was effectively controlled." A much smaller observation aircraft flew over the entire war zone at low altitude, observing the strike effect: "It is recommended to conduct equal amounts of strikes in other areas.


"Received, the second strike group has taken off from the Princess Diana. Seven minutes later, it will carry out a coverage strike on the Z39 to Z42 area." A reply came quickly from the command center: "Have any civilian casualties been observed?"

"No civilian casualties were observed." The Foxtrot driver knew that the purpose of this nonsense was to make the report look better. After all, this was an order signed by the Canadian government, and every order would be reviewed by personnel.

Even if they know it's a formality, they have to do the whole thing.

In this war against Gluttony for time, Mikkelsen did not consider the issue of civilian casualties. After all, his final plan was nuclear destruction.

The fate of the residents of this city has been sealed. They can only pray that Tang Ji and Wu Qianying can solve their gluttony quickly, otherwise there will be little difference between dying from bombing and dying from nuclear explosions.

"This is a special strike group, heading to Xie Ping Tiangong. Friendly targets have been marked. Can we launch an attack?" Another strike group approached the chain of command.

The commander in charge of liaison immediately switched to the channel and opened the real-time image of the scene: "Prioritize ensuring that friendly targets will not be accidentally injured! Repeat, give priority to ensuring that friendly targets will not be accidentally injured!"

"Special strike group received." The driver of the special strike group joked: "That's Tangji, we haven't had enough life yet."

The commander did not explain the targets that should not be accidentally damaged, but once again told the strike team not to accidentally damage friendly targets.

At this time, Tang Ji looked at Gluttony, who had climbed to two-thirds of the height of the Concord Heavenly Palace, and suddenly turned around and looked into the sky. The two tentacles began to entangle and rotate around each other, twisting themselves into something like a spear.


The tentacles immediately separated from the main body in the building, and the surface began to harden rapidly. Avalon even saw the giant baby glance at himself, and then smiled, as if laughing at his own overestimation.

It fixed itself on the surface of the Concord Tiangong Building with one hand, pulled back with all its strength with the other hand, and then suddenly threw the creature out with a spear!

The huge force caused the spear to fly straight into the sky, and the target was the approaching special strike group!

Gluttony certainly doesn't have Avalon's abilities, and it doesn't need to, because what it throws out could be considered a biological weapon.

The spear, which was more than ten meters long, suddenly disintegrated when it was about 500 meters away from the plane. A large number of basketball-sized creatures with small wings crashed into the plane.

The formation defense of the special strike group was quickly broken through, the engine was damaged, the air intake was blocked, and those things even broke through the cockpit and rushed into the cab to attack the driver!

This chapter has been completed!
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